[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody Welcome to the live stream hello welcome instructions unclear through the phone seeing red again as a pirate hit that like button that's right hit that like button uh good afternoon everybody Welcome happy Thursday it's Thursday right I've definitely lost track I've lost track of time but I wanted to talk about okay just a a topic um what in my perspective how I've been seeing things now so I'm going to have to say the majority of just regular people like you guys you know just regular Joe's trying to make it trying to invest trying to make money somehow and I'm going to have to say that especially these past this past year there is definitely it seems like that there's been a lot less people um that have been getting into crypto market and I mean it's no it's it's no surprise it's it's probably no surprise to any of you as to why that reason is right I'm going to have to say that the reason the biggest reason is that people just don't have money people don't have extra uh extra money to put into this type of investment you would say and I could tell that just by my viewership on YouTube I could see that just on other people's YouTube is what Vos coin I'm looking at Vos coin statistics and the views and the engagement is just down across the board and the amount of emails I have gotten maybe every other couple days I get an email say red panda I can't I can't continue GPU mining or you know I I I got to get out because I lost my job I got laid off or you know I had to sell my house uh mortgage mortgage payments too high interest rates too high um I got divorced I got separated you know all these things with the economy going down everything going down it's it's no surprise right it's no surprise that majority I'd say the mo majority of people have not been you know continuing on crypto money and another thing is electrical costs have been going up and that's not helping either right so here we are we got you guys in the live chat right now I see 91 of you 91 of you when usually I get like 300 to 400 viewers uh it was obviously during the bulll run times when everyone was all happy gol lucky everyone's making lots of money but here we are now right GPU mining if we were if we were to look at the term GPU mining on Google Trends this is way down okay there is no on Google this is what it tracks the interest over time um and over the past obviously here 2021 was the previous Bull Run okay and it it's you know it it was it was amazing right engagement for YouTube engagement and people that were into crypto mining or GPU mining was at an all-time high because it was extremely profitable during these times people were foming in buying $3,000 gpus and it was all it was all happy go-lucky and then lo and behold Co came in everything went down interest rates went up people were not able to pay for their mortgages let alone get into crypto mining so that is just I would say majority all right majority of the people who have like tons of people have gotten out because after ethereum especially um for people that are were unable to continue on mining because their electrical cost was too high that was probably one of the biggest reasons okay for majority of crypto miners is their electrical cost as right now it's yeah if you have anything under if you have anything above 10 cents or lower uh 10 cents or above you're you're not you're you're really not you're not making anything okay um the obvious play there is to spec mine but you know that that's obviously that that has a few risks and if you can uh if you can stomach that and pay your electrical bill out of pocket you know not many people can do that that is a that's a heavy that's a heavy investment heavy burden whatever you want to call it um you know to do so it's you know I think for majority of people they are out all right the the the regular The Regular Guy especially for people that are not like I you know it inclined um I I I found that a lot of people who are more so I like information technology inclined are still in it because they kind of understand you know what to do they understand Hardware or they know how to research but then the typical the typical Joe that just you know started learning how to build a PC from crypto mining is you know they're kind of like they were kind of stuck and they didn't know what to do and that is more so apparent I'd say over the past couple years and especially with some of the emails that I've gotten it it makes sense because along with people that you know couldn't afford to continue on mining or you know or lost their job or you know don't make enough money I'm extremely empathetic to those people I I have empathy towards those people cuz I understand I remember being through that myself I remember going through that in like 2018 2017 you know I was I was like scraping every penny I could every paycheck to buy the another GPU you know like I I had to I worked three jobs during 2017 uh 2018 2019 you know I had three jobs three different types of jobs okay my full-time job and I had two other you know side hustles that I was I was doing to you know supplement my crypto mining right so our crypto mining I'd say would be my probably be my like fourth job you know so here we are today you know a lot of people are just not into it and you can see the by the engagement it's just it's it's down right it's even if I do the term crypto mining here we are you know maybe we jumped up back in uh March when you know Bitcoin hit 74 or 73,000 whatever at that time um but now it's you know interest on crypto mining is is going back down and I've seen you know just as I've been seeing okay as I've been seeing over time um especially on YouTube especially with my analytics right analytic wise it's it's just it's been it's just been going downhill like you can see um like uh back in uh look at this my subscriber I I've barely gained any subscribers over the past year My Views have just been kind of average but it's not like what it was like I was getting like a million a million views um uh per month normally in like uh in like the 2021 I don't 2021 is not in here but um uh over the past 3 years 2022 you can see 2023 it's just been it's just been going down okay so those who have like you guys you guys in the chat okay majority of you have been um let's see Squirrel Master says I know a lot of miners that have quit oh I know I if I could pull up my email right now and I can show you guys uh the amount of emails that say panda I'm quitting mining you want to buy my 20 gpus 10 gpus 50 gpus and you know it's it's every it's it's at least two or three of those every week okay it's not like every day but you know some people hit me up with that and it's like you know people you can see it you can you can see it that people have gotten out of crypto Mining and the engagement especially interest over time on Google Trends it it shows it really does show but now that Bitcoin you know you know surpassed 70k just recently um we've seen it interest is still not there and you know why cuz people don't have money majority of people don't have money to invest in this it I think everyone's been everyone's been exhausted uh financially um I'm not saying you guys here but um people that have kept up with it or maybe for those that just working a regular job where you