all right what is up ladies and gentlemen oh let me move that got some cables over there uh anyway welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel hope everybody's having a great day looks like Bitcoin is having a really good day so um yeah that's that's a whole thing in itself but I had some uh I have some more trade-ins and and buys at the computer shop today so I figured we could roll through those show you guys what I got um I have some really cool breakout boards for some server power supplies that you don't see a ton of these anymore so I'd show you guys those as well um but yeah I guess we'll just we'll roll right into it hope everybody's having a great day um starting right off the top got a AMD Founders RX 6800 um I think I was talking to uh I was talking to the guy that sold them and he's like man these cards are solid and I was like yes yeah Founders Edition AMD stuff I mean Founders Edition uh Nvidia stuff in my opinion used to be a lot more Rock Solid but it's almost like AMD kind of took the the same approach as like like 10 series Founders Edition uh Nvidia because it's just like like you could totally hurt somebody with this thing um but yeah so uh this this collection uh he got out of [Music] mining I apologize but he got out of Mining and this is the kind of collection I like to buy because it's got all the original boxes all the manuals uh everything was like super well taken care of um this is these are the these are the nice ones the the the ones that are a lot easier easier to to purchase goodness I got a mess over here of of stuff so more graphics cards by the way um I saw some comments on my last videos and they're just like look crypto's going crazy you don't have any gpus mining I'm buying up all the gpus you you're not going to be able to mine and that was a comment to like me I guess and uh you know what fair enough I got some more gpus if you want to buy some more of them so just head on over to the bc- I think it's over there it's kind of cut out in the frame um not trying to gatekeep any graphics cards from nobody but uh it's always it's always funny when you get like the unnecessary it's not really hate but it's like unnecessary shade being thrown like oh you should have got in sooner yeah we all should have got in sooner it's like man I should have been mining Bitcoin you know 15 years ago or whenever 12 years ago whenever it first came out but it is what it is um so right here we have a EVGA 3060 12 gig solid little card can't can't really beat them I've I've sold a ton of these I had a ton of these at one time seems like everybody in their brother has owned a 3060 at one point and it's it's hard to beat EVGA quality that is that is interesting so I'll have to note this uh when I sell this one I didn't pay attention to the back of it but look it's like that's not dust it's like sun faded or something see that that's not a dust it's almost got like a copper look to it front of it's normal but the back of it h we'll plop that one in make sure everything works but um maybe I sat next to a window interesting to say the least um what else do we we got we got some more gpus for those people that doing the old GPU thing um we we'll save that one for later cuz it's kind of cool MSI 370 in my opinion very underwhelming card MSI y'all need a new designer because y'all used to have baller looking designs hold on let me just grab a random MSI card right here right now do I have any right here I thought I did um oh here here we go okay so this is the MSI 580 armor Mark 1 this is like a a fairly entry level card and look just we got contrasting colors some cool angles you know like big old visible heat pipes cool looking card in my opinion definitely a lot lower tier than a 3070 and MSI is just like hey what should we do with with the 3070 make it black make it all black plastic shroud make it look boring that's what we need to do just and they did it I just got a phone call I apologize about that but actually that made me think about something I feel like MSI and their design schemes are almost like ripped off from gigabyte this is a gigabyte card by the way this is MSI card it's almost like they were like yeah you remember those old gigabyte cards that were like black and orange and you know like ugly and boring let's do that just take away the orange copy their homework just change it up a little bit doesn't that doesn't that like resemble it I feel like it does anyway I don't know obviously Aesthetics of a graphics card don't mean anything to some people but they do to me if you're going to have a graphics card and it it's got to look good right um so now we got two actually two of these uh Zotac these are the twin Edge 307s twin Edge um I've had a bunch of these oh sorry about that I'm not super in love with the fans all these fans die actually hold on I have a twin Edge right here this is a white Edition all these fans die these stickers are supposed to be white but the bearings on these fans got so bad that I guess it like got hot and deformed the color of the stickers um hold on like like it it's hard to see but yeah this these fans make a ton of noise and don't spin up fully um and that that's exactly basically what that card is except that's a black one not a white one why does this keep falling down it's bothering me um so I got two of those um where did I just pull that from there it is but the one I was actually excited about I'm not even going to take these out they're they're just black I'll go through those and take