[Music] good morning everybody sorry lost I don't know what's going on my uh go XLR seems to be dying okay Bros welcome to the live stream we are giving away a ks0 pro on behalf of a gentleman named BP he has no nothing to sell you nothing to promote he just wanted to give away 10 ks0 pros and we are now on the final ks0 Pro the giveaway on the channel the final one and we are doing that today and PP has done some insane donations on the channel and a huge supporter of the channel so we are going to give away the last one now how to participate is you got to comment on Mr veteran miners video all right I already see a bunch of you I see the technicals as commented the technicals you are a YouTuber you are not allowed to participate just kidding I love it I love it RPM told me to say something positive so something positive crypto KJ you are banned uh travel is travels I see a lot of you guys are commenting already good stuff 425 comments okay nice th this giveaway here you don't have to be here to win uh I will reply to your comment and uh I'll get veteran Miner to pin it and as well as uh you're going to have to email me you're going to have to email me if you win Okay so uh what's up guys what's up Bros technicals I see you Chris Hanley not even entered so others can win Chris Hanley ah so generous selfless of you Max voltage good morning man good morning good morning hey did you guys see Dogecoin is now on tesla.com I don't can some can can you guys verify this is real I don't want to be like scammed is it like TS e te tees like I like capital I a.com like this is the actual Tesla website right Chris Hanley team player team player 100% bro 100% 100% um yeah Dogecoin very interesting it's uh looks like it's been pumping Rec the past day 15% not a huge pump but uh I mean it's something it's something for sure uh and uh some other things I want to go through today through before we do the giveaway is uh there was a little announcement from million Miner I did not know of this Asic manufacturer and apparently they did email me twice over the past four years and I never replied and I I searched my email and they I I saw emails from them but never I never replied cuz I thought it was a scam so apparently M million mult million minor is not a scam but they replied that is an minor al3 announcement 8 terahash 3200 Watts which man if that's true if that's true we were right on the money we were on the dot we were we guessed we we guessed the uh sorry it was Al I guessed al1 we did we did change just al3 recently uh but I guessed 8 terahash 3200 watts and if that's true I this was a spoton guess that we did like a few weeks ago so if this is true then million Miner is the first one to show this like there's no official there's no official announcement from bitm uh serpent never heard of them yeah I've never heard of them either rabid mining said they're real um some other people said they're real I I've honestly I've never heard of million Miner before uh let's see it says it's weird that you've never heard about million M considering they've reached out to you multiple times and sponsor you with videos I'm the marketing guy who makes mm videos unboxing tutorial videos we have been around the space for a while now that's the first time I've heard of them uh this is a firm based in Germany I have talked with them maybe they have some serious good news multi million minor is legit all right so apparently they are legit I just I've never never heard I have never heard of million minor so what I did reply so I replied back to one of the emails from last year and then I I just asked them like hey what information do you have on the al3 so we're going to see we're going to see Austin says we know bitmain consulted with you on the specs for the al3 hey hey hey hey so what what why not why can't I be why can't I be colluding with bitm huh what's wrong with that tell me can I can I can I collude can I be colluding with the big boy ASC miners like bitm is that is that is that is that an issue don't clip that please don't don't don't that uh never heard of them yeah I've never heard of them up until recently and up until I searched my email they did email me so I I just I mean I was getting I get emails all the time I I honestly I skim through a lot so I don't reply to most um wow colluding you heard it here first custom Computing God Dam [Laughter] cud terrible greater good M greater good mining no greater good mining red pen of mining is bit m mind blown wait 50k no way I would ever spend that yeah uh is there a price on here I didn't see a price I didn't I didn't see a price it's probably it's probably 50k oh no sorry this is a guess sorry the price is a guess I I just put 50k