e e e e e e e e e e there we go got to unmute the microphone what's up ladies and gentlemen I'm G to take the glasses off it's uh we ain't in we ain't in that uh that bull market yet to deserve the glasses but you know it's still a it's still a good time regardless so um we have all gathered here today for this uh so I'm I'm always a sucker for uh mystery boxes and um what's better than a mystery box full of graphics cards right so I'm already prepared to be let down but uh they're off to a good start so let me here let me grab the shipping label here um so I bought a 10 lb random mystery box of graphics cards and they shipped it as 12 lb so we're off to a really really strong start here cuz I was going to say like if they started me off with a 10 lb box and then like on the shipping label it says less than 10 lb then I'm already going to be let down you know what I mean but regardless um yeah so I haven't opened it yet guys I just ripped the label off I didn't do anything else so this box is an absolutely horrible condition um let's go ahead and get it fired up here first I'll uh I'll keep the Box just off camera so to keep the the suspense extra High um I did want to ask you guys I was trying to tune some settings how is the audio how is the video is it decent passable you know give me a a scale of 0o to 10 zero being unwatchable 10 being the Titanic remade you know um and let's let's goe ahead and give a shout out to everybody in the chat what's up Nick glad you can make it bro a itic beats got a jellyfish in the house Aragorn Strider glad you can make it as well Matthew McCurry Joe Brown Steve C Scott a oh Joe Brown it's been a while man you're still a moderator holy smokes um Kyle Kyle Rosa or Ro Rosa um clickbait meore uh J derell STL 1977 total bullion uh Jean franois turtl Tech and exodius SE I'm glad y'all can make it glad to have you oh call Val Valley crypto um yeah it's been a while since I've done like a legit live stream it definitely is and you know what it's just it's like we got to we got to bring it bring it back every now and then I try not to step on anybody's toes I noticed nobody else was live streaming tonight so figured it might be a good time for me to jump in Joe Brown I still watch bro well I'm glad you made it um not everybody made it this far uh well anyway let's start off and you know what's cool is they they individually wrapped every graphics card so this is going to be awesome and look they're not like little tiny ones so that this is a good start already um Kevin said great chat love the channel hit the like button and hit all notifications Bell for this amazing content Kevin R thank you I I appreciate you letting everybody know what to do Raptor machine what's up glad you can make it bro where's my shout out I got you right there exodius glad you could be here okay so the first card first card look look at that we got a vision Tech up in here this is a this is this is looking like we got some retro stuff going on in here Brandon coin SNL goes live at 9:45 well I'm definitely not going to last that long so I'll I'll be out of here all right so we got right off the bat a vision Tech HD 6850 this is it doesn't even say it's this is a 1 gigabyte card so um yeah oh look at those those DVI ports it's got DVI HDMI and display port and that's my wife calling hold on is everything okay I'm live streaming love you bye it's okay it's it never fails won't call me for hours start a live stream and and need something right away um okay so this is cool because this card runs off of a six pin off the back that I mean I I don't know the application or what you would use this for but still cool card uh we'll put this right there we're going to start a pile let me move this so Tac with broken fans out of the way so can y'all see that oh my tip jar is in the way okay let's see here the jar we'll move that over there for right now okay so continuing onwards exodius F yeah then I'm out let's see here where did I find those um of course on eBay where you find all the great mystery boxes yes some old cool stuff Retro Gaming absolutely all right so next up let's grab another one it is a heavy box I I believe them they did give me 10 lbs so all right the reveal I'll let you guys see it first I can only see the back of the card oh no way okay this is one of the uh the PNY accelerates this has got to be older this is an older one too has to be low end cards yeah yeah um no nobody's sticking by the way just for reference ladies and gentlemen I paid a hundred bucks for this and it was free shipping so we have to curve our expectations you know um PNY accelerate GTX 660 oh this is a 2 gig card blower card takes a six pin in the top it's not even a full length card this is cool it's got yeah another HDMI display port and DVI so lots of options for um video output and actually don't know why somebody would do it but Nvidia on older generation cards you can Envy l or it wasn't even Envy link what was it it's not envy link um where you connect two graphics cards together my mind is escaping me but why would you connect two 660s together you know what I mean that that PNY card was a ripper in its day I I'm pretty sure I had a computer with one of these in it um but it got hit by lightning or something and and I was not as educated back then so we ended up just getting rid of it I think it just needed a power supply probably um let's see here that's some old school trying to find 32 * 32 gab old DDR3 ECC memory oh that's going to be tough right this second um Dy cards are Ripper yeah okay oh what's up retro mik Tech 499 through Super Chat and it do show