all right so ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and as you guys know I started a small computer shop at the end of last year basically the beginning of this year um and I had been doing like a monthly recap so I have not done April's recap yet so we have some things to talk about some business strategies that kind of thing changing gears in certain ways um but uh to sum everything up if you don't want to watch the entire video um I completely understand we're doing good um it was a good month uh using a majority of that money to put back into the company by buying more inventory buying up larger Farms that way I can get more in bulk save a little bit more get a little bit more of the extras um I've noticed that whenever you're buying more um people are a lot more likely to just throw in a bunch of extra stuff it's like hey you're coming to pick up 50 60 cards you know what hey take these power supplies take these cables it's like people are just done with it and and that's the perfect people to buy from uh the worst situations are the on Z's and two Z's that want top dollar and that's where I just you know recommend people hey if you want top dollar go to eBay go to your local Marketplace just try to sell them yourself um selling to me you're not going to get top dollar uh the the value I provide is buying them all up at one time and to be a hassle-free experience and you don't have to worry about you know a charge back or an eBay return you know a month from now or I don't even know how long the eBay return period is actually let me look that up let's see here eBay return period 30 calendar days uh after the estimated actual delivery date so it could even potentially be a a touch over a month let me mute my phone as going in Saye right now sorry about that um so yeah going back to the company we had a really good month um definitely going to be doing some more bulk buying but I don't want to turn into just a a reseller entirely so I have been um getting the Zeon motherboards and uh the Zeon chips their x99 motherboards well they're rebranded remade like Chinese motherboards um I've I've had a good pretty decent supplier and he's been able to supply me with motherboard CPU RAM and also a decent little CPU Cooler like a tower cooler so that way I can uh offer bundles and the more I buy the more I save so then I can pass them off for better deals uh those were priced at I think 120 a kit and I have dropped them down to I believe 115 now um on my next order if he can drop down some more I will drop down to match that so if I can save another $5 per kit then I can drop that down to 110 per kit those seem to sell really good and it seems to be repeatable so I don't have to go and run out and find inventory uh CU I don't want to rely on all used Hardware um because some people might not might not be selling stuff you know one month or two months or even three months might not be able to find those deals so I can't always rely on that um other avenues and I wish I could talk about it more um he sent them in to me last month so I had three different prototypes in I had to send them back unfortunately I did record some videos but he does not want me to post those videos uh he told me I can talk about them but I can't show anything yet so they are mini little Asic boxes and I know people love these things I kind of like these things because you can like stick them somewhere plug them in and then just forget about them um they the the first one that I really liked was the Bitcoin it's a Shaw 256 minor um and you plug it in I think it burned I think it was like 350 or 400 watts it was right at 4 terahash um it was relatively quiet uh the enclosure I didn't necessar I it was like really premium feeling it was made out of like stainless steel sheet metal and like all bent up and stuff um but apparently he's reworking that entire closure design and he's going to a um a composite or a plastic or something like that to cut down on manufacturing costs uh so then to lower the the total cost of the unit because I did tell him I said you know there's a lot of competition out there in these little mini uh miners now um he was priced around the or he was going to enter the market price around the mid $200 range and I told him I don't think that's going to do well in that range because you got those Avalon Nanos um the uh what's the other small Shaw 256 Miner there's the lucky minor but those those only do like 500 meh they don't even do a is it 500 Mega hash I don't know the lucky Miner like v3s there's a couple different ones a lot of USB miners but those are also you know priced oddly so I told him I was like man if you can really get that that unit cost per unit down like below 200 bucks and um that's where he had me send everything back because he's reworking the enclosure design and he said he's tweaking a couple things um on the internals and I'm other than that I don't really know but I'm super excited about that because um working with him he said he wants to um use me as the main supplier and I have talked to a couple people and I am there are some slight concerns about that um my biggest thing is and I've always tried to be like super transparent with you guys I don't want to be a part of any like scams or anything sketchy or anything like that so I told him there's an issue the issue is I don't want to do pre-orders and then have people wait months and months and months to get units