there I don't know if it's actually we we just put a random price because currently if you had eight terahash all right here if you had 8 terahash of a lithium basic 8 terahash would be 8 th 8,000 8,000 gigahash 3200 Watts that that means that means you would be this you this al3 would currently be making 1100 $1,140 or 481 althia a day that's gross man that is that is extremely gross ah remember when bitm sponsored the Houston Rockets really really serpent fpj or Asic buddy admit it fpga or Asic bu ad serpent I am still of the belief that it is an fpg this Miner that we're seeing on mining pools on on hero miners 100% I'm I'm still of the belief that is a uh Asic of some sort here hero miners go to the uh top minor top 10 is that minor still here yeah zma 367 terahash yep he's still there Zed ZM I don't have that address damn it but the worker names anyways the worker names mimic the radiant worker and also the kylo coin worker as well so that's why I'm thinking it's still F an fpga because if it's mining three different if they have the same worker names with three different algorithms it's got to be like a massive fpga Farm of some sort that that's my that's my that's how I'm thinking it's an fpga and not an Asic DJ welcome bro welcome serpent k30 is linked together in one mining rig yeah maybe bro I don't know I I I don't know I don't know I think we should all go to the AL Discord and demand a fork no at this point no I mean why not actually I don't care it doesn't matter they're not going to do it they're not going to Kyla coin did it Kyla coin because such a smaller Network smaller market cap it made sense for them to change the uh algo radiant radiant's another one that's kind of like being dominated right now by a single entity and they graciously split the split the hash rate to hum poool you can see the amount of hash rate that came off vipore and then move M over to hum Pool isn't that funny isn't that funny they decided to decentralize the hash rate a little bit I mean still the single entity is controlling is pretty much mining all of radiant right now the whole network Yankee good afternoon good sir hope you're having an amazing day I am Yankee I am doing great good sir I am doing awesome everything is going just fine just great just great okay all right guys uh how many people we have here uh 238 people 83 likes I'm not going to start the giveaway until I see 200 likes until I see 200 likes then I will not be giving away the ks zeros K 1 K Zer Pro all right 200 likes and then I'll give it away and you guys got to make sure you get your comments in on Mr veteran Miner's video the link is at the very top of the live chat so smash the like smash the like let's go so who's buying a Tesla with Dogecoin is that actually is this has anyone seen like can you actually buy anything with Dogecoin like I tried I tried checking out with something it didn't say it didn't have any like Dogecoin options so I don't know how true this is there's no official announcement from Tesla themselves there's no like yeah already W one already won more red P of mining time here you guys uh check out this Tesla link is that is that a real that a real link only works on Mars that that that's Elon musk's like main goal he wants to go to Mars that's his that's his main goal yes 100% 100% ah okay I forgot to read okay so regarding the al3 million Miner says these are currently still rumors this is also stated in the product description as we have more information we will defin itely announce it so why the hell are they pre-ordering and like announcing this already why why are they they said they even say that sells the these are currently still rumors as soon as we have more information what do you mean how do they know it's 8 terahash 3200 Watts then I just I just realized like if they say this why the heck are they why the heck are they making a infograph traffic thing like this stupid I hope nobody don't don't don't pre-order okay don't for the love of God wait hold on I've never been to million minor.com hold let me let me see let me see I hope I don't get like million minor.com let's see let's I've never been to their website I honestly have never heard of these guys up until just just now just recently like this morning where is do they just I just hope they don't have that as a pre-order on their website like why would they why would you put that info out if if you don't have concrete you don't even have concrete evidence it just says it's still a rumor currently still rumors that is hor that is terrible now that I'm now that I'm really looking at what they said here super scaler ah here we go al3 899 9,000 what's this in uh USD 90 okay all right okay so they posted it as