Ben the Dog has taking over the meme Coin space will this be the number one Mem coin of 2024 welcome back to the 99b YouTube channel I am your host Omar Khan And today we're doing a deep dive on Ben The Dog coin that caught the Internet by Frenzy let's go ahead and take a deep Dive on this project before before to The video I want to ask if you haven't Already make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below as it helps Out the channel tremendously we see Ben The Dog currently tra trending at number Five on coin market cap down 8% on the Day maybe a good time to buy up 75% on The week and up over $879 9% on the 30day which is absolutely insane with a Small market cap of $50 million is this Token going to be the next mcoin Sensation that's what people are Believing to be overall mcoin stting Mecoin Market starting to look good Again uh General crypto Market starting To look good Bitcoin holding position at 69 to 70k which is great ethereum took a Bit of a nose dive this weekish it's Down to about $3,600 fear and GRE index Is slowly creeping back towards neutral And we currently we seen at sitting at 60 which is not too shabby obviously we Want this to do better in terms of Volume we're up 35% in terms of total Market cap we're down about 1% on the Day not too shabby now let's go ahead

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And take a look at Ben the Dog we can See we took the look at the weekly stats We see $51 million market cap making a Top 625 cryptocurrency on coin market Cap and we can see uh watch the main Levels of low market cap so mem coins Under $50 million bend the dog no Skip And looks like people are really aping Into this project and it is massively Early $50 million market cap this could Absolutely blow up because is catching a Lot of attention to our project with low Market cap and catching a lot of Attention let's talk about play Doge a Play to earn cryptocurrency that's Currently on pre-sale and in one day and 10 hours they are going to have another Price heke so you might want to load up Now Link in the description below They've currently raised $3.7 million so Less than a $4 million Mark cap not to Bad products not even live yet so Imagine post launch it's going to Continue to pump so it could be a great Time to buy uh play do is Ultimate Mobile play to earn game that Bridges Iconic doge meme to the uh to life of a Tamagachi style virtual pet secur play Tokens in pre-sale to earn cryp to while In nostalgic 2D Retro Game Adventures we Also see it has staking with a 300% AP Dynamic range staking meaning the Fluctuation will change over time but We've seen this upwards of 7 800% AP

Which is absolutely insane you can buy With e usct card or even B&B four ways To buy mention on ton of different Places so definitely has its its leg in The game they have an about tab clean Website clean UI dop dope road map and Great tokon nomics as well and the Website's designed absolutely perfectly Make sure you check out this project Link in the description below but let's Go back to bend the dog token cuz this One again has been catching a lot of Attention in the mcoin market and has Potential to become a top mem coin let's Go over to to check out the social Channels you can see over 72,000 followers on X uh the one and Only B Dog on soul and I don't know if You guys remember but this B dog is was A very popular ISO game back in the day We see um gaming social fight staking And they also have a telegram community And I'm imagine would have a decent Amount of people in it with over 52,000 People so again guys Community is big And for meme coins and Ben and the dog Token definitely has a solid Community It's been building uh we can see yes Ben Dog is live on bit bu which is great and Let's see what the other markets Available on in terms of markets guys it Is available on radium mexc so Again no massive exchange list just yet Meaning when it does get a massive

Exchange list thing it's going to have a Massive pump okay we can see pretty Active on social media as well Ben is Back we could send Ben to a new alltime Highs please and we see the chart Pattern drawn out taking this poppy Upwards to 12 cents which is actually Not bad price Target currently at 5 Cent So simple 3x from here but honestly I've Seen this project go higher maybe even To a $1 market cap cuz remember the Supply is not that crazy wasn't looking At the majority of meme coins they have Again a small Mark cap right now holding A 5cent price so if we get to 150 Million a billion dollar Mark cap this Could potentially be a five are we going See this for $5 a solid 100x from here It's quite possible chart preditions are Looking pretty bullish as well we see Ben dog is trending um Ben keeps Climbing the meme trending Tower last Week an alltime high here on x right now It's on coin Mar cap and coin gecko Additionally Dex screener and Dex tool ABS Ben dog is inevitable and that's Great we've seen lots of price Predictions people are just bullish on This project a strong community and Let's go over to the website so meet Ben Dog dive into benalla the salana based Ecosystem woof woof and you can see it's Been featured a ton of different Articles and protocols which is great

These are places you can buy now and the Story in 2017 uh and toly uh F alenco was working on a new blockchain Project so to nail it he needed to uh an Unconventional Advertiser uh advisor Sorry and decided and discovered Ben dog Um he's a simple yet timely inspiration Helped an toally to take the plunge as a Result Solana became a massive success And Ben dog is significant member of its Community pretty cool little story Hold On Tight bro I've been I've planned our Adventure and we can see the benalla uh And a clean website they got helping Ben I guess this is like their first Milestones looks like they also have up A play to earn game as well as they want To be in the gaming space they got Staken as well uh the getting started Tab which looks like I guess showing What features they have to offer Tokenomics the lp burned there's t no Taxes a decent small Supply everything Is looking pretty solid for this project Now again at the end of the day guys Utility don't matter staking don't Matter what really matters is community For a mcoin and this token absolutely is Crushing it they're crushing the Community aspect of things and if the Mark can can catch up with the community It could be massively insane for this Project remember 50,000 people on their

On chat 71,000 followers on X it's only A matter of time where the mark cap Catches up with the community and this Project could be a massive meme quit in The space like always so guys this is Not Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence perform Invting any money the crypts we cover on This channel that UPS the video until Next time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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