20lb Mystery Box GPUs opening Live

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[Music] guys retro Tech with real eyes red the chasing dreams High crypto crack all night Vibes Joker money [Music] breakings coin in the mix rabbit driven need no fix he trades life full of tricks [Music] freaking thex tra full of Tricks no conflicts [Music] breaking crypto stocks Trump flying like a fox Hing never stops 22 lives so many mine dreams so big stars Aline Electro beats heartbeats shine future [Music] bright like Tucker Miner breaking blocks Cher Miner breaking blocks next in [Music] line Cher Cher M two lives so many mine dreams so big stars align Electro beats heartbeat shine future bright next in line Joker freak fo never stops next in m Cher Cher Cher next in line e hey hey hey all right where we at is that it t one two all right can you hear me test one two how's the stream coming through it says I I had currently have a warning stream's current bit rate is lower than the recommended bit rate we recommend you use a stream bit rate of at least 6,800 kilobits per second I've never changed the bit rate and it's never given me this warning how we doing audio video everybody good sounds good looks meh ever since that storm came through um it didn't really affect us power-wise but I have noticed that um internet speeds have been lacking big time um I thought maybe salad was eating up a lot of my bandwidth but that's not the case it's just not great uh hold on one second let's see here we're going to we're going to get off to opening this uh box up here in a second but before we do that wanted to make sure we're not downloading anything okay well uh before we open the box we're going to weigh the Box because this is a legitimate Mystery Box this isn't something that I bought and forgot about uh or bought a lot of things and I don't know which box I'm opening cuz that has been you know something that's happened in the past uh we did a legitimate 10 PB Mystery Box months ago it did really good we had some kind of like some cool stuff cuz it's like a trip down Nostalgia Lane um and if you can go on if you go on eBay you can pretty much buy Mr box of anything just search anything you can get a mystery box of combs brushes cuz people are like where do you get this and I'm like eBay where you get everything so this is a 20 lb mystery box or it's supposed to be so let's go ahead and weigh it I have not opened it yet it's got some girth to it it does it's not show the address okay it is hard to read all right let's balance it on the corner ooh 22.8 so they actually gave me I got a little bit of bonus weight there move that and um let me check out who's on the live stream tonight how's everybody doing just change your bit rate to 6,900 can I do that while I'm live aorn Strider let's see oh Hawk raid what's up what's up Hawk thanks for the shout out thanks for the love showing off my my web store I really do appreciate it man all right let's see who's all in here real quick let's do a quick run through Chris u a Fred grape King Mr Mage aorn Strider duck uh Nick the be uh Nick the best yeah of course of course we always got Nick in here box fan oh GL you could make it brother Max voltage little time mining Max um I got more information on those boxes looks like we're going to have to be well I'm going to have to be putting a claim in um but the seller that I'm buying from has more stuff and he was affected he is in an area he still has no power but he has more stuff that he he needs to actually sell um to recoup some money so I am going to be having more stuff coming in unrelated topic though uh automatic Beats eigor the big boss man what's up peoplea bille glad to have you brother um who else do we have in here Frogman nice Keith bets glad to have you black hat team if I missed anybody oh man I didn't turn it to live chat I was on top chat and um golden wolf of course we got the hawk in here Randon coin I'm trolling ignore me I've been up since 3:00 a.m.

It's all good man um I like the bonus weight little little bit of bonus weight never hurt nobody all right so um request to access streaming once requested it make 24 hours it may take up to 24 hours to get access to live streaming okay let's not do that I clicked on the little settings wheel and um it work you know what is is the video doable is the audio doable Max voltage any word on that shipment that's what I was just referring to a second ago um he was in an area that was affected uh we're he's putting a claim in on uh the last two shipments he sent me because they're just in the void um it says they're they've left and then they've never actually shown up anywhere so don't know where that's at uh but he has more stuff he needs to sell because he needs to recoup some money uh he still doesn't have power anything like that he actually drove up the road and when he was talking to me he was at um a restaurant uh that was giving people I guess letting them charge their phones and use their Wi-Fi stuff like that so we have more stuff coming in more 409s uh some more epic boards he's actually selling out his entire Farm now uh it's unfortunate I'm trying to do what I can um really stinks because I'd already paid him for the first shipment because he's been a repeat seller but neither here nor there eigor you can always swing me those 1660 supers and 2060s I need to get you those brother I don't get a ton of the the low-end cards in anymore it's like everybody wants to offload the big stuff but I'm I'm keeping an eye out for you actually eagor hold on I got your box right here these are getting shipped out to you I'm waiting on um a 3D print of a holder for these M do2s all these are going to you brother actually there's more in here but you're getting yeah you're getting a bunch of those those m.2 I set aside but we'll get you more um yes you're good yes this is fine everything's doable clear audio good picture Okay a battle zone out there it's all good Mage join the Discord I believe Mage is in the Discord anyway all right let's get to it let me let me open this bad boy up we got our trusty Dusty 20-year-old Craftsman screwdriver if you yeah anybody knows these things are that's a real one that's an old one made in probably still China honestly anyway get it open like it here here and just to clarify um I don't know if I said it earlier but this was not sold to me specifically to me this was just for sale on eBay so they did not know who was buying it so it's not it's not you know laced with any goodies we got bonus bubble wrap all right starting off at the top these are some little guys