what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and today we are on the hunt again um my buddy Joseph over at Mobius PCS gave me a ring which is a a local shop it's a little about an hour from where my shop is um and he does computers and stuff he specializes more in like new stuff but he does have some newed stuff that comes in every now and then I guess he got some mining stuff so uh he sent me some pictures and I was just like yeah man I'll come out there Monday and and come get it a lot of 5700s 5700 XT mining cases cables risers all you know how it is like when somebody's done they're done and there's all kinds of bits and Bobs that go with it so we're going to go out there grab that and then while I'm also at his shop I do need some things um I hope he still has some like computer cases and stuff cuz I know he was keeping those in stock for a little while uh that's one of those things that I don't keep in stock is computer cases I really don't keep a lot of new items in stock especially mostly in in used computer parts uh but whenever people come in and they want to do a build uh the first thing they ask is like oh you know do you have any cases or like you know some like basic stuff or blah blah blah blah and I never have anything to show them so maybe if I at least have a couple cases in the shop I think it'd be beneficial uh also I am super low on RAM so um might grab a couple kits while I'm there as well just to have something on hand cuz nothing more annoying than like trying to troubleshoot or diagnose something and want to swap out RAM and there's just no Ram um I turned through most of my ddr4 really really fast I have tons of DDR3 but don't really need that very often but um yeah so we're almost there um I don't know about recording in the store or not I just want to be respectful of like other businesses and and business owners that kind of thing so I'll definitely ask him before I do that but uh yeah see you here in a second all right here I am going into uh Mobius computer shop and I figured I'd show off some of the computers that they already have pre-built and ready to go so if you wanted to you could pause that and look at it um some you know good stuff if you're looking for that kind of thing uh they have tons of 3D printed items CPU coolers motherboards they keep a lot of new inventory in stock so if somebody wanted to come in and actually build a computer out I really thought that cooler on that that a 5700 power color looked cool like a a really different take on like a like a OEM or a factory looking cooler over here they got some Ram some fans and then I ended up picking up two of these bit Phoenix cases uh to keep in stock because they had quite a few of them here's the mining stuff that I came for 5700s 5600s I'll show you all that in a little bit all right so we're back in the shop just left uh Mobius computers and um Mobius C custom computers I don't know exactly which one it was I think it's M's computers but regardless um if you need anything in your local or if you need anything like Custom Computer wise reach out to them good group of guys over there um they definitely hooked me up with all that gear that they had there was actually more than what they originally had said there was a couple more 5700s that had popped up um but regardless I am back here and it's time to start packing some orders and I am so so sorry that to everybody that's bought a zon system two of my cases got held up and returned to Cinder which I'm buying them from China no surprise there but two of those cases got sent back so if you have a zon and you're having any issues with that um I just put a a new order in for eight cases so we have and there's four to a case so we have what 30 8 8 * 4 32 yeah we have 32 Zeon kits coming in um I have uh one case that's supposed to be in this Friday um I just got a case in today so we're sending out a couple more of these um it's just been like a nightmare for like shipping and I I try to always keep cases cases of these rolling in but with that new sale that we had going on and then having these cases get returned to Cinder uh it was not ideal um don't know why that happened but I I don't know guess we'll find out but if you did order is the on setup and you're not happy with like the wait time that kind of thing reach out to me I have no problem refunding you and then you can just buy them when they come in uh I have talked to quite a few people that did order them and I just told them hey they're you know they're a little backed up right now and they were like yeah no problem so uh I understand both sides of it absolutely but anyway this is order 1310 and they got a 12 core Zeon um combo so this is the CPU motherboard um 16 gigs which is a 8 * 2 Kit so that way it can run a dual channel uh and a CPU Cooler um along with a MSI RX 580 Mark I which are they putting that on the Zeon is this going to be like a budget build potentially um now let me grab one of the CPU coolers these have been my go-to I'm running I say I'm running low I got probably another 20 of these left uh but I think I'm going to be switching over so this is the little two heat pipe Tower with RGB fan um so look out for that so the combos are going to get a new cooler and I'll update the website and stuff once I get those in but yeah we'll turn through these here in probably the next week or so um but let me get this all packaged up and ready for shipment I think we'll something like that and then we'll wrap it tape it up and good to go all right so I was going through and checking orders and I noticed there was an order that popped up 1 345 uh got flagged for fraud um just straight up flag for fraud not suspected fraud just straight up fraud which begs the question why did it let it come through so it's a now let's view our fraud analysis the shipping address is 1,339 MI from the location of the IP that could be explained Away by