what's up guys it's your boy radcloud today i'm
going to show you guys how to mine ethereum on your mining rigs especially those who are using
ios so guys this is my mining rig i have a 1070 ti and a gtx 1050 ti both of them are mining flux
if you guys want to know how to mine flux be sure to check out a video on the screen right now by
the way guys my youtube channel does have a join button so if you guys would like to support
the youtube channel in more ways than just subscribing and liking the video i'd seriously
appreciate it you guys get awesome emotes plus i'll be doing exclusive giveaways to the members
of the community and to my twitch subscribers thank you guys without further ado let's hop
into iva west and i'll show you guys how to set up ethereum mining all right guys so if you guys
are new to hyperwest fantastic because if you guys sign up with the link in the description below
you guys will get free ten dollars for signing up with my code which is red cloud you guys
will be able to mine on hive os for free for about three and a half months only if you
guys use that promo code so be sure to do that alright guys so we are ready to create our
wallet and also our flight sheet so we can start mining ethereum so there's a few ways to mine
ethereum either you can mine it through hive os or you can mine it through other secondary pools
so let's go to wallets and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to add wallet and then for
the coin ticker obviously we're mining ethereum then for the wallet address we are going to use an
address that you guys have i suggest either exodus or a trust wallet or your hardware wallet whatever
you guys want to use and then you can name this whatever you want so we're just gonna write
ethereum here all right guys so i'm gonna show you guys how to create your flight sheet now so now
that we're here we're going to go to coin ticker and then we're going to pick ethereum then
we're going to go to a wallet select the wallet that we just made the pool we can use a few
different pools there's a bunch of them actually if you guys want to know how to pick a proper
pool you guys can check in the description of the video there's a pool uh category
thing that you guys can scroll through it's good to kind of like space out the hash rate
for the network it's healthy for pools to do that hivon is one of the biggest pools it is also free
if you use hype os so if you guys use the promo code to sign up when you guys sign up for hive
os you guys will get 10 free dollars so you guys could mine on any of these for a few months uh
if you guys you know end up not having the money you guys can actually mine for free on hive os
just by using their actual dedicated pool so we're gonna do that just for the sake of this
video for you guys that so you can use ssl or their normal servers it's all depending on what
you want to do let's go with us east hit apply select miner this is uh very important
obviously you guys are going to have to pick the appropriate one for your rig if you guys
have amd cards you'll have to pick a miner that supports amd most of them do team red miner is a
fantastic one for that um and yeah so let's just pick one uh let's go to t-rex minor one of the
most fantastic aimed uh amd yellow uh one of the most fantastic nvidia miners so setup miner config
now uh the algorithm that we're using is eth hash that's how you mine ethereum so you're gonna
need at least a six gigabyte card i that's what i would suggest um when you're mining ethereum
uh for the wallet template you leave this as is worker name you can leave this as is full url
it automatically imports the hibon url then pass you can set this to x or whatever you guys want
to set that to next you can actually go down to extra config arguments so i made a video on how to
mine two different algorithms on one single minor so if you guys want a video on that go check out
what's on the screen right now but for this sake um i actually do have a graphics card that won't
be able to mine ethereum so i'm going to make it so that uh graphics card is not mining this so i'm
gonna have to set that to zero after you guys hit apply changes be sure to name your flight sheet
of whatever you guys want to name it to create flight sheet and then i'll show you guys how
to launch your flight sheet right now so simple enough all you do is go back to your actual farms
and then go down to your worker hit your worker and go to select flight sheet then we're going to
look for our ethereum pool so we're going to be using this on hive on and then yeah we're going to
launch it press apply here in the right corner of it and then all of a sudden you're mining ethereum
just as simple as that guys if this video helped you guys out be sure to give it a like and also
subscribe to the youtube channel for more guides on crypto mining and also crypto news hope you
guys have a wonderful rush of your day peace out foreign
Ethereum Crypto Mining Guide ⛏️ | Easy & Profitable ????