a message it just showed 49499 well anyway retro mic Tech thank you for that much appreciated bro um if you see any graphics cards you like let me know we can we can send one your way um another room heater for your house absolutely I had that in Adele XPS back in the day SLI that's what it is aorn thank you for that SLI you can s them together all right next up hey what's going on bud best Vibes glad you can make it bro all right so we have another graphics card here so far we've opened up a older Radeon and then we have a GTX 660 now raised off YouTube yeah I know I feel like it's already coming like AMD has been been pushing hard on the whole integrated Graphics thing oh we got a little guy we got a little guy what is this MSI MSI takes a oh it's got a VGA that's bad it's got VGA that that's this has got to be bad takes a six pin in the back I my camera won't zoom in on that this is a it doesn't even say I'm G to have to type the model number in um I think it's a 650 in it says it's a let me type the model number in real quick Ms i n 650 Das md1 dmd1 [Music] G50 so it is a the GTX 650 1 Gigabyte gddr5 yeah okay and it's a small form factor yeah we already got a 660 that that stomping a hole in they old 650 um Dar oh darar Tech thanks for thanks for coming out bro by the way is the audio good do I need it up or down scan Line enter leaving crypto Miner retro mic Tech no message just popping in to show love but I'm on the lookout for single fan ITX cards dual slot we'll do we'll keep a lookout for you retro Mike and thanks for the love bro Mike shun Burger I'll give you $10 for a mystery card how about um Mike uh I don't even know if I'm allowed to do that on YouTube I was going to say like I'll be like those those scammy uh the scammy card guys on Tik Tok you send me $10 and the next card that comes out of here is yours um I'm going to be I'm going to be honest goty uh Mike you don't have to send me $10 but if you text me within the next five minutes so it's 9:15 right now if you text my shop number I have the shop cell phone beside me um 919 906 4947 um Mike shurger I'll hook you up with this card so there there it is all right um best Vibes you need a 4 gigabyte small form factor card audio is good thank you for that guys um these cards would make good giveaways as wall hangers for us GPU heads absolutely nice box wall I yeah we're getting there we're getting there these are actually all full of cards so um I think about a quarter of these have sold but um a majority of these have just got put into inventory so those are going out Monday no cat food eating bed wedding scammers allowed uh I will vet the text messages all right so Mike shurger um you have four minutes left this is going to be your card if you text me in time no spammers oh uh oh there's actually two cards in here no that's one card Mike shbg the uh I'm not going to say the phone number again but it is on my website so you know where the website is then you know how to get to it probably on the contact page on the website all right Mike this could be your card holy smokes this is probably a card that people want to um because it's a small form factor card and it is a it's a gigabyte no external power ooh okay okay what is it um of course it doesn't have the name it's just got a part product number on the back let me type that in it is a put your guesses in what you guys think this is all right oh my okay okay this one by far is the best card that we've opened up today what did you guys think um black sales it's not that new it's not a 1050 TI good grief that's small it's not a 1050 TI not a 1660 it's older bro you should have his page as your favorite on your web page Mike shenberger you got three minutes left bro this could be yours this is a gigabyte GTX 750 Ti and it is a 2 gig of gddr5 so this is actually a great great um diagnostic card because it's small form factor but it still has DVI HDMI and display port so you could plop this in and out of rigs to test things you don't have to worry about plugging in external power or or that kind of thing it just runs off the slot this is an awesome little card probably the one I wanted to keep the most out of the bunch but um you still have two minutes to text me yeah 750 Ti lot of love for these cards these are great diagnostic cards we'll set that one over there and we'll move on to the next because I got to got to keep it moving Mike shenberger has 2 [Music] minutes 2 minutes diagnostic card all right next one up best Vibes that would be an upgrade for you you know what best Vibes reach out to me I I probably got something that you can uh you could use it's Mike all right Mike I got your text I think it's you um but just to verify I'll we'll talk to you after the stream okay so hey Brandon yeah okay I got you mate I got you um so I'll set that card aside for you bro any I'm I'm going be honest if you see another card that you like better just let me know and we'll swap it out or you want that card it's fine too um black sales I had a Dell 3020 small form factor with a 1050 TI or 3010 1050 TI small form factors are great cards for the longest time there was just not a lot of small form factor options I mean there's really isn't all right what did we get on this one this is a Radeon hd6870 this one's power hungry takes two six pins in the top um it's got display port HDMI and two DVI and this is a still only a 1 gig gdd gddr5 graphics card and my so we'll set that one right there another Radeon to add to the bunch yeah best Vibes reach out to me bro we don't need you we don't need you using something less than a 750 on The Daily um