How are GPU Mining Profits Now? Beginning of December 2024

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[Music] hey guys rpam here hope you're doing well having a really great day all right I got a probably a really long video here regarding just talking about GPU mining only okay and what I've seen over the past I guess couple months here we have seen an uprising in a lot of proof of work GPU minable and CPU minable altcoins that have been going up and so right now it's looking pretty good where we are in the state of the market things are going up Bitcoin almost at 100K right now as I'm recording we're at 95k but altcoins are pumping and it shows over the past 60 days we got like warthog we got cortex Dogecoin eica Ergo a prominent GP minable coin uh EAS Kalisto Caden that's Asic uh friend coin Zilla meow coin Litecoin just a bunch of coins are going up even Raven coin okay over the past 60 days is up 67% it's not much but it's starting to rise and if everything goes to plan 2025 is looking to be a crazy year for GPU miners or just all crypto miners in general but I haven't made these types of videos maybe for 5 months now I don't think I've really really talked about just how GPU mining is over the past five months because GPU mining over the past 5 months or even the past year it it hasn't really been profitable okay for those that were mining or GPU mining for profit over the past while we haven't seen a lot of people get into GPU Mining and I mean that's a given because electrical costs have been going up you know cost of living has been going up you know the typical GP minor or crypto minor has gotten out of the game I mean you guys have seen you know how you know crypto was back in let's say you know 2021 it was insane right the interest in GPU mining was incredible looking at Google Trends here it was just utterly insane right but looking at where we are now okay GPU mining as a search term is not being searched at all okay just showing you guys here we're at like 11% here out of 100 on Google Trends right so this is back when you know ethereum was GPU minable and a lot of people were mining ethereum during this time or GPU mining because it was really profitable with gpus okay so I'm going to correlate a few things as of where we are right now comparing to you know maybe previous times like 2021 during the bull run I do have a lot of you know other previous videos I've done on you know how are mining profits now you guys can I have a a playlist here you guys can go check it out I usually do it you know every like once a month and you know I'm going to try to keep up with it like I haven't been keeping up with it over the past 5 months you guys can see here but uh I do want to go back to a video of when we were looking at how mining profitability was in uh 2020 okay we're going to go back to this but I also do want to compare how things are now what are the break even prices for you know like a typical RTX 3070 and just look how how mining profitability is is now generally and uh it has been going up okay so anyways before I begin thank you for today's video sponsor alter tech.

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Use coupon code RPM for 1% off your whole order link down below all right so GP mining has been on the up and up here uh I am going to also talk about just the potential of buying Hardware I which I don't think a lot of people are going to do anymore because I mean prices are going up on gpus especially like 307s and you know 30 series cards and up our prices are going up even like 490s and such you know people are buying these gpus and whether or not it's Gamers or just you know other crypto miners honestly I think the narrative these days is going to be Ai and just a lot of Gamers out there are going to be buying gpus I think this time around just because of people's financial situation these days I think people are not going to really get into GPU Mining and that's really going to correlate here with my you know thought process with Google Trends but it is also going to tie into just how the prices of a lot of proof of work coins have been going up but if a lot of these coins really start melting faces like going up 5x 10x I mean we're going to start seeing a lot of profitability come back and be at like you know even 50 cents per kilowatt hour is going to be profitable and right now 20 cents per kilowatt hour you're breaking even on a 3070 mining zealous okay so this has definitely been going up and what I mean by that up meaning you know at 10 cent Kow hour maybe half a year ago was breaking even on a 3070 but because the prices of like zealous which zealous has been uh mooning here we can probably see over the past uh 7 Days yeah 30 days zealous is up 192% so this is a prominent you know core and memory dependent algorithm coin which is great on gpus especially hbm2 you know 30 series 40 series cards 30 series cards which has the higher uh memory bit bus so a really good coin to mine and Alo is another one that's also been on the up and up here uh recently not much but it's starting to rise up here and whether or not as6 are going to come out foro in January remains to be seen anyways let's go to a video that I did on November 12th 2020 4 years ago all right this was pre all right pre bow run time when pretty much the interest in GPU minus was pretty much where it is now like 11 11% back in November 2020 all right here we are today we're at beginning of December we're at an interest of 11 so there's not a lot of people you know getting into GPU mining right now and it's I'm having this Deja Vu feeling right now but just looking at an rx580 rig okay an rx580 rig 6X rx580 rig at that time in November was making about $33.39 I do recall though maybe 2 months ago before prior to November it was maybe making like a dollar but that's when you know ethereum was just rising up okay so very similar to how I feel where we are in the market right now just correlating to how you know this chart here uh this pretty much follows in my opinion profitability of GPU mining okay the Google Trends here because this is a huge indication of you know when I look at views on YouTube and you know Twitter X you know just social media engagement this really this Google Trends here really Falls in line with all of that and that is how I'm seeing though we are now rising up here because the market is also rising up here okay so but just going back to this video okay this was on a 6X 580 rig a 6X RX 580 rig now is not making that much okay is not making anything actually a 10cent kilow hour which is like The Benchmark I I usually do is is negative a15 looks like mining their ey okay and if I go to Hash r.

