what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel and this is week four update of the Bitcoin mining app uh so I reviewed a different app Bitcoin mining go um last week and I did not like it uh had like some really crazy withdraw times withdraw fees all that kind of stuff so uh some people were like hey are you still on Bitcoin mining app and yes I am um I've been just letting it do its thing um I haven't really been do keeping up with like the ads and doing all that kind of stuff uh but I'm making steady like about 35 to 40 cents a day and it it's working so anyway let me flip it around and show you what we got all right so there's the app it's Bitcoin mining app literally just Bitcoin mining you can find it on the App Store you can find it on the Play Store people were asking me where's the link that's that's pretty much it now click on it we'll go into it I haven't been into it today so yep I can claim the free 7 gigahash and that does go up as you buy more miners um and you can see right here I'm gaining or I'm earning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 436 Satoshi a day which is what about like 40 cents a day nothing crazy nothing wild but I have invested right at about $200 into this so you know quick math here um we're looking at what 400 day return on investment give or take now I did have my referral code up and on referrals I have earned quite a bit so I don't want to take that into account when we're talking about you know realistic numbers you're going to see so let's go over here uh on invitations I've earned five one two three one two three four five so one two 3 so 59,000 Satoshi have been earned on referrals total 60,000 right now and in our wallet we have 18,000 right there and let me go over and pull up the browser to see my actual web wallet on the computer here by the way ladies and gentlemen the uh the Bitcoin or the lightning network is limited um on speed the payouts to 2,000 Satoshi at Max so if you have more than 2,000 you just have to do a bunch of payouts all right so here is my speed Wallet current balance is 59,000 Satoshi so that's pretty similar to what I have in my referral earnings so that means uh basically easy math here what's in here right now is not referral um because we we basically nullified that with what's in my other balance so 18,498 Satoshi you only go eight decimal points back by the way past that uh can't be withdrawn and it's considered not a Satoshi so if we go over and pull up up our BTC to USD 2 38 512 we have made $17.94 in about 4 weeks so almost $18 in 4 weeks what's that come out to let's see here we'll say 18 ided 30 about 60 cents a day so it's reading probably a little higher than um than what I estimated and I'm not sure why cuz we've already taken out the referrals I guess I was doing the advertisements in the beginning so if you didn't know you can go on the app and you can click and get 30 free contracts right here a day and each of those are uh a different amount of gigahash depending on how many uh miners you've boughten so right now mine's at 11.4 so that would be another you know what 330 gigahash and maybe that makes the difference but yeah so it looks like I'm I'm somewhere around 50 to 60 cents a day averaged out maybe I've been in it for a little little bit more than 30 days maybe that's the kicker but let me flip this around the big thing that I really wanted to talk to you about this app is is somebody filled me in on the fact that there's one that's really similar looking to this app but it had a different name it was like Bitcoin miner and apparently it shut down last year so is it the same company is it the same app just reskinned and put back up online so then they can you know get a whole host of new customers I'm not sure it do I suggest investing money into Bitcoin mining app if you have money to burn sure maybe um but if you wanted to just download it and use the free options because you can get free coins off here um and the W the minimum withdrawal is super low I think it's only 20 Satoshi so you can actually earn money and get it out of here just with the free options getting a free daily contract and then getting um the advertise advertisements every day um and pull some money out now is it much no um it's just one of those things don't go balls of the wall and buy you know thousands and thousands of thousands of dollars of miners on here thinking that this app is going to last to the end of time because the one thing that is unsustainable about their project is the fact that there's no maintenance fees there's no electricity fees there's no fees at all there's no withdrawal fees there's no uptime fees apparently when you buy a minor it just mines forever indefinitely so that's unsustainable um if it lasts it'll be awesome it'll be amazing but it's probably not going to last so with that being said I wanted to thank everybody for coming out tonight uh let me know Down Below in the comments section are you using this app how much do you have invested and how much have you withdrawn from it I am super curious to to find out some more information but with that being said I am going to call it a night y'all have a good one adios
Bitcoin Mining app week 4 update