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hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day modern mining I love love your flag man jump change you too Pocket Change miss you The Beginner's block what's up man deep miners Financial failure crypto for seniors what's up you guys may have noticed I got a new light in here and yeah I just installed it and man it is way brighter in here now you guys can actually see the hardware that I am taking videos of now okay so this video guys I wanted to talk to you about my cas miners right now they are not making much money right now especially my ks5 M ks5 L's I have another K5 L I also have a bitmain ks5 pro which is over on that shelf which is positive at my electrical rate of 8 cents but everything else my KS my uh ks0 Ultras the ks2 light that I have here and also the gold shell EK a1m that's heating my house upstairs is in the negative I'm burning electricity right now mining Caspa so just to show you guys I'm on mining at my 8 cent per kilowatt hour okay my ks5 Pro that I have mining Casa is positive at $417 a day okay after 8 C Electric but my k5m it's like making 80 85 cents ks2 Light 2 cents okay just pretty much breaking even and KS Z Ultra I'm like breaking even but everything else is now turning into the negative my ks0 Pros which I got a whole bunch of the commemorative KS Z Pros as you all know is now in the red K Ka boxes are all in the Red Ice over ks1 ks5 L negative 67 cents a day that's in the negative gold shell e k1m is in the negative so I am burning electricity now then I am earning in kaspa well that makes sense because kaspa's price right now is 11 cents almost 12 cents as of recording this video so I want to talk about my plan regarding all these miners that I have and I'm just going to tell you guys what I'm going to do with them right after word from today's video sponsor Crypt Miner since 2018 Crypt Miner Bros has been the go-to source for all the top crypt miners trusted by miners worldwide the prices you see on their website includes shipping and DDP to your door so there are no surprises at checkup they ship to over a 100 countries and even offer lower invoicing to help you save on customs fees pay with direct bank transfer or crypto payments such as Bitcoin usdt or Caspa ready to save even more use code red panda at checkout for $70 off each Asic ordered join tens of thousands of satisfied customers who trust Crypt Miner Bros for their successful Hardware fulfillment transparent pricing and worldclass service visit cryptominer today link down [Music] below okay guys so all the castle miners that I have the 10 commemorative kso Pros the ks5 ls I have two of them and then I have a k5m oh and then I have another ks5 L hosted with ice River at 8 cents per kilowatt hour which is now losing money basically okay on a ks5 l and then the ks2 light I have here and then I have the gold k1m upstairs and then I have a bitmain k S5 Pro right here okay which is really the only profitable Casa Miner that I have so Casa's Network hash rate has been dropping over the uh the past I'd say the past week or so here okay just a little bit because the price of Casa has come down and everyone else has been saying their Casa miners has not been generating much profit right now anymore so they're losing money on electric so am I going to shut down my k5l here my k5m k5l no I'm not going to because I am still of the belief that Caspa will melt faces is that Financial advice no because I'm still doing the long-term test with the Three ks5 L's and the two k5m that I have that cost $30,000 us back in August 1st those five miners I am trying to break even on all five of those castle miners so I have been mining and holding Caspa since August 1st of 2024 so we have mined since August 1st 2024 it's now you know second week of January January 9th I think as of recording this video we have mined 8,887 Caspa okay that's worth 9,479 worth of Caspa have we broke even yet on the $330,000 investment no definitely not and if we include my you know electricity so if I did uh 3400 Watts times 5 units of these uh ks5 L k5m that's about 17,000 Watts right so 17 kilowatt times my 8 cents per kilowatt hour all right that would be about uh $136 per hour times 24 hours I'm spending $326 every day to run these cast of Miners and I'm paying that out of pocket or I've been doing that since August first so that's a good 5 months ago okay so if I did let's say what's uh 31 * 5 that's 150 150 155 days or something like that plus another 10 so let's just say times this by 160 days that means I spent $ 5,222 in electricity over the past 5 months on these Casa miners so I'm in the red like $$ 35,2 1202 because I haven't sold the Caspa yet I haven't realized you know the gains or losses I think my cost basis has been going down because Casa's price over the past year it it it's been hovering between 10 and like 20 cents it hasn't gone past 20 cents like at all right maybe it did a little bit but it's just been in this 10 to 20 cent range so my cost basis over the past 5 months you know maybe the past you know maybe in the middle there uh back in like you know October November it was is good but now that it's dropped down my Caspa bag here that I'm holding right I'm doing the mine and huddle test because I'm hoping that Caspa is going to go higher than 12 cents to where it is now right I'm hoping Casa goes 4 cents 50 cents a dollar I don't know if that does happen then this would be over $80,000 as of now is Caspa going to go to a dollar tomorrow probably not but that's why I'm doing this long-term test okay even though I am now