Common Mistake on SALAD

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all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and today we're talking about salad so these are some of my Ai and compute stations um I need to actually wipe those off they're getting a little Dusty down there but um this video is to address a common problem it looks like a lot of people are getting started back into salad I am doing an updated how to start solad AI compute renting that kind of thing um if you don't know anything that I'm talking about salad is a compute workload platform where you rent out your entire system uh somebody can use it and then you get paid out in dollars doesn't have anything to do with crypto other than the fact that people could rent your system out to actually mine crypto but it doesn't make sense because salad genuinely or generally sorry uh normally makes more in uh dollars than you would make in mining crypto but regardless um I I wanted to go over this because it seems like now with we have a flood of newer people coming in I I get this question a lot and the number one uh failure point I think that happens and why people get frustrated is they're installing this they're installing salad and trying to run it on their actual main PC now if you'll notice um everybody that's serious into salad they don't really run it on their main computer not their computer that they're going to be using they set up um Rigs and you can do it as basic as literally just having you know graphics guard motherboard Ram a storage drive and a power supply you don't have to put it into cases I ended up casing my rigs because of my kids and uh my cat that kind of thing um whereas I had a shelf here with tons of them all sitting on the shelf and it was just the low the low hanging fruit uh my kids were grabbing and that kind of thing so you don't have to have cases you definitely don't have to have RGB or anything like that um but if you install salad onto your main PC and then still try to use it uh it'll kick you off um it'll it'll have uh I don't know the exact warning but basically you know it's like GPU workload detected you go and try to fire up any kind of game that will use your GPU in any significant amount and it's going to kick salad off now here's where the real kicker comes in salad didn't used to have this problem but they do now because there's an there's so many people on the network everybody's fighting for these workload jobs so that means um you know if they got 50 jobs and 100 people are in line and you know 50 of them get out of line and you finally get to that 49th or 50th position to where you get a job but then you get home from work salad's running you jump on or you get home from school you jump on and you fire up a video game it's going to kick salad off you're going to lose that workload job and whatever backend reliability score or metrics or measurements because they have stated that they do keep track of those measurements uh or those those metrics uh but we don't get to see that um but you get lowered down in your priority uh everybody knows this is the case because just go flip off your rigs um on and off a couple times and uh it's harder to get workloads if you let your system run and just keep doing its thing uh it definitely seems to get workloads more often and better jobs uh they've even stated there's going to be a tearing system uh which the tearing pay system is already out but they said there's also going to be a tearing you know Chef system potentially come out because there is what's called a star Chef program so after you've been on the network and chopped for 50 hours straight in a week which is not hard to do you become a star Chef so that used to mean oh you're a star Chef you're guaranteed jobs that is not the case anymore almost everybody is a star Chef that uses salad because almost everybody that uses salad has dedicated rigs so they're not running 10 hours a day for 5 days a week to get 50 hours in no they're running 24 hours a day 7 days a week because they want every single job they can get as often as they can get it so then that brings up another question because everybody's like oh I installed this on my main computer and I'm not making any money and and you know the job's only run for an hour and then that's when we dive into it and it's like well you know what else are you doing on your computer oh well I I play mine CRA sometimes that shouldn't be a problem well that's using up system resources that are supposed to be uh allocated to rental um so then you know the the rental isn't getting its full resources that's why they start kicking you know the jobs off um you know oh well I just watch YouTube videos and most of the time it's fine well most of the time it was fine um as salad has been evolving and uh progressing I in the beginning I installed salad on my main computer and it worked great I could actually play some video games I could watch you know have tabs open I installed a little extra Ram so I had some Headroom it was fine now even just opening RuneScape which yes I do still play some RuneScape from time to time even just opening RuneScape on my main computer which is a 3070 TI 64 gigs of RAM and a 12 core CPU it will kick salad off and I get a little notification GPU workload detected blah blah blah blah and then um that hurts my reliability score now I have asked this a couple times to a couple people in the salad team is your reliability score per machine or is it on your account um and the vague answer that they gave me is I it I assume it's on your account because just like uh when you get star Chef status um if you put a new machine on your account it's already a star Chef it doesn't have to earn it because your account is already a starf so you might have have you know five rigs or four rigs or maybe even only two Rigs and they're doing great and then you have your main PC and you're knocking it off you know once a day or twice a day or something you're hurting your reliability score on your account and that is potentially hurting your earnings on your other machines now some people are going to say this is a whole load of hoopla uh I'm trying to get uh I would love to get some more clarification on this but um unfortunately um or maybe fortunately salad does believe in a lot of security through what is it security through um I can't think of the word I don't know security through vagueness or whatever there's there's a better term there but essentially um they have they they said you know in the past there has been potential ways to game the system or game the game and as crypto Miners and naturally just people that want to maximize their profits everybody's going to gain the system so if they showed every single way they monitored and and um all the metrics they kept uh people could min max and they don't want that to happen um it is weird but I I do kind of get it because one thing that they have released is the fact that they don't monitor per core performance or you know IPC performance on CPUs so that means you could load up and which I do have a lot of them an older Zeon system with 12 14 18 cores and you could load up a brand new you know what ryzen 9 7950 X um or 7900 and all salad sees and all the customer sees is cores oh I want 10 cores oh I want 12 cores it doesn't know if it's getting you know a CP that's got 10year old cores with you know half of the uh the IPC performance as as something that might be 10 years newer it's something that is not is not graded it's not it's not kept track of yet um they said that potentially that is something they're going to be looking into but right now they just don't use the CPUs enough or their customers don't use the CPUs enough for it to be a concern um so yeah I know I touched on a lot of things in this video um just try try to kind of wrap up some of these these questions that get asked nonstop uh but you could be Your Own Worst Enemy if you have a system or systems and they're not getting jobs regularly but then you're running salad on your main PC you could be hurting yourself so um I'd love to hear you guys' questions comments concerns everything like that um maybe you don't agree with me maybe you don't think that's that's the right thing uh we have been at it me my friends my associates that kind of thing for a while now and uh the best course of action is to just get your machines up and running smooth um disable Windows updates um I'm doing another video on that here soon because for some reason the other one got taken down it got flagged I had some audio or like some audio in the background a little bit of music so um yeah I got I had to take that down anyway I'll redo that video so that way you know how to pause up updates because a lot of people are like oh my God I had updates paused inside of Windows well Windows does not let you permanently pause updates it's only a temporary thing so then it'll randomly do an update and it takes your machine machine offline and then guess what your uptime score is hurt so yeah that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes anyways I'm going to jump off here um look out for that tomorrow uh I'm going to be doing an updated video obviously I'm not talking to a lot of existing viewers here this is a lot of new viewers or people that are new to salad or maybe you've been on salad and you've wondered why um your performance has been hit so um yeah hopefully maybe this helped you a little bit adios ladies and gentlemen

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