this my my cousin Josh he just brought his computer in and he said it's powering up but it's not actually powering up so let's plug it in and see what it's doing let me grab a power cable yeah I a got one of those oh yeah I wish iPhone would add a a pause button for their videos it'd be nice for like clips and stuff maybe it's just more power cable uh well let's try I we'll start off with turn on hit the power button oh yeah something's not happy what happened it just like flashed is that what it was doing oh now the Ram's on yeah that's what it did nothing else is on okay what flashed I don't know like all the lights flashed and then it went out so let's power it down we'll pull this side panel off real quick and I'm going to unplug that graphics card and then try to Power It Up kind of acts like something's might be shortened outs yeah hold that over there real quick just put the screws right here so I don't lose them you set it down anywhere over there just don't crack it so let's unplug this graphics card where's my a little Dusty in there it is a little Dusty you've been using this thing mhm the old wall build yeah you like that yeah did you see it on Tik Tok uh yeah for some reason that video did like unusually good all righty now let's F that oh something's still not happeny did it spark again it like flashed and it went off and then I hit it again and just the ram came on so all right let's turn it off power's off let's pull the ram out that's weird how easy it is to take that stuff out yeah pretty uh it's like Legos all right now oh something's noty so it's not associated Graphics part of the r it's got a EVGA power spot in it so I don't I don't imagine it would be the power supply but you know what let's let's try a different power supply real quick all right I have I have another one I have a couple of them around here somewhere can you uh if you look right around the corner um they're like a actually one's right there can you hand me that one there a course there this thing yeah oh this a unit yeah actually the one you got in there is a little bit nicer that's that's a pretty basic one okay so yeah just hold that for one second I'm going to make some room and then we'll plug that this one in that'll just tell us if we have a power supply problem here you could grab that box with all that stuff on it and just set it over there on top of those coolers I was getting ready to put all that into inventory so plug this Dusty in here 24 pins in now the CPU power got this guy want I posted my old wheels up on Facebook Marketplace and he uh was GNA trade me uh full PC set up like everything oh really monitors everything the PC looks like a unit but I wanted you to look at it first yeah yeah you can um you can forward me the uh the info on it and I'll I'll check it out what he value it at do you know no I have no idea what are you valuing your wheels at uh 650 650 okay so it should be a pretty decent setup then all right so let's power this on oh look at that it's the power spot yeah for some reason your power supply is bad to a dump no I mean it happens it's just I haven't had a lot of EVGA power supplies die it's giv us a ram code because the ram is not installed so let me turn or sorry let me turn this off we'll install everything and then uh plug the Monitor and see if it boots right up how uh how frisky are you going to get do you want to install the power sply yourself oh matter to me got a bunch of prongs yeah lot of little prongs righty she's all the way in there let's put the old GPU back in let's oh no this power supply won't even run this GPU it's only got one plug on it so I have another one I can use just to test it yeah this power this graphics card takes two plugs I think I have another power spot over there with a bigger um with that has dual plugs on it okay so we can we can test that but I'd like to see it just boot up and work first you know just so we can rule that out bench test all right now let's get a HDM all right I this is probably not going to boot to Windows because you're on a SSD aren't you or no you have an nvn I don't remembera I want know um it's under there yeah I think you have an EnV me so it should boot the windows oh well this we're using my Android camera today and the uh the quality is very androidy all right look at that that's booting up dang killed the power spot do you have it plugged into like a surge protector or anything not not saying that that would have saved it but here's it just straight into the wall it's plugged into a six way just plug the wall so there it is PC why are the lights there fans um oh cuz like all these extra plugs plug into your SATA plugs to run the fans and the lights and all that stuff I only plugged in your motherboard and graphics card just the basics to get it fired up um well let me we go ahead and power that down let me look and see if we got another power supply here that'll work for you all right guys well I will cut back but it seems to be that his power supply is no longer happy and I don't know why um it's EVGA 8 or 500 watt 80 plus rated it's one of the white ones so it is one of the cheaper ones but honestly this is probably the first EVGA power supply I've seen go bad um the only power supplies I have in the store right now are super expensive I have a 1,600 gold and a 1200 Platinum uh I don't have anything else other than a Corsair 430 but that's not going to be enough he's going to end up with another problem especially since doesn't even have enough plugs for his graphics card so we're going to try to find him one uh maybe Amazon Prime something get something quick cuz can't be down on a PC but anyways peace out I'll uh pick this up later I guess all right so that was pretty cool um originally I was like hey you want me to do it and you know I'll grab one fix it it blah blah blah and he was like you think I can do it I'm like absolutely and uh he's like can you show me what to order and I'm like yes so he got his phone out um I think he decided on a 700 watt he's going to step it up a little bit um and we also swapped out his GPU so he's going from a uh Zotac 3060 to a um what was it can't remember it's not a power color but it's a RX 6800 XT I believe I don't remember now off top of my head but anyway he told me that his uh his Zotac had a fan that was like clicking driving him crazy so I was like well here um try this graphics card out if you like it then we can do a deal on it if not then just I'm going to go ahead and order a fan for your Zotac and uh we'll get it swapped out later on so um that was it's always always cool to see somebody actually wanting to like work on their own system and not be scared of it because essentially they all go together like super simple they're it's all plug-and playay you can't mess it up I say that but then people literally come in with systems that don't power because like the the EPS connector is plugged into the graphics card and you know anyway all right for real y'all take it easy I'll see you on the next one adios all
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