a pre-order and it's $9,600 ordered delivery time unknown uh guaranteed this is going to be like okay like and I've seen this before with other resellers like when you pre-order something and they'll come back and say oh we need to give us another like 20,000 $110,000 more because the manufacturer has risen the price that's yeah I I would not please for the love of God do not do not put that in your cart and Order made in Germany is this al3 actually made in Germany man I don't know this is this is this is crazy to me they they State it's still in a rumor and they already have it as a pre-or pre-order on their website oh my God hor horrible don't do not do not do not pre-order that on their website oh my God horrible horrible that's not a bad Yousef puts with the that's not a bad price yeah see that's how they that's how they they they they rope you in bro that's that's how they get you in oh horrible horrible don't don't do it Jesus don't don't do it serpent have a good one are we over 200 likes let's see we are not at 200 likes we are at 164 so another 40ish more likes I will begin the ks zero Pro giveaway Bros Patrick Murphy I already took out a second mortgage or hash blades would you recommend that I drain my kids college fund to pre-order this unit oh my God DJ mines who is ready to retire from Caspa uh I'm I'm ready yes I'm extremely ready Cas has Caspa gone up look at that Veil is up 40% P blocks up 32% nervos up 17 Dogecoin up 17 Aon out of all coins 16 grin is up pretty much everything is up Caspa let's see where Caspa is Caspa is up 2% o okay all right all right um uh I want to win please pick me 500 cast Str nice P Money congrats congrats D DNX taking a dirt nap DX what's DX doing NX 8% up 9 % up past 24 hours yes yes yes yes 16 more likes to the giveaway 16 more likes all right get in there Bros come on 10 more 10 more likes okay we're going to do the giveaway soon thank you to BP BP the master of giveaways here donated 10 kso Pros the give away for you guys pretty insane pretty insane how about that Bitcoin though went up like five grand over the past couple days from 58 to 63 I think it was 64 this morning yes yes Bitcoin big big jump up uh M and N Ace I lost 80k by eight s9j Pro during the Bull Run 2021 for 10K each please pick me oh my God m&n a 80k for 8 s9j Pros I am extremely sorry man that is oh jeez did you have those mining like non-stop since then or did you turn them off [Music] or all right uh no spamming uh Thomas coron you are now banned from the channel you are now banned thank you Patrick Murphy uh let's see I stopped mining in 2023 oh really H okay do you still have them do you still have the s9s I've never heard of them I think it's a prototype rabid mining laughs at my tweet rabid mining says Hawk the hawk says Panda has spoken watch out for scams rapid mining says million miners legit plays talk to them in the past they State this isn't announced officially I just checked my email they did email me back in 2021 2023 and I never replied rabid mining responds with LOL I love it I love it all right do we have 200 likes do we have 200 likes let's see how many people we have here 274 people 212 likes all right let's do the giveaway let's do the ks Z Pro giveaway guys I'm going to get the video we're going to paste it here uh don't include replies don't allow duplic kids all right we're going to do it right now are you guys ready how do I enter the giveaway ah okay all right you guys have one one more minute one more minute to enter look at the pin comment at the top you click on that video and you comment something positive and which country you are from uh in here all right uh get your comments not in the live chat you got to do it in the in the uh in veteran Miner's video and make sure you subscribe to Mr veteran Miner as well if I win I will run naked in the street jimc I was going to say I'd love to see that but I take that back don't no don't do that H Max voltage do not patronize me wait there's a giveaway what do we have to do here [Music] [Laughter] uh damn it Max uh love Financial advice on this channel USA [Music] I love it all right here we go all right 1 minute's up here we go 3D for 3D flow Flor you're not supposed to do that in the live chat it's supposed to go in the video all right H too late I'm choosing the winner now no more too late now too late now here we go going to continue we're going to get the comments now 3 2 1 oh it's going to load all the comments oh my God 503 comments here we go here we go here we go who's going to win three two this is for the ks zero Pro on behalf of BP thank you BP and one crypto passive income ideas crypto mining is so fun and addictive thank you RPM BP and Veteran Miner for fostering