know their salary didn't go up over the past couple years and maybe they got into crypto mining you know in 2021 or earlier you know they're still not into it because they they just don't they simply just don't have the money and the interest there is just not there it's it it it it all correlates it's all correlated that's why with us with all you guys here that are here right now I'm telling you we are we are like the 1% you know like we are the 1% of the world maybe less than that that are still continuing on investing accumulating and we are hoping for better times and whether or not that's coming I I you know we're all here waiting for that and so by for us that are still here accumulating we are increasing our you know our net worth essentially over time and we if Bitcoin for some you know if Bitcoin can go into much higher market cap where it is now right now it's 1.4 trillion I look at this like almost every day this is just this this helps me sleep at night okay understanding that there are companies or you know gold is $18 trillion market cap where Bitcoin is right now 1.4 trillion if Bitcoin can get to at least 2 trillion three trillion 4 trillion doll market cap one day that's a you know that's a good three or 4X so what's what's what's how is that going to affect a lot of the other coins that are on the market right now not just Bitcoin but that's how I think of it and that's how I think you know when things start getting good again right then everything's going to you know start going back up and uh minor hatut LLC says Financial Freedom and I I I feel like that term has is has been overused but I think I don't know I don't know I don't know if I'd say with crypto it's like we're still like working for some we're still trying to work for it you know 're we're we're almost there but I think what we're trying to do is just get out of the the like 9 to5 um I'm assuming majority of you that are in the live chat I know some of you don't have full-time jobs but some of you do and so what you're trying to do is just to you just want to you just want to make more money essentially right you're you're trying to make it that's there's no there's no other sides to it other than you just you just want to you just you you want to you want to make that money in the future right that that's it that there there's no there's no there's no other way to there's no other way to spin it and I know in America North America talking about money is very it's I'd say it's very taboo and like I'm assuming a lot of you guys you guys never talk to your friends about what your salary is like oh this is how much money I'm making you know in Asia Asia um they openly talk about how much money they make they openly talk about how much money they have they openly speak about you know oh I made this much this day I made this much that day and in North America people don't do that that is not normal that is actually I'd say kind of weird right it's people don't do that here do you guys agree or disagree Wing glow crypto retired off living from crypto mining Wing glow Mining Company nice man that's the way to do it um uh yeah we down here on the second floor starving all track uh bastic what's up there is a balance issue where we get excited about 15% pump and when we should be excited about a beef sale 30% off uh H uh as a pirate if of course I don't tell them my salary uh they will try to freeload off me every chance they get uh yeah yeah use of PS it's called bragging yeah I mean uh RPM in the build Mr peaceful what's up don't matter to me I can care less what people know I make I mean that's true bend arani the big problem is electricity price in Hungary Europe was 10 cents now it's 20 cents o end danan I'm sorry I'm sorry see it it's situations like that that it just makes it makes it worse it makes it worse for people and it makes it worse money has status connotation to some bragging means fact I mean see see there you go you guys are see majority majority of North Americans would think talking about money is breaking but in Asia it's not uh it's not it's not uh lukor Miner wait you mine to make money uh yes yes I do yes I do and no one will tell you otherwise well actually see this is where I kind of have my my my reservation regarding like projects and coins hell even like you know apple or Facebook or any like top 100 company it's like oh we're doing it for the community we're doing it for the people but at the end of the day they're doing it for their bank account and you know it's it's it's the same it's the same thing it's the same idea when it comes to like crypto projects that like talk about oh you know we have this use case or we have this or that and uh but ultimately there they they're just they're just they're just like they're they're how do you say it hiding it or spitting it off as like you know something else when it in reality it's actually they're doing it to make money all right to cow says don't lie you just like the [Laughter] tech I love that one I love that one doing it for the tech uh oh my god there was one okay I watched this like tax uh video video Bitcoin mining tax video on YouTube the first thing the guy started with was I believe in the tech I love the tech but let's talk about how I do taxes and make money I just laughed the rest of the the rest of the the whole rest of the stream was about making was about was about how he does taxes and how how he talks about offramp and selling and I'm just I was laughing I was laughing the whole time I'm just like dude see there there is it's hard it's like you try to be middle ground right you try to be you try to be like you're in it for the hopefully for the adoption of cryptocurrency yeah we all we're all it seems like we definitely feel like we're all about that but at the other side of it we all want to make money too so it's like we're hiding the kind of like pretending to be like oh we're in it for the tech but in reality you know hoping for people to get in it and then make money you know what I mean h it's kind of sad to say it that way but it's I feel like it's it's definitely true for for a lot of people rude puts holy crap thank you for the 34 months good sir still mining Raven uh vertcoin Doge Litecoin and bells and Etc work harder and pay the power bill doing it for the tech # doing it for the tech I love it rude puts thank you crypto clutch hi Mr Panda crypto clutch good sir what are you what are you doing these days crypto clutch how are you good sir lukew Miner says based like real realtor saying I love working with people nah bro you like making money too so this is where I I'm going to turn it around and say you know for everyone that's gotten out right for you guys that are in it now okay for everyone that's in this now like you guys that are in this live stream right now who are still crypto mining or still believe in crypto mining are still are still accumulating you guys understand you guys get it right you guys get it we are are we are like the .1% of people that are you know still continuing on accumulating and you know we're hoping for the better times when things turn around uh whether or not you know interest rates when they start coming down as the FED going to turn on the money printer you know are they going to are they going to uh uh uh you know all that stuff is it is it is it going to