Will Xelis CARRY GPU Miners?

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[Music] hey guys red pen minning here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I just want to talk about zealous mining for GPU miners it seems like this is a coin that has been up and coming over the past month and it has garnered a lot of attention and and it seems like that it has been carrying some of the GPU miners over the past months especially in terms of profitability for those that care about that so I just want to talk about that in this video because currently zealous mining which the algorithm is called zealous hash is around the emission rating for that is around almost $227,000 a day as of recording right now the price of zealous has jumped quite a bit about I'd say over the past month it's gone up almost 30 1% okay so now it's heading up almost $30 per one zealous all right so it's been looking pretty interesting here and I wonder if we are going to have even further potential price appreciation not Financial advice of course regarding this coin with a market cap of roughly $6.5 million and so there's a few other things I want to go through uh within this video especially regarding the like Network hash rate how there seems to be a bit of confusion especially when people go to mining pool stats and looking at oh what is this 94.8% unknown hash rate here I was confused about this as well I thought I would try to do some research here and looking at the zealous Explorer they even explain here the DraStic swings in the net hash are caused by the calman filter for more accurate representation of the net has and additional information about the filter check the links below okay so I have these links here okay and it looks like it's been obviously climbing all right since the beginning of May right for the number cash rate for zealous and it says it's around 27.5 for terahash all right I don't know if this is you know different from mining pole stats where it says it's in the gigahash here okay so I don't I I think this is this is wrong here I'm not quite sure but looking at what they are explaining here the Kellman filter this is the first time I'm hearing about it they have something called called uh this and I'm not going to go through and read it all I personally don't quite understand it but I'll have it linked down below you guys can go read this here it's actually right on yeah you can read it on here the links from the zealous Explorer I have it linked Down Below in case anyone's interested but just looking at their average hash rate according to their Explorer like Network hash rate statistics here it shows right here we are today as a recording yeah May 27th it's about 27.5 terahash so it has climbed consider ably over the past day okay about looks like about 10 almost 9 or 10 terahash uh but looking at mining pole stats here okay I see that the difficulty also has uh risen as well a little bit here uh over here you guys can see the network hash rate from May 26 is about what 30 29 gigahash and here we are as of recording it's almost 38 gigahash right they have it in gigahash here but according to the Explorer it's in uh ter hash Okay so we've made one video last week mining this coin I'm still currently mining zealous and there was a update just yesterday of a thank you to RI thank you again RI for letting me know about this and updating my rigs man so there's another Regal Riel regel update sorry I don't know how to pronounce this name here but there has been another about 10% Improvement for gpus for mining zealous and I can show you here on my 307s I did notice a good3 megahash gain okay it's already been more than a day I wish I had it here but I was getting 1.3 like 1.3 megahash now I'm getting 1.5 almost 1.6 mahash on a whole 3070 rig okay so a lot of my gpus have been doing quite well okay the 307s are like really efficient here because I'm getting about almost 200 Kash at like 86 to 95 Watts on my 307s okay this is I haven't changed my overclocks from what I was using before but these 307s were getting about like 160 before at the same power consumption so I garnered about a good 40 Kash more uh from just updating now to the latest version of Regal Miner 1.7.3 from 1.17.2 okay so that has obviously obviously everyone has updated and that's probably why over the past day we have seen quite a big jump in network hash rate that that actually explains yesterday here from the 26th to the uh 27th of May we've garnered almost like 10 gig 10 gigahash eight n or eight gigahash here of uh Network hash rate on the network because everyone has been obviously upgraded to the latest version of Regal Miner and everyone's getting higher hash rate so with that okay with the price of zealous also going up I mean that's also going to help uh for those that have been doing it for profitability but as more more people come on I mean it's going to get lower but I'm still seeing a good decent amount of uh profitability so if I show you here okay let's just go to miners I wonder if my address shows up at the top oh it doesn't show up at the top anymore on the first page but let's just say uh you