these are some really little guys bam how many times you filed the the tip of that Flathead uh it's been it's been used a couple times all right we're all good just checking on the kids I got the I got my security camera up right here or well the baby camera so I can watch him in there dad mode anyway all right so first up we have a oh we got a little guy we got a little guy what is this so first of all before we even go any further do any do y'all youngans know what that is right there that right there basically means this is not this is not usable in any modern computer um this is a G4 6200 with 256 megabytes of ddr2 piece of History right here and actually it's a little Dusty so she's battle used battle tested um it's a voodoo 3D it's not a voodoo 3D but it's it's close uh so G4 6200 old school brother they were still sealed in the package smelled horrible when I opened it what were you referring to there oh what's up the the The Travelers travels three months your membership lapsed well hey you're back now brother glad to have you okay so we'll put that over here over here to the side that one's going to be slightly difficult for me to even test test because I do well last time I tested about half of the cards afterwards and uh put them up on the web store all right so we got another one this one's at least got a cooler on it um I don't even have like a retro style system to put that in that that by the way that's pcie or sorry that's PCI that's not pcie that's why that connector looks different on the the bottom so PCI Express then that's just PCI wait that's PCI yeah that's not AGP right no okay I was I was starting to think I was crazy AGP was looks a little different keep getting messages um all right so now we have a this is a XFX r7260x and it has 2 gabyt of it doesn't say it just say 2 gigabytes uh and then it's a power by one 16 pin cheap little card that throws out HDMI display port and DVI so lots of options nothing too crazy let's keep moving along oh it's actually the Ghost Edition XFX didn't know they had a ghost Edition was that AGP hold on was it AGB am I losing am I losing knowledge here pretty sure AGP I got a motherboard that if you want to test it um here we might might get into that what's up red panda what's up black sales glad to have you on the live stream we are only this is our third graphics card now in the mystery box and this one is a okay this is a more modern um compared to those this is this is a lot more modern does any I'm going to give about a 30 second um guess does anybody know what this is it takes no external power box fan you can't remember what AGP looks like either I know I it's been a it's been a while it definitely has can't remember uh Krypto Mel what's up brother welcome welcome we got some we got some OG's up here in the chat buddy love glad to have you Jackson digital Chris you 1660 everybody saying 1050 1050 TI 1052 gig 1660 techman said Fury it is it is a Sapphire card ladies and gentlemen just just take note to that don't know if Sapphire ever made Nvidia did they no is there Sapphire Nvidia stuff I don't think there is y'all got me question everything tonight TTX 970 there's there's no Sapphire Sapphire doesn't make Nvidia oh oh we got close we got close T gig says a 470 470s from all the ones I've ever seen they do have external power this is actually a 4604 gigabyte gddr5 so these cards are actually in my opinion better than 480s and 470s because they're great for testing things you don't need external power you just slot it in it's basically like their version of a 1050 or 1050 TI No external power awesome this can be slotted into you know little office computers that don't need any or or don't have any external uh pcie power plugs so that's actually a cool card um we'll continue onwards and I am I am a computer geek at heart so I do actually enjoy pretty much all computer hardware 460 Mage got it yep Mage got it they're low power I was half correct all right so the next one we got the slow peel we got the slow peel oh we got a Quadro we got a Quadro no this is a this is an old old soul Nvidia Quadro 4000 and doesn't really have any specs on it so let me look it up real quick q a d o 4,000 I really wish Nvidia would redo their naming structure on their quadras they're like Quadra 4,000 a 4,000 a a 4,000 4000a 4,000 generation 2 okay so uh it looks like this one is a 2 gab gdd R5 card that needs um a six pin power plug on the back and it's got two display ports and one DVI this is a 2 gig it's an old one no bueno in my opinion I don't know that I would use this on anything other than maybe something that needed like a single slot card not a lot of use case in my opinion on that one not not no bueno no bueno all right let's keep going I love all the bubble wrap I definitely reuse I'm a recycler when it comes to shipping reuse all the shipping all right got another one single slot Glory what's up Mr will we got William Dore in the house oh Jean franois got two of those one gigabyte versions okay Burmy techman what's up techman glad to have you all right my my live stream must be glitched it says I have three people three viewers there's got to be more than that right I don't know yeah it literally says three viewers okay we'll keep going on there's there's more people viewing than that what is this another XFX card no not an XFX card this is a this is a sapphire I'll give everybody a second to look at this have external power okay it has two six pin plugs right here the two six pin plugs what do yall think this says um let's see here practice cats shows 85 watching 82 in here okay well that's cool heck yeah Mr BC how's it going Rizzo glad glad you can make it to the live stream we are unboxing cards we are one two three four five cards in on the 20 lb box of mystery cards and just to catch anybody up we had a uh GTX or sorry a GeForce 6200 not a GTX so old card um unconfirmed whether it's AGP or PCI uh somebody that remembers older technology it's crazy because I had computers with AGP and then I had some with PCI but it's just been so long I have not looked at it is this an AGP connector or PCI let us know all right um and then we had a R s270 nothing crazy there it's a ghost Edition XFX um so far my favorite Sapphire for 64 gig it is a no external power card so it's great for testing you can plop it into anything and then a Quadro 4000 2 gig and I believe uh I think aorn said that's a fmy generation yeah or no techman Ty all right so now this one um people are guessing techman says 570 uh this is a Sapphire card Jeff says a 3804 gig dude that is a PCI slot Rizzo okay PCI 100% so