Bitcoin to 100K it sounds nice but why Should it go any higher than that what If this is the top and the grift is over Some say crypto hit the top in 2024 and This house of cards has toppled they Said it was done the moment that Celebrities started making their own Coin as a quick grift they said it was Done when six-year-old Boomers bought Doge literally the Sho shine boy is Hing Out stock tips so is this the top no not Even close as of March 24 over 46 Million Bitcoin wallets hold at least $1 Us of BTC despite that 460 million Bitcoin wallets existing 90% of them are Ghost towns holding little to no value That's less than 1% of the world who own Any meaningful amount of crypto if you Hold at least one Bitcoin you're in the Top 2% of all Bitcoin wallets in the World if you hold at least 10 Bitcoin You're in the top 0.47% of all holders