Building an Ethereum Computer Under $1000 | GPU Unboxing!

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What's going on, guys? It is Bernardo, and today   we are going to go over some 
of the items that I am going to   purchase to build a mining computer, I'm super 
excited. I already got two items in the lab. The first one that I got was the graphics card 
and the motherboard, which on the motherboard   I might do like a separate video. Today is 
all about going over the list of some of the   items that I'm going to pick up, as well 
as do the unboxing of the graphics card. This is the one that I received. 
So let's look at the list now for   the processor. I picked up the AMD Athlon 
three thousand G three point five gigahertz   dual core processor. The price is amazing. 
And the reason why I got this processor is   because for mining, you don't really 
need like a high, intense processor.

Right. Everything is about GPU for the 
heat sink. I picked up the Cooler Master   master liquid. One price is amazing. You 
know, RGB is a plus. I love stuff glowing   in the dark for the motherboard, 
which I already have in the lab. And hopefully you guys stay tuned. I will do an 
unboxing on the MSI B450-A Pro MAX motherboard.   The reason why I picked this one up is 
because it is highly recommended in the   mining world. It just works great, and 
I can't wait to hook it up for memory. I just got one stick of 8 gig's again memory. 
And the processor is not really a huge thing   when you're mining cryptocurrency for the 
video card. Again, I picked up the XFX   Radeon RX 580 eight gigs of memory. And the reason why I picked this guy up, 
because there were two that were really highly   recommend this was one.

And then I believe 
the Nvidia GeForce 1070 was another one   that was really highly recommended. 
This one, the price was right there. I was trying to get a build under a thousand 
dollars. And then last but not least,   the power supply, which I picked up, 
the evga supernova GA six fifty watts   power supply. The only thing that did not add into 
this list was a computer case and a hard drive. And, you know, the Windows operating 
system, because for the hard drive,   I have a bunch of them in the lab. 
Spare, right.

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Got a bunch spare   hard drives laying around. I could 
just use one for the computer case. I already have one empty, which is from Cooler 
Master. I'm going to take advantage and use in   that case. And for the operating system, super 
easy to get an operating system nowadays. I think   I'm going to use Windows 10 LSTB version because 
their's less crapware on that operating system. All right. So let's take a 
closer look on the video card.   This is the one that I receive. 
We are going to do an unboxing.   All right, so what comes inside the 
box, we have one eight-pin power cable. We have your quick guide as well as your warranty 

We have a stop important driver information   pamphlet, and we also have a how to achieve 
overclock on the particular graphics card.   And last but not least, we have the Radeon RX five 
eighty eight gig graphics card with dual fans. How awesome is that? All right. So I'm going to 
mounted on a special bracket that I 3D printed   a couple of nights ago. And we're going to take 
a closer look on some of the specifications   on the RX 580 graphics card. All right. So let's go over some of the quick 
specifications on the XFX Radeon RX 580 graphics   card. Now, this graphics card comes with eight 
gigs of memory. Core clock speed is around   thirteen, sixty six megahertz and you can actually 
boost up the clock speed to thirteen eighty six. It does support AMD CROSSFIRE two, three 
and four way. The length is actually   two hundred and seventy millimeters. The TDP 
is one eighty five watts, for ports It comes   with one DVI, one HDMI and three display 

Now, to keep itself nice and cool. It comes with two cooling fans, which from my 
understanding, this is a recommended graphics   card from mining cryptocurrency. And I can't 
wait to see how it performs when I have the   machine up and running for several days. So 
I'm super excited to get this guy in the lab   and hopefully guys tune in 
for the next unboxing, which would be the motherboard. And once I get the 
other items in my list, I would do the unboxing   for you guys. And hopefully you guys enjoy and 
I catch you guys on the next one piece out.

As found on YouTube

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