happen again is you know inflation going to be rampant you know is money going to start flowing in a lot of these uh a lot of different assets including crypto including Bitcoin gold right stocks I mean it's an interesting time um but I think we're all on the right track I mean if you're not into crypto or mining or anything right now you're just you're just in limbo I mean for people that don't have money to get in it you're obviously going to you're going to potentially miss out on the the potential price appreciation of the whole Market or whatever whatever is going to go up whatever you decide to get into whatever you decide to risk your your hard ear money your hard-earned money into you are you will essentially might miss out on it all right and so all of us here that are crypto mining right now we are we are just all we're just we're just we're just here continuing on um you know with our with with the most Financial how do you say it the the most Financial uh risk that we can you know we're not trying to go too crazy right all of us here are not like overleveraging taking out like half a million dollar loans you know to buy Hardware or something like that um you know uh sometimes you know some people do some people don't but some people some people take that risk and it all it it could work out right all set what's up man uh oil price decrease will be beneficial to the entire Market Squirrel Master uh all clever people quit mining before EOS or just after stranger space depends depends I mean there's been a a lot of money making times after that uh so you can't really say that sure we're all here hustling for the tech screw that we got to get paid uh crypto crypto KJ I mean yeah exactly right at the end of the day um who who's going to be the one that's going to lose out right zero zero some game zero some Game Theory there's always winners there's always losers and that's crypto mining that is definitely the case and that is a sad reality cryp don't worries people will still pay 3K for gpus once the Bull Run starts and shops will run out of the stock so pirate that will definitely if that happens again man dude it's it's going to be haywire and oh another thing okay I don't know if this I don't want to get political here but did you guys see was it like 60 was there going to be a 60% increase in uh tariffs what was that was that a was that a thing um Krypto KJ thank you for the two man hustling for the tech now we got to get paid uh crypto clutch what did you say you were doing I'm looking into new Alo pool R I haven't updated my miners in a while so I feel like I'm losing money on it okay uh take out a small $1 million loan $45 billion Bitcoin buy coming soon can you say Moon uh damn it you saw before I even paid a Super Chat crypto KJ uh bacon eggs and hash you don't even have to have money for Hardware you can just rent gpus there's no excuse now not to get it uh bacon eggs and hash exactly when 590 I think in a couple months um uh Caspa made the last two years Pleasant John English Tech yeah yeah yeah yeah is Caspa going to make the next two years Pleasant I don't know maybe I hope so I hope so I mean we all hope for it uh for all that is in I mean simple way to think about it if you're into if you're in it right now already I mean just I mean that's what you're that's what you're hoping for the next go around yeah uh smart people never quit mining they are dumb enough to keep going l h neon yes I love it I love it uh Travelers travels good afternoon bro just caught heading back to work from lunch what's up man all track as a hobby crypto Miner um has been a great choice I could spend far more on cars campers boats and only have a depreciating asset all track nice man nice um uh I you know I think gpus are will definitely have a time when they could appreciate again um we see I'll see uh let's see here uh realized I prefer to make money I prefer to have my money make money black hat team right no and that's why a lot of people use you know do crypto Mining and you know people who do you know crypto mining as a business and you're depreciating your assets your Hardware you know that that's that's a solid play too people do that if you have low electricity and you're running crypto mining as a business it's a no-brainer it's a absolutely no-brainer to depreciate your Hardware you obviously expense you you can expense your electric phone internet literally everything right you're your your car your truck whatever you're running it as a business gas Insurance uh the place you're renting or or leasing um it's all it's all there it's all it smart people run it as a business and for crypto miners uh for people that do it as a hobby I mean it I'm not saying that's not smart either uh I'm just saying uh for people for people who do it as a hobby especially the classification of it like if you have more than like a couple rigs like that's already you're already at that like business level if you have like 10 rigs you know multiple gpus you're you're spending thousands on electric every month you're you might as you already at that business business level like if you're here if you if you got one rig yeah one GPU a couple gpus on one rig yeah that's hobby yeah yeah that that'll be hobby but if you have like a whole bunch you know it's it's not that's not a hobby anymore um crypto is way more fun than my day job uh BC yeah that that's why I quit my full I quit my full-time job uh two I think almost two years ago now yeah I quit my full-time job two years ago I've been doing YouTube fulltime for two years now almost 2 years I can't believe it I can't I I honestly can't believe it and like I've I've you guys know I started in a I started in a freaking condo I started in a you guys remember my condo V my condo my apartment uh condo bu uh condo uh crypto mining videos back then dude those were the days I I missed those I missed those days so much but you know that was like 6 years ago I grew into then moving into a townhouse and then I grew into being able to renovate a house all within a span of 6 years I've I've I've grown my little my own business here um not only on YouTube but also crypto mining providing in providing free information and entertainment I I this is something I've built in the very beginning and a lot of you guys that are still here since the very beginning are still here and a lot of you guys that are in chat right now I know I know a lot of you guys have uh you know multi hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of crypto mining hardware and it's it's all because of your your ambition your your discipline to just keep on going and understand you know this is how this is how we do it this is how you make make money right this is this is it this is this is this is our time right this is our time now whether or now that bitcoin's going down now that I say that could go up though we're still still bullish still bullish but [Music] um Panda you were in your parents basement Yousef puts I was no I was living in the condo but I also did have my parent my parents basement yes uh L Arch pel buy one at minor L9 16 gash is a hobby or a semi-professional oh that is uh that's definitely going to be a in my opinion uh at at that point I I definitely run that as a as a business I can definitely uh appreciate that that piece of Hardware capital capital expend