Xeon 10 core vs 12 core Mining Warthog Comparison

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and today we're going to be swapping out and testing a CPU and trying to find where our bottleneck is on this Warthog machine right here so this currently has a uh V4 xon in it uh E5 26 or 2640 V4 which is a 10 core 20 thread zeeon they're relatively inexpensive but uh it seems to be holding back my hash when I put a 1660 super in I'm doing right around 300 mahash a 2070 290 mahash and a 2060 is like right at 280 mahash so then I threw a 3090 in it and I'm only getting about 400 mahash so it's definitely underperforming and I think the CPU is holding us back um I do have a 12 core which is a 2650 V4 um on hand so we're going to be swapping that out and seeing if those additional uh two cores and four threads help our hash rate so let me flip it around and show you what we're hashing right now and get a direct comparison all right so right now we have a 2070 in there and it's the doing about 280 mahash 279 um yeah yeah so I'm not going to change anything except for the CPU and come back and see what it does so just remember that 279 all right ladies and and gentlemen we are up and running and we are on the E5 2650 instead of the 2640 so we have 12 cores instead of 10 cores and uh nothing else has changed still at 270 and we're at 311 309 megahash um the percentage is not so great because when I first loaded it up I was trying to overclock it and it crashed uh so that's why that situation is is not optimal but um we're good to go now anyway I'm going to pull this card out cuz I really want to see how a 1660 is going to do but efficiency 2.1 mahash per watt roughly let's see if that 1660 super can beat that all right so I got a 1660 super in there and she's doing about 275 megahash 270 mahash definitely more efficient I probably could pull the power down a little bit more but uh I'm actually interested in what this 3060 TI is going to do so let's throw that bad boy on there and see what it'll do all right so I tried the 3060 um and it was getting just a touch over 300 megahash I think that CPU is still holding me back that's the 12 core 24 thread but I ordered in a 16 and an 18 core so once those come through I'm going to be swapping those out and testing and seeing um if I can't maybe you know do a little bit better obviously I know the ryzen stuff does a lot better than uh the Intel stuff so I have some uh AMD am4 boards coming in cuz I have some uh ryzen 7 5700s uh and a couple other things that are floating around that I could build some rigs out of so just stay tuned we'll have more information on that kind of stuff coming out here soon but um getting your rigs optimized on warthog is probably uh half the battle actually more than half the battle cuz you got too big of a CPU not big enough of a GPU and vice versa too big of a GPU not big enough of a CPU um you're going to be leaving power on the table essentially so anyway guys I'm going to jump off here y'all have a good one see you on the next one

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