I was right I was right y'all had me y'all had me second guess on myself nice hash now needs kyc from USA effective November 1st wow box fan that is that's big news also stop waving it when I zoom in sorry 64-bit PCI how much was the Box uh we'll go through that when we get to the end just to let you guys know okay so um we had a couple guesses and this bad boy is actually a R9 270x 2 gig of gddr5 in my personal opinion these were these cards were too expensive for what they were when they came out our R9 270s I didn't like them I did have an R9 280 and adx and they had the vram to back it up two gigs of vram they strangled these cards and um yeah they not great not great and the fact that it needs two six pin plugs these are power hungry for what they are all right let's keep on going oh we got a big one oh we got a big one we got a big one what is this it's a white card AGP has a weird looking connector ECI was always 64-bit standard but there was more all right what do you guys think this is I'll unwrap it for you we'll give a minute while we're while we're chilling and hanging out so we got a white Asus card no doubt I think this card uh let's see here hold on so I think this card had like a white leopard on the box if you guys remember it's kind of crazy it feels like this card is still relatively new this this one's actually in in pretty good shape surprisingly uh it's got a single eight pin connector on it looks like one HDMI three display ports and one DVI Lil Tom says a 580 that is wrong Tom traveler or The Travelers travels it is not a 1660 Uh Kevin it's not a 1060 red panda not a 1060 it's not you guys are close Jeff got it it's a 1070 so this is an Asus 1070 and I swear these had some of the coolest boxes because it had like the snow leopard on the box I don't know if this is like the snow leopard Edition or not but yeah so this is a 1070 8 gig um and this is this is a good looking card by far okay I would say and the fans still work yo check out the bearings on those bad boys I'd say by far this is now the top card out of the lot by far oh red Pandy you got it a little bit too late Rizzo and yeah Jeff got you to it yeah this these these were mined into Oblivion so it's it's kind of funny to see one in like semide decent shape all right let's keep it rolling we're about not even halfway through we got another big boy oh this one's got some weight to it she's got low miles yeah there's still I think there's definitely still some miles left in her 100% coolest GPU boxes are from the early 2000s with the animated drills Jay yes and even those those they had like cool art on the actual cards too all right so we got a um XFX card I'll give you guys a second to check I can't show you all of the top but I can show you that it has an eight pin and a six pin for power because it has what what card it is on top it is an XFX card and for display it actually has looks like two of the mini HDMI is that mini HDMI yeah two mini HDMI one full HDMI and then two uh DVI yeah take a gander at that place place lock in oh wow it's needs the autofocus Focus why is it stuck autofocus there we go okay um yeah so lock in your answers is this your final is this your final answer Who Wants To Be A Millionaire GPU Edition the last Millennial says he still uses his GTX 1050 dude they got they work if it ain't broke don't fix it little time mining this is not a 2080 TI Jeff this is not a 1080 TI um 7870 7870 is close but it's not it's actually a little bit it's a little higher tier than a 7870 Chris you did we mine all the ethereum or did ethereum mine all the cards into Oblivion uh I think ethereum definitely definitely took the cake on killing some cards my daughter's got a 1070 TI for years and now and it kicks ARS on everything yeah absolutely and welcome to the live chat Jersey Jedi um R9 Fury it is I'll I'll let you guys know it's a 7900 series card if that if that tells you anything no display port ah it's showing its age I was able to resurrect Brandon's dog for 1070 TI things are tanks that wasn't mine that was a tradein I'll have you know but it was caked with with fur Uh Kevin says a 7970 and this one is a I'll give it to you allall it's been a minute it's a 7950 this is a 3 gigabyte card and I don't know what generation of ram these uses so um 7950 3 gigabyte was it gddr5 yeah these are gddr5 cards wow okay so looks like an r92 280X uh a little bit older than that so yeah r r R9 or sorry Radeon 7950 not a I want to say R9 um R9 is a little bit newer hey Brandon I hope the day is great David B oh welcome David B we're just getting some cards unboxed this yes and this is also the Ghost Edition so XFX you know they were oh my oh this one's cooked 100% this card mined ethereum listen oh you can't hear it because my noise cancellation is is trying to do its job oh she's cooked this card no no shot this card works all right continuing onward oh there's some heat down there boys there's some absolute fire down there uh Brandon got any ddr4 Ram kicking around I have a bunch of 4 gig and 8 gig sticks that I'm getting ready to list on the website but everything else is pretty much gone see here looks like a cool mystery box can't wait until one and two terab drives come in David B hopefully next week that's he told me next week so we'll see all right guys looks like another Sapphire 460 not going to make you you guys guess the same exact thing is you yeah yeah yeah let's see here it is a yep 464 gig so another one of those looks like it's got a good fan on it that'll be good because these if these test out good these cards will resell really easy perfect perfect diagnostic cards all right I got one of these in the last Mystery Box I know what it is I'm pretty sure it has the name on the side of it so before I peel this off can you guys figure out what it is just by the colors we'll give it a second Chris you oh it works hot straight out of the oven high quality fan yeah a little Sapphire card you know DJ Yan yeah is fixable is it working or non-w working Mystery Box Mage all this stuff is sold as is no guarantees the last Mystery Box I got from this same seller and about half of the cards worked and the other half either had like display issues or like random stuff so I was just selling most of it as like for parts that kind of thing letting them go cheap all right Mage said 780 Ti he's pretty close I believe this is a yeah it's a 680 so keep rolling on with this this is a Zotac GTX 680 2 gigabyte and it's got the display port HDMI what's up stallion 2K6 just subscribed glad to have you brother Globe traveler says 5090 yeah and um it's got the