expenditure um this is our time red background Yankee but just correlating that you know engagements down views are down everything's down nobody's getting into crypto mining you guys that are in it right now I mean at any point the market flips we are ready we are there we are we we got our bags we're ready to sell we're you know we're going to be we're going to be better off than the next guy you know what I mean like you're going to be better off than the person not and I I hate saying that cuz it sounds like so like inhumane like I'm I'm I'm I always think about I try to think about everybody but it's so hard because the type of business that we are in is to make money and so when everything starts exploding okay and I I do I do believe once Bitcoin goes to two or three trillion dollar that's a good you know two and a half X from here you know Bitcoin could go to 150k I'm not saying that's going to happen but if Bitcoin can have the market cap of you know apple or Nvidia one day um we are still very early right we we are still very early in my opinion and I think you know this is this is it's just for those that are in it right now you you guys are going to be successful for all those that are here right now you guys are the successful ones because you ultimately are already creating that value for yourself down the road you you already understand and believe how the markets work how crypto mining works you know you're you're you're lean and mean efficiency uh mining at home you've gotten low electrical cost you know you're keeping cost down you know Savage Viking what we are supposed to make money uh well I I mean all power to you for for those that you know I as much as I you know I've always had a hard time I've always had a hard time you know distinguishing myself between fundamentals and then than just making money I don't want to I don't want to lie to myself you know I I sure I I love that Bitcoin crypto is a form of it is is is is a technology that is that should be adopted that should be utilized where in the in the in the in the world today but in the other side of it I want to make money with it I want to make money using using crypto and so mining is our crypto mining is our Gateway into into that and I you know I I yeah again I've always had I've always had a hard time uh between that um anyways um crypto cat Farm says all if any profits next year will go 100% towards more Hardware only prices will fall in a couple years and the cycle goes around and around uh crypto C Farms I I 100% agree I'm 2020 I'm you know 2025 2026 if we can have a man I'm telling you guys if that happens next year and we we are we're all making money we're all we've all had the hardware we all got the gpus already we've accumulated all this Hardware we're just making thousands of a day and then including our bags that could potentially be worth you know 5 or 10x from here I and I congratulate everyone all of you guys who have been here you guys that have stuck with it that's it that we've done it if you see me posting less videos If you see me actually if you don't see me post any videos you probably know what happened or if I post way less like I don't post on on Twitter I don't post on YouTube you probably know what that means I'm just like out traveling or like just not even thinking about crypto ah um the mining King what's up man mining King Nvidia bought my Tesla just saying in Nidia bought my Tesla oh you bought Tesla uh Nvidia stock King nice nice nice uh uh hle mentality is not the best way anyway learned the hard way Myself by crypto Bros um Leno Chad 79 I mean timing timing the market is everything so right now is I'm going to say right now is probably not the best time to sell uh your alt coins especially um not Financial advice but I mean there's no like where we are with like Bitcoin dominance right now as well if you look at past history Bitcoin dominance is uh well above you know its uh its B bare run time so when the good times start going around that's when you see Bitcoin dominance go go back go back down and so altcoins will start uh leading the charge but another thing um Bitcoin on exchanges have been had been moving off of exchanges quite a bit uh so if you see over the past let's see since Janu uh since February 2024 you can see that uh I was like 2.71 million Bitcoin on exchanges 2.71 million here we are today there's 2.38 million Bitcoin on exchanges so this if this also correlates to the price of Bitcoin also going up here recently that's that looks pretty that looks pretty bullish to me that looks pretty bullish right there that is that is CRA that is yeah that's crazy Bitcoin back in March Bitcoin hit 73 73,74 we haven't broke that that high that previous that previous High yet so who knows if this is all uh whether or not you know the exchanges are getting ready to all you know manipulate the price and as Bitcoin is being moved off to exchanges being bought by by you know institutions and you know regular Joe's it's uh it could be it could be a crazy time could be it could be a crazy time uh um who knows who knows who really knows um when RPM BW pump mining King God damn I can't believe you made the RPM VW krc2 that is just insane the fact that Caspa is dropping while Bitcoin is going up is disturbing uh that is very disturbing bacon hash and I think Caspa did go up today uh C going down C went up 4% today h could be more money for Black Rock shorting now uh bomatic yeah I I mean I mean where we are with Bitcoin right now I don't know man I don't know [Music] ASA is going to fail sell pressure incoming fear uh yeah is isn't kc20 isn't the uh nacho I saw Nacho on pionic nacho nacho Nacho the cat this is a kc20 and it's on coin market cap oh it's just going straight down now ooh $35 million market cap I have I think I have 10 million nacho how much is that worth 33 oh that's worth a good 1,200 bucks not bad not bad that's not bad I have a whole bunch of other stuff I have a whole bunch of other KC 20s that I I I got that day I sure got more nacho but looks like Nacho's been selling off here uh hold on I need to blow my nose [Music] okay ah mining King seems like everyone made their pile of money and it's going down now it's going to die now yeah H rest in peace you see any new miners I don't uh new crypto miners no no there's been no I haven't I haven't heard any uh Casper Miner uh Casper Miner announcements dude Casa hash rate is now 1.36 x a hash o it's climbing oh boy it's definitely getting worse oh boy H it's getting worse and worse not cool very not not cool anyways um I think uh at any point I don't think we're there yet maybe maybe another year maybe another maybe another year and a half I don't know within the next two years if the fouryear cycle if the fouryear cycle happens again hey the fouryear cycle happens again that's that's that's really the play and if it's going to play out again well that technically should be in the next 2 years yeah so mining King new Caspa miners nothing new no home miners nothing uh yeah the only the only uh Asic that was announced was that uh KS too light uh I think the only one that was announced was that ks2 light yeah which was like couple when was this announced like a month ago a month ago yeah there's been nothing there's been nothing new there's been nothing announced since from what I from what I from what I remember