Wier AI pre-sale is over here's what you Need to do next get ready as this Pre-sale is going to go absolutely crazy Welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I'm Your host Omar Khan and today we're Talking about wiener AI part dog part Sausage part AI trading bot we talked About weer AI a lot on this channel in The past and now that the pre-sales Ended we had to come and make an update So pre-sales ended buy a launch pre-sale Price before listing and in 4 days and 22 hours looks like the listing will be Complete they've raised over $9 million And this is literally your last chance To buy you buy at launch price before it Gets listed and Wier AI has some crazy Plans to pump this project to the Moon Before we go into the video guys I want To ask if you haven't already make sure You smash that subscribe button down Below and like always n us is financial Advice and let me know in the comment Section below did you load up on Wier AI Or you going to take this opportunity to Load up before it goes live cuz here's The thing guys it's going live Potentially having a massive centralized Exchange listing hand in hand where Anticipating it's going to launch it's Going to have a post launch pump the Central exchange pump and it's going to Go absolutely istic so stay tuned for More details so going over to the
Official Twitter account guys which has Over 16,000 followers we see more than Just a bought wiers AI as your ultimate Trading companion we're delighted to Have a sneak peek at our incredible Supportive community and looks like They're going to have a Trader smartbot Which is looking very very cool the Community is getting very excited the Regular pre-sale phase has ended get Ready token claims and and trading kick Off on Monday August 5th we are Partnering with a top tier exchange for The launch so this going to be Absolutely bullish as we prepare for the Launch those who missed at the Discounted pre-sale can still buy at Listing price so even though you're not Going to get at the pre-sale price you Can still get in the listing price Before it does go live full power less Than 24 hours until the end of the Pre-sale and the end of the pre-sale is Already here and the project is going to Go live in 4 days now guys we've been Talking about this project very highly For a bunch of reasons not only is this A dog theme meme coin but we can see a Gr rapid on social media featur a ton of Different exchanges and blogs all over The Internet what is weener at AI Despite ay exterior wior AI is a Pinnacle of AI trading technology with Girthy predictive features wior AI is a
Trader's best friend so it has AI Enhanced trading seamless L to swap zero Fees and me protection so basically guys This project went from taking a meme Coin adding a whole ton of utility Having a solid pre-sale raising over $9 Million to now launching the thing is This project go out and do some Fantastic things in the market as it's Doing a couple things different than the Mix you know it has a unique utility With the AI uh and also the trading bot Services AI has been a buzzword this Whole year now so paing crypto and AI Already is a strong combo but now we add A traders's best friend and you take it With the man's best friend which is the Dog it's a beautiful package that goes All together we're anticipating this is Going to go absolutely crazy once Launched outsmart the market with wiener Ai's predictive technology weener ai's Predictive technology combines its Userfriendly AI interface allows you to Instantly score uh cryptos uh markets For those hidden gems ask wi to find you The next trade and delivers the market Analysis to help you win more often uh The seamless swap me protection through Decentralized exchanges that's Absolutely awesome talking about Community as well guys it has over 13,000 subscribers on telegram as well So again this is going to go absolutely
Ballistic when it does go live you take That with the announcement that they Made that they have teamed up with a top Tier exchange for the launch this is Going to go absolutely ballistic we see Tokenomics 30% to pre-sale 20% to Staking 20% to community rewards 10% to Decks SL centralized exchange liquidity And 20% to marketing they have a solid Road map in place as well guys and how To buy tab this project is going to the Moon so pre-sale is officially ended and In 4 days it's going to be listed live This is your last chance to buying at Listing prices so you already missed out At the pre-sale prices now is your time To strike to load up at least at listing Prices so you can secure some gains and When it does go live uh we're sure to Make another reminder video that UPS the Video guys I hope you enjoyed let me Know if you're loading up on wi in the Comment section below or if you already Have but like always none of this is Financial advice always do your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel as I am not a Financial adviser and this is not Financial advice until next time it's Your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]