step down six pins so you got a six pin there and then you have a six pin down there so definitely kind of a different setup for power plugs uh and then fun fact nobody could figure out what this this was for in my last live stream does anybody know what this is for all of the Zotac higher-end cards have it what's it do just unboxed an MSI expert 470 TI super got a job 30 seconds after after it started saled epic Jeff I'm jealous man um I actually have a 470 TI super that just got came in on trade in so do I need to keep it do I need to sell it are you telling me I need to keep it and put it on salad we got a we got a message um let's see here had these in a previous Mystery Box yeah commercial break over here what the heck you had a commercial break on my live stream I don't even hit the commercial button did anybody else get a commercial break might need to look at my live stream settings Mage I got the 750 Ti was dead than a door knob I wanted to crack a $10 scratcher and house one sorry Mage I mean maybe maybe you could trade it in give you $10 tradein credit on the next one all right right should I just do the same thing with this box throw every don't test nothing throw everything up on as as is on the website automatic beats I had an ad Y no commercials we use YouTube premium looks like some sort of QA connector my guess would be for some sort of data transfer BR from you've had two commercial breaks no Comm maral breaks for David B it's the free people without YouTube live huh un you block origin for the win yeah that's weird um I didn't I didn't know that it like YouTube just did random ads on live streams now I know they did them at like the beginning like when you first join a live stream I didn't know I had like pre-rolls turned on in the middle um all right so obviously you guys can guess this because it says it we got a GTX 780 and this is a Zotac and it is a 3 gig gddr5 with a massive 384bit bus big old bus on this thing um this connector looks like it's chopped off that's not great uh I'm going to guess that this card probably doesn't work but you never know you never know all right and oh man it looks like they got they got a little board at the end and they gave us some of the same cards so another 680 2 gig card fan works think the Run ads when paused oh yeah did they just change that over oh my gosh she got a spotter web on her there hold on can y'all see that that's just lovely what' this thing come out of um yeah I think they just changed the whole like ad system or whatever I need to look into that Jackson says no man I only want Quality Parts what are you n Man to last time I put all of them on as is uh and marked them down for like I think it was 10 bucks a card this channel is a currency driven Channel Brandon David B donated $2 to Super Chat go jellyfish go absolutely David B we are going this is a currency driven Channel I mean it is in the name Brandon coin I didn't originally create the channel to make money I just created it to show what I was doing kind of document my journey and um it just turned into like you know monetization and all that kind of stuff and it helped me grow and get to where I'm at today I would not have a you know ghetto little computer shop and be sitting down in my wooden box talking to you guys if it wasn't for you guys on YouTube right now another 680 it looks like they got bored when they were doing the mystery box I'm definitely going to send them a message and be like hey if I buy more mystery boxes I need mystery I don't want I don't want the same cards it's weird looking at older cards because I'm a collector I'd assume most of you guys are just here for a profit BR from STL donated $5 through Super Chat and I don't see a message it doesn't have a message but BR froml thank you for the $5 brother much appreciated and I like how it's droing from the money in the uh the little jar over there oh Rizzo donated $5 through Super Chat I heard YouTube was going to start with ads when you pause a video that's complete BS I did hear about that I think uh lonus actually had had talked about that um H Nelson chug a beer uh Nelson I'm being responsible tonight because my wife is out of town and I have both of my kids that's why I have the the baby mon monitor live over here because I'm being responsible we're not drinking beer tonight we're drinking we're actually drinking code RIT but thank you for the $5 Nelson thank you for the $5 BR from STL and Rizzo 529 thank you for the $5 as well yeah ads while you pause a video would absolutely infuriate me especially if like I pause my video to get up to go do something and then I hear an ad playing I'd be like wait did I not pause my video and I would definitely like jerk and run back and and be like what's going on ads are cool if you get paid Brandon The Profit um so I yeah obviously I do get paid I am monetized all that kind of stuff hopefully you get no creepy cers yeah yeah you don't need know creepy cers so um Brandon aabo um I think you were talking about who was talking about Nostalgia I remember the Viper shade days in your old house hey look the last Millennial I'll break the Vipers back out we'll put the heat waves on we'll be rocking them when we're making money like that again 100% somebody was talking about um me grab this hold on and I don't see the the message here oh yeah Brandon said it's weird weird looking at older cards because I'm a collector I see I'm not a collector I I couldn't afford to be a collector especially when I got started um I got big into it in the mid 2000s uh that's when I was in high school and um so when I get a lot of these cards like back then let's see when a GTX 680 came out that was probably a little late for me honestly GTX 680 uh launched in 2012 yeah that was a little late for me I'd say I'm close to like the uh I I don't remember I'm trying to remember back to like my first graphics card it was some old afd card I don't remember but um I couldn't afford a lot of this stuff even in 2012 I couldn't afford this you know I was a brook wannabe college kid trying to get by there's no way I would have be able been able to afford a GTX 680 for the longest time I eventually bought a I think I had a 560 that I ran into the dirt absolutely ran into the dirt oh my I've missed a bunch of messages here rking gaming me and the wife had our second baby yesterday morning I legit have my PNY 470 and gtx970 wind Force next to me um it's like watching a a child grow up absolutely man but it's so it is kind of uh disheartening looking at some of these newer cards and how boring they're getting hey thanks for fing