what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and since I've been doing more phone apps like you know BTC mining app um we did go mining we've looked at a couple others we're doing some Pi mining people keep sending me more apps to look into so um somebody sent me one it's called B Network and it's be.com spoiler alert I don't think this one's worth it because I did a little bit of research you know do your own research and I actually found a influencer that's been on the network for years and he had or he has a little over 15,000 coins right now hold on let me let me go back I'm going to link his video down below because he goes very very in depth on it um yeah so he has 15,45 3 coins and that that's a lot so right now you start out with one coin and then you get at a base rate of.
2B per hour and you get more um for every single day that you click it and also more people you refer the one thing that this is different from PI network is every time you click on mine um every 24 hours it gives you it plays an advertisement so they are you know there is some Revenue exchange there uh so I was like okay they have some kind of longevity um and then also you could withdraw it to usdt at least that's what they say and apparently you have to have at least 500 coins you have to mine for at least 30 days um but this gentleman which is actually Christian renwald probably pronounced that wrong uh he's been on it for years he has 15,000 in his balance which 15,000 coins is estimated out at 77 usdt so it doesn't look like there's a really good exchange rate and it isn't its own actual coin uh it just when you withdraw it it swaps it over to us DT so um I don't think that there's a lot of room for growth uh like coin price but that doesn't even matter because he's tried withdrawing multiple times over the last seven months and he even shows it in his video withdraw failed withdraw failed withdraw failed so he meets all the criteria and it still is not letting him convert over and withdraw the coins so that means I am not going to be messing with this app anymore we're going to go ahead and we're going to hold that down and then click remove app luckily this app didn't need a ton of information this is just my my personal burner phone like I just talked to friends and family on this um I don't keep any crypto on it well I'm starting to use these apps on it um but be careful ladies and gentlemen uh I'll try to do my best to vet these out and to look at them you guys are sending me tons of them um but there are Bad actors out there especially and it's nothing against like Android but um if you're downloading an app and it's not even on like an official app store not saying that there could be a bad actor on an official app store but uh people are like oh download this app and it's literally just on like a website for an Android phone I wouldn't suggest it uh if they can't pass the the minimum requirements to get on the App Store I probably would not be downloading it uh or side loing it um onto my Android which you I don't believe you can even do that on an iPhone without jailbreaking it I'm not sure I'm but I go back and forth I have an Android phone and then I have two iPhones now uh just because everything is so segregated in my life but um yeah so B Network hard pass um don't recommend it uh a lot of people are are touting B Network as the next Pi Network because oh when B Network you know goes and launches kyc and they start their own token um it's going to be a dollar a token well they're I don't think they're going to start their own token due to the fact that they already have um a way for you to convert over to usdt whereas like Pi for example didn't have that you were just mining in in in holding or Mining and locking up also B Network seems a lot more focused on ad Revenue um so you can go into the like uh advertise with us section and it'll give you the breakdown so uh I think it's $10,000 for a push notification on their system $5,000 for a uh an article and then you also can earn more BTO tokens if you you know play certain games or buy certain things in my opinion it just seems like um a cash grab so obviously I'd love to hear from people down below in the description if you have real experience with B Network and you can show me that you have withdrawn tokens because right now I have not been able to find anybody on the internet which is crazy that has withdrawn out B tokens um and also the the rate of earnings per time invested seems gnarly right now $ 15,000 coins for $77 that comes out to let me let me do a little quick math here and you can earn 02 an hour on a BAS rate obviously he was earning more than that faster than that cuz he had more referrals we'll say 2 * 24 so at a base rate he was earning 4.8 a day so each coin is worth about half of a penny little bit less than half a penny so in a day if you're earning 4.8 times 0.0042 you're earning about two cents a day I guess that's not horrible but the problem is the minimum withdrawal is is 500 coins and nobody is able to actually withdraw so it's like you could spend all this time doing it and watching all these ads and you never earn anything so anyways I'm going to jump off here um people that are on a part of B Network and have been able to withdraw please prove me wrong down below in the comment section uh other than that I will see you you guys on the next one adios