AntMiner L9 Doge Mining Savior?

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and uh today we're going to be doing something a little different we're going to take a look at some miners that I don't have yet and I really did drag my feet on getting and that's that's my bad but uh we're going to look at the profitability on them and compare them so we're looking at the ant Miner L7 versus the L9 the L7 is older the L9 is some more uh newer unit from uh bitmain and a lot of people have asked me hey Brandon should I get a L9 hey should I get a L7 and honestly I'd have I have no hands-on experience so that's why let's roll through um all the information and and kind of formulate an idea from there so let me flip this over and get started where we at here all right so we'll start with the uh the big dog here hold on my my face is blocking a little bit of it so the big dog on the Block bitmain ant Miner L7 now there are more powerful models coming out from other manufacturers but we're going to stick with bitm right here because they're kind of they're the big dogs on the Block so to speak um if you have issues those are going to be the companies that have uh repair teexs and just more infrastructure already set up so if I ever do recommend a a big boy Asic 99% of the time it is a bit man unit now there are these other these other names floating around and I don't want to say that they're not legitimate they are gaining legitimacy but I mean speaking about bitm they're they're at the top uh they definitely Supply the most miners as of right now um now the bitmain ant Miner L9 this is the 17 gigahash model there is a other variation with a little bit lower hash rate this bad boy is doing let's let's get a fresh Refresh on this because these values change look at that these values change all the time so right now it's making $55 a day and that is with Litecoin and Dogecoin down we saw a pretty good downturn yesterday I imagine that we will see an uptick hopefully here soon but even with those coins down the income is still 50 $5 a day $1,656 a month or right under $20,000 a year $1,875 now here's the kicker this bad boy Burns 3,260 Watts it will not run off a normal 110 volt electric cord so if you have one of these or you're PL planning on buying one of these you cannot run it off of a normal uh US Electric plugin you have do uh have a 240 volt um uh line and most of the time those are 30 amp or more most people most people set up 30 amp 240 volt pdus that that's what I was running in my old house and it just makes it easier to uh to disperse that power now before we get too far on a 240 volt line I actually had 220 times 30 amps so I had right at 6 ,600 available Watts so realistically I could not run two of these on one 30 amp line um it just it would be over the 80% rule it would not be safe so for a 30 amp uh drop of 240 volt you're looking at running one of these yeah I know um they're very power hungry at 10 cents per kilowatt they're burning $857 a day that comes out to uh over $250 a month that's $257 a month or $3,100 a year in electric cost so that means your profit is around $46 a day or 13 almost $1,400 a month or $117,000 a year and everybody's like those are still great numbers those are awesome numbers and they are but you do have to understand that as time goes on Dogecoin uh potentially goes down in price even more Litecoin goes down in price even more these will make less and the one unforeseen thing that a lot of people don't think about is the difficulty Rising so since these are the big dogs on the Block and they're making the most money comparatively to basically any other Asic that means lots of people are buying them lots of people are turning them on and there's going to be less pieces of the pie to spread out so uh I don't want to dissuade you from it but imagine right now for example there's 10 people on the network and I'm just using figurative numbers here 10 people on the network and they're all getting 50 bucks a piece well if there's 20 people on the network next week they don't get 50 bucks a piece they'll get 25 bucks a piece because there's less money to spread around there just it doesn't just keep growing as uh people add on devices it gets split up more and more and more uh as the difficulty Rises so that that's another thing to look at obviously it doesn't scale that fast but um it's definitely been scaling significantly faster than a lot of a lot of other coins because they just making that much money now we I wanted to go back and uh we'll we'll take a look at pricing on these and then we'll go look at the l7s so the l9s and we are looking over at um I do have a link down below if you want to use that to use it through them it helps me out if not I can completely understand um I do recommend them uh they're a local hold on there we go um they're they're not local to me but uh they're uh inside the US and uh a lot of their stuff if it says in stock you can actually trust it whereas there are some resellers that they'll tell you it's in stock and then all of a sudden it's the next batch so I have heard a lot of that uh I can only say good things about pair of hashes I've had a lot of friends buy stuff through them and I actually was sourcing as smaller as6 through them back when I was selling ice River units and I had nothing but uh awesome awesome uh experiences um now on the L9 we looking at the s that 17 gigahash model right there so that's a $115,000 unit this unit is no joke uh it's very expensive obviously a lot of people are like well what's this best price $8.99 um you know I I can get it for $8.99 and if you look a lot of these sellers are in are overseas so that means when you buy these you're going to be subject to a massive tariff um on $9,000 times3 you could be looking at upwards of a $33,000 tariff on a $9,000 device and then that's if you don't run into any other issues supply chain um you know Logistics shipping kind of time frames stuff like that so take that with