this awesome Community greetings from USA all right Mr crypto passive income ideas congrats to you good sir uh you don't have to be here to win so I will comment uh on this video oh no this video uh we got to we got to find we got to find that comment let me see let me see let me see let me see let's see congrats congrats bro congrats man uh let's see I will okay you know what uh I see DJ's in there Patrick I see you you know what I'm going to do a search thing but I'm going to load like load a bunch more comments this is how I do it this is how I do it on my other account too uh in order to in order to in order to this is I'm not logged in on my main account on this browser uh crypto income ideas what what's his name crypto passive income crypto passive uh okay he doesn't show up here crypto passive income ideas there he is there he is oh 3 weeks ago yeah H yeah this is because I I actually started this giveaway like 3 weeks ago all right awesome congratulations congratul I'm going to reply congrats bro but I I need to comment on my main email contact redpanda mining this comment is going to get flagged I need a comment on my real account all right I'll do that I'll do that after the stream all right that's it that's it that's it Cody Johnson thank you for the N9 months rig because I didn't win JK I love the content cats hash cats of crypto # cats of crypto bro okay serpent have a good one have a good one man okay what do you guys want to talk about now what do you guys want to talk about what is what's going on but besides the market seems to be coming back up what is happening now what's what's the play everyone's still hopeful here everyone's still accumulating what's what's everyone what's everyone doing now what's everyone doing now let's talk about GP mining being dead it's not dead it's it's it's never dead magic lucky it's only dead for you okay just because you have 50 Cent per kilowatt hour doesn't mean you bring everyone else down with you okay just because you have 50 cents per kilowatt hour doesn't mean GPU mining is dead for you it's just it's it's not dead for others okay let's get it let's get it straight all right GPU mining is only dead for people with high electric let's get that let's get that uh let's get that straight all right let's get that straight what are you mining RPM uh I am um you guys are going to you guys are going to laugh a lot of you guys are going to laugh I don't even want to say it I don't I don't even want to I don't even want to I don't even want to say okay here's what I'm doing right now hold on let me open up my Hi OS all right okay all right can you guys guess no no hold on I want to I want to get some guesses here I I'm yes I'm mining Pyon but I'm actually not mining Pyon can can you guys guess what coin I'm mining into no no no I'm actually not mining Pyon uh mine Capital mine capital what's up man BTC salana ergo alium aspa Al Ergo cardano rxd H see whoat Doge nobody no nobody's nobody's got it yet neoa Max no puppy coin no Shiva no cedra no man none of you guys have gotten it yet nothing CLA nope Doge nope Caspa nope flux no ravencoin nope OCTA nope pigeon nope c classic nope all right we got one all right the first correct person after like so many responses is MX crypto MX crypto with the Raven I am I am all in I am all in on ravencoin all in even on my 3070 Farm I am mining into Raven coin all everything right now is going into ravencoin not Financial advice not Financial advice don't do what I'm doing I am mining into ravencoin okay don't don't patr don't judge me don't do what I do don't again don't do what I'm doing I'm just mining into ravencoin where's ravencoin on this so far down it's not even probably never going to go up Good Hope what are you when are you pulling goodbye Raven hash oh my God Raven difficulty will Skyrocket no it it definitely will not it definitely will not Skyrocket I guarantee I guarantee that ravencoin ravencoin actually ravencoin difficulty is going up but I'm actually not even mining ravencoin I'm I'm mining pan into ravencoin uh I'm I'm just accumulating I'm just accumulating I need I think I need more I need more Raven coin uh muddy says why question mark why Raven why okay here is my reason here is my reason ravencoin Cod is law ravencoin is on a lot of the bigger exchanges already it's already in established coin uh what other reasons fun like development wise there's been really no development sure it has assets uh which I have done before with Savage mine rest in peace I do have the RPM asset on ravencoin actually there's a Savage mine you know what I got to pull up my old phone I have the RPM asset I should give away I should give out the RPM asset on the Raven coin