Best GPUs EVER Until They…???? | Community Mining Rigs Showcase 129

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no problem buddy what’s going on hey confess free your mind what’s up i’m gonna sell my brand new 6600xt for 561. that’s i mean yeah isn’t that msrp all right hello how is everybody how are you guys hit that like button let’s do it let’s uh let’s do some rig picks guys this is what this is what mining is all about checking out everyone’s builds seeing what they’re doing and just appreciating the community as a whole of what we’ve all i guess achieved in some way whether it’s just a simple pc and you’re getting into mining that’s that’s awesome that’s a chump change get out of here chump change what’s the alchemy what’s going on rvl is on x69 which is asic algo yes x16r is that’s the old ravencoin algorithm that there’s definitely definitely asics out there that mind that um chump change just bought someone’s rig on the way home perfect timing sir oh nice nice what what what rig did you buy um am i mining rvl no i’m not i i just i don’t have the brain capacity to move over my rigs to another coin at the moment all right guys let’s do community monitoring showcase let’s do this so last episode we ended up with the bmw and this guy was mining in his garage pretty awesome pretty awesome all right let’s go to the next one we got can i adc please looks like this guy plays league of league of legends uh he says i’ve taken this picture for all my gamer friends that actively hate on mining i couldn’t resist let’s let’s blow let me pull this up [Laughter] uh he’s got what no he’s got such an okay he’s got an asrock crossfire x p55 pro that’s a p55 chipset intel so this is a what is this a intel 2000 generate 3 000 2000 generation i think it’s 2000 generation cpu wow this is a really old motherboard and then he has an rtx 30 i don’t know if this is a 30 60 or a 30 70 or a 30 80.

But it’s got the 12 to 8 pin adapter on it that’s pretty funny um yeah it’s got it’s got pci not even pci express that’s it’s pc two pci slots this is old school this is an old school motherboard and uh it’s probably pcie pcie gen what definitely gen one and definitely an old yeah good what a good way to utilize an old pc for mining hey you got to do what you got to do i i definitely yeah that’s really good can i edc please thank you for the rig pick and yes i am still in the year 2020 we’re we’re gonna hopefully make it to 2021 this stream if not the next guys there’s too many rig picks too many rig picks all right let’s go we got la captain the captain and he says here let’s pull this up okay he’s got a lot of mining going on he’s got vena frames he’s got two better frames stacked upon each other he’s got looks like a power color red devils more 5700s he’s got sapphire pulses over here he’s got is this like a assassin’s some sort of anime background msi afterburner looks like he’s using windows and he’s mining ethereum 53 megahash yeah these are all 5700 or 5700 xt’s nice nicely done i like that 1000 watt gqs awesome awesome the captain thank you for the rig pick oh it looks like you sent two of the same ones okay next up good on the road tagging is tough yeah chump change you shouldn’t even oh sub is here ah forget chump change seb what is up man sub fintech channel how is it going great vid on the second channel today oh chump change has a second channel oh yeah i forgot about that i gotta go watch that what what chump changes second channels about uh youtube content creation is that right is that right uh helping noobs ah nice nice nice i like that helping noobs so you’re indirectly indirectly calling them noobs and also helping them at the same time i like that nice nice sub fintech red petal mining that’s right except tech how’s it going how’s it going man how’s life how’s everything i haven’t been able to watch many of your videos i haven’t been able to watch anyone’s videos to be honest i just have i’m just so busy but what what what how’s it going i haven’t talked with you for a long time i haven’t talked with anybody for a long time anyways going on going along we got uh mr who is this indio 24 uh 24 power color red devil 5700 xt’s 24 holy smoke wow look at this look at this this is this is a nice shelf mining oh no it’s not yeah he’s got them on a shelf but he’s got custom wooden aluminum angled mining frames yeah that’s awesome that’s awesome seb it’s all good mate i hope you’ve been doing well yeah i’ve been doing good man just busy as ever i’m sure you are as well you know how it is you know how it is okay in deal thank you for the rig pick oh looks like you got a video [Music] oh yeah red devils very nice 5700 xt’s these are monsters for mining ethereum very nice very nice very nice very nice looks good okay indio thank you so much for the for the video as well okay next up we have uh mr steal your blocks apartment heat oh what’s this oh no way he’s got a sapphire 5700 xt limited edition uh mining rig and then he’s got water-cooled radeon sevens on the right here oh man this this is we’ve seen this before look at that that’s pretty slick one two three four radeon sevens water cooled is this called a is this what you call a series i don’t know what this is called in water cooling terms but that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool two rods and then radiator looks like it’s at the bottom and that’s so sick so