my question personally I'd rather deal with you on a bulk deal for good cards than getting maybe four or five crappy ones for pennies Jackson digital absolutely well that's why you can go over to the web store and I do have verified good working cards for sale over there uh all the time um I only do this every now and then I did the last one what maybe a month or two ago and um I think I still have some of them for sale Cavaliers and it's clearly noted that they are sold as as is nonworking in the title I don't try to jip anybody or or you know sell them some snake oil Cavaliers Brandon I looked and found that card with a small cable it's a cable that goes into a small secondary cable and it connects to vsync in oh so that's old school vsync max voltage uh Cavaliers just answered that question right there so I guess it is a vsync cable oh man we're I'm behind stream brought to you by code red and one day Brandon's new code red fridge I would you know if Mountain Dew hit me up 100% would sell out the channel for Mountain Dew it would they could I'd rename it Brandon de Brandon Dew Mountain Dew fridges all around me that's what I want I don't want posters I just I just want fridges just stocked all the shelves glass fronts LEDs Mountain Dews all the way to the top even though I don't really drink Mountain Dew like that um tonight was actually I'm treating myself I bought me a code red and I'm slowly pouring it into my ice that way I can drink it slower and still enjoy it uh because I'm not not as much into the soda anymore BR I watch all your videos all the time just don't chat much enjoy your content I appreciate that man Jersey my entire fan Farm is on the first for the first time in a long time it feels weird but just good it's been a while are you minding some Alo apparently Alo is doing really good uh Frogman you got a whole Shelf full of gpus behind you oh man that's all that stuff is literally like mostly like broken and and stuff I need to go like figure out what's going on with um the inventory stuff has moved over to those those pull out bins I think I did a video on it um where like I have all the bins and they're like stacked up and I can pull them out and trying to get organized you know your first real one was a voodoo 3 showing your age frog man you remember doing the stanky leg and dancing on the chair during old live streams I 100% do Mr William dear um and you know what if we start you know we having 5075 00 days with a small GPU Farm again we'll get back to D some stinky legs you know what I'm saying Chase says his first card was a 550 TI that's got some age on it oh man it jumped ahead again all right I'm going to catch up on the live chat Rizo Brandon coin oh let's talk about our first video cards old school 3D FX Voodoo 2 for buddy love Max voltage says actually not a video out it's a clock sync cable from what I can tell for running multiple cards together I think oh okay I still have my first card GTX 9800 or sorry a 9800 GTX plus W whf resale 9800 was like the dag on bees knes you were killing it back in the day if you had a 9800 um and then they had what the 9800 GT which is like the budget model but it actually did like really really good for the price I never had one couldn't afford it even the budget one frogman's the BC bath water 100% the only bathwater around here for sale is red panda mining bathwater need to get that on the store we're sold out at the moment oops I missed Cavaliers Kudos David B also did you indefinitely Su suspend as6 ice River price volatility is insane have seen ksz Ultras going for 90 bucks online David B yeah I'm no longer dealing with um selling um A6 at the moment other than I have like box Miners and stuff like that small stuff but I'm no longer doing like new shipments and and new batches because I don't want to you know sell a batch or buy a batch and then the price gets cut in half in a week before I can even unload them that's that in my opinion what ice River did and um I guess more importantly what ice River did by cutting those prices so fast they really screwed a lot of their resellers um really screwed them Nelson loves his Mountain Dew see here oh it just jumped ahead again sorry about that David B please let me know if you get any more Risin 5ivs and larger ssds yep absolutely um all right I think yeah that okay I'm caught up what's up Batman Stanky Leg those were the days man back in the day everything made money now people are excited about you know they're like oh man alo alo everybody's talking about Alo better watch out I'm I'm make a video and I'll mine some AO we'll put up this whole table on AO um did you recover on those KS zeros kind of not really I did okay I like I sold some of them at like a slight profit and then sold the arrest at a small loss so in my mind it comes out in a wash but realistically I wasted time effort energy and then you know it it is what it is I got out from underneath them Brandon do doesn't sound like it tastes very doesn't taste like sound like it tastes very good not sure where they get the Brandon's de oh man we have a stray cat that we named uh stanky leg oh man that's a that's a good cat then David do you think bitman and Ice River artificially pumped the coin price to sell the miners I feel like we got screwed I don't know there's so much like 10 full hat conspiracy on that kind of stuff there's no telling but you know that's how the cookie crumbles oh hold on there's one more card in here but there's no mystery as to what it is because like I said said they must have got lazy when they were packing my mystery box or maybe they just didn't have many very many mystery gpus another 680 how much you want to bet every single one of the these 680s are dead than a doornail you know I have no idea what the use case scenario would be for a 680 in um in 2024 but what if oh my God what if if all if all three of them worked oh I have four of them all four of them worked and we did quad quad SLI 680s don't even know if that quad SLI exists for 600 series Jersey Brandon coin any interest in dend devices like helium or demo um so I never got into the helium wave um and then when I was down at uh in Miami I think I was looking at the demo is that the one you plug into your car and you get paid to like drive around and stuff thank you for that David I much appreciate it Frogman can you can you do a buy two get one buy two get two hey I've been out of the mix how did you come out on the hurricane luckily uh the hurricane I'm on the Eastern side of North Carolina so I didn't get hit uh other than lots of rain and then we had some power