Network um but the biggest thing this is guys I I don't even want to talk about it I don't honestly it's probably not it's probably not going to do anything but I'm just doing a little bet here I'm just trying to mine like I'm trying to mine like uh get about what5 $22,000 worth of Raven coin and uh just for the simple fact that it's on many exchanges already that when the volume and liquidity starts rolling back in into the altcoins from Bitcoin when Bitcoin goes up and not Financial advice I I I I I believe and this is just I believe ravencoin will have that will have its Heyday again will have its uh uh price price appreciation that's it that that's that's really it there there's really there's really nothing to it I mean what I just said there can be said on on a lot of OG on a lot of OG coins I mean Beam for God's sake beam will probably have its its Heyday again beam is on a beam's on a lot of top exchanges uh what other OG coins are there vertcoin right vertcoin also on some pretty decent big exchanges well coinex yeah I'm not saying vertcoin is going to go up but I mean it could it could uh what other OG coins I don't know I'm just it's all a CRA it's all a crapshoot it's all it's all a gamble it's all it's all a gamble I'm just trying to get some Raven coin I have I already I'm already I'm all spec mined out I I have like 50 coins that I've accumulated over the past I don't know two years now I got Nexa I got I got radian already I got some nuai I got DX of course I got demo that's not a BP minable coin I got Ergo I got I even got Horizon I got a lithium of course I have Caden now I have flux I have uh ra St starting to build the Raven coin bag zelica I have a lot of zelica I have ner uh no I don't have nervos conlux I think I have conlux somewhere not a lot Casp of course I have a lot of ethereum classic I got some Litecoin I got some Dogecoin I got some AC I got ethereum and of course I got Bitcoin and I think I have more no you know what I don't I have more on this random list I have eaz I have Novo I have clor I have whoat I have Carlson I have octop space I have eteka I have cak I have a lot of seia coin I have oh my God the list just goes on I have oh my God I have a lot of meow coin I have a lot of neoa I have over a million NOOA I should really start that node I have a lot of Nexa man Nexa I have Game Pass I have iron fish I have pan I have Nexel Ai and and I have some Caspa classic oh God I have so much random crap I have so much random coin I'm I'm I I and then and then okay I think I explained this before I have been accumulating uh some top 100 coin okay uh so if we go to coin market cap not on the proof of work watch list like I have salana I have Dogecoin already I have cardano I've been accumulating some polka dot I've been accumulating some polygon I already have Litecoin I have ethereum classic already um Cosmos I've been accumulating a decent amount of Cosmos uh some oh my God arbitrum no Stellar no maker no Caspa yes Monero I don't have any Monero Phantom okay Phantom I had Phantom but it was in a Chrome extension and I remember I reform my computer a year ago and so I lost that wallet kind of pissed I think it was I had like $500 worth back then and now I think it's like it's going up so I would have had even more I'm so pissed oh he I I got yeah just I got so much R pigeon I have pigeon somewhere 20 GP rig says I swear if you make a neoa node first uh give me a smokey Dan wait no XMR or xlm no man I don't have XMR or xlm no no no all about the feather coin anyways I'm so spread out I'm now trying to get more into my my accumulating strategy is now more towards like OG coins now like ravencoin um ergo you know conflex maybe and uh some top 100 coins just a little bit more established stuff I I am I am my reasoning is it's just I am too far spread out into a lot of other coins that I've accumulated over the years year two year and two um that I I really need to get I really need to start getting some uh some you know established established coins and kind of lowering my risk I know I I know what I have currently is quite high risk um so I'm I'm lowering my Risk by accumulating um some higher market cap coins uh I know there's potential that they won't have higher uh um percentage increase I know that but it's just to have a bit of lower risk plays on on accumulating some of these uh some of these some of these coins RPM how do you keep track of your Mining cost basis for all these coins coin Le coin.io oh let me get let me get a let me get an affiliate link hold on let me get an Affiliated hold on coin.io is my go-to every time I get a payout or something I always place it into my coin Le account because come tax time I don't have to worry