sick rabid raid rabid mining what is up man welcome how are you how’s it going can’t wait for the threadripper build oh confess it’s coming uh i’m just waiting for the motherboard actually i’m waiting for the motherboard and a bunch of parallel minor um uh parallel minor uh power cables i ran out of pcie cables so if i were to try to 32 gpu build it’s gonna i need a lot of pcie cables for my hp server breakout boards uh yeah hp server psus it’s coming it’s coming i’m just waiting for parts i’m just waiting for parts okay mr stereoblocks nice rig man and oh my god the midnight miner thank you for the donation rabid raid and donations dude thank you so much that’s awesome thank you so much uh okay um next rabid raid well welcome guys welcome from rabid mining’s live stream awesome stuff okay uh gox finally catch up with one of your live streams you helped me so much with my mining career thank you for that and much love from sweden right hey what up what’s up man welcome welcome from sweden that’s awesome uh crypto carnage big red i gotta go no worries man no worries btcd is starting to pump everyone care care i’m out don’t forget to hit that bell before you leave hey crypto carnage hey thank you so much man thank you so much talk to you later okay going along we have breach block he’s got rx 570s at work wait a second did he just say he has he these are these are at work or they’re just at work at home probably work at home oh dude he’s got an 8 gpu vetter frame yeah the 8 gpu vetter frame but then he’s got two motherboards on on the frame and two power supplies looks like two 1000 watts interesting one two he’s got eight gpus i’m curious to know how come he did not use one motherboard for um all eight and it looks like this motherboard has two m.2 slots so he could have potentially done eight gpus you need the pcie to m.

4 adapter that’s that’s that’s not bad though huh i like that like that though otherwise yeah i mean it’s stable it must be stable i mean there must be some other ports there he he’s definitely free up some other uh pcie pcie cables as well breech block thank you so much for the rig pick okay going along we have mr la captain again this is a he’s getting 90 mega hash 90 73 66.

Now i don’t know where the gpus are i see i see mountains of cash at the about the table here his wallet he’s got a dga dgi like mobile uh gimbal thing and then he’s got a in-win atx computer case with uh looks like evga for the win three probably a 30 80 or 39 nah 3080 yeah three eight pimps that’s a 3080 90 mega hash that’s pretty cool chump change that’s just defense who what’s offensive who’s offensive um okay the captain thank you for the rig pick okay going along we have mr cosmos on the blockchain cosmos on the blockchain good sir what is this oh he’s got a lot of msi armor edition cards i don’t know if these are 570 or 580s uh evga 1300 watt g2 bunch of vena frames stacked upon each other he’s got the triple a wave eight gpu triple a wave frame i can recognize that from anywhere because of the these bars are definitely aaa wave and yeah that looks good that looks good and then he’s gonna pick here hash the spaghetti ah he’s got a mining shelf a shelf with hanging gpus he looks like he’s using zap straps he’s not using the uh you know good old chum change xd hangers hanger kit by the way chump change chum change are you still selling the hanger kits or what awesome awesome look at this i like it this is a massive massive mining shelf with a bunch of msi uh 575 80s that’s awesome looks good it definitely looks like he’s got a mining shed or he’s he’s he has a shed of some sort he’s got his power run there that’s awesome and uh he looks like he’s got a more bigger shot here more gpus very nice very nice i like it i like that i like that i like that looks good cosmos on the blockchain thank you so much man thank you so much okay um chump change yes sir you got your own and sticker comes with it chump change [Music] all right sounds good sounds good damn bird panda isn’t getting any love or anyone’s favorite yeah that’s fine william that’s fine that’s fine wallow i’ll wallow in my own dis in my own despair chump change subscribe your channel ah hamza good okay going along guys um let’s see here we got mr alex mr alex what does he have here he’s got an rtx i don’t know what this is but i think this is an evga hybrid evga hybrid it’s like half air cooled half water cooler aio and i don’t know if there’s a 30 80 or 30 90 but that looks pretty cool that looks awesome awesome alex thank you so much okay next up we have mr ghetto twinkie krypto miner llc i like that he’s got an llc must be in the states 5700s sapphire sapphire nitro limited editions very nice that’s awesome i like that nice nice wide angle shot too i like that i like that ghetto twinkie thank you so much for the pick okay we got matt matt fc matt fc all right we got a bunch of i don’t know what frames these are i think these are custom frames and uh he’s got a bunch of msi armors and maybe these are the uh i don’t know what these are asus expedition asrock something maybe these are as rocks i’m not quite sure otherwise looks good man i like the i got a lot of gpus in this picture met fc thank you so much okay going on going along we have breach block yet again and he shows a pic of his atx pc and he’s got a geforce rtx this must be a 30 80 or 30 70 in there maybe a 30 90.

