Baby Dogecoin might be making the Biggest comeback history in terms of Meme coins as it's starting to heat up Looks like got a binance listing as well Upcoming a lot of exciting things Happening for baby Doge token you're not Going to want to miss out so make sure You smash the Subscribe button down Below welcome back to 99b YouTube Channel I'm your host Umar Khan and Today we're taking a look at baby Doge Token without any further Ado let's jump Right into the video before start I want To let you guys know this is not Financial advice always to your own Recon and due diligence before investing Any money in the cryptos we cover on This channel now let's talk about baby Doge token overall crypto Market looking Pretty solid but today we're talking About meme coins and specifically we're Talking about baby baby Doge mem coin Which again in terms of top meme coins It's not highly ranking but again it's Not the bottom of the list either it's Kind of in this middle spot so again the Middle spot some not great but in this Case not terrible either with less than $250 market cap $250 million market cap There's a lot of potential here in terms Of 7day we're down about 9% in terms of The 24 hour we're down about 3% and Terms of 1 hour we're down about .3% Which is not too bad let's go ahead and

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Take a deep dive on this project guys I've been in the memco space for quite Some time now and I remember when baby Do toen just launched and making videos About it now it's get to a point where Survived the crypto uh winter and now They're planning bigger and big bigger And bigger things are anticipating to Take over the mcoin market the main Thing I'm trying to get to here guys is People gotten early reaped massive Rewards everyone who bought in like Literally pre first pump got a massive Bag and looking at the charts right now We're getting back to those early days As well so people load up now can still Make a massive bag especially if it Reaches its previous all-time highs talk About making a massive bag we can't talk About making a massive bag without Talking about pre-sales and the current Pre-sale gem we're covering is dog uh Base dogs we see this Top Gun style Theme token we got the Sha enu we the Pepe and all the other meme coins in the Meme Universe this project has raised Less than a million dollars in Mark cap Guys and again I'm anticipating this One's going to go absolutely crazy why Is going crazy because it's a Multi-chain token very similar to what We saw with Doge and we both saw how Doge absolutely crushed the market we Saw it at one point do ra $15 million in

Pre-sale and went on to do great things And now anticipating Bas dogs to do Something similar you buy on Bas e eth B&B avax and salana we can base dogs you Also have a tab where you guys can refer To earn you get 10% in usct by using Your link and sharing with your friends If you want to load up make sure you use The link in the description below so What is base dogs designed for those who Crave adventure and Innovation Bas dog Is bringing you a unique multi-chain Experience we see the tokenomics is good 20% pre-sale 20% staking 20% liquidity 15% marketing and 15% to the base stock Rewards and lastly 10% going towards List they have a solid road map in place With four solid phases guys and the main Thing here guys with pre-sales is you Get it early you make the most amount of Rewards if you want to see a deep dive Guys we covered this on the channel but If you want to load up now is your Chance before the next price hike Link In the description below but let's go Back to Baby Doge token and what it's Doing specifically to shake the markets Up and the source today is straight from Their Twitter with 2.1 million followers So again arguably one of the biggest Mcoins in terms of followers which is Great we see just a couple days ago Exciting update the proposal to deploy Baby do on salana has officially pass

And here reasons why so the main reason Why they wanted to swap over to salana Is obviously to get more exchange Listing we see right here why salana Ethereum can be expensive to transact on And not all tier one exchanges support B&B salana offers low transaction costs Uh which can lead to more onchain Activity making it perfect for our Community and tier one exchanges so That's why and now they're in the Research phase or their research phase Is complete now they're going to be in a Development phase then they got a Testing phase deployment phase and the Bridging phase this is going to be big For baby Doge token cuz once it gets on Tier one exchange listings that's when We're going to really see reaping Rewards of the charts we currently see In terms of markets we see yeah it's It's on H htx C coin which is Not bad I believe it's also on but we need that that we need That coinbase we need that we Need that Robin Hood listing right we Need that binance so that is coming very Soon we can see a new listing uh over Here on change now with the BTC pair Which is cool this is a binance l i Talking about earlier so breaking news Baby do is live on binance Square we're Thrill to announce that our profile is Verified and live on binance square

Binance square is a social platform Within binance ecosystem that allows Users to share insights and stay updated With the community so that's pretty Massive a massive leaping step for baby Doors that just brings one more step Closer to the binance listing remember There's like this massive binance Effects when tokens get listed onto Binance they go absolutely parabolic and If baby doors gets listed on binance It'll be absolutely insane for the Project is exactly what we're waiting For also on their Twitter guys I Remember they had a shout out a couple Days ago uh basically asking the Community to do something uh we can see Partner up with with tangum for Exclusive of Hardware wallets people Love this Hardware stuff uh but Basically I remember a couple right here Okay so if someone can get us in touch With Robin Hood and get us listed there We'll pay them $1,000 so basically They're asking the community help to get Listed on these massive exchange listing Which is a great way to get the Community involved and also incentivize The community in this case to get $1,000 If the listing actually happens which is A great way to Shi this project more and More I'm very bullish on this token for The long run guys I've been holding it From almost 2 years now anticipate this

Bll run baby do token will go bigger and Bigger all-time highs again the supplies Being reduced there's some burnings Going on and a bunch of exciting things No more tax now awesome no more tax and Now potentially going to be listed on Salon Network a lot of exciting things Coming on for baby do Shing guys but if You don't want to miss on the latest and Greatest crypto updates smash the Subscribe button down below like always Not Financial advice until next time It's friend Newar peace [Music] [Music]

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