Cell Phone Mining to the next level 2025

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I am losing my voice I know I'm getting another cold it's driving me crazy so bear with me um this is going to be a basic overview today and I'm going to be diving more in depth on how to set up and build out a cell haser if you guys don't know what a cell haser is it is hold on let me show you right here um it does normally have a cover over it but it is a basically an Asic box for cell phones so you can break your cell phones down take the batteries out of them you can still use the battery management system so that way um you can use the phone like normal plug it into this device and then access all your phones through a computer interface so there's preloaded scripts for already loading applications so you can get up and running and Mining significantly easier other than having each individual phone and device set up uh one by one which if you've ever done cell phone mining uh can be cumbersome to say the least now um right now I am not using the orbic joys which is what I believe if you buy a cell hasher they normally come pre-loaded with I am using the hmd Vibes these right now seem to be a really good value cuz you can pick them up for around $29.99 at like Walmart and I think direct from uh like uh it's not singular one of like the prepaid uh mobile services but right now I have these two in there up and running I'm working on configuring this one and I have 1 2 3 4 five about seven more ready to go that I need to break down and do all that so I figured I would split this up into multiple videos and show you guys kind of from start to finish and this is just going to be like the introduction now um this device the cell haser box has a motherboard in there and it's got a USB slot and then down below it I don't know if you can see it right here hold on bear with me let me flip my camera around there we go so these are the USB slots that the phones actually plug into with a little adapter and then below it see these white plugs that's where your power is going to come from because this power supply is feeding into those those pins down there and you can manually adjust the voltage depending on what kind of phone you have cuz some phones like a little bit more or a little bit less voltage now um I have done these two and I ended up using hot glue to hot glue the little BMS and the cable all back down and then I noticed I was having an issue where it was like touching random things almost like I would had my finger on the front screen of the phone and I don't have a good grounded receptacle out here apparently so um if I take this piece of paper out uh these little metal prongs actually touching on the screen are registering as inputs um just to give like you know a base uh update of of this situation now I left the plastic cover off the back so this copper heat sink can get all the air flow coming off of these fans um I do plan on filling this out with all 20 phones one disadvantage that I noticed from these is you can't just plug a phone in with a battery in there they don't really fit you do have to break them down and take the battery out and that's honestly the safer way to do it anyway you don't have to worry about battery bloat or potentially having batteries rupture and ruin not only the device but potentially burn your house down um also having them broken down they run significantly cooler so they seem to hold a higher hash rate uh and it just also fits in here better you can get uh all this holds 20 so you can get all 20 of them smacked in there real nice and tight um once I'm done with this I'll probably put the cover over it and let it chug away right now we are mining Varys coin and I believe these dudes do a little under six Mega pretty much stable on Varys coin now is that profitable not necessarily while everything's down but we'll jump into some profitability and what it looks like on the computer here in a second all right so taking a look at the back of this phone normally this is where the battery is and and then this cable comes down and actually Loops back around and that's what is attached to the battery so on this one specifically I'll do a a breakdown video but it's super simple you just snip the leads on the battery one at a time don't do them together because then they would Arc and bad things would happen and then there's a little pad right there and a little pad right there you solder on a positive and a negative wire for this pigtail these pigtails come with the cell hasher and then and you get these little adapters that go in the bottom and those come with the cell hasher as well so basically once you get the phones and the cell haser you're good to go at that point now I still need to affix this cable right here and you could either tape it or I'll probably just hot glue it down and then put it in there there are a couple setup things that need to be done phone wise normally when you have the battery still in there but just to show you like a little basics of what's going on I was super super nervous breaking a phone down like this in the beginning and um it was a little overwhelming because these don't have like the the like the back of them are not supposed to be removable so you got to get a little rough with them but once you do one it's like riding a bicycle you can be able to do multiple over and over again now let me open up the cell haser software on the computer and show you what that looks like so here's the program the cell haser controller and once you have your device plugged in with a USB into your actual computer then you can click uh you know refresh and it'll populate the devices right now I have hmd uh number 20 and 19 because those are populating the number 20 and 19 spots but you can rename them whatever you want then we're going to click over here on view grid and then mirror all devices so um started for all devices boom boom so that is now open and these are my two phones that are up there running and you can see that they are hashing away happy as could be um looks like about 123 versus 1218 um uh shares so far and it's doing 5.4 megahash and this one's doing 58 mahash so they end up settling out around anywhere from 5 1/2 to 6 megahash total which is pretty good for how low power they are now uh everybody's going to ask is it profitable should you do it that kind of thing um like I said this is just going to be a basic overview we're not going to dive into every specific coin on this video uh right now I'm only mining vars coin on both of these so let me pull up a Varys mining calculator and show you what I'm earning and by the way before we get off there I did want to mention to you guys this software is preloaded with certain scripts for certain coins but you can also put your own custom scripts in here so if you have something you're wanting to spec mine that is able to be mined with the cell phone you can do that as well alongside you know mining other things so there's lots of options you can set temperatures you can set battery obviously do your Wi-Fi controls and that'll all be on the more in-depth videos I'm definitely going to break it up because this gets pretty cumbersome as it goes on it's simple once you know it and learn it but to pack you know everything all into one video I think would be um criminally long so yeah look out for those coming in here in the next couple days all right so this is the miner stat Varys mining calculator so two phones 12 Mega has last 24 hours would have netted you about 5 cents or 01 Varys coin depending on the P of ver vars coin obviously Everything Changes uh as time goes on but yeah you're looking at about 2 and2 cents per phone per day so if you had uh 20 phones in there that would be 12 20 mahash so you'd be looking at about 50 cents a day on uh 20 phones not great but that is .12 Varys coin a day uh and then for a week almost a full Varys coin in a week or about $425 with uh the market being down and a lot of people still mining on Varys cuz it's a low power algorithm uh I think it's going to take a quite a bit longer for the hash rate on Varys to come down um let's take a look at the network hash rate actually yeah see look at this 2024 October like we're not I mean it spiked up there at one point to 6 terahash but it's still 4.5 terahash so it's it's not like it's falling off hard at all if anything it's actually up in the last 3 days so yeah yeah that is one of those difficult ones but I think varis coin is going to do good over the long term obviously this is not Financial advice but I am going to get this box up and running and luckily these things are so low power that I think they advertise and let me pull it up on the cell haser website cell hasher um.com I think they advertise what a fully kitted out system will burn over here cuz you can buy them fully preloaded so this is the the Classic this is what I have and then you can get the classic with 20 phones does it say on here it does not um but yeah yeah once mine is fully loaded I will be doing some watt meter wattage testing and go from there but that yeah you can see what it'll look like with a bunch of phones in there good good stuff but anyway guys I'm going to jump off here I do have a link down below my buddy Luke is the one that uh started this company and is running it um he has some some help now with him but awesome guy he also has a Discord which right there it is the cell hasher Community Discord go over there give him some love tell him that Brandon coin sent you and I think you get a discount if you use my link down below I'm not exactly sure uh I will ping him and find out but you don't have to buy a fully loaded one um cuz that is a little bit expensive you can actually just get a classic that is unloaded for what is it 149 I think I think my code or my link gives you a discount I'm not sure not sure but regardless 149 and you don't have to deal with a bunch of cables and wires and all that kind of stuff and it's nice and and pretty and packed in there um it it's it's not bad okay so the power supply is 200 Watts I imagine it doesn't even use well it uses probably half of that maybe for 20 phones yeah all right guys I'm going to jump off here y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one I'm starting to lose my voice adios

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