Looks pretty big nice very nice and an atx pc i think he does he had the side does he have the side on or off that side panel is definitely on so it’s probably cooking it’s cooking in there breech block thank you for the pick okay going on going along we got mr nc underscore things said msi 380 gaming x trio 6 msi 380 supreme x’s damn damn look at this this is a ballin 30 80 rig oh my god supreme msi supremes supremes sorry supreme i keep saying like the brand supreme but it’s actually supreme i think very nice look at that that is an expensive very expensive rig eight a three uh eight pins per gpu that is that is nuts nc things thank you for the rig pick okay going along going along we got mr k-e-n k came as dag came his dag what is this man oh this is an 8 gpu frame of some no this is i think this is a aaa wave no this is a custom wooden i think it’s a custom wooden aluminum angle frame and i don’t know what gpus these are but he’s got nice led rgb fans or blue fans looks pretty good night shot kmes dag thank you so much for the pick okay um face reveal for 130 90 what do you think it’s sharia sure send me that 30 90.

I’ll do it uh talon okay next up we got talon uh three rtx 3060 ti on b450 motherboard update now five rtx 360 ti and one rtx 3070 nice damn look at that that’s a beautiful rig nice simple kinguin frame on amazon 20 special and he’s got a zotac and an msi ventus over here msi gamingx trio looks good looks good all right talon thank you so much for the rig pick okay going along we got mr sid mr sid oh he this guy’s got a home lab going on this is a home lab data center style just a small server rack i think this is like 2018 maybe 24 u height 24 u height server rack here just like a half size one uh and then he’s got like a network switch going on here he’s got his router at the top a nice short cables nice cable management i like that he’s got one of the rosewill l4000b or l4000c server cases for mining he’s got like a dell poweredge r410 i can definitely yeah that’s a dell r410 server he’s got power pdu at the bottom here pc100a that looks pretty sick that’s a nice little that’s a this is a nice little i gotta turn on the music this is a nice little um [Music] pdu thing it’s got switches one two three four five like for each probably this is 120 volt outlet 120 volt outlet uh 120 volt pdu that’s awesome that’s pretty cool all right that looks awesome i want that i want man i would love to have one of these okay sid thank you so much for the uh thank you so much for the rig pick man or uh home lab pick that’s awesome okay going along man a lot of you guys are talking uh let’s see here you mentioned you’re usually not trying to sell stuff by chance you have a 750 watt hp serve supply with eight six pins to spare uh yeah samsung sorry man i i’m not gonna sell them uh i do have extra 750 watts that i’m i’m not going to be using but depends where you are are you in the states or canada or if you’re in canada then i can do it but um going along ricky mr ricky what do we have here what is this one two three four five six seven eight gpus looks like these are all rtx 30 series 37 ds nice nice nice that looks good awesome look at this oh there’s a this is a wider shot better frame eight gpu veno frame red fans awesome awesome i like that i like that here’s his hash rates and 360 ti 3070 360 ti 360 ti 370 360 ti 37 he’s got uh he’s got all the og 3060 and 30 70 they’re 30 70.