flickers but western side over in the mountains and stuff they got hammered um have some family and stuff out there uh it's it's bad techman T where did you get this box I got it on eBay just search actually this one's sold but he has some other ones and he has like some G like you know what cards could be in the listing he has like 10 PB 20 lb and he has a 40 lb box but I'm I'm nervous I want to get the 40 lb box but I'm nervous it's going to be full of 680s you know Ralph Hansen just puked a little bit when he read about the Brandon de comment yeah that's that's a bad one hey I have been oh yeah sorry uh 680s can be used for a potato computer chase at Atwood like a kids computer that has like a big power supply what's those 680 sorry GTX 680 uh power usage kind power supply do they need for that bad boy it is two gigs of gddr5 on a 256bit bus suggested power supply 450 Watt that's actually lower than I thought that's surprising whf resale I want that white 1070 hit me up on Discord um we can we can hash something out get it crypto Deo just released a new device might look into that did you need to put any of your valuables in your washing machine or dryer I did not we didn't get that much rain it was just like a lot lot of rain but no flooding but yeah Batman welcome to the live stream glad to have you guys um glad to have all y'all Frogman um David B just did a $3 donation uh but for some reason it's not coming through that's odd well David B thank you for the $3 donation I'm sorry that the um My Stream feed didn't show it off uh in front of there and thank you everybody else um for all the other donations Nelson's crypto Rizzo brf from STL and another David B and then we had uh The Travelers travels did a uh reup on on his subscription thank you one thank you all Mage what happened with that huge load of 2060 koos uh sold a bunch of them yeah B bunch of them got sold all we're pouring pouring some de and still have some uh some dirty ones available so you want to go check out check them out on the on the uh the web store Brandon please keep an eye out for a 7900 XT or XTX I don't really get a lot of the high-end AMD stuff but I'll keep an eye out Batman thanks glad great to see you doing live streams I don't do them very often I'm not good at them but whenever I can uh we'll get there mining crypto online has become a sponsor mining crypto thank you for coming becoming a sponsor here is your pickaxe next to your name Jackson digital um um brf he's up in the why am I having a hard time with this right there brf or BR from STL right there well I guess with that being said we're at the end of the live stream ladies and gentlemen we don't have any more parts to unbox by the way my wife's out of town so I made chicken quesadillas for the kids for dinner and I ran out of tortillas and I fed them my youngest son ate two of them my oldest son had like three of them then I didn't have any more tortillas so I didn't have anything for me so I end up eating one of these from the freezer anybody had one of these old ballpark bacon cheeseburger that's something Jackson digital dude let's talk Hardware we can talk a little bit of Hardware we're coming up on 53 minutes I don't want to wear out my welcome you know what I'm saying people don't want to see me for that long little trees are a nice touch in the studio the little trees are here not for Aesthetics they're here for function you know what I'm saying need it to smell nice and good in here much love thanks for all you do absolutely Nelson's would you happen to have a motherboard with eight SATA ports no I don't think so I'm just getting set up and would love some advice Jackson digital what do you what kind of advice do you need because um however many people I still it said it shows me zero viewers right now by the way hold on let me let me show you what I see um yeah what kind of advice do you need there Jackson digital oh that was for the STL guy my bad all right so here new scene this is what it shows me I've been live for 54 minutes and then the live chat zero viewers that's a lie that's a lie right there I know there's more than zero in here black ice reminds me of high school Integra guy it is it is a very nostalgic scent if you smelled it when you were younger I guess it wouldn't be nostalgic if you didn't smell it back then anyway you know what I mean the trees are just a happy accident why pine um if they can put up with Hawk for two hours just saying oh man don't be throw in that shade H might still be in here Jase what said the little trees are a fart neutralizer we'll make it to an hour we got another 4 minutes you guys can handle that and then we'll call it I need cores for an am4 5900 or 5950 David B wait I told you I had a 5900 coming in didn't I I think Mora devil give us advice about females man I ain't got no advice for female dating a female in 2024 I have I have not dated in a long time Jersey Jedi zero there there's 3K of us here ah thank appreciate that MOA devil spice it up oh trust me we I mean I spice it up with my woman but the stuff I be doing you can't do that if you're just dating or trying to find one nowadays it's a lot different we've I think we're we're counting it up considering like you know the time we've dated and then you know been married I think we're coming up on 10 years now nine years yeah nine years now you YouTube screwing you somehow they're going to be like yeah you had zero viewers zero monetization or zero payout on that one we're all just Bots oh nice Pine makes me hurl well don't worry these don't smell like Pine black ice smells like hold on let me get a let me get a oh see like you like tear the wrapper and now it's now it's man the scent just un undescribable in my opinion the best advice about dating in 2024 is don't do it Rizzo 529 quote unquote what is your dream PC Brandon uh Mage so it's funny because I keep telling myself I'm going to build me a nice computer I have a little bit of money you know I'm I'm selling off my construction equipment I'm investing into my computer company I need a good computer right I need a good computer my main laptop that I use has a GTX 980 in it with an i76700 and it still works so I'm like I'm not going to get a new one because it works even though I want a new one but it still works okay now my desktop that I use has a Zeon 12 core x99 motherboard it's actually the Asus Rampage shout out to uh William he sent me that shout out still using it to this day uh 3070 TI it's gone through a bunch of different graphics cards and then I have a bunch of so uh ssds in it um it's just when I think about my dream