Can I Profit on Mystery Box GPUs

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what is up ladies and gentlemen so I did an unboxing the other day got a bunch of older gpus that I needed to test and see if they're good um I just threw this one in first and see here it is a r7260x Ron card and see you she fires up so this was a m these all these graphics cards came out of a mystery box so there was no guarantee if they worked if they didn't work um if they had problems no problems that kind of thing it was just 100% mystery now this is an XFX looks like both fans are spinning and this is the ghost series which this is kind of one of their I guess nicer tier series of cards uh looks like we are getting some display sorry this monitor is so nasty this is my my little test monitor okay we're getting display so that's good all right well I will let this boot into windows and then we'll load up a benchmark and see if it'll pass so uh I spent right at uh like 200 bucks with shipping and tax and everything on this Mystery Box um so after I test and find whatever graphics cards are working um we'll keep like a run and tally of um what kind of profit we can make if we can break even get profit or if we lost money uh last time I did a mystery box I'll lost money but who knows it's worth a shot all right so the r7260x will not let me boot into Windows uh it starts booting into windows and then it crashes um so yeah this is a fresh install of Windows don't know what's wrong with that um I swapped it out a known working card and it boots straight into windows so I think something is wrong with this the fan spin um so yeah this this might end up being like five bucks for parts or as is you know nonworking condition on eBay uh but yeah we'll uh we'll tally up the non-w working cards at the end okay the next card up is a it's a big boy bam this is a radon XFX 7950 this is a 3 gab DDR 5 or gddr5 card now I have high hopes that this card actually works and it was decommissioned due to the fans right so maybe maybe not we'll see I don't even know if this thing it might not be able to work all right so this doesn't actually fit into the test bench and then I was looking at the housing it's a bent so even if I replace this fan this housing would need to be tweaked and bent uh I'm going to put this in the uh 2B determined at a later date pile and we'll just move on to the next card oh thank you all right so next up we have a Zotac GTX 680 fan spins for we're getting error code it's deing no display I'll give it a second but I don't think this card is good yep no display all right we'll pull this one out of there all right next up from the mystery box was a GTX 780 this is a also a 3 GB gddr5 card and what I thought was kind of cool which you don't see this very often anymore uh it has a 384bit memory bus super wide memory bus on this bad boy but um looks like the fan spins so that's a good sign let's throw it in for for another error code no display I think the 780 is dead as well ah all right pe oh man all right and pull that one out of there all right so uh we're getting closer to the end of the pile but the next one up was an Nvidia Quadro um was it a Quadro 2000 I think um this is this is an older one this is fmy Generation it's a Quadro 4000 I believe these are like a 2 gbyte card um let's go ahead and plug it in single slot card so that's kind of cool but I don't know for some reason I don't have high hopes for this one [Applause] either no display holy smokes this was this whole Mystery Box a bust on the last one I had like at least half of the cards worked yeah nothing no video out I'm going to give it a second um what we have left is uh some 680s we have more of these Zotac 680s right here I don't have high hopes for them cuz they're all matching leads me to believe that maybe they had a high failure rate or something but uh maybe one of them works as of right now everything from the mystery box was dead and uh yes this Mystery Box did come from the same seller that I got the last Mystery Box from and about hold on let me go help my son all right so still no display um we'll get that bad boy out out of there and we'll try these the rest of these 680s that I got in is there going to be any Redemption for us or is everything just going to be dead as a door nail what do you guys think I did not like this case but for a little test bench machine this thing's nice cuz it has a um 700 50 W power supply in it so it's actually got a decent amount of power to push for uh testing out some you know you ain't testing the top of the lot you ain't putting 409s in here but it's got two separate pcie power cables which in a lot of OEM systems is hard to come by unless you spend some money and this system came in on trade in so I'm just using what I got all right so oh wow fans are loud on this thing we're getting air beat be be be one two three all right don't even need to let that run very long giving us error Beeps in no [Music] video let's grab another one man if all these were working we could do like a like a crazy older retro build like quad SLI 680s or something but um yeah none of them are working so it's not really an option I don't like how the they did the power plugs on this this card they're like flipped so one is up and one is down now there's the air beefs no display same syptoms as the other ones y one two three we have two more two more what do you guys think it's not looking good oh no actually there's just one more this is the uh the last one oh and this is the this is the nastiest looking one too it's kind of Dusty oh no sorry guys oh no sorry rip headphone users all right last one no it's beeping yep okay guys so I cut the camera cuz I was getting super discouraged um we have a 680 that's dead this is a 260 X that's dead this is a GTX 1070 that's dead um that's some other kind of Radeon card that's dead this is a RX 460 and another 460 both of those are dead and then this is a 680 that's dead this is a 680 that's dead this is a 680 that's dead that's a Quadro 4,000 that's dead and then this is a 780 that is dead so yeah every single graphics card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all all 10 graphics cards that I got out of the mystery box are dead now that mystery box did cost me right at about 200 bucks after taxes and shipping and and fees and all that kind of stuff um so we definitely lost money on this ordeal um and that happens and even in the listing it says nothing is guaranteed working it's all it is all a mystery that's why it's so cheap I mean heck even if just that like 1070 was working that would have recouped us like half of our money almost but oh well it is what it is um our last Mystery Box we came out decent we lost a little bit um but we didn't lose this much uh so guess you just got to take the good with the bad uh if you'd like to see me do M like legit mystery boxes again I might try a different seller this time um just let me know Down Below in the in the comments section and um yeah I guess that's how the cookie crumbles on this one ladies and gentlemen but I get if I get five bucks a piece for these as parts or scrap or as is that means I'd recoup 50 bucks I don't even know if they're worth five bucks a piece at this point heck they might just become wall art you know what I mean like I go ahead and and start lining the wall with dead gpus what do you guys think about that any question or any any uh comments or recommendations dead gpus that are not worth fixing what do you do with them all right I'm going to jump off here y'all have a good day adios

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