The crypto crash is coming sell all your Crypto now welcome back to the 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Umar Khan And today we're talking about what's Coming next for the crypto Market are we Really truly going to see a crypto crash And should you actually sell all of your Crypto now first of all before we start The video I want to ask if you haven't Already smash subscribe button down Below and second of all don't sell all Your crypto now and even if I told you To sell your crypto it's not Financial Advice so don't listen to a dude on the Internet now why are we talking about Selling a crypto crypto crash right now Here's the thing we're going to see a Lot of fun in the next couple of days Unfortunately it's Friday right now the Time I'm filming this video and over the Weekend I imagine there's going to be a Lot of bears it's weird every time we Come to a weekend we're seeing Bears Momentum I'm seeing crypto going down Bitcoin potentially could break past 60,000 break below 60,000 which should Obviously be terrible and start a whole Downwards downwards Trend which we Obviously don't want to see so I want to Go into today's video make it a bit Different than what we typically do on This channel we're not going to look at Price action technical reports and news We're going to just talk about oneone

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For crypto investing and trading so Let's go ahead and take a look at what's Going on in the actual Market we can see Uh the fear and green in index is Sitting at a 56 which is not too bad Closer to Greed than fear which is good Overall crypto Market is down by 1.6% And Bitcoin currently trading at $60,500 or a little bit less than that Down 2% on the day and about 2% on the Week we see other cryptos down as well Ethereum down about 6% we see some Cryptos pumping xrp I mean should we Even talk about xrp it has its own Issues uh meme coins down 6% avac down 3% we're seeing a bit of of R across the Board and what happens is it's going to Be a vicious cycle of panic selling We're going to see Bitcoin potentially Again this is all potential and Hypothetical Bitcoin breaks below $60,000 people are going to panic Thinking Bitcoin is going to zero which Is obviously not and that's going to Cause a whole trend of selling now the Reason we would want to talk about a Video like this of selling your cryptos And selling your assets is as an as an Investor you're buying into Cryptocurrencies to make a profit you're Not buying into cryptocurrencies to be Nice you're not buying into Cryptocurrency for any other reasons yes Maybe Mass adoption could be a reason

Yes maybe you want to buy for a longterm Future which is great cuz yeah bitcoin's Going to be around crypto's going to be Around long term but remember at the Core of this is you're buying to make a Profit so if you bought Bitcoin when is At $70,000 and it crashes to $59,000 do you think it's wise to sell Your Bitcoin at a loss of $59,000 or Hold it and wait for it to come back at 70,000 right hypothetically speaking you Bought a full Bitcoin so you had roughly 20,000 loss it'll probably make the most Sense for you to wait it out right Especially the way the Market's going With with Bitcoin specifically it makes A ton of sense for you to actually wait It out we're seeing the chart right we Can see back in 2017 we saw it first Massive pump and really getting into Mainstream attention right then it kind It f it off right then 2021 happen and Came again we saw climb all the way to $60,000 right then same thing this time Around post half post happening we saw Bitcoin peaking around I guess this was Right before the happening peeking Around $71,000 Right if hypothetically in my personal Opinion we're at the beginning of the Bare Mark we're at the beginning of the Bu Market I should say sorry and I Personally think we are going to see

Bitcoin pump a little bit more but let's Just say hypothetically speaking it was Going to go in the other direction it Was going to go back into bare market For a little bit realistically speaking Within the span of one to four years we Can reenter a bull market and it could Be higher than previous size right the Whole point I'm trying to make across This video guys is with cryptocurrencies Is sometimes you got to when in doubt Zoom out and look at the overall scheme Things before you make quick irrational Decisions right even last week when uh Bitcoin was was was dumping a little bit Was sitting in $58,000 a lot of people Uh even people are into crypto were Thinking oh we're going to see Bitcoin Hit to 45 we're going to see Bitcoin hit To 45 when you read and talk about Things like that it almost forces you as Human nature right scarcity mindset Right oh I should probably sell before It goes to zero right and a grand scheme Of things anyone who sold at 58 you know Then it goes back to 64 and you're like Oh I shouldn't have sold I could have Sold at 64 then someone bought 64 and Now they see it's closing 60 oh maybe I Should sell now the whole point of this Is you got to be a bit wiser when you're Buying and selling cryptocurrencies now Now that we talked about some bearish Things I want to talk about some bullish

Things because there's some really Exciting things for Bitcoin ahead right Justin Jack dorsy pred predicts at least A 1 billion 1 million Bitcoin by 2030 Now who's Jack dorsy a reputable figure In the financial space especially being In the crypto space as well right that's A massive bullish prediction right That's pretty bullish right big news for Hong Kong a ETF issuer considers seeking Approval to trade in Mainland the Implications of this are huge right the More Bitcoin adoption happens the more Popular and the higher the price of Bitcoin goes this going to reflect Across the board even for meme coins Altcoins and everything in between even Nfts right so that's absolutely bullish Right you see the progress bar uh of 37% Right if we're here right now this is Where we were in 2017 20 2021 and then Eventually we're thinking we're going to Pop past in this upward direction right Even Donald Trump being a massive Supporter of crypto and if he comes to Be president this could be absolutely Massive for the over crypto Market again A bunch of bullish things across the Board we're very excited over here on The 99b channel for what comes next for Crypto we wanted to make this uh a video A more informative and educational Style Video so if you like these style of Videos let us know in the comments

Section below we diers some more of that If you want to see more meme coins stay Tuned as we're going to be cover more Meme coins later on this week that Pretty much drops of the video if you Enjoy watching videos like this you know What to do smash the Subscribe button Down below until next time it's your boy Umar peace [Music]

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