about it or or anything like that so sign up for coin Le if you want to taxs wise it's it's it's helped me a lot and that's how I keep track of everything red uh Patrick Murphy in your opinion How likely is it for Raven to 4X or 5x before BTC 2x in price 80 to 90% probability Patrick Murphy um I don't I uh I think when Bitcoin goes to 100K ravencoin will will will do more than a 5x I I have a i my my gut feeling my gut feeling is my gut feeling is a is a is a 10 is a [Music] 10x 10 10x I'm going to say 10x not Financial advice 30 cents Raven coin could go to 30 cents that is my random guess random guess there you go we'll see we'll see if that plays out or not we'll see if that plays out or not pelish Miner says I think we'll see a 10-cent Raven coin on a serious note okay all right we'll see we'll see high water mark 10x at least we'll see coin Le is awesome Max voltage I agree I agree coin Le uh free is free version yeah if you get over a th000 transactions you're going to have to pay for it and in order to get the uh tax form a tax uh yeah uh fpga too bad Raven uses kapow yeah it's fine though it's fine if you had AMD cards that' be good in all seriousness I think all right what did Chum change say where's Chum change where's chump change did he say something up here Chum change Raven is dead what Su boys all right why is ravencoin dead in all seriousness I think you may be right jump change Min crypto what problem does Raven solve because we all know DJ Minds would say cast solves the trilemma go look okay you know what guys the utility problem issue is a is a no okay go go okay very simple go check any other coin on the top 1,000 market cap list you tell me go take the utilities from a lot of those other coins go back to 2021 and see which coins have 5x 10x 100x whatever why did why why did I don't know maybe Veil is not a good example why did Dogecoin go up it's because Elon Musk pumped it why did why did I don't know is zil why did zelica go up in 2021 why why did zelica pump in 2021 why did zcash have a pump let's see not it did but yeah it had a pump yeah 670 to 200 yeah so it went up in the bll Run there's the the utility factor is not a in my opinion it the biggest the biggest reason why a lot of these coins go up generally all the all the altcoins go up is because of Bitcoin that's it you don't say a coin is dead it's not dead the reason why coins go up in price is because of Bitcoin all right you got to get this in your head you got you got to get this in your head it's all about this this right here volume liquidity altcoin season when Bitcoin goes up guarantee you will see a lot of alt coins go up as well some of them may not go up as much as they used to some of them do go up more than they used to but it's in general you will see a lot of coins start rising up and you're seeing it today because Bitcoin just Rose 3,000 $3,000 it it's it the fact that the saying that when a project has no utility is not indicative of its price because that's all that's all that's nothing it's a nothing Burger in my opinion it's it's it's it's Bitcoin okay bit it's Bitcoin I everyone every time I hear someone say uh this coin's not going to go up because it has no use use case or has no has nothing thing you could say that you can say that to like 3,000 other coins which have all which have gone up in the bowl run you could say that against 3,000 other coins it's like it's it's it it's it's all it's it's all a crapshoot it's all a gamble it's it's it's all a gamble guys who knows who the hell knows who the hell knows nobody knows nobody has a crystal ball but but from from generalizing from previous bull runs it's it's Bitcoin when Bitcoin starts going up you're going to start seeing altcoin season just become really massive and that's when and that's when you will see GPU mining come back all right in terms of profitability this is this is when this is when we'll see GPU mining uh GPU mining come back per se okay so when a lot of these coins I don't know purin Carlson all it takes is a couple coins all it takes it's we got a lot of prominent proof of work coins these days conlux P clor DX flux cortex iron fish I'm not sure if iron fish is prominent uh but I'm just saying that we got a lot of contenders these days Ergo uh Graham I don't know if Graham's still going to continue to be a GP minable is there a time limit on Graham I don't remember anyways I'm just saying we're going to don't don't discredit don't you know the same feeling that a lot of people are feeling right now with GPU mining being dead like as in like there's no profit we we've been here before every single time 2020 uh 2018 after the 2018 Bowl run [Music] after the 2018 Bull Run we had the exact