$DOG TO $1?! Dog Go To Moon Coin Is PUMPING!! Should you BUY $DOG?!

Is mcoin dog go to the moon going to hit $1 this bull run that's exactly what We're talking about in this video Welcome Back to 99b YouTube channel I am Your host Umar Khan and today we're Taking a look at meme project dog go to Moon which been a popular meme quein Project that's taken over the space and The devs have a plan to get this puppy Up to $1 before the video I want to ask If you haven't already make sure you Smash that subscribe button down below To stay t to the latest and greatest Crypto news now let's jump right into it And remember like always not Financial Advice so we see own res and due Diligence got to get that out of the way Guys we can see the overall crypto Market is doing absolutely phenomenal up 2.5% on the day and 4% in terms of Volume fear and greed index at a 65 Which is not too shabby a lot of Exciting things in the mix first of all Bitcoin currently broke $71,000 and it's Holding its position with upward Trajectory which is absolutely insane I Was taking a look at our dedicated Bitcoin video today we see Bitcoin Weekly Trend plus RSI $90,000 next Textbook parabolic Trends are continuing And you see some vertical price action In place guys literally textbook Examples we see all the basing periods Are scaled out with that $90,000 Target

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Which is insane and we know that's going To do with the meme coins even dog go to The Moon is been doing some impressive Things with almost a billion doll Mark Cap is this gem going to hit $1 we're Going to talk about in just a second Before we do that I want to highlight a Pre-sale gem guys that were mega mega Mega early it's the first phase of the Pre-sale guys they've raised less than $300,000 you're not going to want to Miss out this gem not only do you not Want to miss out you're going to be able To get getting super early if you buy Now with our Link in the description Below the next price increase is in 6 Days and 2 hours of the time of filming This video one dog equals 0.04 cents USD They raise less than $200,000 it's a Multi-chain token with the Top Gun Style Mixed with pretty much all the meme Coins and our favorite Doge slba enu Which is insane so B designed for those Who crave adventure and Innovation base Dogs is bringing you a a unique Multi-chain experience on the home uh Base chain dogs will also be Trad on eat Soul BSC and avac we're not about Pushing boundaries we're about breaking Them guys we've seen a doge verse a a Multi-chain traveling Doge could Absolut Crushed it and now this base token That's also multi-chain could crush it As well remember Doge raised $15 million

In its first 6 to8 weeks imagine if this Project also raises $15 million getting In right now at the early pre-sale price Would be locking in a solid price we see The toonomic uh dogs tokenomics is Mainly a a landing Zone on Base we can See prell 20% staking 20% liquidity 20% Marketing 15% dogs reward 15% and Listing 10% they have a solid road map In place guys uh they're going to have Air drops for being social also looks Like they have a refer a friend to earn Projects as well so you get 10% of their Purchase in USD so if you buy it and Show it to your friends or sh on any any Community you could be making money off This right so between the T economics The road map the staking this price is Looking absolutely phenomenal if you Want to load up link in the description Below but back to dog go to moon it's Interesting long as we resar on this Project they don't necessar have a Dedicated website just yet it's not like A like a official meme coin however it's Been absolutely crushing the meme coin Space we see on the top meme coins it's Holding a decent position around top 10 I think exactly at top 10 with a $879 million Mark cap it's about to flip Book of meme which is insane and again To the best of my knowledge no massive Exchange listings just yet yeah nothing Big yet just yet so we get that binance

Listing this will go absolutely Parabolic so let's take a deep dive so Dog has pumped heavily as I predict my Target three got hit I closed dog swing Trade I closed my dog swing trade here We see he kind of put out the the chart Where he entered and where he exited and How much more it's pumping now Debs also Have a plan to get this puppy to $1 we Can see dog to $1 plan phase one crypto Native Dent send dog high enough to put It on the radar of the normies phase two Normies Mass adop feedback loop kicks in Because of dog's cuteness phase three uh Inst uh insulation adoption once they Realize that is a leverage position on BTC because yes it's on the Bitcoin Runes uh which is pretty dope it's nice It's a nice refreshing so it's not on Salana it's not on base it's on bitcoin Ruins which is absolutely insane their Twitter feed is great as well guys a lot Of news about that project a lot of Action going on as well with over 225,000 followers uh I guess the Run Master is here to build a dog and bring Dog To$ again guys currently less than one Cent about to break one cent might even Hit one cent at the time I'm posting This video can we see it hit 100x can we See this token go to a dollar if so There going to be a massive bag for you And I if we load up on this project a

Bunch of exciting things happen in the Crypto market right now guys between the Mem coins absolutely pumping between Between Bitcoin pumping potentially Hitting six figures this bull run this Absolutely insane you're not going to Want to miss out any of the crypto news So smash the Subscribe button down below Again also base dog big shout out to This pre-sale gem that's literally just Went live a couple days ago you're not Going to want to miss out on it guys Clean website clean project we're Anticipating to see this one also at $15 Million in just a pre-sale loan you Might want to load up link in the Description below but like always guys None of this is financial advice always Do your own research and due diligence Before investing any money in the Cryptos rec cover on this channel that Ws the video until next time it's your Friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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