hey guys AR here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I cleaned up okay you may have noticed that this floor is no longer taken over by boxes well just this side here there used to be a lot of boxes here you can see on the screen here it used to look really bad it could barely walk but now it's all thrown out well not everything okay there's some boxes that I had to keep okay so I know it looks messy over here but these are boxes I still need to keep for shipping out potentially all of these miners that I had used as heaters upstairs in my house and other places my family houses as well uh it's the temperatures have been going up so I no longer need to use these as heaters so I brought them all here okay I'm going to be talking about all these miners in another video I don't know if I'm going to be either selling these I feel like I should sell these or give them away or probably sell I do need to recoup some money from all the previous giveaways that I did found out the shipping costs were quite expensive but I'll talk about that in another video anyways I just wanted to do like a basement update here so I'll update you all right after a word from today's video sponsor looking to earn profitably during your crypto mining Journey look no further than Asic marketplace.com where they sell all the latest crypto Miners and provide fast shipping service at Asic marketplace.com the price you see is the price you pay shipping and DDP right to your door are included no surprises at checkout pay your way with secure options like direct bank transfer or crypto payments like Bitcoin usdt or even Caspa ready to save even more use code RPM at checkout and get $100 off each Asic order join the Asic marketplace.com Community today and mind smarter not harder links down below okay so this side of the room it was just you guys saw before it was loaded with boxes all the way up until the ceiling pretty much and throughout all the floor here I pretty much had boxes that were unboxed and you know I just left them there let myself go essentially and you know essentially I just had a lot of stuff here where I couldn't like Place anything or walk or do anything so I did buy some organizers some boxes to put other stuff in to organize uh my shelves which I'm going to do I've kind of been organizing already so I do have a top shelf here for my extra power supplies networking equipment I don't know extra fans a lot of extra uh ssds and hard drives which I bought over Black Friday so I've have a lot of these because my octom Miner sometimes uh they die right so I have a lot of 120 gig ssds extra and a plethora amount of extra cabling and such and in the process of cleaning I did find a whole like i7 uh setup here LGA 12700 KF with a gigabyte uh z790 s motherboard Ram air cooler as well so I think I was supposed to set this up as like another editing PC but I never got around to it so actually I may turn that into a salad rig but then okay I've also been kind of clearing up my uh low Powers shelf okay so all those miners that you saw on the floor okay I had a few of them on this shelf which uh I took down so I had a uh X1 that was sitting here a jazz Miner uh that was uh actually turned off because I have a Bitcoin Asic here this is the Avalon X15 P or 1566 which takes over like 32 3,300 Watts so I had to turn off a bunch of stuff here so I've put a lot of stuff that I'm not using over on the floor over there I know you guys are going to laugh at me red panded just putting more stuff on the floor but I I'm going to get rid of that stuff or sell it and uh yeah more stuff I decided to leave here just for now I'm probably going to get rid of these too you guys know these These are the ice server ks0 Ultras or ksz Pros going to get rid of those but this shelf will probably predominantly my solid rigs because these are the pretty much the only things that are making money right now I understand the market is ah man just as of recording I think Bitcoin just crashed down to 85k and you guys are going to see this video the next day so who knows maybe tomorrow the Market's going to go back up again but yeah you know Bitcoin was just like 95k earlier and now we're at 85k so it's hilarious that the Trump news really falters the market especially the the Tariff news that we just had seemed to crash the market which is interesting but anyways yeah I took a lot of those miners down uh Jazz Miner Jazz Miner Jazz Miner uh gold shell gold shell mini Doge miners all these miners here yeah I majority of these were used as heaters right and yeah oh here's the uh X1 which uh yeah this is with the raspberry uh Pi 3 I believe it's interesting this is the IP poo uh eash minor so I don't know if anyone is going to find Value but yeah I'm going to have a video tomorrow talking about all these uh if anyone is actually interested in these feel free to email me contact at red pan.com but wait for the video tomorrow how I explain if I'm going to you know sell these and where I'm going to sell these okay so my process of cleaning is not done yet okay I have been meaning to uh this area here you know my main test testbench area where I set up everything and you know do live streams this is going to stay here but I have another area over here which is just loaded with more stuff that I have not essentially set up yet gpus and a few more uh mother board setups which I'm going to convert into solid rigs which I have more of the these uh frames you know the open air frames and 1 TB s ssds or no nvmes and the 64 gig ram kits because yeah I solid is making the money right now okay that's the unfortunate reality uh I know GPU mining is just dead in the water right now and if you are still Mining and hodling spec mining that's the name of the game if you can do that that's the best way which I'm going to have a video talking with you guys regarding uh GPU mining you know a state of GPU mining uh for myself I don't know if I can continue to mine and hoddle especially with all the gpus all the stuff that I've been doing uh over the past two or 3 years now I've been you know paying my electrical bill out of pocket Mining and hodling a lot of coins I'll have a video about that with you guys uh just an honest video talking about if I'm you know going to keep majority of my gpus on mining and if I'm going to sell gpus because you know gpus right now are actually up in price people are willing to buy them for a pretty high price right now even though you know GPU mining is not doing well so I think it's you know the whole tariff news and potentially the uh whole thing with AI people are using gpus for AI now so I think people are finding value there anyways yeah my cleaning process is is getting there I know it looks like I haven't really done anything and I just added more stuff on the floor but it's just my staging area okay but it feels a lot better feels way better that I have all this stuff out of the way all the boxes all the old boxes I wasn't going to use but I kept a lot of the old ones because like I said I'm most likely going to be shipping a lot of these uh you know miners out gold shells Jazz Miners and uh gpus you know who knows right a lot of stuff but uh yeah my test bench my secondary test bench areas are in the works okay I have uh 10 two gauge cabling ready I need to wire uh into my circuit panel so I can have another 240 M over here to do testing and then I have another test bench on this side here that I need to run another 102 gauge cabling here for another uh 240 volt circuit so that I can do more testing here oh man a lot of work to do and the uh Infamous uh octo server here I need to take my 309s out from my other basement bring them here and place them into this octo server okay so that I can do some you know AI content or vast.
A content and see if I can you know rent out my freaking you know 309s with this server this is a epic server with 256 gigs of RAM you know pretty baller uh server here with uh two 4 tbte uh nvmes that I I you know I don't even know what I'm going to use all that space for but yeah just a pretty nice server here for I guess uh the use of uh renting out my gpus okay all right guys so just a filler video just an update uh what I've been doing over the past uh couple days cleaning up I know I just got back from uh Taiwan I had a great time I uh didn't find any 509s I know some people were asking I had a relaxing time with family and such but back to it back to the grind and so I'll see you guys in another video tomorrow okay about all this stuff what am I going to do what am I going to do with this all right I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out