what is up ladies and gentlemen so this is a spare phone that I have and it does have service on it so I figured this is a good opportunity to show you on an Android device on the Play Store uh how to download install and get set up with the uh Bitcoin mining app so we're going to type in Bitcoin mining and it is the blue one Bitcoin mining minor NF T so it looks a little bit different on the Apple Play Store we're going to let that download and install then we'll open it up and I believe there is a a new sale for new members if you're first signing up and um I can't see it on my iPhone because I'm not a new member so I'm curious if I'll see it on uh this device so bear with me I'm going to pause this while it's downloading all right so I'm just going to use my Google account to log in by the way on the first screen where it says invitation code you can put your invitation code in later on you don't have to put it there but if you do and you use my code down below it is much appreciated um so apparently yes I know new bug fixes we'll hit that and then so we don't have anything going we'll go ahead and claim our first 3.5 gigahash and there it goes okay so one time only newcomer $4.99 gets you 200 plus 200 gigahash and also a bonus on watching ads and on your um your initial like you know daily free one so yeah I guess there is a um a free bonus one now I wonder if I close that out oh it's still right there okay so it doesn't go away interesting for example so get what is that that's 400 gigahash for $5 let's see what this one is 400 gigahash for normally costs $20 okay so not horrible I wish they would bring some more sales in let's see what else is on the store 200 for 9 400 for 20 1.1 for 50 oh look at that you get a a little bit of a discount if you use was that tether oh okay they don't have these options on Android or on iPhone so 10 Tash normally $400 you can get it for $359 still not not as good of deals as they were having when it was the buy one get one free but um it is still something um so yeah not bad not bad uh I am going to go ahead and yeah it looks like you have the 35 ads instead of 30 ads as well so the Android app is up to date and um yeah I guess I'll do an experiment on this one and I'll use this phone with no paid add-ons and then I'll have my other phone with the paid add-ons like the additional Miners and kind of see how much I can generate in 24 hours so I'm going to go ahead and watch all my ads real quick I'll be right back all right so I have all of the ads and my free daily so if we go over to store we have right at 199.95 that equals daily I have a calculator over here on the other side [Music] um almost a penny a day right now so that comes out to there it is okay so 11 Satoshi a day or 0.0093 cents a day uh with the current price of Bitcoin which is I believe in the 80,000 range uh yeah something like that uh for reference it is March 13th 2025 uh but yeah so 11 Satoshi a day is what it it should be getting I'll report back in the future and let you know what it is getting and then uh I may end up getting that that little introductory bonus for 99 minor and see what that adds as well just to try to maximize you know earnings but anyway guys I hope you all have a good one I will see you on the next one adios
Bitcoin Mining App FREE Earnings Cell Phone