Awesome awesome i like that i like that that looks good 60 mega hash each okay uh ricky thank you so much for the pick uh what time is it guys 11 27 okay 11 27 good stuff okay going along guys we got mr andy speedy eight one four six rx 470s one 5700 5700 xt and six 1060s wow these don’t look like 1060s oh no these are the 470s okay very nice custom i don’t know what mining frame that is and he’s got the 1060s and a rosewill server case that’s awesome awesome stuff good stuff sammy tech mining will there be any more chia videos panda uh maybe i actually just got my first chia payout yesterday from flexpool yeah you know what maybe i’ll do a video sure why not why not why not i can show you guys how much chia i made off my little tiny off my little tiny uh chia mining rig um all right going along going along we have mr andy speed mr andy speed here he’s got 1060 oh no this is his hash rates for his rig 107 mega hash 246 mega hash rx 470s nice nice nice looks good okay andy speed thank you so much for the pick okay going along we have mr phx264 finally getting my diy frame the rig is almost ready dude this is a custom mining frame he’s got zotac b150 mining motherboard he’s got power color red devils and some other gpus and these are 5700s yeah i think that’s pretty that’s pretty cool okay phx thank you for the pick okay going along we got mr nowhere mr nowhere let’s see this what do we got here i like his little fan rgb fan controller right there he’s got nice fan he’s got a little tiny monitor looks like he’s got team viewer on there he’s got another mining rig at the other side of his house nice that’s awesome nowhere thank you let’s watch it one more time look at that look at that that’s nice rgb adds hash power it does you know when someone says rgb adds hash hash rate i feel like there’s there’s that one person that actually went out and bought rgb fans and expected to have more hash rate i i don’t know i i feel like there’s that one guy there’s there’s gotta be that one guy out there that actually did it just to see if they could get more hashtag i don’t know like anyone want to admit it i i i don’t know i don’t know if anyone’s actually done that but i wonder if anyone’s actually done that uh so funny so funny i’m here chump change did that okay chump change did that uh that’s funny all right yeah i i wouldn’t yeah yeah yeah that i could i could believe that chump change i can believe that you believe that the rgb adds hash rate you’re you’re you’re uh you’re a new miner anyway so wouldn’t surprise me you yeah i mean you’re also new into getting into computers so wouldn’t surprise me [Music] [Laughter] seb what’s up man repent of mining all i can tell you is that my non-rgb fans did not increase hash rate so by the power of elimination that’s right so we gotta get rgb fans now just like the plus five hp uh plus five horsepower sticker uh the on the windshield red panda dude dude i i definitely put the flowmaster and meg uh magnaflow magnaflow flowmaster stickers on my car back in the day i i thought it i thought it added i thought it added horsepower horsepower same idea same idea okay um all right i totally missed out this rig pick here uh this is from boogie man all right boogeyman has four sapphire nitro limited edition gpus on what what are these red risers whoa i need this i need this where do you get these what are these what are these what are these these are zero zero nine i think that’s a nine nine s and it’s red what where are those i need those i need those i need those nah just kidding boogeyman thank you so much for the rig pick okay going along um mr breach block yet again the new office heater six rx five eighties six rx five eight oh nice okay there i thought the picture was not high resolution oh this is this is a nice high-res photo okay we got it’s mining on carpet but he’s got it elevated on a little plastic table i think that’s plastic and then he’s got an eight gpu better for it no eight gpu one two three yeah eight gpu better frame he’s got asrock h110 pro he’s got a i don’t know what power supply that is phantom i think has a phantom gold power supply and then he’s got a little this is not a typical what monitor is it newer oh this is a newer lcd screen wow i didn’t know newer made lcd screens that’s pretty cool that was that this is probably meant for like a camera system something on on top of a camera that’s awesome okay um going along oh man you guys don’t you guys in the comments are too funny house pharaoh what’s up man welcome okay going along um we got mr sarah beginning thanks for pandering mining for motivation and knowledge sharing ah what does he got here oh let’s open this up let’s go okay he’s got risers here but what is this e-sonic bitcoin ethereum miner motherboard b85 h81 btc king ultra stable uh is this i’ve never seen the i’ve never i’ve never heard of s sonic before has anyone has anyone seen this before what is this this is a this is probably a aliexpress or alibaba special right this is that that’s that’s uh definitely a uh a a uh cheapo motherboard i’ve never i’ve never seen before nice nice definitely a