a grain of salt that's why I always recommend um somebody that I've dealt with before in the past now um the price on these these units are expensive some people uh have said that they'll push them out and we'll get a later date like see the January pre-order is cheaper because you're not going to get it for a longer amount of time um now the 16 gash model is a little bit cheaper as well but uh that that's a toss up in the air if you want to go that way now we're just looking at the big boy here $115,000 if everything stayed the same which it's never going to stay the same and it's making $117,000 a year that means this unit will pay itself off in about 10 months now realistically you can figure that the network is going to get more congested uh potentially Dogecoin could go down so that 10 to 11 months return on investment could turn into 20 months to 24 months in the matter of no time uh and if something bad happens to the Dogecoin Network because Dogecoin is is really the one that's doing the work here on the profitability side for these coins so if something happens that hurts the network or some kind of vulnerability comes out not saying that there would be but guys again I just want you to be uh fully aware that this is crypto Anything Can Happen um so these these units could potentially go to 30 to 36 months to return on investment especially if we fall out of this you know Bull Run that we've been having now I wanted to go to the l7s because actually before we go to the l7s yeah if we if we look back into like August the l9s were only making $16.99 $117 a day now obviously they had higher yields or high yields of coins but if you didn't expect the bull run to happen and save those coins uh those devices at you know $15 $16 a day your return on investment on that $115,000 investment is insane so let's do some little rough numbers here divided by 15 yeah you're looking at a th000 Days divided by 365 2.7 years or 32 months so lot lot a lot longer time to pay off now uh the l7s a lot of people are like oh do we go buy l7s because they're cheaper well we'll take a look at that so the l7s are significantly less hash rate as well um and their profit is about half so if you're looking at the big dog L7 the 9 .5 gigahash unit you're looking at right under $25 a day let's get a fresh Refresh on this I bet it's going to go down oh no it actually went up $26 a day that's how fast things change I just loaded these windows up earlier today now you can see where the bull market came into effect before that these bad boys were doing $5 $6 a day profit um and on a device that costs $8 to $9,000 your your return on investment it's going to be a long time um and I don't mean to scare people off I just want them to know the facts um also this unit is pulling well over 3,000 Watts so you're not going to be able to run this uh in a a traditional 110 outlet you will have to run a 240 volt line minimum 30 amp um I guess you could potentially get away with a 20amp 240 volt it's just not a standard but you would have yeah you would have enough for 80% so yeah these bad boys are doing $26 a day right now they're uh that's after they burn $8 in electric electric uh and then on the monthly they're profiting 782 and in a year they're profiting 9,500 so if everything went perfect with these they would pay themselves off in in just about 12 months but I do want to express to you very very clearly here that uh crypto is is a gamble buying Asic miners is a is a gamble it's all a calculated gamble but it still is um Anything could happen to the coins Anything could happen to uh difficulty um and then that would leave you with a significantly longer return on investment so the best thing I can do and the best thing I can advise for you guys is do not buy crypto miners on credit if you're going to buy crypto miners just go ahead and bite the bullet and buy them and some people like oh I don't have that amount of money to buy them then you probably shouldn't be buying them and and that's a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow I don't have 10 to $5,000 laying around to go buy one of these units so I'm not going to buy one of these units uh whenever I get to that point then I could cross that bridge but for right now I I think I'm going to hold off the time to buy l7s and l9s honestly was before the bull run right now buying the top dog miners during the bull run is just going to be a risky risky move will it ever play off will it ever pan out probably mostly hopefully but I don't want to lead anybody uh astray and I definitely don't want to you know tell people they're going to make all the money and and it's going to be great and then somebody goes out and and gets them themselves in into a a mountain of debt and these units are making you know peanuts compared to what they were uh 6 months from now now cuz 6 months from now we may not be in a bull market anymore it just no none of it can last forever it is all cycles and it's proven to be Cycles it goes up and it comes down and it goes up and it comes down and you might not be able to ride out that next bare Market cuz the last one was pretty long a lot of people were like wondering were we ever going to get another bull market so anyway guys um hopefully you enjoyed that hopefully you gained a little bit of insight I know I'm probably talking to a lot of people that already know these kind of things but I try to cater my videos to to Encompass all of the miners not just the more experienced ones but also some information for the newer guys on the Block and I feel like this video had to be made because everybody's talking about the L9 and the L7 like oh my gosh these are just like the Hot Topic when it when it comes to opening my Discord uh uh messages so um yeah with that being said I want to thank every every body for coming out I really appreciate it I'll see you guys on the next one and yeah have a good one later adios goodbye

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