Yousef put says take your Asic money and buy crypto trading makes way more uh yeah I mean you got expensive electric yeah go for it you want to you want to do trading I mean it's yeah you you got your 50/50 chance yeah go for it I I do not like trading trading does not work for me does not work definitely does not work excuse me um uh I am P Yousef puts not everyone can be a traitor not everybody but go for Len Chad 79 every time RPM says anyways Lark Davis pops into my mind anyways ah so true so true yeah the minor makers have oddly been quiet the last few weeks yeah yeah they have they definitely have is that the sign of a Time the sign of the times that everything's going back down now well there it is oh there hasn't even been a new kadana Miner for a very long time the bitmain ka3 still the best one still ah I believe Jazz Miner announced their x44 Q it's coming out in the next couple months I think they said January that's going to be a monster 23 gigahash ethereum classic etc etc hash minor which will be insane it'll be Insanity insanity oh man crazy uh mining got me to stack my crypto but the more I mean the more I lean into safe long-term trades and I have gotten complacent about mining my gpus go nice hash ah Derek yeah interesting the mining King says I kept this a secret I sold all my crypto except my zen I sold 64k to buy by 32 490s and three server cases let's see if the gamble pays off P mining the mining King oh nice I like it 32 409s oh my God 32 490s King that sounds amazing it it if you know if everything falls in line I'm not saying okay so if if if Trump wins I don't want to get political if he wins and if he imposes his policy is to put a 60% tariff on China and another 10 to 20% for every other country so that thought there is it the best time to buy Hardware before that happens h I I'm just I'm just I'm just talking about that that situation he if that ter if that all that tariff talk you know that that is going to be that is going to be absolutely insane if that happens and I remember when I remember when the 25% tariff came about Canada got screwed over when when the us when the US enabled that 25% tariff on you know computer parts computer hardware everything in Canada went up 25% I remember my CPUs and gpus motherboards everything went up 25% so it was so brutal super brutal so I'm thinking now like is it is it a it's probably one of the is it a is it a play to buy Hardware now before everything starts getting worse or good that's that's your that's going to be if you're looking at the cost basis of asex right now looking at the cost basis of uh of gpus and and whatnot do you guys feel like it's it's a good time to buy this stuff right now before it gets you know before it gets worse good thing Nvidia ain't China well they were talking about imposing another 10 to 20% for all the other countries as well so I I if that's going to go along with the existing 25% there's already a 25% tariff on computer parts in the US which hurts Canada because every time us does something Canada follows suit so it's stupid uh but I guess for you guys uh I don't know who knows I don't know um Derek says it feels like we're keeping pedo W GPU mining on life support I'm still mining uh I still mine with gpus by I myself a spread into some iot salana projects mining a simular Network and and a long range network uh Derek you know I I got I got some of those things too I got like a crank one going I got the helium one going I got I got a lot of those things but it's just like I a lot of those have made a lot of money though don't don't get me wrong but it's just I don't know for me to me it just seems so underwhelming I don't know I just I don't know mining King says too much competition with script Mining and yeah it's true yeah script mining is getting is going to start getting it's going to start getting crazy but it's been definitely one of the better Asic algorithms in terms of sustained profitability Now is it going to be is it going to be good for the next two years I don't know I don't know I don't know and thereafter I don't know um uh best minor to date has been a $15 ESP 32 John English Tech what is that what is that anyone still waiting on their hive MPP or B yes I'm still waiting for mine mining King says AI makes way more than l9s it will make about $200 a day nice nice nice how many l9s you have to buy to make that same to make that same investment right now A L9 makes I think 50 bucks a day at this point on on mining Dash Dutch L9 uh it says 36 on nice hash but at tack on another 30 to 40% because of mining Dutch lucky coin so I think the L9 makes like 50 bucks a day right now if you have four of those how much is an L9 if you can get in stock right now L9 I think is like 10 grand in stock 10 grand L9 so that might be roughly the same price but eh uh John English Tech RPM did you pick up the LTE B uh yes I think [Music] yeah um let's see here my yeah I I man I've I have some rigs on AI I got some stuff do I got some AI stuff I'm not going too hard into it I'm I'm not going to get into something I'm not to like it's a total totally different realm I mean you guys know like I'm totally I'm already I'm already too far in with crypto Mining and you know Asic and GPU as much as I want to get into like AI I just I can't Branch off my head is already too full I don't have the mental capacity I don't have the mental capacity to get it anymore though though though I do have an octo server coming uh it's coming next week King I have one I have one coming and I'm going to try putting some some of my 309s in it I think it has I think it's a dual I think it's a dual epic a dual epic something I I don't know I don't know what I don't know what they're sending but they're sending [Music] one so and I I guess I'm going to try vast on it I I think that's the that's the that is that is that what the uh is that the popular thing these days [Music] use discount code rabid for L9 7100 bucks uh no use code red panda for $70 off um AI is more fun to use yourself than to host for others Derek uh interesting uh I have those for you Rome 12g model mining King For You Rome nice this one nice nice Hassan BH it's the best time to buy any coins you are feeling will go to the moon for for me it's Raven I Hassan BH ah yes I love it I love it Raven for the win yes Raven for the win um all right um uh okay so uh RPM what's your take on the Pyon kls Fiasco Leno Chad 79 what is the pyron kls Fiasco did I I heard something about Pyon rugging but did Carlson rug too L9 is the next ks5 L not I don't think so you know how much okay if you look it it it takes the amount of Hardware turning on for script mining hasn't been like Casa okay it hasn't been like insane but I guess Litecoin Network hash rate is rising that Litecoin Network hash rate let's see oh this website loads real slow okay Litecoin just continues to go up continues to go up mining King I'm still waiting for my Raven to melt my face Panda King it's coming just wait just you wait just you see just you wait when Bitcoin goes to over 100k 120 maybe more it's going to be it's going to be face melting all right we're going to we're going to see a lot of face melting all right uh not Financial advice we'll see we'll see Etc was hacked back in the day D my wife's home got to run later uh alt TR uh see you buddy thank you see you bro um