Salad Update 1.5.7 still low on Containers

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody is having a swell day and today earlier today at 3:51 p.m. on June 18th 2024 salad 1.5.7 was released uh I have only updated so far one of my Rigs and before we we continue oh bump the microphone apologize to everybody on earphones hold on what's my C all right so um before I continue do not update your system right now if you're on a good paying container or good paying job uh because you won't pick back up on that same job like 99% chance finish that job out this is not a mandatory update to stay on container workloads as of right this second and now we'll go over the actual updates that's happening on this so um there is a a new salad overlay this release the salad overlay a new notification method that can communicate with chefs even if they are in a full screen application um so if you're gaming it can talk to you um and you also get heavy process notifications the first use case of salad overlay will warn chefs when they are chopping with their GPU while also running a known GPU intensive program probably like gaming which is that's that's fine that's okay um other fixes and improvements NVIDIA drivers so updated compatibility for container environments with the latest NVIDIA drivers so we do not have to be on 552 anymore and you can go ahead and update to the latest NVIDIA drivers that is 100% confirmed now um as for containers there's improved downloading of container workloads so I guess they'll load in faster or more efficiently that's nice um there hasn't been a lot of container to go around uh most of my system about half of my systems have been idle pretty much all day yesterday and today which that's it's name of the game um I am going to be releasing and doing a uh a breakdown every day of my systems because I keep getting you know pinged like hey how's yours doing how's yours doing what what's rented what's not rented so that way people can just tune in and it'll it's it's kind of reminding me back in the day of uh if any of you guys have been around for a while I used to do this for like nice hash and other other platforms i' literally just every day at the end of the day um sometimes I did a live stream sometimes it was a pre-recorded video uh but I would just push up a video and I'd have my my you know graphics cards what they're on what they were making all that kind of stuff so uh we're going to go back to that kind of setup because it just really works especially um whenever there's so much variance over time cuz some like some people are like oh my God you know they they haven't hit much but they don't have much running so they're super discouraged and um I'd say this is a tough time to start getting into salad right now if you're just starting uh but you know if you want to stick it out heck yeah stay with it um and I guess last but not least there is a new login method to protect your accounts login codes are now six alpha numeric characters I don't know what or where that's about let's actually jump over to one of my rigs that I just updated and see what it looks like so let me move this out of the way all right so on this rig I just updated it and we are on the current version 1.5.7 this is a 3060 and um my face is in the way hold on let me I'll move up here there we go so it's on a 4 to 10 cent container um this machine has pretty much sat idle or just grabbed some of these little containers and it doesn't sit on these for very long it'll be on a 10-cent container for a couple hours then it'll drop off and go back to calculating but um it looks like yeah we're not downloading much I guess it's just a a little short job but um I don't know where this this login is I do know that this is a little bit different you can get to your logs get help account settings all that stuff a little bit easier to access h I'm not sure I am not sure also I do suggest uh going on your status and pause until idle before you hit the update button um I don't think you have to do that but when I was updating to 1.5.6 the Beta release from yesterday or the day before uh I did not pause until idle on any of my rigs but one of them got borked halfway through and uh just froze up locked up and I had to restart my computer and uninstall salad reinstall salad and then apply the beta update so that was lovely but anyway guys um it looks like it looks like my shirt's sparkling on the camera I just noticed that um yeah so anyway guys uh just keeping it short and sweet for tonight um I guess I'll go ahead and I was going to go go through and show each rig but I'll do that on the breakdown video or live stream um I'd love to comment or comment down below should I do a a you know just a daily little live stream or a daily video a video is probably easier to do more often but I don't know we'll we'll see we will see um but other than that ladies and gentlemen y'all have a good night I'll see you on the next one peace um I just got in some 4060 TI right here so going to be opening those up um we got an Avalon Nano in so G to be messing with that here soon uh lots of lots of fun stuff coming so yeah all right guys later bye

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