spending more on electricity than I am yielding on these Miners and especially in my own financial situation I am okay to spend that type of money every day out of pocket to run these miners in hopes of future price appreciation of Caspa so now looking at my ksz Pros these things I got back in I think uh May or June I don't quite remember but they've been going non-stop but same thing you know right now I'm losing you know 9 cents on these guys I you know I should really turn these up I think think I'm going to turn these off but you know just looking at the yield right I'm I'm still almost mining almost one Caspa a day on each ks0 Pro is that a lot you know no but you know if you think about it what if Caspa went to you know 80 cents or a dollar let's just say then uh it's like I'm mining you know 82 cents a day right now actually that's kind of depressing to think about on these little miners but uh you know what I you know yeah maybe I'll just give these away cuz actually no no I'm still solo mining on all of these I'm solo mining Caspa on all of these so it's been generally good actually all the uh smaller miners even the ks2 light I am solo mining Casa still on all these uh all the little miners okay let me know down below if you guys are doing the same thing so I'm going to keep these going solo mining now the ks5 pro I forgot to talk about that I am also doing the mine and hoddle test on this ks5 Pro I think since September okay so since September this PS5 Pro mined $2,164 worth at 12 cent Caspa but if we look at the yield the amount I've mined since then it's 18548 Caspa so if Caspa went to a dollar and I'm not saying that's going to happen I hope so not Financial advice then this means that this would be $18541 so I think the initial price I got on that ks5 Pro was I think 8,000 so in order to break even on that minor we will definitely need to see some price appreciation on Caspa I'm keeping track of it mining to one tangent wallet okay similar to the five you know ice River you know 3 ks5 LS 2 k5m the $330,000 August 1st test that I'm doing I am still keeping track of this okay so is it going to play out is it actually going to play out I I don't know and you know I recommended you know a couple months back or actually back in uh I think it was July 2024 you know not to buy Caspa miners anymore because we all knew we all knew the aggressive emission schedule we all knew and just basically there's a lot of new models coming out pretty much there was new models coming out like every month it seemed so is ice over or bitm going to create a new like ks7 so I think it looks pretty dire I think the life cycle of these miners is really I mean we all we all knew we all called it I called it last year I called it last year I'm not going to boast about that but I think the other side of it is it hasn't played out yet okay I'm going to give it a fair Shake I think our you know the time Horizon again it hasn't played out yet I guess for all the hardcore Caspa fans out there I could name off all the good things that Caspa is is going for right but you all know already what Caspa is about and I think everyone's time Horizon that are too quick to say oh Cas of mining is dead or you know all that kind of stuff I mean it follows bitcoin bitcoin's price when it falls everything else Falls when bitcoin's price starts you know ramping up and going past new higher highs then you'll see altcoins start going up as well and I hope Caspa is going to be in that boat as well so 2025 this year I I truly believe is going to be a big year for anyone that's you know doing the whole Mining and hotle Method but we'll see if that plays out right I am here to document that okay for anyone who has you know spent this type of money back in August or September you know for the ks5 L's ks5 M's you know the ks5 pros I'm doing a real test of mine and huddle and I am paying all the electrical bill out of pocket you know is there a chance that this test is just going to flat out not happen like there's no price appreciation of Caspa all the electricity bill that I've been paying out of pocket is just a sun cost and I I've just lost it all well I can expense it of course but you know what I mean right just is it going to play out basically well I think so so the time Horizon for me and I think for a lot of you guys for Caspa is you know altcoin Season you know middle 2025 maybe 2026 we'll see how it goes but the beginning of January here in 2025 it's not looking too great these smaller now inefficient you know Cas miners they're just you know they're not pulling their weight anymore because the casa price has gone down and also the casa Network hash rate we've hit that equilibrium essentially and so there's a lot of Caspa miners there's a lot of Hardware that's out there and so looks like you know when we saw the Caspa Network cash rate dipped down over the past couple of weeks well that makes sense because people's electricity costs now depending on their electricity cost they're now losing money mining with these big boy ks5 L ks5 M's and uh the little castle miners they're all they're all wiped out now but I am of the belief still doing the long-term test we're going to see if it plays out let me know what you guys think down below let me know what you guys think of my garage lights I just put in I think it it looks pretty cool I did screw up a little bit and uh I I made the best of it but I think I installed it okay and now I got light everywhere I can see all my ASX all right I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out

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