here's my my overarching over like big picture thinking right now just invest just don't over invest okay don't don't over leverage don't go all in on something go for me ever since 2018 when I started getting in I I've been I've been I've been investing slowly like I haven't been going all in you know putting a lot of money a lot like just more than I can afford you know what I mean and it's if I lose that I'm not going to go too crazy but now you know I've been accumulating stuff over the past 6 years it's been it's obviously been insane so funny thought though funny thing funny thing I just thought about k mining is not my biggest asset if I would to put my whole net worth together you know when people say only invest 10% of your of your net worth into crypto I just I had to laugh cuz you know what I'm pretty much at that 10% cuz you know why my real estate I have real I have three places and so net worth combined if I were did I did the math my net worth into crypto and with versus is my real estate was almost like 15% H maybe 20% but I was like I was laughing so hard I'm like when people said only invest 10% uh into crypto of your net worth I was like I think I'm at that and then I had to do all the math I'm like I thought I was there but no I I thought I thought I was like 50% or 60% crypto you know invested in my net worth including including my uh including my uh Hardware but no it's like I'm at like 15 20% Which I just had to laugh I had to laugh about that zap pirate did you get the CMP cards zap pirate I have a video tomorrow and yes I did I did yes yes yes yes yes p anyway hey penet quick question do you know a facility that fixes Jazz miners I do not uh maybe the mining King might know [Music] uh uh let's see here let's see here those CMP tor1 make anything uh uh yeah yeah if you got we got under n Cent electric you're still good nothing crazy but mining King ha I have 11 z15 Pros BC you have 11 z15 Pros damn that's crazy that's crazy w [Music] wow and I've been talking I've been talking the whole time oh my goodness I was muted because I blowing out stuff thanks John English uh mining King says Warren Buffett says the divers your funds that he holds 33% in Coca-Cola he got 5 million in dividends last year that's crazy Adam Johnson did you work on a deal with crypto LLC for 3.5 cents kilow hour um Adam Johnson I ultimately did not go with it because I don't want to put that much money down I I I I I I didn't want to put I didn't want to put that much money down so I'm doing an alternative and uh I may uh I'm not I'm not going to give any more specifics other than I may I may I may be uh I may be I'm not going I'm not going to talk anymore I I I can't say right now like until it's until it's up um s sometimes semi work lurking thought it was buffering s City sometimes what's up welcome uh he's interesting though seeing you guys collab is nice for Community Adam Johnson for sure uh maybe next year I will fly out there and do a uh tour I'll do a uh uh farm tour of his place so that'll be something um RPM is turning off all his gpus to host my z5s man king definitely not get those things away from me that's why I already sent my Z5 my my first z15 to you already um Adam Johnson container is nice I see what BC stands for I see what BC stands [Laughter] for uh I'm not going to say anything about investing in a hosting company I'm not investing in a hosting company but I I'm I will be hosting I will be hosting as6 though yes yes uh all trading crypto trading Bots front run everyone trades yes s warthog uh my major coinbase ads equal Bowl run commenced um who is who here has okay you know who here has the pcsp Crazy Cheap BC 250s and who is mining with the who's mining the uh warthog with these things 279 these are 279 now 12 BC 250s essentially PlayStation 5es interesting uh fully electric what's up man how are you feeling you sound like you're under the weather yes I'm a little sick I'm definitely a little I'm definitely snotting out something again again always [Music] uh B awesome I got a couple running on warhog Tommy T nice fully electric has four of them nice VC 250s are super annoying I mean when when I first received mine when I opened it I'm like yeah no I'm not going to set this thing up and I still haven't set I still haven't set it up H but I I I I'm thinking of turning it on this weekend but I I need to I need to get M do2s I need to I don't I don't have the adapters to hold the M do2s as well and then I need like I have uh I should have 12 ethernet cables I needed a ethernet switch ah I the problem with the BC 250s is like you need like a network switch a lot of cables hard drives for each one I know people use USB sticks but those are those are not reliable uh Luke War Miner says dual mining kls wart make profit over 18 cents need to do pixie boot not m.2 ah pixie boot even even then even even then I I hate that p Electric no four of the Octo Miner X TW I use your code fully electric oh I I don't get anything from it I don't get anything from the code so but yeah you can you can get another 5% off if you if you're buying these things the code probably works on these on these VC 250s too man I'm surprised these things they haven't sold out on these $279 dude I wonder what these things would make in the bll run I'm I'm kind of I'm like I kind of want to buy just four just to sit on them it's a pirate get hearing protection don't go deaf with the bc250 yeah yeah [Music] yeah uh um all right uh all right Bros what else what else other than the market kind of going down now what else is happening what else are people doing I know okay warthog people seem to be getting into that I'm not going to get it's I'm not going to get into that uh what else people have been doing AO people have been doing AO some people have been doing Chlor Fleet I still have my rigs on chor fleet still doing okay still doing decent a little bit better than AO still going good uh What else uh I got all my a on mining Das Dutch earning a good amount there uh what else I I don't know what else other than still keeping on every everything is still we're still status quo we're not everything's still going pah just buy moon what the hell is moonwell what use of foots I'm about to time you out I don't don't buy moon don't don't don't do that don't don't don't don't do [Music] that happy diabetes in a bag day Michael cartrite what is up man what is up King penda sopia King I mean let's be let's be real king I mean the same the same idea with your octo servers or your 409s you're hoping that goes up too right we're all hoping our Hardware does something in the future that's that's the name of the game that is definitely the name of the game I I'm just I'm very curious of the Tariff stuff if that is actually going to happen if that does happen oh H man things oh there goes my hard drive okay what was that um AI makes money today and crypto mining will make money [Laughter] tomorrow uh Fiddler what is hopium and how do I mine it uh well you um I'm not sure actually that's that's a that's a little that that that's a that's a little unknown [Music] crypto clutch what are you mining right now red panda mining currently okay I'll just name it off I got octop space I got Etc miners going on octop space and zil I know zil I think is moving to POS in the next couple months then I have uh then I have uh