china motherboard yeah that’s for sure if you haven’t seen it i don’t want it [Music] it doesn’t look very appealing i mean the box looks pretty pretty brutal i’ve never heard of s so s so sonic that’s a weird that’s a weird name anyway it’s probably fine probably not i don’t know sarah thank you for the rig pick okay going along guys we have mr dana what time is you guys okay dana look at this amazon basic shelf he’s hanging the gpus with zap straps very nice looks like he’s got a little custom like server case at the bottom here very nice very nice golden wolf this is not the motherboard you’re looking for ah no definitely not golden wolf definitely not oh i like i like this is that a security camera no that’s not a security camera i don’t know what that is interesting he’s got a little fan at the bottom there otherwise nice looks pretty dusty really dusty but hey that works that looks good mounting the gpus to the shelf itself just like chump change xd hangers large fan toilet paper it’s an exhaust fan okay it looked like a camera or something but okay going along uh we have mr qureshi mr qureshi what is this man very nice this is a custom wooden uh wood custom wooden aluminum angled mining frame you built it yourself by the looks of it you got one two three four five six seven gpus on it so far it’s an eight gpu frame by the looks of it and you got hp server psus and an asrock looks like an asrock h110 pro btc plus motherboard yeah very nice very nice qureshi thank you for the pick okay next up we got mr johnny layer uh let’s see here oh yeah he’s got octopus mining floor mining on the floor he’s got 120 mil fans to prop up his asus strix gpu here looks like a 480 580 could be a gtx or an rtx strix card uh no sorry that’s not an rtx strix card he’s got a sapphire nitro and then that’s it two gpus that’s that’s pretty nice that’s pretty nice that’s pretty nice okay johnny layer thank you oh you got another pick here all right you got you got more 120 mil fans on the gpu zotac gaming this looks like a six this is this is a 1660 uh possibly a super or ti i don’t know which one or non two super nine ti he’s got a sapphire uh pulse 5700 xt very nice very nice he’s got a thermal take uh 600 630 watts 630 watts nice nice atx atx power atx mining in a case okay going along we have mr cybar mr cyber cybar what’s going on here i got more hanging gpus on a huge looks like a custom wooden shelf like a big shelf like you got lots going on here you got the monitor you got your boxes you got your keyboard and then you have the mining at the top here a bunch of gpus um just a whole bunch let’s say you got 5700s maybe polaris cards it looks like you got exhaust at the top here nice nice that’s awesome looks good looks good sidebar thank you for the pick okay going along we have mr vaksoy fully p106 100 oh my god this gentleman has a crap ton of p106s holy 164 mega hash 556 watts 164 164.

7 557 watts you know what i just had a thought like i wonder how much you know 66 hundreds the 60 the 6600 xt’s versus the p10 sixes in terms of efficiency i want to see that i can’t i can’t wait that’s these take about 550 560 watts i wonder what a 6600 rig would take nice okay vaxxoy thank you for the fully p106 rig 100 rig rigs you have a lot of them that’s that’s crazy okay going along we have uh mr zelek 79 2rx 578 gigabyte cards nice very nice look at this this is a custom wooden frame custom wooden shelf and then you got an asrock h110 pro btc plus motherboard uh 750 watt power supply one gpu uh no you got two gpus you got another one at the bottom there nice nice nice nice i like it i like it man i like it good starting good starting rig for sure good starting rig okay zalex thank you for the pick okay next up we have mr k kawen just built my first mining rig back in december of this year uh which was back in 2020 he says two five seventies one five eighty one four seventy oh he’s got some nice networking here too ah nice okay there is his patch panels cat6a patch panel that’s nice he’s got a 48 port network switch and he’s got another hp pro curve network switch here very nice and then he’s got a dell r410 poweredge r410 these are like the golden g the golden servers for dell like these things last forever i have one myself they are amazing they are amazing and then he’s got a server case i’m assuming that has gpus in it definitely has gpus in it rx 470 yeah his 470 480s very nice awesome okay thank you for the pick mr kaywin looks good man okay next up we got mr gixxer kev86 gigabyte 5700 xts very nice he’s got purple pcie cables what what power supply has purple pcie cables they’re probably custom uh custom made custom wired ones from like cable mod or something that looks pretty sick oh he’s got an asic here i like how you put the ip address on the wall [Laughter] uh a10 pro this is an a10 pro i think this is a seven gigabyte model that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool nemesis yo man what’s up man long time no see nemesis how are you how are you man long time no see that is killer that’s killer okay uh last pick here from gixxer he’s got 13 1070s and one 