this is awesome ray Spears eth killer from way back in the day all right next up BTC mining is that vertcoin man I haven't heard anybody talk about vertcoin in a while all right next up we got another little small card what is it it is a oh EVGA super clocked 750 Ti and no external power okay man EVGA right in the fields I this okay right now this this person on eBay does not have any other mystery boxes but they have sold multiple in the past so I'm for sure G to be buying another mystery box just because of this one card I I'm a fan I love me some EVGA stuff um being that it's only a super clocked it is what it is but I I still love some EVGA stuff Anonymous YouTube yo did you get a 4090 no no no 490s bro no 490s he has done some more expensive mystery boxes I just rolled the dice on on this one I figured it being a $100 Mystery Box it was going to have older Tech in it but so far um those 750 Ti off the top of my head I know I had a couple come through the shop 750s and 750 Ti and I was reselling those things for like 20 bucks a piece cuz they run off slot power they're yeah do these work um maybe I don't know uh I don't in the description he didn't guarantee that all of them were working or all of them didn't work so I'd imagine there's some mixed in there that are probably good and probably bad they all look really good shape they're honestly in better conditions than a lot of the graphics cards I've been looking at buying from people ooh we got a we got a big boy this one's got some weight to it best Vibes 1064 gig would probably work best I haven't had the time to call and catch up been dealing with work yeah best hit me up bro I will absolutely hook you up I've seen several mystery GPU boxes on different channels and this is oh man my my chat's not loading good this is definitely the best selection I've seen at least they're all wrapped good I know I'm 100% I'm going to reach out to the seller and uh and thank him oh we got a GTX 680 bro oh my God this was absolutely a monster back in the day I would have sold a lot of things and done some questionable things to have this graphics card in like high school I believe yeah in high school like holy smokes GTX 680 this is a 2 gig ddr5 card now this card was definitely worth um sing back in the day uh it ran off two six pins up up top and it's got this little this little guy hanging out of it what is that fun fact what is that guy hanging out the bottom of it blower cards yeah this this is a good looking card you know what I mean it needs to be cleaned up she's a little dirty Anonymous YouTube subbed yo that was like Middle School hey thanks for the the sub they're Anonymous I appreciate it bro oh mate oh mate all right so DJ old mate thank you for the $5 Australian $5 donation bro uh much appreciated hey mate any updates on the only fans or is that just rumors um that's just rumors bro that's that we're keeping we're keeping it under wraps physically and mentally um High School sounds more like it yeah Anonymous I'm in my about to be in my mid-30s so I I think that puts us in the same age range um let's see here Mike I've got two with SLI right now not hooked up though yeah man I would loved that card back then just chat is great yeah this is this has been a good stream who knows might might just go ahead and and make some more financial mistakes and buy some more mystery boxes from other people although this seller is is knocked it out of the park what what of what DJ old mate thank you for that bro my my my streamlabs like notifications are definitely running significantly farther behind than normal off that's odd okay what do we have here this is a is this a vision Tech card look at the blue fan these were so tacky um no external power looks like this is all slot power it is PCI Express we got a bent bracket this is the first card with any kind of damage on it physically um and this is a oh this is another one that doesn't have the oh yeah it does okay so this is a 5670 512 megabyte we ain't excited about that we ain't excited about about it it is what it is we'll just set that one to the side and keep on rolling uh oh ladies and gentlemen we are nearing the end of our box actually this is the last card yeah that's the last card man this is actually a good amount of like packing material too I could use this to reship cards um got any Voodoo 3s no Voodoo 3s yet uh let's see the chat I'm 56 and I've never had a good card Beyond a 570 oh my that that is that is a crime all the cards look great that's a weird looking card oh what's up King man you missed it you missed it but classically I'm always near the end of your video as well 10 PBS of money printers I wish um when 10 pound GPU rig build this rig would go absolutely nuts if I tried to put it all together all right so this is the last one oh oh it's an Nvidia Founders card bro bro do y'all see this hold on DJ old mate thank you for coming out all right this got some girth to it it's it's a Founders card I wasn't even paying attention but this is the last card out of the the bunch and it is a oh my you don't know how bad I wanted this card years ago GTX 780 this is a 3 gig and it's got that 384bit memory bus it they were so proud of it they printed it on the back of the card um man man yeah this is when they start started adding the 6 plus2 the 8 Pin PCI E power and a you know 8 pin and a six pin um yeah GTX 780 bro and this cooler design they did this for you know sevens the 700 the 900 series and then it changed a little bit obviously when it went to 10 series but this like this cooler design you could absolutely use as a weapon 100% great