out uh so if you want me to be the sole supplier you know the front end essentially for your product um it's going to need to be made built in batches and sold in batches so it's like okay we got a batch of you know 100 units 200 units and then I want to literally like show you guys on video the cool part is he's semilocal to me he's like just one state over so I'm like you can literally you know build everything once you get your production up I can come out there show it off and then we can have like a business Arrangement like that because you know we are friends and you know we have known each other for a while but when money gets involved and significant significant amount of money I have to protect myself my business and my company and also what little bit of reputation I have built up in the industry as trying to be just a normal guy humble guy I have to protect that um so yeah if you need somebody to just sell you a bunch of units and then have those people wait for a half a year then you might need to go to Indiegogo or some other store cuz I'm just not going to be your guy on that end um so yeah he's reworking the the enclosure housing and what's cool is I I'm hopefully going to be linking him up with somebody else that's going to provide um some help with the enclosure housing all that kind of stuff it it's it's awesome whenever you get like a community built up and you you build a lot of connections cuz then other connections can help you out in the long run regardless um but yeah so I'm excited about that he also has a mini Doge minor or you know Litecoin Miner essentially um not as excited about those those kind of like came and went with the what was it the mini doas from gold shell I do like uh the price point he's trying to hit on those he's trying to hit those right at $200 so um I think that would blow the gold shell price uh out of the water what's what's let's see here mini Doge minor gold gold shell what are those priced at um I don't even know if you can just straight up buy them or not like they are they in stock the mini Doge 3 is $759 see that's that's expensive um I don't know if he his does better hash rate or not this one does 700 Mega has yeah I don't know I didn't play around with the uh the little Litecoin Miner he called it a Litecoin Miner essentially you can you can get paid out in Doge with with a Litecoin Miner that's that's how it works anyway um so changing gears and talking about something else by the way if you are if you guys are interested in those little mini uh Asic boxes um please comment down below he's also looking for other influencers I am going to be reaching out to a few guys and um he wants to provide like test units and free stuff and all that kind of stuff um and then you know there I guess there would be I don't really know how he would handle that cuz he talked about doing like a uh a referral system but how would he handle a referral system if he's using my front end I guess he could use my referral system and then he could just credit me back not sure anyway we got to iron out those details but before we do that you got he's got get the unit um done and production ready whatever um so changing gears moving on from that uh buying used stuff is working out great um building some of these connections for uh new repeatable products whether it be you know motherboard CPU combos little mini A6 um I I do want to look uh for like some something to help out like PC flippers and stuff cuz I noticed I do have quite a few PC flippers that are buying for me it's not just all like mining guys so if you have any recommendations down below of stuff that I could source and buy in bulk and then split up and and sell back um sell to you guys please comment down below and I'll I'll reach out and see if I can't find anything I'm just not sure off the top of my head um I am waiting to hear back from one individual about uh production on some accessories and and they're some of them are really like I really like some of these so they'll be being shown off here shortly whenever they actually come in um and that's going to be repeatable cuz he has production capacity for those um damn it's it's like a lot of stuff that I can't talk about because it ain't here yet or I'm not supposed to talk about it um just got these in the other day we've sold out so these are r or these are cards that somebody stripped the OEM coolers off of because they have had them in the um those Mystic Miner and Miner dude cases and they put like aftermarket fans on them a lot of 5700 XT uh a couple 5700s and then some 5600s um we have already sold I think six of the 5700 XTS and then I sold almost all of the 5600 XTS we only have three of those left so if you're interested in cards and you don't care about how they look they actually stay really really cool and uh most of them do have Noca fans them all these so all these have noctua fans and they're not the the little brown ones they're the the silver and gray so some people like those better but what fans come on them that'll just be luck of the draw um so yeah got those in um hopefully picking up some more mining cases uh next week so that that'll be good so use stuff for sale new stuff for sale um oh yeah another thing uh I have a video coming out probably tomorrow I am building me a workbench setup right outside of my cubicle office so that way I can essentially start um pcking up and uh doing shipments from my house cuz