I I like to compare you know two different websites so if I go rx580 here and you guys can go here just take this with a grain of salt these are just general you know General numbers here um but rx580 okay okay if I were to do six of them not at 20 cent kilowatt hour but just Let's do let's just do 10 okay so okay so according to Hash rate. cortex is breaking even almost breaking maybe 9 cents if you had 9 cents you'd be breaking even mining cortex on rx580 so that is actually very interesting to look at I didn't I haven't looked at this for a while so uh I have a bunch of uh PC SP server cases which have a bunch of 4708 gigabyte cards in them so I'm going to open those soon and probably do a video on those so that that'll be fun but uh we're going to talk about you know buying Hardware here tariffs and all that kind of stuff here in a second but okay so rx580s interesting down know shows that they're maybe at least breaking even at 9 cents so that is uh huh that's that's pretty interesting okay but okay so the big one though for me I think 307s are going to be like the next 580 of 2021 okay I think nobody's going to be buying rx5 I don't recommend anyone buying rx580s for mining okay but if you had an RX 3070 uh sorry RTX 370 that would be breaking even right now at around 20 cents generally okay if you were mining zealous so that's that's pretty good that's that's honestly really good cuz it used like I said before maybe half a year ago or maybe a couple months ago it was like 10 cents uh breaking even but now we're at 20 cents per kilowatt hour it's doubled now so as everything has been pumping right profitability is moving up is that an indication though that people are going to be moving back into GPU mining well there has been a little bit of bump here you guys can see right during you know July August September it was like 7% but now that profitability is creeping up here on Google Trends it's gone up a couple per.

