BTC IS CRASHING!!! (Holders Alert!!!) Should you BUY or SELL Bitcoin?!

Bitcoin is crashing is now the time to Sell your Bitcoin or is now the time to Buy your Bitcoin welcome back to the 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Omar KH And today we're talking everything Bitcoin as the market has been in an Interesting position the past few weeks We're seeing the fear green index slowly Creeping back to fear we're seeing Crypto went from $70,000 all the way Down to $60,000 we had a presidential Debate that went absolutely crazy and It's a whole video on its own what the Heck is going on is Donald Trump really Going to be the crypto Savior and now Your time to best time to load up on Bitcoin that's what we're talking about Today's video if you haven't already Guys make sure you smash that subscribe Button down below as it helps the Channel tremendously and like always None of this is financial advice so we See a couple of news we can see Biden uh Uh Biden Trump debate goes completely Unmentioned and uh or crypto goes Completely unmentioned which has been a Highlight of a lot of themes for a lot Of Articles this morning we're expecting Donald Trump to talk about Bitcoin in Any sense but for some reason Trump just Chose not to steer in the crypto Direction which I mean hey it is what it Is all right we can see also see Watcher Guru just in Black Rock Says Bitcoin is

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A hedge against geopol uncertainty and Monetary risk so again there's so much Bullish news on bitcoin guys like as You're going to see today the threads Are going to go through the Tweets we're Going to go through you're going to see That it's a bullish future head for Crypto and Bitcoin specifically overall Market we're down roughly 1% a day down 6% volume 46 on fear uh greed index We're seeing Bitcoin in the $60,000 Range holding on tight we've been Dan With 60 and $61,000 we're up a little bit an hour But right on terms of the week and the 24hour we're come over to the charts CU Yeah we're down 1% still at a $ 1.2 Trillion market cap which is absolutely Insane and there's so many TR formations Guys that are predicting Bitcoin to just Go in the upward Direction we'll take a Look at that in just a second we're on The week we are down about 4% on the Month we're down about whopping 10% Right we can see earlier this month We're sitting around 71 $772,000 so We're down roughly $10,000 on the one Year we are still up 100% and again I Think people are still relatively Bullish and it's not just about retail Guys it's it's big companies that are Also very very bullish as well now we Come to the technical reports for Bitcoin we see aers are in a neutral

However our moving averages are in a Strong sell give us a total summary of Sell and so we saw the downwards Trending from for the past month or so That being said this could be a great Time to buy because every time we do see It hit the $60,000 range there's usually A bit of a reversal we just go to like Right here you can see when it hit 60,00 Or 58,000 it had bounce back Uh same thing over here when it hit the Low 60s it bounced up again so again it Might be a situation where just like the Time right over here uh I want to say a Couple weeks ago where we hit 59,000 Before bounce back it's possible maybe It goes into 59,000 however 60,000 has Been a strong strong uh point for Bitcoin now there's a bunch of tweets I Want to share with you guys uh first of All this one as well very relevant Because the whole Trump Biden debate Trump is a clear advocate for crypto Though he didn't mention crypto Yesterday in the presidental such Debates uh I still think he's going to Be on the side of crypto as he sees what It will do for the country we see Bitcoin breaks $150,000 if Trump wins Presidency uh standard chariz uh the Trump pres presidency is not priced in Which again if Trump does win because He's such an advocate for a personal Finance for real estate for investing

And now literally crypto it only makes Sense that we will see a pump here as Well then we could see um Bitcoin Bull Run begins and we open up the chart guys We see uh where we're somewhere right in This Zone over here and uh let Anticipate to hit break this previous All-time high over here and pop off now Will it hit 250k this Pacific Bull Run Maybe maybe not uh but I do definitely Think we are going to see a six figure Bitcoin nevertheless all right Bitcoin Bounce uh imminent and again just the Charts formations are just showing guys That we are about to break out right now We're currently seeing the $6,000 level And looks like this has been the the That line that every time we break past That line we end up like bouncing so the Balance is imminent it's just about a Matter of timing so you might want to Load up a bag right now as the prices Are pretty low now this is absolutely Massive breaking news bovia has unbanned Bitcoin the crypto payment official made Their uh making it officially making it Leo again for all the financial entities That's very very bullish obviously below You're seeing what other countries have Been doing and the trends going on with Bitcoin and they didn't want to be left Out therefore they are now legalizing it Uh which is absolutely insane we see Breaking news SEC could approve ethereum

ETF as soon as July 4th um this is Absolutely insane as well this will Cause a massive spike in the mem coins And also ethereum if they gets approved And also Bitcoin as well those are very Very bullish news uh why wasn't Bitcoin Brought up we kind of covered this in The beginning of the video but just Interesting to say the least I guess Trump was more focused on making fun of Biden not too sure exactly what happened There but it wasn't mentioned which is Fine and then we are seeing uh 547 days After The Happening Um so alltime high in 2013 2014 alltime High in 2017 2018 alltime high in 2021 2022 and alltime high in 2025 Honestly 2026 2027 minimum $150,000 Bitcoin which this is probably the most Conservative tweet we saw all day $150,000 price tag in what 2026 is a Very very conservative number and uh I Reckon we will definitely definitely see That it's been very very bullish lately Guys with with the chart formations with Everything going on in the space right Now it's going to go Absolut insane even Donald Trump talks about speaking at Bitcoin Nashville conference in July the Whole point is crypto is making a Comeback it's getting a a rally of Troops behind it and we're only Anticipate bullish things ahead now guys Like always this is not Financial advice

Always your only re due diligence but I Think right now we're at a critical Point if we hit $59,000 we're probably Going to bounce into 70 potentially $80,000 range and really break past some Alltime highs market conditions are Recovering the economy is recovering as Well and the more money's flowing into The market meaning more money to be Played in crypto but like always guys Not Financial advice always do your own Resch due diligence investing any money In the crypto to's Channel until next Time it's friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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