there's a lot of times at night where ain't got a lot going on I see an order come in and then it's got to wait like especially all weekend um because I have all my packing material and uh all that stuff is at the shop so if I have some here and at the shop that means I can get some of my orders done because a majority of my inventory is going to have to stay here I've already outgrown my shop um I have expressed interest to the landlord about moving into a bigger location the only problem is some of the like the only locations that have popped up and have been available are just too big for me um like one of them is like 2,800 square ft uh a th000 of it showroom and then like 188 00 sare ft is is Warehouse I'm you know that's I'm going from like 300 ft to 2800 like that's almost 10 times I don't need that I need like a good thousand square feet but you know we'll just we'll work with what we have in the time being uh that's just how we're going to go with that uh our lease is until December um so I'm just happy to be here we're already 5 months in and still trucking along uh most most new companies have a lot of growing pains within the first couple years especially retail but um yeah I I also um little update I think I have the chargeback situation under control so there was a period of time where I was getting a lot of fraudulent orders I ended up getting three chargebacks in the course of like two months and of course you know Shopify sends you a little warning they're like hey blah blah blah we want you to stay I believe it's under 1% luckily I I'm like I think I'm like four or 500 orders in um already so I'm still you know well under 4% I guess if I got another like two potential chargebacks um that's fine but I did it send off the report and um I heard back from two of them two of them were denied one of them was approved that I won but then the money that was issued back to me was not the full amount so um I submitted appeal I won it I submitted an appeal so that one doesn't count towards my uh my percentage like of of chargebacks but I didn't get all my money back and I was I was super curious why everybody told me it was really rare to win any of those to begin with so I guess I'm just happy that the charge back didn't count towards me but still didn't get all my money back curious about that anyway um well there some other other bullet points I think I that handled most of them um I will so somebody did ask when will I be doing doing a uh a Q&A live stream for the shop I don't really know um my live streams are not going to be very scheduled right now just because I don't know when my exact availability is uh I am still running my construction company on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I'm in the shop Monday Wednesday and Friday uh the schedule seems to be working for me decently but yeah I do definitely need to be able to pack and ship orders from the house so that's what that that table or workbenches for out there then I'm also going to have me some cleaning supplies that way I can process some of the inventory here and I don't have to take it to the shop because like blowing stuff out blowing all the dust out and all that stuff from right here I can just walk outside of the garage blow it clean it out whereas I'm in the shop you know it's all nasty and and dusty I got to walk all the way outside blow it out outside come back in just makes more sense to do it here and then keep like one of each different kind of item in the shop and then all the extras the duplic it's here so yeah um and I guess from a security standpoint it just works out better not to have too much inventory at the shop because if it gets broken into that's a problem whereas here um have a lot of different security systems you know digital physical all that kind of stuff you know you guys know what I'm talking about so um anyways uh I wanted to thank everybody for coming out and as always hats off to you guys because I would not even have a company or a store if it wasn't for y'all and I know that I I really do I don't I have not paid for any advertising yet um the only advertising I've done is on you know Facebook and friends and family have shared it with me uh but it's not been any paid advertising and then to my YouTube channel uh so I love showing you guys a behind the scenes and I have had people comment that's like why would you show us this you know why are you showing us this and all I can think is is for entertainment you know do you guys not like seeing this kind of thing because I love watching behind the scenes stuff on situations that I might go into or have even thought of so um I used to and actually still watch a uh a shoe uh seller that ended up moving in building his own shop he's done like a couple stores now and I loved watching the behind the scenes of like picking stuff up cleaning it selling it reselling it you know showing all the processes obviously we can't show too many things you know we don't want to get into money or personal details uh don't want to dox anybody so have to be very careful there but uh I feel like I've done a really decent job of taking you guys along on the journey so yeah any other big questions comment down below thank you guys I really appreciate y'all man we're 17 minutes in I apologize I did not mean to make it that long y'all have a good night I'll see you on the next one adios
We Need to Talk About opening a computer shop April Update