same situation GPU mining profitability was maybe Max you had was uh in terms of profit was anyone Under 12 cents 10 cents per kilow hour anyone under that were breaking even right that happened in 2018 that happened with ethereum for God's sake that oh my God like you guys remember 2019 to 20120 2018 to 2020 ethereum mining at some points was breaking even get understand that the same situation is happening right now break even for actually I think it's it's even a little better now but breaking even on a lot of these proof of work coins for GP mining is at like 11 cents 12 cents right now on a 3070 generally okay the same thing applied back in 2018 to 20120 an rx580 was hitting 10 cents Break Even wasn't making any profit mining ethereum back then right so in terms of that regard for profit it was not good okay but when the Bull Run came around then you saw ethereum started rising up and then ethereum profitability came but can't forget you can't forget the strategy there you had to be mining during the bare Market you had to be mining during those Break Even times because you were accumulating a lot of these coins so the crypto mining strategy which which we all know and love is mine yield and huddle now and then you're waiting for Pyon to pump you're waiting for iron fish to pump you're waiting for you're waiting for Nexa to pump you're waiting for cortex conflux plump you're waiting for chor you're waiting for Ergo you're waiting for flux you're waiting for all these coins when Bitcoin goes to 100K or something or more proof of work GPU mining is going to be insane and it's nothing new we've seen it many times before like we we we we've seen this again and again okay again and again it's it's just just wait all right just just you wait now donated $20 through Super Chat pivot contacted your strategy is it the easiest way to contact you this Strate uh real really now thank you for the 20 b Shan emailed your contact on your website is that the is that the easiest way to contact you uh yes really now yes but I don't answer everybody I'll do my best are you emailing me now you email me now [Music] uh all those other times had E I beat myself up every day because I didn't keep mining after the 1718 Bull Run I turned on all my rigs off instead of continuing to mine uh Mr Squid 25 [Music] um you know what that same that same sentence that you just said now Mr Squid I beat myself up every day because I didn't mine after the 1718 Bull Run is the exact is the exact same thinking now why didn't I mine why didn't I mine during this pre this bare Market that we previously had this uh after 2021 2022 2023 we all should have been accumul ating a lot of coins we all should have been accumulating um you can name you I could name a million coins on this proof of work watch list that have that I've gone up that have gone up okay Caspa of course Caspa is one we all know klox is another one nervos is another one uh zil hasn't had its Heyday yet but it could ravencoin has not had its Heyday yet but it could seia coin has already had its Heyday not sure sure if it's going to keep going up flux did go up so if you're accumulating flux over the past bare Market you've already 3x or 4X in price Caden hasn't had its Heyday yet alium if you were mining a lithium since the lhr days you've done extremely well I think I've already shown an example I mined a lithium during the lhr days I think I had like four or 5,000 Al lithium that turned into like 15 grand when lithium went up to $3 $4 so that's a good that was a good play there if you mind lithium's one example just one example uh Horizon I don't think it's had a tday yet Ergo has Ergo gone up yet no but it probably will judging by 2017 2021 bull run it went up it's probably going to go up again because it's an OG coin I I'm thinking it it it definitely will not Financial advice not the financial advice cortex is another one DX a new prominent coin these days I think has very big potential to do well in the bull run clor another one uh did go up in the B bare Market here narai radiant beam Nexa Nexa I don't think it's had its uh Heyday yet I think Nexa could be one I don't there's many examples guys many examples of Mining and accumulating during the bear and you're just waiting for the next run up I I I I don't it everyone knows this already everyone everyone in live chat you guys all know this I I mean there's no I don't know what else to say other than everyone knows the crypto mining strategy there and uh if you're able to stick to your guns and accumulate that's that's it that's really it man that that's really it uh Freedom Miner how about that how about your puring that you mined at 2 to three cents that turned into to 35k uh