Elon must just interacted with dog with Hat what does this mean for the token Well I'll tell you this dog with hat is Up nearly 20% this week and with this Massive Elon must cosign what does this Mean for the project welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I your host Umar khin And today we're talking about none other Than dog with hat the number one number Four token in terms of mem coin on coin Market cap rank number 47 overall $ 1.6 Billion market cap this meme coin has Been taking over a salana G man at to Salana being an absolute Chad Network This current Bull Run is going Absolutely ballistic this week up nearly Up 20% we take a look at the one month We're up 3% completely reversing all of The losses once made earlier uh this Month we're absolutely bullish for dog With hat and I have some crazy bullish News for you to follow along now before The video want to ask if you haven't Already make sure you smash that Subscribe button down below as it helps Out the channel tremendously and will Help you reach your 2024 crypto goals And like always none of this is Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel now going back to Source of the news and some exciting Things as the market is starting to heat
Up again crypto market up nearly 2% fear And greed index at a 52 neutral things Are shaking up in the right direction Top meme coins the dog with hat is still Number four at a $ 1.6 million Mark cap And rumors has that it's possible to Flip Pepe if it does flip Pepe it'll be Absolutely bullish causing this to go in Absolute parabolic mode dog with h Charts are looking very very healthy as We can see on the one week pumping a Massive 20% Which is fantastic something We've been anticipating for a while now Now and that's not just it a massive Elon mus cosign this is starting to get Out of hand so we can see this posted by Free on Twitter uh can the gork to Create new dog hat memes um uh for me if I ask it El mus replies 100 and then Nice uh gonk rocks posting gonk this is Absolutely insane reposted by dog with Hat as well pretty bullish almost 100,000 people viewing this this is Massively bullish we over go to the news Tab as well when you search dog of hat Elon Musk confirms gonk will be able to Create dog with hat memes awesome uh Bull wh ahead of of Dogecoin analyzing Do dog with has 21% surge a lot of Surges are happening and Elon mus Cosigning or even mentioning or Interacting with dogat is absolutely Massive we already know the effect Elon Mus has in the mcoin community
Especially with him having his favorite Meme coin Doge which is quite similar to Dog with fat it's absolutely bullish Talking about Dogecoin and El favorite Cryptocurrency I want you a second to Highlight this pre-sale gem that's going To be absolutely ballistic and has been Celebrating to massive raising $6 Million in a pre-sale loan this project Is called play Doge the best play to Earn Doge companion game play do is Ultimate mobile play to earn game that Brings iconic doge meme to life of a Tamagachi style virtual pet secure play Tokens and pre-sale to earn uh while Playing a nostalgic 2D Adventure game so It takes Dogecoin iconic mem coin takes Um tamagachi puts it together gives a Beautiful play to earn game and it's on Pre-sale you guys already know pre-sale Is Rock it's a great way to make a solid Bag by investing projects early this is Your opportunity to load up on Dog With Hat uh or not do fat but Playdoh has a Solid about tab solid role map in plays And great toomics also to put the cherry On the cake guys this project has Staking as well so play to earn staking Very similar to Dogecoin this one's Going to be absolute gem if you want to Load up link in the description below But that was just a second to talk about This token cuz again pre-sell tokens has Some massive upside value but now we go
Back to dog with hat taking a look at Technicals technicals looking Interesting as all are neutral moving Averages and strong sell but summary is Given us a sell uh but again Honestly that might be the technicals But the charts are indicating completely Different looking very bullish a lot of Price action a lot of people buying a Lot of buying volume and pressure which Is great we go over back to Twitter guys We can see exciting things almost 100,000 followers on Dog With Hat we see Them sharing memes PayPal and again just Interacting with Elon Musk style things Because remember Elon Musk used to own PayPal I believe it called zip before And then Star Lake with hat again just Playing around with Elon Musk memes we Can see Elon Musk with the hat again Elon Musk you know so a lot of that's Going on uh dog with hat replying to Elon Musk who controls the uh who Controls the memes controls the universe Elon Musk and Elon Musk replying to this Was absolutely bullish and they're Taking advantage of this to gain some More following some more attaction and I'm very very bullish for dog with hat Because remember what a dog with hat it Has his whole Spiel nothing it's Literally just a dog with hat and with Elon Musk just interacting with it I Just very very bullish guys we're on the
Brink of a new era for mem coins we're On the brink of a beginning of a massive Bull market and now dog fat pumping and Pate this is going to be absolutely Insane for the mcoin market but again Remember none of this is financial Advice always your own research and due Diligence before investing any money in The cryptos we cover on this channel That wraps the video until next time With your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]