Andrew Tate Burns Over $150 Million! The Meme Coin Era Is Beginning!

Now if these headlines don't say it all I don't know what it does daddy coin Daddy coin daddy coin everybody talking About daddy coin because of course Andrew Tate went out there and he burnt $150 Million worth of daddy coin and you can Go you can check his Twitter account out If you guys want to see him dancing Around with his brother all of that good Stuff but guys meme coins are making a Ridiculous comeback right now the amount Of volume flowing into these salana Based mem coins is insane and you've got A lot of headlines promoting this you've Got Andrew Tay promising to pump crypto Mem coin Daddy to a billion dollars plus Daddy passing mother all right we got Daddy token huge Insider activity and It's probably true anytime you pump Something up to a 300400 million market Cap in days there's a lot of insiders That going to be taking advantage of That move uh early buyers move into $45 Million plus profit levels Andrew Tay Promoted daddy Quint flipped mother and Burns $150 Million worth guys meme coins Right now are getting the attention and And I believe as this bull market Continues on and and as we kind of fade Away from the influencer tokens like uh Like Daddy token here mother token and So on people are going to flock back to The meme coins that they know and love

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Play doge is going to be one of them We're going to be talking about play Doge in this video and if it sounds like Something you're interested in let's get Started what's up everybody I'm clay bro And as you can see we got play Doge on The screen now these guys are doing an Excellent job already raising over $4.2 Million in their pre-sale here they've Got 14 hours and 51 minutes left until The next price increase or of course if They raise another $400,000 the price is Going to increase prior to that the Current price is 507 5.07 Per play Doge and if you're interested In buying not 50 five ethereum you're Going to be walking away with 3.3 Million playd Doge you'd rather buy with Usdt buy with usdt or most importantly Buy it on the binance smart chain if you Guys want to grab 10 BNB worth you're Going to be walking away with 1.1 Million play Doge but it's important to Buy with BNB because you can stake your Play Doge for 86% annualized rewards if you buy with BNB and 86% on an annualized basis is Excellent guys if you're making I don't Know where you're making 86% on an Annualized basis to not worry about Trading anywhere else so definitely Think about play Doge definitely think About staking but what is it it's a

Playto earn Doge companion game a Tamagachi style virtual pet now check This out these Graphics are absolutely Incredible here you're going to be able To pet walk feed entertain let your dog Sleep all of that good stuff and you're Going to be able to earn playd Doge While you do that guys you know you go To the bathroom you play your game you Need a break for a minute you play your Game and you're earning play tokens as You play it literally doesn't get any Better than that oh wait yes it does It's not just a tamagachi these guys Have retro style arcade games that You're going to be able to get your Hands on including Space Invaders I know A lot of you guys are going to have fun With this and you're going to be able to Earn playd Doge by doing this as well Now these games are being developed After after the pre-sale and the betas Are going to be take taking place in the Phase three of the road map and then of Course those games are going to be Launched in phase four of their road map Here now if you're wondering where the Token allocations are going to 50% goes To the pre-sale 6 and a 12% to community Rewards 11 and a half to liquidity 10% To marketing 10% to project funds and 12% to staking rewards guys it is Awesome to see what these guys are Building and I think the most important

Part is the focus on the apps absolute Correct demographic you don't raise $4 Million in two weeks without focusing on The right demographic and these guys are Doing that we're going to talk a little Bit more about that in a second but if You're interested in buying and you Still don't know how simply walk through Their four steps tutorial right here to Be able to buy and claim your playd do Now speaking of claiming right where are You going to claim it's going to be Claiming on the BNB blockchain with the Binance smart chain and you're going to Be able to claim once the pre-sale Concludes so let's scroll back back up To the top of the page here and see when Play doge is going to conclude they're Slated for 40 different price increases Which means that if you get in now you Are going to have a very nice pad on Your price upon launch day you are going To be making money when play Doge Launches if you get in now and lock in 40 essentially it's just under now Because we've already seen several price Increases lock in nearly 40 price Increases until the the launch of play And when it launches on the B&B Blockchain Please be aware that you're Going to need some binance smart chain In your wallet so that of course you Could pay for the gas fees now the good News is the binance Smart chain is smart

Chain is very cheap compared to ethereum So you're not going to need a ton of Money it's not going to cost a lot to go Out there and trade your playd Doge and Have some fun with it there you're Simply going to be able to get in and Very very cheaply claim and trade your Playd Doge now if you're here for the Long term you're here for this awesome App that they are building guys The '90s Nostalgia really resonates with the Cryptocurrency demographic because it's A lot of people our age going out there Buying and investing into the crypto Market so of course every one of these Little games that we see is going to hit Home with us and that's why these guys Are out and able to go and raise 4 Million plus dollars in a twoe period They're targeting the correct Demographic there is huge demand for Play Doge there's huge potential for Play Doge and a lot of money to be made I have bought into play Doge I'm very Excited about it I want to know down in The comments below if you guys are Excited about it and until the next time Hope to each and every one of you have An awesome day

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