Okay so there are people you know looking into getting into GPU mining again mining again but you know also we have seen prices on eBay also go up as well okay like 3070 pricing is going up I remember maybe a couple months ago these things were like under $200 maybe 220 you know at most on for a 30 a typical RTX 3070 but now people are actually buying these for over 2 220 you know 300 400 uh that's a 3070 TI but you know the prices are are creeping up people are buying these and whether or not they're Gamers or GPU miners it's uh you know or people for you know doing AI or some type of Compu I mean people aren't going to use 307s for computer it's either 390s or 490s big big boy cards but uh it's it's creeping back up okay it's it's it's coming back up again so it's really good to uh see something like this but let's say uh just you know as where we are with crypto Mining and GPU miners I know electrical costs is is is a really big factor you know personally just speaking from my situation here I got two different locations where I have seven and 8 cents so for me throughout the whole Bare Market you know maybe I was breaking even on some points then some points I was making some money and so I was still able to continue to GPU mine you know but everyone else that you know other people that have much higher electrical costs during the bare Market you know during this time obviously after the ethereum merge a lot of people got out because it just did not make sense for them to GPU mine anymore and that that was the obviously the the reality of GPU Mining and and so the the biggest thing a lot of people started doing then for people that had maybe generally lower electrical cost was to spec mine and mine and huddle begs that was you know that's the the biggest GPU mining strategy because now that we're seeing reprise here in a lot of these coins people who have been mining and holding a lot of these bags are finally seeing some relief I'm finally seeing some relief for a lot of holding a lot of GPU mining uh bags that I've been mining over the past couple years and you know I was opening up my core core wallets and looking at them and just like oh my God it's it's finally happening but we're not there yet I don't think we're at that we're not we're not at that Peak where a lot of these coins have gone you know parabolic yet like you know maybe in 2021 so so still waiting for that time it looks okay now um it looks better right for anyone that has lower electrical cost you guys are you know I'm seeing you know over 36 Cents a day on a single 3070 and I got a whole bunch of them that are mining AO right now uh maybe I should be mining zalis but uh Alo I've been mining about I think uh 40 to 42 Alo a day okay which would be about 66 67 bucks a day which which is not a lot okay it's nothing crazy but it's still a lot more than what I'm paying for in electric okay so uh I don't have all my gpus on I do have some offline because I've had to um I've had to uh turn on some ASX so so just in case anyone's wondering okay uh anyway there's not an Asic video all right so GPU mining is on the up and up here uh in terms of profitability now necessarily are a lot of people going to be getting back into it now this is something where I don't think you know it's not going to be as crazy as uh 2021 I don't think a lot of people this time have a lot of money this time to get into it and another thing that I'm I'm also going to correlate with this is and we've talked about this you know pretty much right when President Trump got elected uh he was you know talking about tariffs this is a play where I think um I've been buying Hardware because I don't want this stuff to go up in price if it does go up in price because of tariffs next year then we should have been buying stuff now like now if if you were thinking about buying extra Hardware or if you're wanting to expand or for anyone that's going to be you know scaling you know I don't think it'd be a bad idea to buy Hardware now because this the stuff that you know extra power supplies I've been buying extra power supplies um extra uh hard drives Amazon extra pdus you know all this stuff and and and if you guys are looking for any of this stuff uh go to my website red pendam I have coupon codes and official links on my website if you're looking for uh you know this type of hardware I got links to pcsp as well I got 5% off pcsp uh if you are looking for uh any hardware there or parallel Miner or Asic miners anything red pendam I got all the official links and coupons there uh if you guys are interested but going back to the talk about tariffs right there's a lot of talk about tariffs being like 25% or you know 10% or something depending which country you're in it's it's going to be it's going to be insane and so and another thing is inflation you know if interest rates are lowering you know and uh you know governments are going to start money printing go bur again you know things are going to be costing more and more as time goes on so I really you know for those that have already Hardware like a lot of you guys that watch me uh for those that have been mining throughout the bare market like congrats to you guys for those that have been mining and hodling it's been a long road it it's definitely been a long arduous Road since the ethereum merged uh there been a lot of toxicity i' have to say a lot of stress and uh for those that have stuck with it over the past couple years hats off to you guys congrats to all you guys you know I've stuck with it throughout the whole Bare Market I made videos day in and day out every single day I truly believe in the market Cycles I believe in just how everything is always going to come back again uh not with just crypto mining but just you know GPU mining as well just everything in general I I truly believe like where we are in a time right now where we have governments talk governments talking about crypto the US wants to have a Bitcoin Reserve like that's huge that's huge for crypto I hope and so as we go along here I think as altcoin season is ramping up you know this is a time to really really hone in um within your financial means of course okay I I truly do empathize with a lot of people who are uh not able to get into this but for those that have stuck with it hats off to you guys I mean this is this is it this is our time to really be successful in this and when truly a lot of these coins start pumping a lot more we're going to see profitability come back and for those that have the hardware already you're you're going to win out you're you're going to you're going to you're just going to be able to continue on like printing printing money but if you've also been mining and hodling you've also made that bag and you're also going to be successful that way so two different strategies there if you've been mining throughout the bare Market hodling you're now waiting for that price appreciation it's now being realized it's now starting to be realized okay not I'm not saying it's it's done yet but it's it's starting to be realized and then during the bull we can either you can then sell your hardware for uh more money if prices continue to go up which I truly do believe it will and or you can just mine for profit and just sell every day because I mean potentially a 3070 I think com in the bull run we're going to see a couple couple bucks a day it it's it's going to happen and as all these coins like AO Leo's a pretty big emission coin um zealous is starting to do that as well you know it's it's you know we're going to hopefully see a lot of other coins flx clor naray tasta just a lot of different proof of work coins and who knows if there's going to be another uh big coin a new coin that's going to come out that's also going to help uh bring a lot more emissions uh to the plate but I think as we're seeing right now and uh you know just is if this is going to sustain where we are now with prices of zealous Alo going up here um you know maybe at seven or 8 cents like I said where I was at this was not good like I was maybe making like 10 or you know 5 cents a day extra um maybe a couple months back but now it's it's it's in the double digits you know in the 30 35 Cent range you know 30 to 35 range here for Zeal uh for me that's how I like gauge the profitability it's going up because a lot of coins are going up as well so all right guys I think that's it uh for this video um it's it's looking good everything is on the up and up here uh congrats to those that are still in it mining away I think uh yeah I'm still continuing on the journey here I mean you guys know I I have a couple hundred gpus that are online right now and I have maybe 200 that are offline and I really got to get uh I have a bunch of CMP 100 210s that are offline I need to get those uh on in the barn I have another farm for the barn which I need to uh I need to get these on okay so I need to get my other PC I have 10 other pcsp server cases uh that I got and uh these ones right here and um I really truly believe these are such a good price if you're getting into crypto mining I truly believe this is this would be the best bet you get the whole setup motherboard Ram everything power supply everything it's such a great server case uh to start in GPU Mining and just get your feet wet you just it has everything for you to get started okay um but anyways guys that's it I'll see you all in the next video let me know your thoughts uh if this is going to sustain let me know if you think we're in the realm of where you think hardware and stuff is going to go up and or if you think it's not going to go up anymore because we don't have ethereum anymore honestly it it I don't think it's different this time it's it's different in terms we don't have ethereum it's it's just I think it's going to be the same in terms of profitability on a GPU it's going to be a couple bucks a day like I think it's going to come back again and it's going to surprise a lot of people for those that say it's different this time I I don't think it is because same idea goes where electricity prices have been going up a lot of people have gotten out and I don't think the hardware is going to come back again I think it's been distributed amongst a lot of uh Gamers people who work from home just all that type of stuff I I think uh this time around it's it's not going to be as crazy as people think but we'll see we'll see how long it sustains we'll see how long it goes and uh I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out

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