know what let me bring mine up here okay so here is mine if I go to re rewards all right so in the past 24 hours I've mined about 5.9 zel and that's worth about $176 now because the price of zel has gone up 30% I was you know the day before it was about maybe 100 I was mining about $130 $140 a day and equating my entire Farm of gpus including my other GPU mining farm at my other basement combined in dollar value I'm using about $40 Us in electricity so I am still iting more than what I'm paying for electric and it's still been good okay even with this rise in price of zealous it's been good for me mining this coin at around 8 cents uh USD now I'm not sure about you guys but I mean I think it's all relative anyway everyone that has like 30 series cards should generally be in the profit more than 10 11 cents per kilowatt hour you guys can let me know but yeah it's been it's been good it's been really good over the past I don't know two weeks here since I've been mining it but for anyone that got in earlier than that like in the beginning okay when zeis mining was really good beginning of May or whenever it came out people were getting like 10 20 30 zel a day off a couple of gpus and if you were holding it I mean you can see like the price of zel on trade ogre this is where it can be exchanged here it has gone pretty good right I guess when it first released it was what what I think $44 $45 all right now it went and then it went all the way down to like 14 and then $15 and here we are you know like a week or two two weeks later miday zealous is now hitting up the $30 Mark so is zealous carrying the GP miners here I mean in a sense kind of yeah I mean not everyone is mining zealous here but it seems like people are into zealous due to its fundamentals or its development here zealous is innovative cryptocurrency built from scratch to preserve the privacy and development in Rust for guaranteed memory security and has you know smart contracts this is what you know Caspa has been you know transitioning into now if zeis has this already I think that's why there has been some value here going into uh zealous it seems like there's also been more buy orders so that's another interesting thing to look at here versus the sell orders okay so yeah let me know what you guys think here um it's been interesting I guess the biggest thing I'm still kind of confused about is the uh the network hash rate which I still don't quite understand how it works and whether or not um you know if the network hash rate for zalis has already had fpgas on the network I have confirmed with retro mic saying there is a bit stream for zealous so whether or not you know if that's the massive amount of hash rate already on zealous I don't know I'm looking at you know K1 pool if you go to you know if you go to the zis pool here go here go to miners you know you can see how some of these miners have a bunch of hash rate but they're generally all GPU miners like this one the biggest one on K1 pool like this is these are all GPU rigs like I can tell because it's a similar hash rate to like my you know 3070 rig or something like that so these are all GPU rigs um but going back to here their rewards like this guy is is currently mining at like $5,400 a day or 185 zealous a day now um his past 24 hours was 212 zealous a day Al so he's making maybe over 6,000 us a day right now on his whole Farm which is pretty nuts which is pretty crazy uh to think about this is all public like you guys can all see the miners you go to K1 pool go to zealous pool and go to miners you guys can see all the top miners that are mining zealous right now and there's a lot of hash rate here that is mining uh mining zealous but they're all equated all together uh combined here on mining pool stats I just don't know where this 997 gigahash number uh combined like 96.1% unknown is coming from whether or not I don't know if that's an fpga thing a singular you know entity mining it or um it's because of this calman uh filter like I said I'll have this link down below I'm not going to go and read through this whole thing but you guys can understand it a bit more uh down below okay that's all I wanted to just talk about with you guys regarding this yeah it's not on like hash r.

And no profit calculators I guess that goes in line with the confusion about how the network hash rate is different on I guess the Explorer also the mining pool stats that you know mining calculators are unable to figure out the profitability due to this calman filter calman filter filtering uh also known as linear quadratic estimation uh anyways okay I'll see you all in the next video let me know your thoughts and uh maybe this is good this is good for GP miners if zis can you know continue on getting some price appreciation here and adding on a bit more GP miners onto the network but if there's any hint of fpga which the developers have mentioned that if there's fpga on network they will fork for the algorithm uh to get off fpgas in A6 all right my friends I'll see you on the next video let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out

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