Crypto Whales Are Loading Up In These Meme Coins For The Upcoming Bull Market Rally!

You know I'm sitting here I'm reading Through this cryptocurrency news and I See the volatility in this market and Dude I got to say you right now you are So much different than everybody else Out there the fact that you can handle Such emotional swings the fact that you Are still here when everybody else Literally you know I say they're running Scared and sometimes you guys don't Believe me but we are sitting at levels Of EXT exem fear right now they are Running Scared retail is nowhere to be Found dude we got the lowest levels of Retail interesting cryptocurrency that We have had since 2016 before people Knew what Bitcoin even was yet I read Through these Articles and I'm reminded that you guys Are going to make it you know I I see The shibi enu coin I got that slogan That that Shoshi says every every once In a while you know wag me we're all Gonna make it dude no not everybody is Cut out for it you are we're going to be Talking about some of the headlines We're going to be talking about why You're going to make it we're going to Be talking about Pepe Unchained in this Video as well and if it sounds like Something you're interested in let's get Started what's up everybody I'm clay bro And as you can see we got Pepe Unchained On the screen right now we're going to

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Be going through this in a second but if At any time during this video you guys Find yourself interested in buying make Sure you use that link down in the Description below you're going to pull Up this website here you're going to be Able to go through it's easy I'll show You how to do it in a second but let's Go through these articles first I'm not Going to read through every single one But I want to show you some of these Headlines I want to talk about the Crypto space The Narrative that they're Going to be pushing over the next couple Of months and why you should brace Yourself Bitcoin whale transactions hit The highest level in four months amid The crypto dip guys retail is running Right we get it people are scared 20 Extreme fear one of the lowest level That you can hit without you know Redlining down here and breaking the Chart retail is afraid whales right now Are loading up this is what is going to Set them apart from you and I now I know That whales have unlimited money it Seems and they could just invest and Invest and buy the dip and buy the dip And buy the dip and so on but they're Willing to do it you at least have to be Willing to do it and I know that a $5 or A $10 buy every time a dip happens may Not really average you down but if You've get if you've got this mindset

That you are going to accumulate and you Are going to be here for the retail Return in the cryptocurrency bull market Dude you're going to be successful That's what whales do that's what makes Them whales if you want to be a whale You got to act like a whale first mover America's crypto price is a little Changed as xpa xrp surges this is an Interesting one okay Ripple hail's Victory as judge Cuts sec's penalty Request by 94% in the final Judgment of the xrp Case guys a 94% reduction in the penalty requested By the SEC I I mean I I you don't know what Else to do right the SEC is a complete Loser in this case which shows you that The cryptocurrency industry is going to Be more and more embraced here in the United States now this article down here And I don't know what all YouTube want You to say and all that stuff but you Guys can read this says they launched Crypto for you get it campaign to Counter this gu industry appeal now why Are they doing that okay to raise money We know how this certain group of people Has treated the cryptocurrency industry Over the last couple of years no body Who invests in crypto is going to be Donating money to them but they are Trying their best to to make their names

Known in this industry because they Understand how much money is here and How important the crypto currency space Is they might not want to embrace it They might not want to create Innovation But they certainly want that money don't Get left behind crypto suddenly braced For a Gamechanging Announcement D I mean there's so many Positive catalysts right I get the Emotion I feel the emotions that you Guys do I feel the fear dude sometimes You got to close your eyes and say you Know what man I'm not looking at my Portfolio today I don't care if it's up Or down because I'm going to be here Tomorrow regardless now of course it is Nice to look at your portfolio and it's Up and and you're and you're seeing some Green that's all good but you guys got To realiz You you can't fall victim to this fear You also can't fall victim to the greed When it sets in you have to be able to Ignore these emotions and buy the dip or Buy and accumulate when prices are low And then have the guts to sell it when The price is high and not convince Yourself that your $10 is going to turn Into a million dollars if you simply Wait another 3 days now something that Can return exponential gains during the Upcoming bull market Pepe Unchained if

You guys are interested in buying it's Very easy to click connect wallet I use Wallet connect and scan this QR code Here you guys can connect however you Wish and then simply determine how much You want to buy if you want to grab five Ethereum worth you're walking away with 1.3 million Pepe Unchained but why do I Believe that this token could do so well Because when retail investors return They're nowhere to be found right now Right remember this they're nowhere to Be found we were at the lowest level Since 2016 When they return they're going to be Looking for meme coins they're not going To be buying Bitcoin at1 $150,000 a coin They're not going to be buying ethereum At $7,000 to $10,000 a coin they're not Going to be buying salana at $500 to $1,000 a coin they're going to be going Out and buying meme coins why because That's where they can make their money They know that it's a risk yes the $100 That they put in can turn into 50 or it Can turn into 5,000 and those types of Risk to reward ratios Drive retail Sentiment and when retail investors Return and this blue line begins to Spike up once again they're going to be Returning and they're going to be buying Things like Pepe unchain because it is a Layer two blockchain built for meme Coins guys I am loading up during this

Bare Market I am trying my best to Ignore the fearful emotions I am trying My best to do what the whales do and Accumulate during periods of Consolidation and during Major Market Pullbacks sure I might go down in value Sure my portfolio certainly swings in Value but if you don't over leverage Which I you know I don't even I have Zero positions that are that are Leveraged at all right now I've Leveraged before you can do very well You can get burnt very very hard but I Have zero leverage positions right now Now so I am here I am stacked up I am Ready to go I'm waiting for retail to Return I want to know what you guys Think about it down in the comments Below are you falling victim to the Emotions of the volatility or are you Closing your eyes walking forward Knowing that you're going to come out on The other side let me know what you guys Got down in the comments below and until The next time hope to each and every one Of you have an awesome day

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