CPU MINING CPUMINER-GR 1.1.9 vs 1.2.2 Hashrate Comparison | Raptoreum

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what's going on everyone so we did just 
release that video on updating to uh 1.2   1.2.2 in windows 10 and hive os for all 
the bug fixes and everything else that   did happen in 1.2 so now we did do rig 1 and 2 if 
you guys saw that video and remember it if not it   just came out this morning so be sure to check 
that out on how to upgrade so we're looking at   the performance difference now rig four five six 
and seven here are all on one point one point   nine and this rig seven is a 3950x so you can 
see the extra four core eight thread performance   over the 3 900 x right here so it's not too too 
bad a nice little boost but is it worth the price   i'm not really sure i really do think the 3 900 x 
especially finding out a bargain price is the best   bang for your buck in performance now here we are 
looking at the actual hash rate difference so rig   four five and six are 3900 x's and they are using 
one point one point nine and here we have rig one   and two both 3900 x as well everything overclocked 
3.6 all core at one volt so everything's running   the same settings it looks like we are gaining 
about 50 hashes now that might not think like much   at first just looking at this i have screenshots 
based on other algorithms well we'll look at in a   minute but right now just looking at the whatever 
it is mining currently uh the mini algorithm   we're looking at a 50 uh hash increase so if 
you have a bunch of rigs you know that's 100 uh   200 300 extra hashes right here if i was to update 
everything we might get a little more on the 3950x   i'm not sure yet because i haven't updated yet and 
i wouldn't really be able to compare it because i   only have the one but yeah looks like we get at 
least a 300 increase here and you think not much   but with all these rakes that's almost 300 hashes 
is like what some of the low intel cpus do all by   themselves so you almost have an extra cpu here 
in hash rate depending on the size of your farm   every little bit does stack up so it might be 
worth it long term to actually upgrading no do   your four hour tunes you may be worth that much 
i haven't noticed any increase in power i did   not put anything to an individual watt meter but 
at my main system at the wall i haven't noticed   anything going up so i don't think power is really 
effective but there may be a few watts here and   there so here is a screenshot based on a different 
rotation now remember there's up to 20 rotations   on raptorium so it can swap to 20 different ones 
most of them are uh within they're pretty close to   each other but there are some that are you know 
when it gets to the high end it is a lot higher   and it gets the low end it is a lot lower but i 
just did i found about six different algorithms   that hit so i could just compare them right quick 
together so here we have a 2.623 2.625 on our   latest update one point or one point two point 
two and it looks like two point five nine two two   point five nines in that area for our one point 
one point nine uh so that is about what is that   there so that's only like a thirty or forty hash 
difference so not too too much of a comparison in   this part here we have another one and this is 
a little bit on the higher end of it i've seen   a maximum of 15 but i didn't catch any of the 
major ones when i was doing these screenshots   and never hit that algorithm it's random it might 
not even hit it today we never know when it could   hit it just swaps it over between each block but 
here you can see we're in the 10 kill hash across   the board here and our 3950x is almost hitting 
13 kill hash when it hits this rotation but 10.58   kilohash 10.63 on the latest miner and the older 
ones are like 10.12 10.10 uh whatever in there so   it looks like a 50 to 60 increase depending on you 
know silicon lottery and whatnot involved so again   about the same as the first one 50 to 60.

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rotation number three that i found it looks like   we're sitting around the 40 hash difference again 
so 2.612 2.614 on the latest miner and the older   miners is 2.567 2.573 so uh going into the tens 
here it is about 40 to 50 hashes so that seems to   be a common number across the board here so here 
we have something quite interesting we actually   lost five to 600 hashes possibly you can see here 
rig one and two are both you know uh five to six   hundred hashes less than our older version of 
the miner on this one i can't remember the name   of this but i had to confirm i went into the miner 
and i checked my pc my workstation everything they   were all on the same rotation so this is correct 
it wasn't late to swap to the block or anything   or swap rotations so we actually lost five to 
600 hashes so even though we gained you know   40 hashes across the board on most of them once 
we hit this one we lose 500 so this one right   here depending how much it hits in a day could 
result in a lower hash rate overall throughout   your average per day thing so quite interesting 
here i thought that something was might have been   fishy going on here but yeah everything 
was mine the right thing but we did have   five to six hundred lower of a hash rate compared 
to what the 1.1.9 was and on our last one here   we're back to our 40 to 50 type of range here 
looks like probably about 45 or something based on   the latest to the older miner of an increase of 
hash rate so this is only about six hash or six   rotations that i actually managed to catch myself 
remember there's up to 20 so i'm definitely going   to watch this more and see if there's potentially 
more algorithms or rotations on here that   you may be losing hash rate on at the increase of 
a tuning as well so i don't know maybe long-term   1.1.9 may be better off but again i have not fully 
tested yet these are just some quick findings that   i'm finding right out the get-go it's only been 
a couple hours uh this morning that i've been   watching this so i'm gonna keep an eye on this 
and see if we do hit some more uh actual rotations   where we do lose hash rate on them and i'll try to 
mark down what they're actually called okay guys   so i hope this video does help you out and notice 
seeing a difference between the two miners and   what it kind of looks like uh here is a brand new 
one i just popped up i hit the refresh button and   it looks like we're at about what i always like to 
go with the high one here so we're gonna pick this   one so we're just gonna round it to 80 so it looks 
like 80 90 100 so it looks like about a 30 hash   rate difference here so not too too bad so that's 
about seven different rotations out of 20 that we   have seen and noticed the difference in it most of 
them being in the plus side of the new minor being   uh giving you more hashes at about the same power 
but we did find that one rotation where you lost   quite a bit so again depending how often that 
rotation hits you may be better off on the older   miner uh if it hardly ever hits and it's mostly 
on all the other ones you know it's really rare   it's like 1 and 20 because i believe it's random 
after each block it does swap to a different   rotation but you will need a dev to confirm all 
that with you but anyway uh thanks for watching   guys hit that subscribe button thumbs up button 
as well as bell notification i'll catch you on   the next one Rabid out thank you for watching 
everyone if you haven't please comment subscribe   and like this video as well as check out one 
of these other videos if you have not seen   it yet i do try to stream every saturday and 
sunday so stay tuned for more future content you

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