Cell Phone Mining Samsung A03s Verus

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all right so there we go ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and today we have a phone mining video so if you enjoy that kind of thing you're welcome if you don't see you on the next one uh regardless though these are a fan favorite in the phone mining Community it's the Samsung Galaxy a3s um has a little 8 core processor in them uh I am going to be installing uh the not the the gooey Miner we're going to be doing the UB to um I think it's the CC minor uh but we'll go along and I'll put the video that I use to actually install this shout out retro mic Tech uh and also shout out paperclip too um they both had awesome videos on how to get that up but um yeah these were actually on sale over on Walmart for like 39 bucks or something like that uh some people said that they've been able to find them for 29 I can't find them but yeah now this is obviously probably not the the best uh phone to be buying if you want like a fast Roi uh used phones with like cracked screens and stuff is probably the best way to go especially cracked screens that still work uh I saw that there were some recent sales on eBay for these A3 s's for like 20 bucks 15 17 $18 and they had cracked screens but they still worked or they were um sim locked and they were selling real cheap but you don't need a SIM card so and from my understanding you can just even if it's sim locked you can still hook it up to Wi-Fi so then you could still mine with it hold on um somebody just texted okay we will get back to that here in a second let's get this bad boy open not yet buddy yeah not yet I'm still recording my son's yelling we're going to go get some food after this all right so here is the a3s and it comes with a oh charging cord but no brick that's lovely um luckily we got bricks now as for like profitability I don't know what the hash rate is on these um I think it's somewhere in like the mid fours or mid to high fours we'll go ahead and get this powered on I'm going to get this powered on and go ahead install you buntu or install user land um and then install you buntu and do all the the setup process but if you want to know how to do that to your Android devices I'm going to put those links Down Below in the description again shout out retro mic Tech shout out paperclip um huge help across the board and uh I'll be right back after I'm done with that uh and I need to find a find a brick charger brick so I got sidetracked but I did get the AZ 3 up and running and it's been running for about I don't know a couple hours now and looking on the pool and actually flip over here and show you guys the pool uh it's on my computer um the a03 is doing uh 4.69 so it's always suggested everybody told me you probably need to run them for a full day to make sure they get you know a good steady hash rate you can't just look at it after 10 minutes it's not like a GPU or or other algorithms where it shows you uh what it's going to get right away it's got to ramp up um uh also apparently I was told that the uh the a03 um will thermal throttle a little bit from the factory so some people like pop the back covers off this one looks like it's pretty tough to get apart so I'm not going to do that um but you can literally just set it in front of like a little small fan or whatever and since I have all my phones in a row um I just have a small little USB fan blowing across them and that seems to be keeping the the CPU nice and cool um I don't see where it says the temperature on this minor because I'm using the um I believe this is the CC minor this is the more efficient one but uh when they thermal throttle they'll only get about three three and a half megahash whereas I'm getting over 4 and A2 so we're we're cooking with fire now um and that brings me to some of my other phones and I'm going to get these swapped over so this one's doing three and A2 this is a Galaxy uh S8 I'm going to get this one switched over to the uh command line minor and um yeah if you need that link it will be down below in the description shout out again thank you retro mic and thank you paperclip they have been an immense help um well actually we'll do that off camera let's go through some profitability so let's look up where mining calculator so we got 4.69 megahash 4.69 megahash out of uh start for free let's close that out of the A3 so that means in 24 hours it would be doing about 6.6 cents uh and in seven days it would do 44 cents so yeah not bad 30 days uh it would do $232 a month in 30 days if nothing changed on the price and difficulty side which everything's always changing when it comes to price and difficulty so you have to take that with a grain of salt um now this phone this phone did cost um $39 so this would take a long time to Roi with its with it only itself paying itself off off obviously if you have a farm and that farm can you know pay one off and then pay another off it like snowballs kind of thing um but I have some other phones uh and I'm going to try to snowball me a farm together now that means my current total hash rate is at a little over 17 megahash so at 17 megahash right now we're doing almost 25 cents a day 24 cents a day and that comes out to $843 a month so the entire Farm it would still take you know multiple months to pay this phone off is it a buy probably not um but I'm not I am not selling my coins I still have some coins from when I did this over a year ago and uh I'm mining this and going to hold these coins the future I think this Project's got um good Merit behind it now is this financial advice absolutely not and the fact that I just said that uh it's probably going to do the opposite because everything always does the opposite of what I want it to um regardless I do have more phones coming in because I'm going to double down on this and um I'm trying to get my phones for under $20 so I'm sniping eBay right now and I'm looking at um all these different options and um I'll do videos on those phones once they get in but yeah so ladies and gentlemen hope you have a good one and if you have old phones this this is like the best case sit situation if you have like old cracked phones like this s8's all cracked up I had this years ago um and it's not doing anything so boom um oh another thing that I wanted to address is people are like hey you can you know run these off of solar really easily because they don't burn a lot of wattage I'm going to be getting into uh looking at how many watts they use and Sor my son's yelling on the camera um how many watts they use and stuff like that here in the future but yeah so I have two 100 watt solar panels a small deep cycle or or a lithium battery would probably get me through you know I don't have to do some big huge battery bank but that would probably get me through the night and then be able to overcharge on top of that during the day um but I think that would that'd be cool to kind of optimize my setup and um get it on solar even though it's not burning a lot of power for reference right now I'm using 2.4 amp Chargers which at 5 volts time 2.4 um sorry 5 volts time 2.4 it it's charging at 12 Watts um and it charges more than it burns so what are we actually burning less than that and I also did plug in my plug timer it's it's just one of those ones that people use for like watering plants or you know turning Christmas tree lights on and off uh but I have it turning it turning power off and turning power on every other hour for about 15 minutes give or take and um just so it does pull some of that battery down and we we don't just keep it at 100% cuz that is bad for the battery health anyway guys I'm going to jump off here cuz uh my kid apparently wants some water um because when it's bedtime he always wants everything and parents I know you know what I'm talking about all right y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios

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