Can these new meme coins 100x your money That's exactly what we're taking a look At we're taking a look at five brand new Coins that are taking over the market That have the potential 200 extra money Without any further Ado let's get Started on this list but before start The video I want to ask if you haven't Already make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below as the Crypto Market is going absolutely Ballistic Bitcoin about to break alltime Highs again ethereum pumping is great Things ahead for the mem Market the First coin on our list is beer coin this Puppies pumped over 133% on the day on The week a whopping 159% this is a brand new project guys It's just absolutely phenomenal you're Not going to want to miss out on it be Isn't just another coin it's a literally Liquid Gold it works under it works as a Universal currency of enjoyment bringing People together regardless of their skin Color or social status grab some beer Invite your friends this prodct is Really cool because one the website is Designed beautifully it's on a ton of Different centralized exchanges and Decentralized exchanges has some great Benefits and some great prizes for the Community so first and foremost we can See 10e supply of beer a test a cyber Truck giveaway filled with beer October
Fest VIP trip which is crazy looks like You're going to go on jet 100 hind Stocks uh 10 years of beer supply which We just covered so massive rewards for The community uh so just incentivizing People to hold they have a great road Map in place great overall website Design when you look at a meme coin this Is the essence of it again it's it's Stepped away from like the degenerate Side I mean it's still a D Coin don't Get me wrong but in terms of the graphic Design and the quality of the website It's top tier even their social medias Are going crazy over 100,000 followers Over on X and a million plus subscribers On their telegram which is absolutely Insane beer coin could be that next 100x Gem so you're not going to want to miss Out on this project uh which you might Want to add to your watch list next Token on the list is actually a pre-sale Gem and that is play Doge play Doge a Bless play to earn Doge companion game So play doge is a mobile based play to- Earn game that transforms the iconic do Doge meme into a tamagachi style virtual Uh pets Embrace a 90 style uh Nostalgia By Playdoh token pre-sale to enjoy a Classic 2D Adventure now this one's a Pre-sale gem that's raised already $2.7 Million in a matter of a week and guys Their next price hike is approximately 48 hours away so if you want to buy in
Super early now is your chance this One's doing amazing as well even on Social medias they're growing rapidly Fast again the project only like got Live a week ago and already 2.3 th000 Followers which is great great artwork Great website that's the theme Here guys A brand new project so they're changing Things up a little bit we're gone from The quick one day websites to now very Well-designed websites which is Something I like to see as investor Gives you more investor confidence a Great road map in place great tokenomics They have staking on top which just adds Sweetness to the pie so if you want to Buy into pre-sale gem that has crazy Upside potential do play Doge could be That bet so if you want to load up on it Link in the description below now on to The next coin on the list and that is Doge runes previously dog go to the Moon Token this one's been just taken over The Internet it's almost at the 1 C Mark Guys and the Des literally have a plan To get this puppy to $1 meaning this Could easily 101 110x from here which is Absolutely insane looks it's been Recently added on a leverage platform Over which is pretty cool great To see that the beer token is again Alongside Ben dog which has been going Absolutely ballistic as well in the mem Coin space which you might want to also
Add your watch list this project is Great it almost has a billion dollar Mark cap $800 million which is not to Shabby $79 million in terms of market Cap it's almost a top 100 cryptocurrency And very very brand new so you Definitely are going to want to add Those runes to your list and again it's On the bu uh Bitcoin runes uh ecosystem Which is just shaking things up taking a Step back from salana avac uh BSC now Let's go ahead and take a look at Another pre-sale gem we love pre-sell Gems on the 99b YouTube channel cuz they Have crazy upside you buy an early you Can make a massive bag this project is Again in 48 hours or 24 hours going to Have another price hike they've already Already raised 480 uh $4.8 million which is in say you Can buy with eth usct or card what is This project it's a wiener AI part dog Part sausage a part AI trading bot it Also has staking as well and the staking Is quite juicy at 226 AP which is nutty To say the least where are you getting That money anywhere else they have a Great uh system as well great social Medias they've been feature a ton of Their articles and blogs but what is Wiener AI despite uh his hilarious Sausage exterior Wier AI is a pinnacle Of AI trading technology with girthy Predictive features your AI is a
Trader's best friend so AI enhanced Trading seamless swap zero fees and me Protection this basically got all the Boxes checked it's a mem coin great Little little dog for the the the mascot Great tokenomics great road map in place And a great utility as well while mixing AI with crypto couldn't be any better Than that again Guys these mem coins are Going absolutely ballistic lately Especially the market starting to heat Up and shake up a bit where anticipating These projects are going to continue to Pump to the moon now let's go ahead and Take a look at the last project on my List and that is a base dogs token Another pre-o G that's going absolutely Crazy now this is brand new just a Couple days old they've already raised $400,000 it has a Top Gun style theme And again has Doge Pepe and all of our Favorite memes this project is really Cool cuz they added another unique layer To some of the other projects that we Mentioned don't have and that is a Referral program a referral program a Referral program uh copy your referral Link below and send it to your friends For every purchase they make using this Link you'll receive 10% of the purchase Amount as usdt which is absolutely Absolutely insane so you can literally Get paid for Shilling not only that There's another way you get paid for
Shilling other than that referral link But be social for airdrop jump to the Action with our airdrop campaigns to Reward your creativity and social Engagement here's how it works connect Your X account then create and share Memes and other content about base dogs Each piece of content earns you points And once the pre-sale is complete you Can redeem these points for dogs token It's a fun rewarding way to help the Help Market base dogs and join our Community Adventure so you're Shilling The project which is getting more people To buy in the project what makes the Project bigger so it's going to Therefore increase your bag and the Profits plus you're going to get tokens In reward for a shilling plus if you'll Buy with your actual dedicated link You're getting 10% of the amount they Buy in usdt so it couldn't be any more Sweeter than that and again they have Decent tokenomics as well 20% pre-sale 20% just sing 20% to liquidity 50% to Marketing 50% to the rewards and 10% to Liquid uh to the listing sorry so great Tokenomics looks they got staken as well So about this project guys designed for Those who crave adventure and Innovation Base dogs is bringing a unique Multi-chain experience at the home of The base chain not only is on the base Chain but you'll also be able to trade
On eth Soul BC and avac so it's a base Jumping project you're not going to want To miss out on this remember a popular Pre-sale that we covered on our Channel A lot was Doge verse and Doge vers was An absolutely ballistic raised over $15 Million in a span of8 weeks that project Is going live now and people are very Happy with their Investments we're Imagine the same thing to happen with This project as well super super bullish Let me know what you think about my list In the comment section below is it good Is it bad did I miss a new project let Us know in the comment section below That the video like always guys none of This is financial advice I am not a Financial adviser always do your own Research and due diligence and until Next time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]