Don’t Restart Salad Mining Don’t

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what is up ladies and gentlemen hopefully this video comes through smoothly uh but I was watching the state of salad that's uh the salad team's um live uh yeah it's on Twitch it's their live twitch stream that they do on Fridays and I figured I would reach out to them so that way I could get them to say it uh because so many people keep telling me that no if I just restart my rig you know over and over again it hits a job and it's better it's better and then then they come whining or complaining or crying like a day or two days later and salad's horrible I never get jobs I've restarted my system like 42 times and I'm like you're not supposed to keep restarting it's killing your backend like reliability score or whatever they want to call it so I asked the question during their live stream and I'll just let their words speak for themselves I saw Brandon mention something Ivan had addressed earlier and I saw green kale mention reiterate what Ivan had said but I want to call attention to it because want to make sure everyone who's watching um no I I uh yeah Brandon coin welcome by the way I'd answered I pulled up one of your questions earlier and I didn't even realize it was you I'm glad you're here um but uh yeah uh so Ivan uh hit hit the bullet points just one one more time yeah one more time um starting and stopping the servers unless this is something that support tells you to do like official support um will not be helping you will not suddenly make you get a container uh same thing with reinstalling salad or or starting and stopping often and more and more we are looking towards people who mess with their running States uh the least they can so again that doesn't mean that you can't absolutely use your machine you can come and go as you normally would but there's a difference between normal behavior and people who are messing with starting and stopping stuff um whatever that may be uh often and we can see that on the backend so that will not really help you out and and to be clear if you sense that it does it is coincidence uh and that's how religions are born yeah yeah that's a great Point all right so yeah they after that they just kind of went off into another segment but um yes so killing the salad bowl service reinstalling salad and getting that like that jump to the front of the line that a lot of people think they're getting um it it's if if anything it's very temporary and and I found that it's better to just put the time in let the system calculate and you end up better on the long run once you finally start getting jobs you keep getting jobs um so I know a lot of people see that calculating and they think something's wrong they think something's broken are they doing something wrong just know that if you're on a 12 gbyte card uh 12 GB of vram card I recommend 32 gigs of system RAM and they say at least four cores I say at least six uh six cores 12 threads um if you can do more CPU threads and CPU cores that's great it's kind of you know the more the marrier now if you're on a bigger card 16 gigs and above I really recommend 64 gigs of system RAM and I I probably would at least be an8 core if not a 10 or 12 core CPU because you're just trying to pair it with a a likeminded system you don't I don't think many people are going to rent a 3090 that's on you know quad core it just doesn't make sense but um if you got those things down and you have you know fresh install of Windows and you have all the windows updates done that's another thing people have been installing Windows they don't do any of the Windows updates and then they don't get anything it does need to be updated all the way um why I'm not sure but it does uh that was another thing confirmed by salad so uh and then go ahead and install the newest version of salad and the new Nvidia driver and you're good to go but anyways guys I'm not going to drag this out just wanted some more clarification cuz there's still a lot of in U misinformation going around um but yeah so if anybody tells you no man you need to just delete this or restart that or kill this service show this video good night ladies and gentlemen

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