build quality from Nvidia that's a good one too nice looking card yes yeah this is some good stuff good stuff that thing looks good Drifter nice looking card well I wanted to say thank you guys for coming out I really do appreciate it let's do a recap for everybody that just had joined or didn't make it to the beginning this is the last card we got probably the best card in my opinion a GTX 780 what's the cable for I don't know that uh the 680 had it as well do you guys know what the cable for is it like for a temperature sensor or something I'm not sure I bet mining King knows what is the cable for it goes into the back of the card what's the cable for what's the wire dangling off the cards I'm not sure all right so card recap we got a 780 we have a Zotac 680 got a dangly cord on that one as well God I just bumped the mic I apologize for anybody that was wearing a headset probably just crippled your hearing got a EVGA 750ti super clocked is it a grounding pin I'm not sure good show thanks bro glad you could come out got a Radeon hd6870 Mr uh I believe it was Mike schonberger won this during our live stream it's a loaf low profile small form factor no external power GTX 750ti very nice um this was a GTX 650 I believe yeah yeah GTX 650 nobody's excited about that um another this is a PNY GTX 660 accelerate very very popular card back in the day this this whole p why black and gold theme I wish they would have played into that more for longer instead of going to like I don't know all over the place uh also got a vision Tech hd6850 so that means we have 6870 and a 6850 nothing like the box design I'm I am a little let down we didn't get like any of the you know the anime uh girls or like the CGI women that was really common back in the day they were they plaster like all kinds of stuff some of them were a little risque a too to be on a graphics card but yeah they they've definitely gone away from that and then last and is least is the uh 5670 radon card so got some got some bangers got a lot of cards that are probably just going to get hung on the wall but um still had a good time enjoyed it um retro mic Tech hit me up if you want to sell the EVGA 750 Ti hit me up retro mic Tech send me a message on Discord bro it it's yours like cover shipping and throw a couple dollars and yeah yeah we're I think I'll definitely do this again because I I really enjoyed I really enjoyed this uh the 750 Ti SC is 5 cents btx currently very nice uh Jellyfish Bros yes hey did you ever test those random m two drives you found in your fun bag from your mom's house no I haven't tested them yet I just set them to the side I haven't had anytime lately cable coming off the card maybe for a fan header on the motherboard or LED lights I'm not sure because it's literally like a single Pin cable is exhaust look look see let's see if I can get it to focus just a single pen I'm so curious as to what that is I might Google it here in a second I'll be here do it again for sure thank you all for coming out really appreciate it DIY in the ghetto hey you missed it we're we're nearing the end of the live stream you got a price I'll buy them we um yeah we'll definitely be it's all you know what it's all for sale nowadays check the hash rate for cable TV I don't know King back in the 2000s we just let let cables hang freely yeah we just let everything hang free hang loose maybe that's the Nitro burner button I'm not sure but anyway guys we're just over the 30 minute Mark I was trying to keep it at 30 minutes um who said is there another live stream about to start up at 9:45 aorn did you say that whose live stream's going to going to start up we need that 3D YouTube feel like the cable is from troubleshooting since the Fe didn't have its back plate does the Fe suppos are the um are they supposed to have a back plate I don't know if the 780s had back plates let's look them up let's see here GTX 780 uh there's a Founders Edition card yeah the um 780s did not have a back plate Max's channel oh yes okay so it's on Max's Channel tonight does he already have it um like uh loading to go into it is there a way to let me drop the link in here for you guys Max voltage I don't see where it says his uh his live stream's coming Mondays with Max it's Saturday it's there yep it's there Max voltage I don't see it why do I not see it under live maybe I am horrible at this oh there it is scheduled for tonight at 9:45 here I'm going to drop the link down below I will expect to see each and every one of you guys over there if I can why is it not let why is it blocking me putting a link on my live stream this is this is not what I intended come on there we go load bam okay so everybody I will see you guys over at Max voltages live stream appreciate y'all for coming out definitely hats off I need a haircut how's it hashing Wayne stream had a good stream bro thanks thanks guys I got to rewatch this didn't know there was a stream Mage sorry about that I don't know if I'm going to commit to any kind of regular stream schedule but um I'll at least schedule it out ahead of time so that way when I do want to do one it'll give people more of a heads up so yeah all right peace out y'all have a good one later guys in stream in stream where's it at there it is oh and by the way again retro mic Tech thank you for that $499 and DJ old mate thank you for that $5 of Australian kangaroo money much appreciated for real the the stream's over now you got to you got to you ain't got to go home you got to go to Max voltage his stream all right AR going Strider spamming am I spamming boom there it is again
Bought 10lb GPU Mystery Box