my Litecoin miners mining Dash Dutch um and then I got one kadana Miner still mining I'm still Mining and holding Caden I'm still holding that massive bet I'm holding it up until if kadana goes up or not I don't know it better um I got two k7s ckb I got a few alium miners still Mining and holding alium uh Radiance I did not receive my rx0 so I'm not mining radiant um let's see Caspa I got all the Caspa miners still going on Caspa um Bitcoin I have U I have 1.5 1.6 petahash I I have 1.6 petahash of of Bitcoin coin miners that are still going that are mining right now on mining Dash DCH um I'm earning almost six or five to six more Satoshi than I was on nice hash per ter hash so mining Dash Dutch does have the fractal Bitcoin merge mining enabled so I noticed that over the past couple days it has been earning more and it does have more of those merge minable coins uh with Bitcoin with shot 256 so it according to the stats I've been earning five or six more Satoshi um per terahash on mining Dash DCH uh with my Bitcoin miners so my Bitcoin miners are are are doing good they're doing real good um yeah that's it I I don't know what else I don't gpus uh gpus are on core Fleet so sometimes they're rented sometimes they're not otherwise they're mining random random coins BC I'll take them cas off your hands if you don't like them uh BC they're both they're they're both being hosted right now so I don't know I I got to ask if uh those can be shipped out but how much are they even worth I don't even know what the k7s are worth I know they're making like $10 are they making like $10 to $ 122 a day or something right now uh let's see here L luk War Miner Solana Tron yeah I'm just I I'm just everything man I don't I don't know what to say I've just been my bags are getting it's it's getting heavy now getting quite heavy and uh we're waiting for good time waiting for better times so that's the name of the game now just I'm just we're just staying in the course nothing's changed everything's still on I'm I'm spend how much I'm curious how much how much money are you guys spending on electric every month you know what I'm going to put a let's do a let's do a poll I haven't done a poll in a while how much are you spending in electric every month question mark all right let's go byy let's go by let's go by uh 50 to $1,000 we're going to have a big spread here cuz I know there's some we got big miners here 1,000 to 2,000 I'm curious $2,000 um let's do 2,000 to 5,000 range and then let's do 5,000 plus is that is that big enough a range or should I should I make it even no you know I'm going to do to F let's do 1,000 to 5,000 and then 5,000 to 20,000 R 20,000 range and then I'm curious is there anyone here that's 20,000 plus yeah there we go that's a better that's a better spread mining King okay news just came in red P I'm getting another 500 z5s eight total pallets incoming oh my god king oh my God that is insane that is insanity uh okay I'll tell you guys right now I am pretty much in the range of I am in the $5,000 to $20,000 range of electricity electricity usage wow there's two wow there's some people that are 2% some people are 20,000 plus holy crap crypto cat Farms you should totally buy us some quiet dg1 homes or as6 that can run quiet and I'll run them for free at concerts crypto cat Farms ah dude that'd be nice ah I do have one of those dg1 homes coming so that'll be that'll be fun cat Farms my house runs at about $1,100 a month okay an electric okay yeah it makes sense majority of people are under the between the $50 and $1,000 range yeah and then 16% $1,000 to $5,000 range yeah and then there's a couple people uh 5,000 to 20,000 oh yeah oh [Music] yeah [Music] uh um my house runs okay yeah but that's total house miners plus everything yeah yeah I mean okay well it gives me an idea what who's who's where you know only 60 votes here but interesting very interesting uh okay guys we're going to end it here soon Tommy T says RPM what would you say is your fave and least fave thing about being a YouTuber [Music] um what is my favorite thing about being a YouTuber I think one of my favorite things is is having a community yeah no that's that's a lie that's a that's a straight up lie that that that is totally fake the the my favorite thing regarding being a a YouTuber is that I can work at home and I can be I can I I can work from home like I can do I can my schedule is any time of the day um I can do whatever I want I can put what out whatever I want um that's yeah I mean that that that right there being a the YouTuber has given me the freedom to uh giving me the freedom to do whatever right whatever whatever I want um so Freedom yes fre freedom freedom yes Freedom yeah that there you go that's in simpler terms freedom now my least favorite thing my least favorite thing about being a YouTuber is dealing with all of you all the stupid comments I'm just I'm just I'm just kidding just kidding not that no that's not I I don't mind that at all my least favorite thing about being a YouTuber would be uh um uh I'm trying [Music] to try to find I'm trying to figure that out um yeah okay no I was going to say my least favorite thing about being a YouTuber since I'm doing it all myself is handling everything myself the accountant you know the logistics you know the small things that I you know I run this whole thing as a business it's my own business I am my I'm I am the only guy I don't hire anybody and I do everything right I do literally everything I majority love doing it all but it's just the being being a YouTuber my my least favorite thing is just trying to yeah I'm going to have to say is just probably the the best term would be uh time time management is that is that the best term no uh it's it it's just managing stuff it's it's managing the it's managing the stuff I don't want to manage you know what I mean it's like taxes is like a huge issue you know it's like it's a huge thing to keep to keep up on and I I keep up on it like every couple days because I know when it comes that time when I have to pay taxes every 3 months it's like it's overwhelming and super stressful so I try to I lower that stress by like doing it every couple days so that I keep up with it I don't have to worry about it you know stress of micromanaging um I mean yeah if I hired someone Michael cartright filming a 20 GPU rig yes that that is definit that would definitely be my least favorite thing about being a crypto YouTuber yes yes 100% that 20 GPU rig is it that would be the bane of my existence right there yes yes yes uh Tommy T managing expectations and time management reference viewers and business business commitments uh yes yes Michael cart ride seriously though it's got to be constant micromanaging everything logistically red yes yes it's just I'm always on the go I am it feels like I'm never not working but I do enjoy and at the same time I do enjoy the freedom so I think it it it it works out either way works out it works out um yeah over the years I've definitely like gotten better at managing it i' gotten better how do I say it I've built resistance there you go I've built I've built up this resistance over time you know doing certain things and like I'm not I don't feel too hard pressed to do it anymore you know what I mean it's like when you do something long enough you build that you know you build that like