1 month RESULTS merge mining 11 coins.

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hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day all right this video I want to showcase to you guys a monthlong test that I've been doing mining to mining dd. NL with two script miners which is a alphapex dg1 and an alphapex dg1 plus so combined I have an average hash rate of about it says here about 25.5 gigahash and basically I am merge mining like 10 other coins right now okay on mining dd. NL and to my recollection I believe this website mining dd. NL is the only website that has all these other coins enabled for you to mine essentially for free okay as we're mining Litecoin that's the native coin for script Miners and then there's merged mining enabled for all of these other coins okay like bells or Dogecoin dingo coin digibit and a whole bunch more here okay so what I want to do in this video is just to Showcase to you guys how much I've been earning uh over the past month and uh show you a daily a recent daily earnings and just talk about some like theoretical here some kind of scenario of I guess the opportunity cost of Mining and holding uh these coins which I'm going to be doing because I see some value here in terms of you know potential that some of these coins could go up or have maybe some value in the future not saying that there will be not Financial advice but just as I'm looking at it kind of like diversifying in all of these coins that I'm able to mine and I think it's been pretty lucrative over the past month which some of these coins have garnered some price appreciation which I want to talk about okay so before we begin thank you for today's video sponsor Crypt Miner bros.com if you guys are looking for Asic miners go check them out link down below use code red panda for $70 off if you are interested okay so let's begin first with how I've been mining to mining dutch.

NL here so when I first started I looked at their website and their like UI their graphical interface is really it's not that intuitive it took a little bit of time for me to get used to it but I understood that in order to navigate this website it's mainly you look at the top right and they have a like a a little menu bar here with you know workers your wallets earnings transactions home button prices charts they have a whole bunch of other stuff here they have a night mode sorry if I blinded you dark mode of course and yeah so basically how to navigate this website is all here so that's what I found was a bit difficult for me in the beginning but the biggest thing you know adding workers and such you're basically adding it to your own account so just to show you my alphapex dg1 plus here gets about almost 14 gigahash here mining to mining Dutch but just to show you how it connects okay it connects by account name okay so mining D Dutch you do need an account okay that's how you get this menu here you you log in and you create your own username okay mine's just RPM as you guys can see here and then this is a period and then the worker name okay that's how it distinguishes on mining Das Dutch here under workers okay so dg1 plus you can see that right here right so very easy to connect they have multiple strateg pools that you can connect to the one that's closest to you and yeah and it's it's very easy right very easy to connect onto mining dasd so I've been doing this now since I guess September 1st okay September 1st here is when I got my first real full payout and now as of recording it is the end of octo end of September okay so a full month of earnings here and in total I've Min let's see here let's go to wallets so I haven't you know taken anything out yet but in total as of right now if I took it all out and sold it would be about almost $1,240 worth uh give or take here so it's been really good in my opinion I'm yielding a lot of different coins here like Bells right a new one recently that has been I guess up and coming for a lot of people that have been mining it a lot of pools have been getting support for Bell's coin now but I'm also uring some Digi here dingo coin Dogecoin of course and then uh we got I think this is earthcoin and then feret coin light coin of course we got Myriad I believe we got New York coin Pepe coin and World coin now you can see here some of these do have some value here so just to go through right I've earned about $127 worth of bells over the past month this has been fluctuating more so in appreciation which um I'll talk about uh in a second here then as well as I have Digi okay so about 50 $58 as of right now worth of Digi I got a $13 s of dingo coin all right but uh almost uh almost 200,000 dingo coin then we got Dogecoin of course the one that is the most money-making uh I guess coin here merge mine coin for the script as6 so I got $937,500 cents we got feret coin 66 cents Litecoin all right would be the you know second best coin in a sense I guess about uh $90 Worth or you know 1.43 Litecoin over the past month but look at this it looks like Bells is actually worth more than the Litecoin that I've mined over this past month so that is interesting to uh look at and then Myriad uh there's no price here for it but I have 72 Myriad New York coin I have about 3 cents worth hee coin I have about $22 worth and then World coin I have about 17 cents worth so in total total about almost 0.2 Bitcoin worth or about $1,240 worth of crypto that I've mined with the dg1 plus and uh dg1 okay so it's been pretty good I'd say pretty good so now how was my like daily earnings like you can actually see here uh it was fluctuating quite quite a bit uh more so over recently here we've actually had some price appreciations of some coins so that's why you may notice here that I've actually been earning more than the daily numbers here okay so it's pretty good so now the whole reason as to why I am mining on mining Das Dutch is because I'm betting on okay this is not Financial advice I'm betting on I'm going to have higher multiplier than if I were to mine into Bitcoin let's say or into Litecoin or into Dogecoin so I'm basically banking on mining all these coins huddling all of them and waiting for a couple of these to have price appreciation and so over the past 30 days we can actually see here right Pepe coin has gone up 202% over the past uh over the past 30 days here but 7 Days 279 so actually if we go into this coin here it looks like as of recording it has pumped quite a bit with only about $1.7 million market cap which is uh which is quite interesting to look at so I have I guess you know I've earned a bit more here I'm going to say maybe you know 30 days ago if I had the same amount it would have been worth like like six bucks or something if this is like a looking at the percentage gain here is it like a 6 3x almost a 3X here so anyways though just look at the past 30 days Dogecoin has been up about 12% worldcoin is up 6% Bitcoin is up 5% so you can kind of see here a little bit of gain from these other altcoins that have other morge mining coins I've been mining but of course I it looks like we've had some negative gain here over the past uh 30 days on Bell's coin only 10% though but look at this past 7 Days Bell's coin has gone up 86% okay so over I can see here yeah so over the over the past month yeah Bell's coin has had some value here and it has garnered a bit more I guess profit for me so if I in my head maybe this stack would have been worth maybe 60 bucks like you know maybe couple weeks ago as the coin has just gone up like 100% so that's interesting to think about right or 86% so it's interesting to look at right but then you know the biggest earning here over the past month is obviously going to be Dogecoin which is about 75.7% of the P okay so I have bells here which is 10.3% Litecoin 7.3 digibyte 4.7 Pepe coin 1.8 so they these all you know have value here and that is what constitutes my you know profitability here my earnings here of what I am mining here okay so how I'm I'm seeing the value here is that the opportunity cost of you know rather than to mine into Bitcoin okay which would obviously be a safe play but I'm potentially going to be missing out on the higher multiplier from puppy coin maybe Bells coin maybe Dingle coin Dogecoin right Dogecoin like for example over the past 30 days okay Dogecoin has been up 12.2% Bitcoin is up 5.77 % so there's a 7% difference here from Bitcoin and Dogecoin so if I were to mine everything into Bitcoin I would miss out on this extra 7% gain right that I made over the past 30 days you guys get what I'm talking about obviously the big dog Bitcoin like mining into Bitcoin you know if I were to mine with these miners it would be it would be good if you just want Bitcoin sure it's it's a safe bet but I'm kind of like gambling in a way that I am hoping that these these coins here are going to have higher you know potential price appreciation maybe during the altcoin season and we've seen you know times where Dogecoin could have that you know massive price appreciation I'm not saying that's going to happen again that would be nice but that's what I'm basically gambling on so mining this altcoin holding Dogecoin and actually holding all of these go all these different merge minable coins not just Dogecoin but you know Bells Dingle coin what's not to say some of these have a100x maybe that's what I am going to be documenting here with you guys so I'm going to continue on this test month over month I will give you guys another month update a month from now so it'll be a two-month update with these two miners mining to mining dasd uh.