a VPN um the billing address is listed as United States but the order was placed from Venezuela that could be a a VPN um the billing address or credit cards address wasn't available during checkout which I don't understand how that's possible because I've set it to Auto decline if they don't have the um address ZIP code CCV or whatever um location IP address used the place to order is in in Venezuela um billing zip billing address zip or postal code isn't available to match with credit cards registered address um and payment was attempted with two different credit cards so I reached out to them last night giving them the benefit of the doubt and whenever I go to email them it says oh doesn't say anything it says I can send an email thought it said something else anyway I emailed him last night I was like please contact me uh as soon as possible this uh order has been um labeled as a fraud uh and will be cancelled uh immediately it's been almost 14 hours haven't heard anything so we're going to go ahead and cancel that cuz we ain't playing around I don't want no chargebacks no charge backs so um they were buying a a RTX 370 MSI Ventus 3 one of these bad boys right here so that's going back into inventory I think actually I have two or three of those that I'm adding to inventory today um unfortunately not all of them have boxes but if you buy the one the next one this one does have a box so all right let's see here um more actions cancel order refund now and reason for cancellation fraudulent order staff note customer was contacted at are on 5-5 d224 no response restock inventory send notification to customer cancel order ohom boom that's what I'm talking about yeah we're trying to keep a upstanding situation up in here I don't know establishment tell you what this establishment is a little warm today I got my fan blowing I a fan a box fan in the door blowing air in here a fan up in the corner um I did reach out to my landlord and I told him was like there's something something's got to give something's got to give so we'll see how that goes all right next up hello again we are on order 1326 and it looks like this fine gentleman this is his first order with me thank you I appreciate you um he ordered an rx580 8 gig and it is a gigabyte model and I don't currently know where it's at let's see is it in the display case uh I think that's it right there let's see here yeah oh here we go t so yep RX 58 8 gig gaming this one's actually in pretty decent shape for a 580 580s 570s 470s 480s these cards were Absol Mo most of them were absolutely drove into the dirt with GPU mining but it looks like this one came out pretty unscathed or potentially whoever I got it from cleaned it up a bunch but yeah let's get this one boxed up ladies and gentlemen this just walked in the door and it's literally like a piece of my childhood um so a guy called me up and he said he had some retro stuff and he wanted to trade it in uh well sell it he didn't want to really buy anything and I was like we'll bring it up here we'll take a look at it uh he had this Nintendo 64 it's in rough shape it's pretty dirty it probably could be cleaned up no power adapter um it has Golden Eye in it he didn't even say anything about this but I know these are you know sought after don't know if any of this works and I was just like man you know cuz he was like looking him up online you know oh you give me you know 80 90 bucks I'm like dude in unknown condition I'm literally buying it as like a wall ornament for right now you know I'll give you 15 bucks and he's like done deal the other stuff he had was like PlayStation 3 games stuff that I have no business buying and um don't really have any like sentimental value to me but this Nintendo oh man I I really like this thing uh I had a 64 I loved my 64 I had golden eye one of my favorite games so I think I'll uh I'll find a spot for it up top somewhere maybe put it put it next to old baby Yoda slide these cards up over let see oh [Music] yeah t there we go so never know what's going to come through the door sometimes all right back to work all right so I got sidetracked on today's video I don't know where I left off but I'm back at the house now and I'm starting to go through some of the cards that I picked up today so we have uh RX 5700s there's a 5 5700 XT these are 5600 XTS I still got to break down the other rig and see what's in there I think they're mainly 5700s 5700 XDS that that kind of stuff but if you'll know or notice every single one of these cards has the coolers ripped off of them I don't know what the story is I didn't really ask um but yeah so apparently they they do a pretty good job of keeping themselves cool um because they have huge fans on them uh so this this is probably not going to resell very well to people trying to do budget builds or Gamers or that kind of thing because they're missing the shrouds but I mean for your average minor I mean I am going to clip clip these just because these zip ties hanging off off of everywhere is driving me crazy but for your average Miners and stuff um they're going to get a deal because I'm going to Mark these down and yeah most people I mean some people care some people don't I guess if you're saving enough money it doesn't matter at the end of the day but uh this one's even got a RGB fan on it 5700 XT XFX or no this is a 5700 XT XFX so I got some good cards in here it is unfortunate that none of these will be good for um going into a gaming rig unless it's a gaming rig with no side panel or no clear side panel so you can't actually you know see the card but um yeah so other than that ladies and gentlemen I'm going to cut out early I also got in another case of U Zeon boards so those are going to get ready and go out tomorrow um for the the last few shipments that I'm being held up on and um yeah other than that y'all have a good one see you on the next one adios
Buying More Mining GPUs Because