computer it just changes every six months when they come out with new hardware uh my dream computer is the latest and greatest but then I always have like this this thing in the back of my mind telling me my computer still works why are you going to why do you need a new new one you don't need a new one so yeah red panda I'm looking for various six through eighth gen Intel i7s do you have them or see them any anywhere in bulk hold on all right so that's an i79700 if it's an eighth gen I believe a 9700 share is shares the same generation as eigh gen doesn't it does it not I believe I have a 8700 oh no hold on okay I think he's going to go back to sleep you all hear that he was crying he's laying down hold on my son's crying sleep go back to sleep it's okay sh all right all right I think he's back to sleep um he went quiet um I'll buy that whole stack right now uh well the Stack's got some we got some bangers in here okay what that bad Bo there yeah that's what you need red panda right there one of the old smooshy specials right there you run it for a little while gets all smooshed and stuff you know what I'm saying 13th gen kids want a party um red panda I do have an 8700 though hold on let me go check if you want me to do you want me going to go check I have another little stack of CPU yeah a box full of bubble wrap heck I got D on $20 worth the shipping supplies in here 99 8700s are solid the old yeah Jersey Jedi the smooshy special you know what I'm saying 13 in and if hey if an I9 is not your speed we got we got one of these bad boys focus focus Focus 3700 13700 and if you're not feeling a 13700 we can step you on down it's like a used car lot up in here 13600 gosh dang it freaking I need a good camera focus on on my face all right it's a 13600 good night and then if that's not your fancy not even going to wait for this one to autofocus it's a 13100 I3 we got all the gener all the stuff and things CPU mining rigs 100% Brandon coin I'm looking for 12 to 15 i7s for 6th to 7th gen and 8th to 9th gen okay so yeah I got you oh this is a 9600k that that doesn't help you right um I got a 9700 and then I have hold on I got another stack here e some in here go through those by bye no by that for some reason I thought somebody bought this it's a [Music] um mining crypto do online donated $5 through Super Chat damn he has STS 100% um so I thought I got an order I must have like damed it uh cuz this was over at the office sorry my kids were making a little bit of noise again this is at my office and I'm like oh I need to bring this home because I got to pack it up somebody bought it I go back through my orders nobody bought it it's a 6700 uh XT gaming OC Edition 12 gigb card really good card if anybody wants it it's here I pack it up for you um need some hyperthreading i76700 t's for octos Salman uh Salman Saleem what did you get oh out of the mystery gpus got 1070 7950 680s um RX 460s a a bunch of stuff did you get any 309s no we didn't get any 390s um and now to uh let you guys know the entire Mystery Box cost $179 I think I did good for $179 what do you want for the AMD card it is for sale online on the web store and I believe I just lowered the price on it I think it's like two something 220 230 maybe I don't remember um shout out to myself uh www.bcc.edu stuff now let's find some CPUs for red all right so red bam I'll make you a bulk discount i78700 I don't know if this is on the web store or not but it says 90 bucks just DM me and um since you're since you're buying me buying me out we'll uh we'll get you a good deal 179 Jackson digital is it is it 179 on there it might be I don't know Brandon coin what you got to sell GTX 684 and 460s I don't I I I need to see if they're actually working before I I uh throw them up there i38100 that's not going to help anybody [Music] i38100 I3 2130 look at this look at this bad boy right here that's a big one and it's a big old seller on a ceron g69 it's the best Celeron it's got 69 in it um and then yeah more I3 so it looks like red the only thing as of right now um that I could sell you is a 9700 9600k or an 8700 but I'm going to pick up more more CPUs tomorrow no 7950 X unfortunately red panda forget the sixth and seventh gen go with Chinese x99 boards and Zeon 2650 v4s Rizzo that's a great Point those are now if you want Zeon you know what I'm saying I'm saying we got Zeon it's the old Zeon box right here these are all Zeon these are all zons and then we have some we got some 58 20ks up here I stopped re I stopped selling those because those were only six core but uh and the you can get the 12 core uh these bad boys hold on get one of them out of here yo uh 2650 v4s great CPU 12 cores 24 threads and do lots of stuff and things with them red panda red panda mining yeah hey Brandon what do you think of Rick and Morty I think they're hilarious yes absolutely are hilarious Mage what i3s I got 8100s I got uh 230s 90100 13100 13100 F any 10th or newer yes yeah I got a 13100 and a 13100 F mining crypto do online a lot of my CPUs are not listed on the web store but all of my gpus minus the stuff that I just got in today and broken stuff I don't always have that listed up uh but yeah all the working gpus are on there and then just got in a metric boatload of m.2 drives um I got some of them right here but we got 512 uh m two drives absolutely falling out of our ears so here's the SATA m.2 drives but yeah so boom SATA m.2 drives and then I just did a restock on another 60 of the nvme 512s so 512 nvme drives and they're all tested at 95 plus% Drive Health on crystal disc um I think the nvmes are 19 bucks and the um satas are $ 17.99 18 bucks basically a dollar cheaper um and then the nvmes are still on sale for like a $150 off or 7% or something like that uh but you got to go to that video it's one or two videos back on my channel to get the code any socket am5 C AMD CPUs no I had a 8600 G no yeah 8600 G come in and it sold like like that all right well we're definitely over our live stream a lotted time so I apologize for that ladies and gentlemen and yeah I need to clean up my desk because it's a mess good grief yeah I know frog man good grief all right so y'all have a good night I thank y'all for coming out I thank everybody for the donations mining crypto online uh Nelson's crypto Rizzo 529 BR from STL David B uh stallion 2K6 and The Travelers travels thank you guys all for the donations on the live live stream um put your Stacks up bro we we'll get them put up red panda mining if you were in the US I'd send you my old H17 any board with i56500 chat later yeah show my pools some love crypto mining.

