Crypto GPU Mining in Computer Store

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all right so what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel we are in the shop today but we are working on our mining rig so if you guys know I put a like a video up where I was talking about I was going to let you guys pick what I start Mining and then mine it for like a full 30 days and just kind of see how we do you know beginning middle and end before we did that I was like oh well I got this rig it was a really good deal it was already assembled and was supposedly already running previously so I brought it in here and I'm like I'm going to run it in here put off a little bit of heat it'll it'll be good that way I don't have to run a heater in here everybody's hunky d right well I plug it in and um it doesn't run uh I put my hive USB drive in there and I'm like well let's try to boot it into Hive first uh and go from there but let me show you guys what it does and this is before I've started any troubleshooting so these are all MSI RX 5700 XTS it has a ATX power supply for the motherboard me turn that on it's got a server power supply to give extra power for the cards so we'll turn that on now we'll hit the power button which is right here and then you'll notice some of these fans are not spinning I was told that some of the fans were bad so that's to be expected I'm going to probably order a full set of fans in for these but you if you'll notice we're boot looping yep on off on off so that's unfortunate not the end of the world but the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and turn the power off to the motherboard turn the power off to this power supply I'm going to unplug everything oh there's a moth right there look at that oh he went byebye um now I'm going to unplug everything except for for the first graphics card and see if it's still boot looping because that's just the way I've always done it so we'll leave all these bad boys over here and the first graphics card I believe is this one and that one's actually running off the ATX power supply and the Riser is running off the power supply as well so that means we can we don't have to turn on the server power supply for this one let's see if I boot loops with this yes okay so we're still boot loop in there let's turn this back off so I don't think it is a don't think it's a graphics C issue at this point go ahead unplug those and let's let's let's pop this Ram out and power it back on okay so it looks like it's running now so potentially this hyperx Ram it's not happy let's try to reat it let me turn it off first let's try to receip it first blow on it wipe it off like a Nintendo cartridge I can get it in there one-handed taada right flip that back on huh it's boot looping okay well let me go grab another stick of RAM and I will be right back all right so I stuck in a cheapo 8 gig stick of T Force ddr4 and wow look at that okay so we're running now that's crazy that that that other sticker Ram I guess went bad potentially I don't know it's odd but um let's plug in all these graphics cards plug in the ethernet and see if we can't get this bad boy to fire up and show up everything a little flexi on the motherboard right there probably could use some more standoffs yeah definitely could use a standoff right there um where's our ethernet at we just had it here there it is T flip the switch again there we go server power supply on I always like to do that one on just a second before turn on main power okay we are now running I believe so let me go see if this thing populates up and shows up on hive but yeah so for the meantime at least until it's still you know while it's cold outside uh I'm going to probably leave it right there once it gets warm I doubt I'll keep it in here it's too much if we can find Space um but you know for the next 30 days we should be good to go and um yeah yeah just uh some controlled shop heat hopefully it's not too loud but I definitely know I'll need fans let me see so that one's got a bad fan okay so at least one of them has a bad fan right now oh yeah May little kickart oh yeah that one's talking too that Fan's about to go nuclear oh now that it's getting more power that one's spinning oh my God that's so annoying this fan is not happy okay so I guess it's trying to load up into Hive and do some kind of algorithm let me jump on that and uh get this thing in check all right so I turned all or I turned the rig back off because other fans started making noise and no matter how far I turned the fan speed down unless I basically turn the fans off uh they're making a racket and um yeah that that's not going to fly so I've been searching around I fan I found replacement fans so I'm going to go ahead and order a whole new set of fans for all these cards I need to take them down and get them cleaned anyway because they're super super dirty um yeah yeah so this is basically I guess put on hold for another couple days um I could get them on Amazon but they're like 20 bucks a set time 6 120 bucks or if I get them on AliExpress uh they're $7 a piece but I can get a prime or Al AliExpress prime or something so it takes like a week and a half to two weeks um yeah we can make that we can we can make that happen uh basically saving like what $80 or something that is well worth well worth the wait goodness I may you know what I just thought about I may bring a box fan from the house turn the fans off come back well come back up here bring the box fan turn all the fans off and just leave the box fan over there to uh do airflow until the new fans come in cuz I'd hate to wait we got some good mining coming up um you know what that's that's the new preliminary plan so yeah anyway in the meantime thanks for coming out thanks for for joining us um today's broadcast is in cooperation with our sponsor BC PC if you need any used computer parts or anything computer related need a whole computer reach out to us phone number 919 9649 47 or website is yeah this some organization so I got regular pcie six pin risers in here and got Molex risers here we're getting there we're getting there got um all the six pin cables like for server power spot is over there I know I know let's get in there um still got to break down the rest of this rig so yeah lots of stuff always something blah all right video's over y have have a good night I'll see you on the next one peace all right so bonus content I figured I'd show packing one of the orders I got in today figured it was a little bit out of the normal uh cuz most of the time I'm just like selling single graphics cards um this is order number what number is it uh 1197 yeah so they got an Asus h110 motherboard let me actually get this box open I'm gonna make sure everything's good and go ahead and put the CPU in here cuz they got a CPU with it and a cooler gosh I like have this forever cough that my children have given me and I don't know when I'm going to get rid of it if ever so all right so we got the motherboard right here and they also got a Celeron g3900 so let's grab processor all righty so I got all the processors right here hold on I'm getting a phone call all right so I'm back here is the g3900 that was 10 bucks so not bad there I'm going to go ahead and pre-install it on the motherboard cuz it's honestly a safe place for it to be so pull that cover off plop that open put this guy into there make sure it lines up up got get that corner T take the tag off put that back down lock it down and they also got a Intel stock CPU Cooler so we'll grab one of those I got a pile of them we'll make sure it is the correct pattern taada there it is aha so get that tape off there um I am going to just I'll pop that in but I'm not going to I'm not going to plug it in in case they they need to do stuff and things but anyway thank you I appreciate your business uh Mr man that that purchased this motherboard kit and um yeah if you guys need anything I definitely have more more stuff coming so oh make sure I can get this one all the way down in there but I definitely have some more stuff coming especially on the motherboard side of things cuz a lot of people are complaining oh you only have graphics cards you don't have anything else and um I do I do have I do have more things so um hopefully you guys will enjoy that because it costs extra money to have extra things the stock coolers can be a little finicky at times get them all locked in all righty so there she goes happy as can be put it back in the little plastic bag then I'll get it uh bubble wrapped up and sent on its way um I did want to ask so I have a bunch of like third and fourth gen Intel chips and then I brought in some motherboards uh they're new or I guess reman or new like Chinese motherboards are just died so what I was trying to say is should I pair up older CPUs and motherboards as CPU motherboard combos do you think that would sell better or do you think I should still just sell them separately food for thought anyway thanks for watching guys I'll see y'all down below and um everybody's like oh my God what are you going to do bitcoin's alltime high what are you going to talk about we're going to talk about computers that's what we always talk about I mean we can talk about Bitcoin but I ain't really got a whole lot cuz yeah it's a thing anyway see you on the next one adios

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