Another GameStop meme has been taken Over the Internet a brand new meme stop And brand new meme coin I should be Saying is here in the mix what's going On guys and welcome back to 99b YouTube Channel I'm your host Umar Khan and Today we're taking a deep dive at this Brand new token it's a meme token of GameStop now this is not the same GameStop token we covered in last week's Video if I'm not mistaken it's a brand New token and it's trending so we're Going to do the Deep dive but before the Video I want to ask if you haven't Already make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below and also if You haven't already make sure you Comment down below that you're subscribe And join our Discord as a Discord is now Live and remember not Financial advice Overall crypto Market is looking very Good guys as we're starting to really Feel like we're in a bull market fear And greed is fear and greed index is Sitting at greed up 1% on the day up 20% Volume bitcoin's almost at $70,000 Ethereum's almost at $4,000 the news is Saying good thing about crypto I'm Excited to see where we go from here Very bullish things ahead however we Move to the trending tab of things guys And we're seeing GameStop or new ticker Symbol gstop is trending at number two Up 50% on the day and 71% on the week a

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Brand new token uh brand new uh the bar Cap's not fully updated yet it's Currently saying 4.6 million which again I think is a bit more could also be a Bit less but I don't believe this is a Verified market cap just yet but it's Absolutely insane trading at just under A cent 0.004 Cent and people are Starting to AP in now now I personally Wouldn't buy it at this time as it is Currently pumping here's the thing it Could continue to pump in upward Direction as it hasn't pumped Dramatically just yet so you may want a Little B bag but there's a good chance It could correct and a good chance it Could just be a crap project we see over On telegram they have less than 2,000 Subscribers which again isn't terrible For a brand new project over on X they Have less than 3,000 followers which Again isn't terrible for a new project Right we see the crypto version uh this Crypto version on eth is based on the Gme phenomenon 100% Community Driven Token get ready for Financial Freedom And then we see the GameStop logo we're Seeing memes uh again it's just typical Meme coin fashion right they see a trend They hop on let's go over to the website And see okay so we are the official meme Token of GameStop on the ethereum Blockchain okay so already definitely Red flag there as they're definitely not

Just like GameStop was a revolution in The stock market we are going to make History with crypto we are in Movement We will show the big guys out there the Common people will take power um from Now on get ready for Rebellion against Big capitals capitalists we are now Seizing power uh with our solidarity and Our unbid desire and will soon rule the Crypto world now again this is It's a The first thing that threw me off is the Official meme token of GameStop official Is a crazy statement to make the story Behind it obviously you guys know the Phenomenon I'm not going to read this Here but you've seen the Wall Street Phenomenon happening with the whole mem Coin mix now this project basically Taken advantage of that uh in a sense of Creating a project that aligns with a Goal of a certain community they want to See Wall Street suffer now let's bring The same fun to the mem coin realm we See just posting videos how to buy tab Uh and then a contract address now again Uh they also have the tokenomics uh some Charts and that's pretty much it now Here's the thing guys again I'm not a Master coder or techy guy in any means Necessary but I will say the website is Terribly poorly designed it is a bit of A red flag there also it's still very New so be wary however guys Unfortunately we're in the wild west of

Crypto there's a good chance that this Could be a complete scam rug pole Project but if you bought in today and It pumps next week you can still exit Before the trip crashes however that's Probably not the best investing strategy But again none of this is financial Advice I saw this on table and I had to Cover it talk about project I have to Cover let's talk about Doge versus the The world's first chain traveling Doge This is a pre-sale J we've been talking About a lot on this channel and has a Decent reputation as we've seen Influencers and creators in the crypto Space Also Rave about this pre-sale Gem And the best part is it's not even live Yet so you can buy in before any pumps It's going live in 7 days this is your Absolute last chance to low the bag link In the description below they raised Over $155 million Doge goes multi-chain Buy and clean Doge ver on the following Six chains e binance polygon avac base And salana featur on ton of different Articles multi Bridge utility utilizes Superior Bridge technology doers will be Seamlessly multi- chain in just a few Clicks so they're having an interesting Utility that makes it different in the Marketplace which really makes it stand Out so instead of just a copy paste like We're see with the GameStop tokens this Is original to token they're taking

Influence from from Doge and they're Adding their own utility to make it Different with a awesome road map in Place great tokenomics and cherry on top The ability of staking currently paying 40% API is absolutely phenomenal so you Buy your doers as super low pre-sale Prices stake it and earn more money on It and then when the time is right sell And claim a massive bag they also grow To massive Following over 22,000 Followers over on X this is a force to Be reckoned with load up bag link in the Description below but now back to the GameStop phenomenon guys remember GameStop's pumping like crazy and new Short SCS coming around we're seeing a Lot of GameStop themed tokens taking Over the the meme coin mix of things Again uh gme was a token we covered last Time and we can see you know history is Going to repeat itself and I can say That clearly whether this token legit or Not I will State history will repeat Itself this token currently down 16% Right which is inevitable like it's game ST kind of already feels out we see uh People bought pumped kind of sideways Action and then another pump and then Died completely now I'm not saying this Project is dead this one could still Revive itself but again I don't think This is a long-term project this is not Like a comparative to Sheba enu Dogecoin

Dog wolf hat this is not a mean coin That's going to last forever in my Personal opinion it's a bit of a fat but Like always it's not Financial advice Always do your own research and due Diligence before investing any money in The cryptos we cover on this channel but Let me know what you think in the Comment section below are you bullish Are you bearish on these GameStop tokens Do you think we should just stop with All of this let me know what you guys Are feel in the comment section below That UPS the video and until next time It's your friend Omar peace [Music] [Music]

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