30 60 ti on this rig massive massive custom made frame over here i think and that’s that’s pretty nice that’s pretty nice looks good purple cables yeah purple cables where do you get those that’s so cool okay uh next up we have mr uh hold on one second i just got to figure out where i am here on rig picks did i did i go did i pass the radeon seven rig no i didn’t okay no we still got a whole bunch more okay hold on going along guys going along i just i just figured out i’m actually running out of time here okay guys we’re gonna we gotta go faster here we’re gonna go faster nick87 oh my god nick87 what do we got here and you know what i’m gonna close a bunch of tabs because i have a crap ton of tabs open all right oh and mr nick 87 this looks very familiar you got your sideways mining rig your gpus i don’t know what gpus these are but that looks pretty sick you got another sideways little test bench going on here as well looks good okay nick 87 thank you for the pick okay mr mercy it’s a start mr mercy what is this ah you got an atx sorry you’re just mining in an atx pc typical pc because you got a 580 armor edition and a sapphire nitro yeah software nitro very nice okay mercy thank you for the rig okay going along we got mr vega bond 11 57 hundreds wow okay these are all aaa wave uh the sluice mining frames i don’t even they don’t even make these anymore but nice frames nice gpus 5700s yeah you got the msi max our msi evokes yeah i can tell by the beige like msi evoke uh coloring there sci-fi nitro special editions very sapphire pulses very nice looks good man vega bond awesome you got more these gpus over here some more evga cards like a lot of evga cards here nice nice very nice okay all right thank you vegan bun thank you so much for the pick okay going along we got mr frosty muffin frosting muffin what’s this the 1660 tis very nice 1660 ti’s you got some custom custom 120 mil fan on a gpu i don’t know what gpu these are probably polaris it looks good looks good you got a milk crate that’s awesome all right milk crate mining this is this is very reminiscent of my 2017 days i definitely did this milk crate mining good stuff man good stuff that’s that’s how you do it man milk crates that is awesome this is this is the this is the way back back in the good old days when you didn’t have mining frames you had you had you you used milk crates this is this is the best i love it i love that he even cut out the specific ports for the i o on the milk crate that is so funny [Music] that is so awesome that is so awesome that is so awesome okay uh thank you mr frosty muffin thank you so much for the pick okay going along we got mr alpha charlie fco 7 gigabyte rx 570 on top of eight eight giveaway eight by gigabyte 580s on the bottom oh nice okay you got two aaa wave eight gpu mining frames yeah and then you set all your gpus across here very nice bunch of pcu psus i don’t see any hp server ones which is totally fine using atx nice nice cpu cooler on this guy too thermaltake thermaltake rgb one nice good stuff okay alpha charlie echo thank you so much okay next time we have uh may have uh what’s this we have uh for our we’re gonna name here you 9600 all right man take a look at this you got a floor carpet mining motherboard gigabyte sapphire power color and rtx card founders edition uh you got all types of gpus on this uh on this motherboard very nice i like it 850 watt power supply to power all of this that’s pretty nice good stuff okay u9600 thank you so much yes don’t forget to hit that like button guys thank you for being here it’s 411 of you i hope you’re all doing well on a beautiful saturday actually is it beautiful i think it’s raining i’m not quite sure i think yeah it is raining okay we got mr psych what is up next man what is this holy look at this one there’s a lot of 580s or 480s on this custom wooden shelf here [Music] crazy very nice what what gps are these oh no third rtx uh sorry gtx 1070 strixes uh mining frame picture from 2017 with 13 10 70 strixes after a thousand days of pure after a thought plus 1 000 days of pure profit and good service it got cleaned up oh man that’s that’s awesome oh here he here’s his rig pick of without the gpus so you guys can see the riser placement that’s awesome that’s pretty nice i like the i like the sideways usb for the pcie one adapters on the asrock h110 pro motherboard look at that that’s so clean super clean i think i ship my coffee one sec okay all right that’s awesome looks good looks good man okay psych thank you so much oh no you got more here oh my god pallet 6060 supers whoa there’s a lot of 6060 supers here 13 on an asrock h110 pro that is beautiful that is nice wow that’s probably a really really stable rig holding steady 1050 from the wall each card is 70 watts 402 mega hash oh dude oh yeah that’s pretty good see now this is where i want to do a test between the 6600 xt versus the 1660 super i wonder if these generally get the same power consumption at the wall that’s what i want to test all right looks good man looks good beautiful beautiful rig picks thank you psych for the rig picks okay going along we have