Bitcoin will hit $150,000 in July?! Buy BTC Now?!

Bitcoin is currently trading at $61,000 are we really going to see Bitcoin hit $500,000 this bull run as Analyst and technical traders have been Predicting Bitcoin to hit its craziest All-time highs that we've ever seen Before and this bull run to be the Biggest Bull Run we've ever seen before Get ready for this video now before Start the video I want to ask if you Haven't already make sure you smash that Subscribe button down below to stay t to The latest and greatest crypto news and Like always none of this is financial Advice always do your own research and Due diligence before investing any money In the cryptos we cover on this channel Now we're going to start the video off Looking at a uh a post on the coin Mar Community tab we see BTC and Etc net Inflow for July 1st 2024 up 120 or plus 129 million no us Bitcoin ETFs saw an Outflow yesterday Fidelity fbtc saw its Largest single day inflows at $56 Million both Black Rock and gray scale Uh experienced net uh flows of $0 Yesterday overall the net flow remains a Positive for five consecutive training Days and we can see follow for more Great news it's absolutely to see great To see that the inflow has been in the Positive in the green which is Absolutely massive for Bitcoin now going Over to the overall crypto Market guys

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We are seeing we're still in the red We're down 1.5% of the market in terms Of week it's been a pretty bloody week I Not I don't want to say pretty bloody But it has been a red week you're in Green index currently at 48 slowly Creeping back into green again we're Dancing around 44 just a couple of days Ago so it's glad to see that we're Moving in the right direction at a $61,000 Bitcoin when do we anticipate This flip and how high is it going to to Go we see Bitcoin trending at number two On coin market cap as well was Anticipating some green ahead on the Month we're down a whopping 10% and Looks like we are going to make a Recovery very very soon now let's go Into the technical reports to see what's Going on we see all are neutral however Moving averages are in strong sell Giving us a summary of sell then we take This to the weak summary and we're Getting a buy as moving averages are in The buy oscill are in the neutral and we Take this back a little bit more to the One month summary we're seeing moving Averages are in strong Buy summies in Buy and the ocers are in neutral meaning Some pretty pretty bullish anticipation For Bitcoin ahead now we're going to Jump over to X as there's a ton of news That we're seeing for Bitcoin that's Anticipating some bullish behaviors

First of all we see the Bitcoin macd Crossing up we can see over here uh Right here breaking through here and Breaking through in this up Direction uh Daily macd Crossing is in the green so Anticipating to see this cause a bullish Pattern to see Bitcoin go in the up Direction now we can see uh Bitcoin Bull Run begins and we're seeing a chart Highlighting the last or two bull runs Ago 202 2014 to 2017 we see a nice Curving basing and then we see 20122 to 2025 same thing and this one's Predicting we go all the way up to $500,000 if the same pattern tends to Repeat itself now guys between the ETFs And all the new money to the market it Could yeah it could go this way it could Go a bit higher it could be go lower $500 is a bullish prediction uh Especially for 2025 I don't have any Doubt that we'll see a million dollar Bitcoin in the future but in this short Span 18mon span I don't know about $500,000 250 potentially six figures Absolutely definitely so we see big news SEC could approve ethereum's ETF as soon As July 4th as uh per uh root prints so That's absolutely breaking news as once We get that ETF go live it's going to go Absolutely ballistic for ethereum bring It back to $4,000 e and hopefully some Of the action is going to help pump Bitcoin now we see some more news this

Is from CNBC okay $150,000 Bitcoin by The end of the year is still likely Let's go ahead and play this very short Video it's just 30 seconds let's go Ahead bitcoin's probably suffering from The mount gax you know starting Distributions in July that was a huge Overhang for many years but if I was Invested in crypto knowing that one of The biggest overhangs is going to Disappear in July I think it's a reason To actually expect a pretty sharp Rebound in the second half so I think You know 150 is still within it's Already July 1st so that's that's so You're not taking that off the table That's still possibility that's right Bitcoin so it's absolutely bullish to See a rebound absolutely crazy in July Is definitely uh what we anticipate to See what happening it's good to hear Reporters and analysts believing the Same thing when Black Rock has $500,000 Bitcoin and they're pushing prices to 1 Million uh black AR will make $1.25 billion in fees every for every Year forever that's absolutely massive And again if the price of Bitcoin goes Even higher then there we go even more More money in pocket of Black Rock Remember Guys these massive companies They don't invest a dollar without Knowing what their profit margin are Going to look like and this is

Absolutely calculated approach we see More bullish news again same chatter Pattern predictions 2012 we sell $150 Bitcoin 16 we saw 78 uh $7,600 Bitcoin 2022 we saw close to $60,000 Bitcoin and Now are we going to see a $340,000 Bitcoin again $340,000 Bitcoin says Absolutely insane especially for 2025 But again $50,000 to $200,000 sounds Quite reasonable but again these are Chat patterns that tend to repeat Themselves therefore people are making These predictions not just on their own Whim we see breaking news someone bought 700 7,735 Bitcoin worth 4 $475 million On binance while retail was panicking Wheels are buying more and that's a Common Trend we see guys every time These cryptos are pumping the retail Starts buying every time they're dumping Retail starts to sell every single time It's it's the shrimps it's a small fish That end up losing money where the wills See the opportuni so start time to start Flipping your invest psychology if the Whales are spending this much money in Bitcoin they obviously anticipate Something massive is going to happen May Whether that's Insider information or Just reading the charts there's Something there and the whales are Seeing it it's always guys like me and You the retail guys who end up losing if We don't make these thoughtful and

Educated decisions we see breaking news A founder of Dell a billionaire Michael Dell likely to buy a huge amount of Bitcoin very soon as everyone seems to Be on top of Bitcoin wanting to load up On bitcoin Bitcoin to break $150,000 if Trump wins presidency standard charted Pro Trump presidency is not priced in The whole moral story guys is looks like This bull run we are going to absolutely Crush at least $150,000 in terms of Price prediction and maybe on the Extreme high and $500,000 but regardless Of the fact we're looking somewhere Between 150 to $500,000 Bitcoin at the Peak of this bull run mean if you bought In right now at $60,000 you're going to See tremendous profits anywhere of from A 3 to 5x gains not only that but Holding the largest cryptocurrency in Terms of market now guys now this is Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in cryptos we cover On this channel if you enjoyed the video Make sure you drop that uh drop a like And subscribe for more crypto videos Just like this until next time it's Friend Omar peace [Music] [Music]

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