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[Music] hey guys harp him here hope you're doing well having a really great day well the market right now for crypto has been tanking quite a bit it's $882,000 Bitcoin as of recording and altcoins have been just going straight down so what does that mean for GPU miners well it's been quite suppressed I'd have to say over the past 2 weeks and you guys have seen the markets and profitability just tanking everywhere but I think this is a time where we are being tested right now and I know a lot of people are in fear and there's a lot of fud out there but I am not stopping my gpus I'm not getting out of crypto mining I am not selling my gpus I'm not doing anything like that but I may trade some gpus okay so I want to talk to you guys about that today and also just update you guys on my uh I guess basement here and I'm going to be moving uh these two as6 the ks5 M okay that I have here and also the bit main ant minor L9 right here to my other basement because I'm going to be shutting off a few other Caspa miners so that I can you know keep up the electric demand at my other location cuz my location here which I have about around 8 cents uh USD for mining all right so I'm just going to be yeah strictly just GPU mining in this location here but I don't need to you know keep up the uh electrical demand in order to keep my rate here at my other place which is at like 74 cents I do need to keep the electrical rate up anyways guys let me start off with a potential thing I might be doing here shortly and that's going to be potentially trading some gpus for CMP 170 hxs okay the CMP 170 HX has HPM 2 memory and we all know hbm2 memory uh gpus especially like the crypto mining specific cards have been predominant over the past year I'd say on memory based algorithms so like zealous or you know kapal or progue Pal the 170 HX is actually very efficient or one of the if not the most efficient GPU on a lot of those memory based algorithms so thank you to today's video sponsor bitpro they just told me they have a couple hundred CMP 178 J's so they have a trade-in program and so they want gaming gpus for the CMP 170 hxs so if you guys are interested in trading some of your gpus for you know CMP 178 xx's like your AMD cards or maybe you know yeah I have 5700 XTS here or maybe you have RTX 360s or 3080s or even 309s really anything hit them up I'll have the links down below if you guys want to contact them feel free but I may be looking into trading a few of my gpus just for maybe a rig or two of CMP 170 hxs I've been always wanting to get 170 hxs but uh I'm just going to I'm going to just but offline I'm going to figure out what I have and uh just try to trade into a rig or two so that I will definitely get a lot more density and probably a lot more hash rate in a way and obviously more efficiency right because like I said the 17h x is very very strong very efficient on a lot of those memory based algorithms like zeis like progpow Capal flux types of coins so I think it's great that bitpro has that tradein program so if anyone that's interested in those cards you can get more efficiency get essentially more hash rate density and all that stuff if you're interested so link down below if you guys are interested so I will update you guys on uh which rigs I will uh potentially trade into for the CMP cards I'll make an update video for you guys uh once I figure that out but yeah let's talk about now my basement here okay so the market I know for GPU mining I think I'm currently losing right now uh against my around 8 cents Electric in this location for my gpus I am predominantly I mean everything is on I think mining zealous currently I think I could mine a lot more profitable coins at the moment which is like Quai or uh I don't know any other coins that could be more profitable than zealous I think hash rate.

Did show a couple but to be honest I haven't looked at my GP I haven't looked at you know how the numbers are I've just been accumulating and stacking the coin okay and honestly I've been doing that for like the past 3 years and it's just funny to see how the rise and fall of my portfolio over the past 3 years it's it's just been it's just been insane right I'm sure you guys who have been mining and holding have been seeing the swings you know it's just it's just insane but also with uh Asic miners okay there's been quite a I'd say a reckoning essentially so cast buff for instance my ice River k5m and I also have three ks5 LS those things are I'm I'm losing money at even at my 74 cents electric at my other location I'm losing probably I think 12 to15 us a day keeping these miners on so essentially I'm using about 17 to 18,000 Watts with these miners but I'm losing money so I don't think in another video I'm going to I'm going to be turning these off and uh I'm just going to place them on the floor and I'm going to make another video just debating if I'm going to be selling these or holding them especially with the new miners that were announced the ks7 from Ice River I'm kind of leaning towards selling these so potentially I may be putting these on my shop red pandam mining.

Shop where I've sold some other A6 already which thank you to the community you guys bought all of them within a day it's just just insane so I'll speak about that in another video but in the meantime I guess yeah I'm going to be turning this off like I can't like I'm losing money right now uh especially at the price of Casper right now but hey Casper could just easily you know flip right now I think it's like a what five or six cents as of recording and it could just go up it could just go back up and you know these could be profitable but because we all know the emission schedule yada yada all that kind of stuff it's been a downward sloping trend for mining Caspa over the past year I already did a video about that I've basically haven't broken even on $30,000 yet theoretically on these five castle miners I've only broke even or actually I'm losing now against the electricity that I have been paying out of pocket over the past 8 months with these miners so it's been so far a really bad test at this time frame at where Casa's price is right now that is so time will tell like I have the bag that I mined with all these miners we're going to see if it's going to you know get its money back if cas's price goes up you know in the future who knows all right then I'm going to uh I'm not going to turn off my L9 yet I have to actually I could I'm going to bring this over to my other basement but yeah the L9 is really the only profitable Asic Miner that I have currently uh in which I'm not losing but I mean Dogecoin has been falling in profitability over the past couple months and uh who knows if it's going to keep uh either going up or going down it's uh it's been kind of sustaining but I mean November you know this was making 60 70 bucks December it was like 50 January 40 then in February it's like 25 and now it's March this thing's making like $18 or $16 a day so it's just yeah doa's price has been tanking and uh it's not looking too good at this point in time but but I'm honestly still bullish I think right now like I said in the beginning right the market it's it's taken quite the turn whether or not that's the the whole issue with Trump and you know Meme coins rug poles and we're all just exit liquidity right now it's it's just insane how much money has exited the altcoins essentially and so that's why profitability across the board not only with gpus but Asic miners a lot of altcoins for those Asic miners like alium as well has been is just is just down in the right now but I think this is not the time to fear or anything like that I mean we've been here before I don't think this time is any different from previous bare markets it's just with maybe with different coins I Believe altcoin season is going to come back into play right now uh Bitcoin dominance I know is is quite high so it's got to flip sometime I'm not saying now maybe it could be by the end of this year in 2025 who knows I'm going to still be here day and in day out with you guys during this time but I also have to be financially responsible as well and I think a lot of you guys have to as well cuz Mining and paying out of pocket for electricity and Mining and holding your yields and then paying electricity out of pocket it's it's a pretty big Bill right I get a pretty big Bill at the end of the month so my strategy has been changing a little bit just because how much I'm now losing and also how much income I'm generating from outside sources not only from you know from mining right my YouTube channel my other income sources it's all essentially been going down as well so so anyways guys I'll update you guys on another video regarding the CMP 170 hxs if I am going to uh trade up into those I'll let you guys know but if you guys are interested in a trade-up program to 170 hxs link down below contact information's down below go contact bitpro if you are interested I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out yeah I may trade up all my 5700 XTS [Music]

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