Crypto News Is Pointing To a Major Rebound! This New Meme Coin Could Lead The Way!

What do you know just like that go out There and search or Google crypto news Yesterday the day before the day before The day before investors fearful Investors Fring investors worry Germany Killing Bitcoin Germany selling Bitcoin Crypto's over because Germany is selling And just like that the narrative has Already changed guys it's a very Interesting concept okay that investors Were as fearful as they were but I Believe that fear is also being driven By mainstream media who does nothing but Right about how fearful investors are When in fact I was never scared of Germany selling office in Bitcoin you Could see the market eating that Bitcoin Right up and that is exactly what They're going to do for Mount goau but Right now if you go out there and Google Crypto news you're going to see a lot of Good news you're going to see the Current Administration here in the United States meeting with uh meeting With I guess advisors and lawmakers and Regulatory leaders in the cryptocurrency Space to create a better environment for Crypto now clearly they're doing this at This point in time they did not want to Do this at all during the last three and A half years but they're doing it now Because of course their competition is Pro crypto so let's talk about a little Bit of that in this video and we're also

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Going to be going over the wiener dog AI Pre-sale because if you guys are looking For a token that is going to launch Possibly at the time when cryptocurrency Investors are once again turning greedy Possibly at a time when the overall Economic news is pointing to Major Bullish action this is going to be it There's only 19 days left if it sounds Like something you're interested in Let's get started what's up everybody I'm clay bro and as you can see we've Got wiener dog AI on the screen right Now and there's only 19 days left look If you're going to make a decision on This one you need to make it fast click The link in the description below pull Up this website simply click on connect Wallet I like to use wallet connect but You guys can do it however you want There and determine how much you're Going to want to buy one ethereum your Walking away with 4.2 million wiener Doog AI why would you want to buy this Right now right cryptocurrency is down Isn't it cryptocur Bitcoin is down Salana is down ethereum is you guys get It but it does Rebound every single time We have seen a cryptocurrency market Pullback it is rebounded now the current Fear degreed index is still steady at a Level of 40 today it is right on the Cusp of fear and neutrality this will Begin to tick back up is the price of

These assets begin to tick back up but Let's talk about the overall Macroeconomic Outlook inflation here in The United States was a level of 3.3 on Its previous reading it is currently a Level of three even better than uh cons Consensus was pointing towards at a Level of 3.1 that could lead Jerome pal to to Reduce interest rates and if he does That you better be ready for a boom if You look at the current news in the Cryptocurrency market we're not being Shrouded and fear mongered anymore we're Being shown that oh well you know what Maybe the lawmakers are going to embrace Crypto oh well you know what uh whatever The reasons are if they can't keep up With the competition right if you can't Beat them join them that's what we're Seeing here we've spent the last 3 years In an environment where the current SEC And the current Administration in the United States attacked cryptocurrency as Being one of the most illicit assets That you can own oh how the narrative Changes when the competition comes in And says we're going to embrace it we're Going to generate Innovation we're going To create positivity in the Cryptocurrency space that's what we've Got going on right now so if that plays Out guys if we start to see a shift Towards innovation in the crypto space

If we continue to see infl tick down and Jerome pow actually say something good For once and lower the interest rates we Are going to see a surge in Cryptocurrency prices now it's not Necessarily going to start with weener Dog AI it's going to start with Bitcoin Ethereum the larger tokens out there and Then it's going to trickle down into the Larger meme coins and then it's going to Trickle down into the smaller meme coins And when it does it's going to coincide With a fear to Greed index that is incre Inreasing towards greed potentially Extreme greed and when it reaches those Levels I can't tell you guys to sell but Holy smokes I can ring your neck and Tell you guys to sell you know what I Mean it's still your decision but every Time the the whale or institutional Investors see this fear degreed index in Fearful territory they buy they buy when There's blood in the Street they buy property when there's Blood in the street it doesn't mean Doesn't mean they're buying blood in the Street and they go out there and when Others are fearful they're greedy and When others are greedy they become Fearful and that is exactly the way that We should be looking at things when Investors are greedy and they are buying Literally anything meaning weener dog Ai And causing this price to rip higher in

Value then you can consider selling it Then you can consider taking a massive Profit how much profit go watch some of The previous price prediction videos Guys they're expecting potentially 5 to 10x gains and weener dog AI by the end Of this year alone about 20x gains by The end of 2025 which would coincide Perfectly with the fouryear cycle of the Bar to bull market and then by 2030 when The new bull market is hitting they're Expecting 50 to 100x increases in the Price of Wier dog AI I think it's an Incredible time to be a cryptocurrency Investor if you've suffered through the Last two years of bare Market guess what You're getting ready to be a major bull Market player the same way that we saw 2017 ripire same way that we saw 2021 Ripire we will see a retail fomo entry Into the cryptocurrency space and I just I ask you go take a look at what meme Coins did hey maybe they've died out Since then right maybe they didn't Survive the the bare Market that came Afterwards but look how they reacted in 2021 when retail was greedy when retail Was buying anything there was so much Money to be made it's absolutely it Doesn't make sense right how much money There is to be made you just simply have To be here you have to be invested and You have to take a chance let me know What you guys are doing down in the

Comments below and until the next time Hope to each and every one of you have An awesome day

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