mr hissa uh it ain’t pretty yet that’s amd pro duo duo video card what let’s see here oh yeah you got oh yeah he’s got just a bunch of vega cards octopus style open airframe just on a table table mining because he’s just got he’s got so much going on there’s his radeon pro duo that’s a nice gpu also very very very expensive but i don’t think it i don’t think it mines that well yeah otherwise you got to do what you got to do it looks like he’s got a wood mdf board just for his motherboard i like that no need frame all right thank you so much for the pick okay going on we have mr drago’s stream eight fifty seven hundreds and nine hundred eight watts at the wall 460 mega hash what no way ah these are all xfx 5700 xt’s man these are really nice i have i think i have two of these and they they run they run pretty good pretty cool as well remember memory pads are pretty good okay drago stream thank you for the pick okay going along we have mr falcon prime oh he’s got a zotac trinity right here nice nice so attack trinity 30 what do you say here 30 oh he didn’t say uh but we can tell from the box that is a 3090 rtx 3090 nice nicely done okay falcon prime thank you so much for the rig pick okay going along guys we have mr w84it custom wood frame finally done need more gpus we all need more gpus nice custom wooden frame 5700 xt limited edition limited edition and yeah that looks good i like the brick i like the brick black background it’s pretty nice okay next up we have mr cyber ben just a little maintenance and okay he’s doing some maintenance on some triple x xx uh 570 cards i don’t know what model that is exactly but i know it’s xfx with the red fans nice good stuff okay going along we got mr art gear this is only the rig i have when i started watching red panda videos i was encouraged to get back into mining again i have 18 gpu way back in 2017 but sold the others and want to buy some new cards 5700 xt and 360ti ah thank you for the comment men and this is this is so nice i love these white i love these white frames where can i buy like 20 of these [Music] this looks nice man looks good [Music] looks really good yeah yeah oh yeah that’s that’s that’s nice that’s nice and you can see the strix cards at the top here at the middle some power color red devils gaming msi gaming x edition one over there very nice very nice okay thank you for the pick art gear alright guys we’re gonna end it off today with mr spider newest member of the family and that is the radeon sevens the golden child of gpu mining the radeon sevens hbm2 memory these things are god mode godly at mining ethereum especially if you use the c mode in hive os uh they can get a hundred mega hash at about i think 200 and 200 to 20 220 watts at the wall so if you can compare it to like an rtx 3080 it’s definitely a little bit better depending on the 3080 that you get so the silicon lottery some some 3080s that i have can get 100 megahash at 227 watts so pretty comparable radeon 7 versus 30.

So would i have a radeon 7 or an rtx 3080 and to be honest i’d probably go for the rtx 3080 because they’re also uh they’re really strong on other algorithms radeon 7s are pretty good only on like uh don’t get me wrong they’re really good on ravencoin they’re really good on ergo and they’re really good on ethereum but other core dependent algorithms i think like cortex or grin or anything like that i don’t think it’s as efficient as the nvidia cards um okay spider thank you for the rig pick man look at this man this is the thumbnail i love these these i love the radion sounds i’m never gonna get rid i’m never gonna get rid of my radeon seven rig but i always have troubles with it i’m i have a video about that next week actually okay guys that’s it that’s it for today thank you all for the amazing rig picks there were a lot of rig picks i really appreciate it you guys are you guys are awesome i love to do this every saturday just to showcase people’s rigs and i’m sorry that i’m so far behind i’m extremely far behind like i’m like eight months behind now in terms of rig picks but you guys have just posted way too many i can’t even keep up okay i can’t even keep up so next saturday all right guys all right i got a jet i gotta go guys thank you for today i’ll see you guys in the next video i’ll do another ama tomorrow and videos will start um videos will start coming up on monday chump change repent of money what do you mean always having problems thought your stuff doesn’t shut down somebody ban chump change right now somebody ban this guy ban this there we go honey i can’t i can’t click it in streamlabs i cannot ban him like streamlabs will not let me click on the three dots god dammit jump change chump change the bane of my existence man all right 56 thank you for the donation all right man thank you guys peace out you guys have a good day stay safe 56 thank you again for the donation you didn’t have to all right chump change see you later peace out guys peace out peace out peace out have a good day stay safe [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you

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