online see here see crypto mining. online let's see what kind of pools you got oh mining crypto I definitely typed it in wrong mining crypto do online thanks for the stream thank you for you guys coming out oh you got solo mining on here H uh hold on see here boom this is mining crypto do online so there's what do you got for solo Asic of course you got Bitcoin right here oh not found okay um GPU mining home sat X coin what's going on in here paprika coin like the pepper oh oh papri papri pool paprika solo and pool mining block reward block height full hash rate we got zero people in here what's going on bro mining crypto online um are you going to set up a solo uh set up a node so we can do solo mining for uh Bitcoin oh Clore sat why do I Game Pass why does none of these sound familiar oh Hive coin definitely recognize that one it's got no index it's all dead oh man it's all dead put a gargo sale like hobbyist what's a gargo sale what does that mean did you see the new salad release in the new minimum spec um I saw the new salad release what's the new minimum spec I think I talked about the other day they raised the uh the maximum amount of ram that somebody could order a customer I didn't know there was a new minimum though if you will solo mine Bitcoin I'll add it oh do a garage sale frog man yeah um maybe one day yeah sell my garage I'm in my garage garage I know what you mean like a discount sale garage sale kind of thing yeah um mining crypto do online um I mean I could Point all my solo stuff here I I mean doesn't it I don't know what it takes for you to set up a node I don't want you to spend money and stuff cuz we're I'm never hitting a block we're we're solo mining uh mining crypto do online DM me on uh Discord oh Max voltage yeah yeah I talked about that in the um in my in the I did a video earlier today 70 gigs of storage yeah yeah that is that did get upped um the big thing though is uh they raised it to 60 gigs of allotted uh system Ram but if you only have 64 in there you're probably not going to get those jobs because Windows a lot of times gets a little bloated and it uses more than 4 gigs of RAM so that I upgraded one machine to I stuck another 32 gig stick in there so it's got 96 and I'm comparing it against my machines that have 30 or have 64 I have a stratman in New York closest to you it's already invested yeah yeah mining crypto definitely hit me up I did like the technicals and I'm just following the trends like Ao no just changed to Frogman because I was stuck UA crypto for two weeks oh you Frogman you were HW Tua that's funny yeah I saw you everywhere man all right for real I need to get off here or we'll be chatting all night no no no Jersey Jedi the minimum is not 60 GB the maximum that a customer can rent is 60 gab of system Ram um but if you have like a 3090 or a 4090 and you're only running 64 gigs on your system you potentially could miss those jobs depending on how much Windows is using but I do have 64 gig systems that are not using 60 gigs of RAM so there are still jobs that are less than 60 gigs of RAM it's not like all the jobs went to 60 gigs of RAM it's just that is the max that a customer can ask for now on salad salad in I can't talk it's getting late uh my salad rig that is mining AO is on 80 gigs of RAM and one terab nvme Rizzo then you're good to go heck yeah Jackson digital Hollow all right y'all have a good night let's um we'll close this out like we do every live stream we'll give a countdown we'll play a little bit of crypto Kings you know what I'm saying can't never get enough of that where's Joker Miner at where we at here uh [Music] K of guys retro with real red chasing dreams High crypto all night Vibes Joker breing f h m never [Music] stops Bron coin in the mix rabid driven no fix keep trades life full of [Music] tricker [Music] freaking in the mix RIT no fix tra I full of Tricks te no [Music] conflicts [Music] breaking crypto stocks Trum flying like a fox hob is Myer never stops 22 lives so many mine dreams so big stars align Electro beats heartbeats shine future [Music] bright F like a never stops talker Miner breaking blocks Cher Miner breaking block next in line [Music] [Music] CH Mone lives so many M dreams so big stars Al Electro beats heartbeat shine future bright next in line Joker [Music] freaking crypto F like a [Music] fox never stops next in life

As found on YouTube

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