resistance to it and it's just you know it's like second nature to you and it's it's like vlogging like making videos I can make I can make a video in like 15 minutes I record one go boom edit it cut and paste done you know like I I am I think I have mastered that I have mastered vlogging I I have mastered vlogging I I'm I'm pretty sure I've mastered it but you know editing I think editing is is is definitely video editing sucks it it could take time sometimes um uh say sometimes RPM will you say that's it Hawk please for the cliff what what does that mean say sometimes what don't don't blackmail me all set RPM since we are doing this I just want to say thank you all set you're welcome and I am no saint okay I'm not your I'm not your overlord all right don't don't bow down to me unless you want to I Chad 79 RP is fine he is just an honest guy period thanks man cryto cat Farms you choose a great career plain and simple a job is where you have to be a a job is where you have to be and a career is where you want to be if you enjoy it then it doesn't feel like work uh crypto cat Farms 100% And I wholeheartedly agree with you on that what I have been doing this now fulltime for 2 years I have zero ounce in my body that I have any regret about doing this fulltime I think I think I've gotten you know YouTube it's it's been it's been lifechanging you guys who have been with me since the very beginning You' you've seen the journey uh you guys have seen everything that's changed and it's it's all because of you guys obviously the viewers subscribers uh the members thank you members who are some some of you guys are members for like years it's insane it's it's insane I can't believe it so it hats off to you guys for the for the support without you guys I would be nothing I know that sounds that sounds Cordy I know it sounds fake but it's it's I'm telling you that that is true not I'm not lying about that that is absolutely absolutely that is absolutely true so that it's all because of you guys I wouldn't be where I am today without you guys that's absolutely true root puts thanks for your only fans page that made me a new man rud puts I I don't know I don't know who you've been looking at but I don't have a I don't I don't have an oad fans page you're probably looking at some other I don't want to know who you're I don't know I don't want to know who you've been looking at H that is too Fu that is way that is a different man in a panda suit man too funny Derek I thank your RPM for not being like Derek I you know not comparing myself to anybody okay I I respect all the other tubers um um I know a lot of people a lot of people put heat on Vos coin I get it uh he's ultimately you know he runs it as a as a strict business um you know he's got people to feed you know he's got a life to make as well uh and you know everyone has everyone has a different method to doing that and whether or not they're you know making videos or making content and the the the type of advertisements or sponsors that they have on the channel reflect the Creator at at the end of the day I understand that they they need to do that in order to to make money and and continue on the the the journey and you know I I respect that I understand I definitely understand that but I know at the end of the day uh you know as I'm I will try my myself you know I'm not perfect I'm not going to try and get these like coins sponsorships or like major exchange or exchanges Trader trading you know stuff Bots you know I I don't really like that kind of stuff I try to stay just Hardware sponsorships I I I try to keep it just lean and mean and and like I don't want to I don't want to go too crazy on like you know that type of all the other stuff but I get it right it it's just everyone has their own way of doing things and uh the community definitely sees it so uh for all the Crypt tubers everyone all the influencers out there I everyone has their own their own way everyone has their own way and uh I know the viewers I know the viewers can see that you can you you can see when you know either when someone's C uh genuine in that way or are trying to sell you something or like you know it it you just have to listen to what they're saying that's it that's it that's it uh black hat team how's the new camera working out uh black hat team I think it's good I think um tomorrow's video is going to be all on the new camera so I'm curious how it's going to sound and look yeah uh mining King says as your company grows you need to pay bills and hire people and you know boscoin has a video editor you know he has you know I think he has a couple people working under him so it makes sense you know he's got stress right he's got stress he's got employees uh whatever sponsorship comes up you know I I I understand so I mean it's to each his own everyone has a different way of doing things uh but at the end of the day U the viewers are what matters right and they'll they'll see if um you know they it's up to them to decide you know um me me was me was says how much should I sell my L7 for I don't know how much l7s uh cost these days um excuse me um uh thank you for the fun and chill stream yeah thank you Bros all set thank you uh a lot of people stop making money with the end of eth he could be in that boat uh Adam Johnson I mean everyone I mean throughout the through after eth I felt it too man like I said um in views and engagement on my channel has been down in the it's definitely way down than you know what we had before I was usually getting like 15 to 20,000 views per video every day right now I get maybe a couple thousand and and I I'm extremely thankful for that still like I'm not I'm not saying that's terrible but I'm just saying compared to before right the amount of people that have not gotten into crypto mining it's it's definitely it's definitely a lot less and it shows on Google Trends right interest over time right 2021 obviously makes sense but nowadays uh it's just it's quite it's quite down now so um uh all right Bros that's it the word is multifaceted building out all that solar isn't cheap um making money and exploding one's audience seems a fine line appreciate the work that you do to navigate it ethically uh s sometimes thank you thank you I try I try I'm not perfect but I try Derek before you go where are you from cuz it ain't Texas you sound like my buddy from New Hampshire uh I'm a Canadian I am not American I wish uh I mean I mean at this point I do wish I was living somewhere else but uh some place that has lower electricity but I'm I'm okay I'm where I'm living now it's it's decent I'm I'm not complaining I'm around 8 cents US USD 7 cents on my other location but um all right that's it Bros thank you all thank you all truck danger Panda says he uses code so I pull out my credit card uh exactly truck danger always always okay Bros I'll see you all later smash the like on the way out and I will see you you all tomorrow yes tomorrow we'll do we'll do another live stream actually I I just opened up a whole bunch of CMP 100 210s a lot of them have bent IO and one of them the heat sink the heat sink came out you you guys will see a video tomorrow oh my God it's it's daunting it's very scary it's very H oh God all right goodbye peace peace Bros appreciate you all peace peace peace have a great day [Music] a [Music] n [Music] oh [Music]