NL and we're still going to keep on uring uh all of these coins which I I so far it's been it's been pretty good I have to say I know a lot of people like to mine in into like nice hash but you know I'm thinking down the road that I'm going to have much higher price appreciation multiplier with these other coins like Doge right maybe Litecoin as well Litecoin Litecoin hasn't really performed that well against Bitcoin I'd say maybe it's about the same really marginal really not that big of a difference but Dogecoin is where it's at Bell's coin is where the I guess the the value here I see that I could earn those gains right so I'm going to keep accumulating Bell's coin um Pepe coin worldcoin Dingle coin Dogecoin granted okay some of these other coins here that have no value you know you can actually convert these okay I can go to payout settings and I can actually you know I can convert this Bell Bell's coin on mining Das Dutch okay so I could actually uh once I I can enable it by unlocking my wallet right my wallets are locked right now but you can actually unlock it go here and you can actually convert your coins uh whichever coin that you want that you know you can specify in payout settings here into Doge or into Litecoin or into another coin that's available on uh mining Das Dutch which they have they have a lot of different algorithms here okay so a lot of Great Value I find in doing this here so guys let me know what you think about all these this test I'm doing I think it's an interesting play which I know a lot of people do this okay not everyone does it but there's a lot of people who do this but there also people who mine uh into Bitcoin or maybe into Litecoin or just into Dogecoin so whatever strategy you know you think is going to benefit you in the future then you should do it but I'm going to you know keep doing this test and see if what I'm doing here you know not mining into Bitcoin EX for example will be more lucrative for me in the long term okay just by doing the mining and holdal Method so I'm paying my electrical bill out of pocket and I'm just going to see how it's going to go in to the bow run hopefully uh if we do have one which um you know that's when hopefully altcoin season comes and that's when hopefully a lot of these other coins smaller coins will have a higher multiplier than Bitcoin which it always normally does but not Financial advice so we'll see how that goes okay my friends thank you for watching let me know your thoughts I'll see you on the next one have a good one peace out peace out

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