Dogeverse 100X Potential Meme Coin Launching Soon – Best Crypto to Buy Now?!

We Are One Step Closer to the launch of Doge verse which will be happening very Very soon ladies and gents welcome back In to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel so I want to make a quick update video on Doge verse which is going to sell you Know just looking at my calendar right Now it's going to be launching very soon We're looking between two and 3 weeks Time is indeed running out for this Ultra high potential meme coin right so We can see meme coins are on the up lots Of coins are moving very bullishly at The moment and Doge verse is absolutely One of these many investors are talking About right now of over $155 million Raised this multi-chain utility based Meme coin could be the next disruptor in The crypto market so um we can see Doge Verse one small step for man uh one Giant leap for multi-chain um so this Could be poised as one of the big ones You can buy across six different chains You've indeed got salana you've got bass Avalanche uh you've also got polygon Madic B20 and erc20 so it doesn't really Care about the ecosystem preference Um it's all about bringing the community Together from multiple different chains All into one ecosystem which is going to Have that cross chain interoperability And hopefully we'll see multiple Centralized exchanges and dexes at the Same time for this awesome looking coin

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Right here so we can see uh over here Just checking out an article from crypto Potato it says as the pay price surges Crypto analyst tips Doge ver to pump Next beam coins are once again stealing The spotlight because you know there are Above $50 billion in valuation right now And it says that Doge verse is one of The hottest ongoing pre-sales some Analysts believe it could be one to Watch ahead of its deck's debut in the Coming weeks so if we do see Pepe and All the other memes rise it's going to Give Doge of us a very good chance of Course Rising as well it'll be very well Timed 57% perom on the staking rewards If you are looking to compound those Gains as well guys but remember that Part is of course not Financial advice It's up to you if you want a stake Personally I don't really do much on the Staking side I just pretend to sort of Buy straight into my Dex wallet and then Claim them and be able to sell them Freely when I wish to so yeah quick Update here things are looking good uh Remember the supply is only 200 billion Tokens on this particular Meme here so Overall not too many tokens you're not Going to see tons of zeros attached to The price tag there's not going to be Any inflation as well that dilutes the Token value and I think that's important With these mem coins that we don't see

Those token emissions that do Effectively destroy EOS systems over Time um so yeah fingers crossed it's Going to be good phase five got the Centralized exchange listings continued Marketing Community incentives are Things looking good for Doge verse what Do you think about the coin Doge verse Let me know in the comments 99 Bitcoiners I'm very keen to hear from You all and if you have any questions Regarding how to get into it uh please Do comment down below as well hit the Thumbs up share this with the world let Everyone in the mem coin World know About Doge verse and many whales are Buying into it so one Doge verse is 0.0031 you hit the connect wallet button And that's when you can choose your Preferred dii wallet to then either Convert ethereum or tether directly into Your desired amount of Doge verse tokens Thanks for watching ladies and gents Links are all down below as usual and um Let's see what the markets have for us In the upcoming days and weeks bye for Now stay crypto safe

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