pictures of those later the one I was excited about was this bad boy right here so this is a Zotac 3070 amp Holo Black Edition look at the box it's holographic all my Pokemon people are just like oh my God send it to PSA get it graded put it engulf it in plastic makes it more valuable all right not really let's keep it going so oh yeah get amped now these are not I mean they're not uncommon they're just not as common as the uh the twin edges these bad boys got a little bit of a little bit of a look to them look at the old look at that the old holographic I don't know why I'm a sucker for shiny stuff um still has the horrible place B ments for the uh the power plugs in the middle it's like Zotac was definitely ahead of their time they're like where's a where's a bad spot to put the plugs right there right down in there and it's like a pain in the butt to get the cords in and out and that kind of thing but uh that's what they did that is that is what they did a hollo I wonder how this one lights up I don't remember I think it lights up on the inside I do believe not sure kind of tempted to keep this one for myself we need a like that'd be a good shop GPU right it almost looks like they use different yeah they they use different fans for this one so they put the old Cheapo fans on the twin Edge and gave the hollow different fans don't know if these fans are any better at least the bearings on these don't have any play but these these graphics cards were also in better shape than those other ones I bought regardless that's a cool card don't know if that one's going to go up on the store or not but everything else you've seen so far will be getting added to inventory so you can check that out uh bc- yes Shameless plug we're sponsored by myself got to do what you got to do to pay those bills um yeah there we are I always love it the boxes on like special ed special edition stuff just like well they've gotten smaller in recent years but at one point it just kept getting bigger and bigger look at the hollow box I feel like the box is half of it so plop that back bad boy back together so that's all the graphics cards I got out of that or deal but he did have some other supporting Hardware so I was like you know what bring it in we'll make a deal on that um look at that GPU risers not necessarily my first choice but they are good risers they're good quality they work there's there's no issues there um got a bunch of those the white ones that have six pin or Molex or six pin basically never used the Molex why would you do that use the six pin ladies and gentlemen so I got a box of those got more mustard cables uh where is the thing I was actually interested in showing you guysa there it is so if anybody knows about breakout boards you got your little breakout boards your entry level like little baby guys like this that's a 2 468 plug it's okay it's okay then you step it up to your 3 69 12 plug pretty typical this is what most people used but if you were a bad mam Jammer and you just wanted all the bees knees you got you one of these and I believe these were the I think it's the zsx breakout boards I'm not exactly sure doesn't have any naming scheme on there but these had a 24 pin they have 2 4 6 8 12 14 16 18 18 six pin plugs um bunch of fan headers so these were awesome got two of these and also got two of the HP um and I believe they're both Platinum I think they're Platinum 1200 wat power spli uh yeah 94% so HP Platinum 1,200 by the way guys if you didn't know if you plug these into a standard 110 volt Outlet you will not get or 1,00 Watts out of them they are only good for I believe it's 900 watts yeah 900 watts to get to get your 1200 watts you have to plug this into 240 well 220 volt 220 to 240 volt um so in over here in the US not necessarily as common um overseas you guys are lucky you just got 240 220 everywhere it's just you know ready to kill you but um regardless don't buy this 1200 W plug it into a regular outlet and think you can get 1,200 out of it it's just it doesn't work like that but um yeah these are these are solid great for mining that kind of thing um also I got more of [Music] the the uh riserless boards up there so those are the boards that hold eight gpus um and I got two of them in stock that are brand new in the box uh and I've paired them with ram so they're pretty much ready to go um other than that that's all for today I think that's everything that I've gotten the last off of that one I have some other things that aren't ready to be shown yet so just hang tight um yeah we're also going to do a sale here soon I don't know when we're going to do a sale but I need to do a sale because uh I potentially have a large order coming in and might need to liquidate some things create space liquidate some things it's a win-win you know what I'm saying um and if you're a new customer by the way five off the number five and then letters o will still get you 5% off on your first order so thanks for looking out thanks for shopping it's been fun it's been real you know all that kind of stuff uh join the Discord page to talk about computer stuff and see inventory updates that kind of thing I'm not always the best at posting them right away so if you want to see the newest stuff go to the website bc-pc docomo and the newest stuff added to inventory is always at the top of the page and then it goes gets pushed down as new stuff gets added into inventory all right I'm getting off here it's time to go home later ladies and gentlemen bye
Buying out a small Mining GPU Setup