Here are the top five meme coins to buy In June that can potentially 100x your Bag welcome back to the 99b YouTube Channel I am your host Umar con and Today we're taking a look at five crypto Gems that have the potential tox your Money as the crypto Outlook is looking Super bullish Bitcoin basically breaking Alltime highs again holding $70,000 Position it's very exciting times ahead For the crypto market so make sure you Smash And subscribe button down below to Stay tuned with the latest and greatest Crypto news and like always none of this Is financial advice today we're talking About five meme coins I could Potentially X from here we see the Overall meme Market looking absolutely Phenomenal up 1% on the day over $65 Billion let's highlights earlier guys But take it in Pepe is pumping like Crazy at $6 billion Mark cap about to Not about to but it's coming really Close to flipping Sheba enu but let's Jump in with this pre with this this top Five list with a pre-sale for the first One trip on my words here and the first Project that has 100x potential is play Do this one's absolutely insane guys it Launched just a couple days ago and Already raised 2.5 million doll of Market cap which is absolutely unheard Of this is going rapidly fast there's a Pre-sale project we covered on this
Channel previously called Doge verse and Went absolutely insane raised $15 Million in the span of8 weeks I think Play do might even double that volume Especially now that Meme coins are Starting to pump again and this could Potentially just raise $30 million in Pre-sale and go on to hit at $100 Million when it actually goes live and Maybe even a $500 million market cap so Again there's not Financial device Obviously dois due dilig due diligence But if you want to load up on play Doge Link in the description below but what Is play Doge uh the play doge is the Best play to earn Doge companion game uh Play doge is a mobile based play to earn Game that transforms a iconic doge meme Into a tamagachi style virtual pet Embracing 90s Nostalgia buy to uh buy The play tokens uh in pre-sale to enjoy The classic 2D adventures and earn more Crypto and a 1 day and 14 hours at the Time of filming this video they're going To have their next price hike so if you Want to buy at the absolute lowest price Now is your time to buy you buy a B&B Eth us or a credit card which is so easy Making it super easy for you the Investor to buy it's been featured on Ton of different articles and blogs Which is great shows credibility and Trust Great website clean design solid Road mapap in place as well great
Graphics everything about the website is Designed perfectly tokenomics are Looking great they have Stak in as well Everything you'd want in a meme coin They got it here and here's the thing Guys for this project to take off it has A couple of key F features one the dog Theme Doge theme awesome two a unique Proposition in this case it's played to Earn and also staking and three grow in A community which is is doing a Phenomenal job at that that being said It's a top project on my list and if you Want to take a look I'm going to link in The description below now let's jump Into the next project on this list and Next project on this list is Wier AI Wier AI is part dog part sausage part AI Trading bot and in two days and 7 hours They're going to their next next price Hike this project already raised $4.6 Million a pre-sale gem that hasn't went Live yet but what is this project it's Super interesting because it's not just Your typical mem coin it's your AI Trading bot so what is weer AI despite Its uh hilarious sausage exterior wiener AI is a pinnacle of AI trading Technology with girthy predictive Features wiener AI is a Trader's best Fence so it's going to have an enhanced AI trading which is sick it's have Seamless saucer swap so never miss a Golden opportunity again zero fees and
Meev protection so all the bases you Want in a AI trading token that's given It to you here same thing as the play Doge having a meme token and having a Unique proposition it's great that which Makes it just so much more valuable Right so outsmart the market with wiener AI weer ai's predictive technology which Is designed to be user friendly and to Be a Trader's best friend they have Great tokenomics in place a master plan With three steps which is solid how to Buy tab FAQ and yes you heard right Staking not only is it staking guys it's Currently paying 234 AP which is absolutely insane so if You want to earn money on your pre-sale Gem make sure you load up link in the Description below now pre-sale aside Let's take a next look at the next on This list and that is dog runes I Believe they recently rebranded this up Until yesterday it was called uh dog go To the moon and now they rebranded to Dog runes this one's a really cool Project because it's not on eth it's not On B&B it's not on salana it's not on Bass it's not on avac they decide to go On bitcoin ruins which is insane which Is pretty cool to say the least and not Only that guys they project about to Break the one set Mark and the team is Actively pushing to get this project to $1 which would be a simple hund a little
Bit more than 100x from here it's Currently sitting at a $900 million Market cap and any day now it's going to Hit a billion dollar market cap also With this project specifically it's not Listed oh uh it's not listed on any Centralized exchange listings any Massive centralized exchange listings Just yet which is great because we Haven't got the binance pump we haven't Got the kucoin pump we haven't got the pump we haven't got any Massive centralized exchange listing to Pump this right and we see when we go Centralized exchange listing yeah got Gateio which is cool bit Mar which is Cool but no tier one level exchange and We're imagining this project to start Getting some tier one level Exchange Changes very very soon especially after It breaks the 1 cent Mark especially After it breaks the 100 uh or the $1 Billion Mark cap mark this probably not To be slept on we can see see the past Month up a whopping 242 per. dog ruins make sure you take a Look uh you could add it to your watch List next token on this list is guys top Five token list we can't have a list Without mentioning Pepe token it's at Three at 6.3 billion market cap and I Firmly believe that Pepe could flip Sheba enu currently sitting at 20 one an Overall Mark cap so including all the
Meme coins and ALT coins it's insane in Terms of meme coin sitting at number Three pep bcoin has so much upside Potential and I think June specifically Will be the month for Pepe to pump to The moon but again like always none of This is financial FL always your own re Due diligence but at Pepe definitely add To your list if you don't hold already Was earlier but apparently Donald Trump Holds $25,000 worth of crypto in meme Coins I don't know if it's true or not But I think it's pretty cool because Regardless whether it's true or not People believe it this might be enough Hype to add people to start buying in Cryptos especially right now the markets Are looking great we are slowly creeping Back into extreme greed which is great To see as well so very very bullish last Token on is another dog themed token Let's just end it with a dog right FY Great thing to buy right now down 6% on The day ter a week yes we are up 12% and Anticipate as Bitcoin continues to pump Mem coins are going to pump as well we Can also see a project announcement for This project uh that DWF labs to Purchase $12 million in flaky tokens to Support the flaky ecosystem as a Testament to unwavering support for Flaky ecosystem uh DWF Labs will Purchase $12 million in flaky tokens a Portion of tokens will be acquired from
The market and the rest will be acquired From the to flaky treasury so that's a Massive investment into flaky obviously $12 million is a not a small amount of Money uh currently floak is sitting at Almost a$3 billion market cap again a Top cryptocurrency uh in terms of top 40 And also in terms of mcoin a top five Gem so again I think FY has a lot of Upside potential they have probably argu One of the best marketing teams in terms In terms of crypto projects and imagine It's only going to continue to Pump from Here but remember guys none of this is Financial advice always your own resar And due diligence and let me know what You think about my top five list down Below are you more excited for the Pre-sales are you more excited for the P Pre uh the big meme coins are already on The list let me know your thoughts Opinions concerns let me know if I miss A coin in the comment section below that After the video until next time it's Your friend numar peace [Music]