we're not going to talk about that pelish Miner here's an honest question what algo do you think would be best to use to swap into salana in on unminable Etc looks good but looking for better uh well I in terms of GPU I was doing pin because that was like the next profitable like next pin right now is is is really good to swap on unminable and I know I know the whole thing about unminable everyone says oh they take a lot of fees 10% 30% 50% yeah I understand that I I'm just I just want to get the cost basis of into ravencoin um if they're going to take 10% I don't care um I think R if ravencoin is going to 10x I mean that 10% loss is not a big deal to me um so the 10x of ravencoin would be 1,000% so losing 10% 20% off trading fees whatever unminable takes is really a small small picture in a grand scheme of things so in that regard I really don't care I really don't care uh they didn't read unable Twitter explaining at all sir Keith bets what what happened I did read that thing though I did read what unable mentioned I don't know if they implemented it yet um RPM thoughts on ever more coin ever EVR uh I don't know I've never mind ever ever more hellish Miner AMD cards uh then I um it's going to be a AMD cards bro it's probably going to be a a kapow coin I don't I don't think oh yeah unminable doesn't have cha right unminable doesn't have CLA for uh AMD cards uh which is cheap and best Asic in terms of Roi as of today Urban Motors showroom ah bro I I can't I can't give that kind of I can't give that kind of advice cuz I have no idea I have absolutely no idea like man I just saw I saw a tweet the other day it it was from a uh it was from a YouTuber that's like H someone was complaining about that they bought a ks2 or something and they're like oh he's like so sad that he's making $8 a day still on his ks2 and he's thinking like oh what am I going to do now my $4,000 $3,000 ks2 is still making $8 a day what what what should I do I I was I was going to respond to that and I just I didn't know what to say I it's just like so the ultimate goal here is do you believe that Caspa is going to go up higher in the future that's it I mean is Caspa is Caspa going to have that like multiplier is Casa going to go up to a dollar is Casa going to go up to 20 cents 50 cents everyone's everyone's so bullish on Caspa that millions billions of dollars probably have been invested into uh these castle miners now I mean look look go to two miners here let's go to two [Music] miners let's go to two miners for a second little dashboard miners online look at look at some of these look at some of these Caspa miners this guy has 404 terahash ohly look at how many I think these are k3s these are bit main k3s look at how many bit main k3s this guy has has invested in he is mining every day 2,8 or $1,800 a day now he is total mine $369,000 all right so if he has how many of these 44 bit main he has 44 bit main k3s all right how much is a ks3 I'm just curious I'm just I'm just K how much is a ks3 bitmain ks3 back then like 15 17 grand let's do 17 grand times 44 if he has 44 of these that means he invested toal $748,000 maybe a million on all these on all these k3s that man has conviction yeah this man whoever whoever bought 404 terahash of Casa miners this guy has the conviction of believing that Caspa is going to one day be that coin so look at that man I mean that that goes along the same the same same uh premise same mentality I guess is going to go towards the same conviction is going to go towards people that are thinking of buying a lithium A6 Bitcoin A6 Litecoin A6 ethereum classic A6 kadana A6 nervos you name it the same idea applies like do you believe in these coins that they are going to go up more in the future mine Capital that's greater good mining address yeah yeah 100% that's greater good mining address [Music] dude dude yeah yeah yeah 100% um so I for the person that asked you know what ashik should I buy now honestly man it's getting to that point where A6 are now obviously going up in price and if we start having all coin season which hasn't really started yet I I think it could be starting soon not Financial advice then a lot of those as6 are going to start going up in price as well all right so your initial investment um your cost basis into an Asic minor um which hopefully you are depreciating on as a capital expense on your taxes that you know if you're doing it within a year or 2 years 3 years you know helps with lowering your taxes um you got to think about all that stuff is that you know you're spending a lot of money on these things okay so just understand you know uh like another thing to think about is where we are in the market where we are in the cycle right now um do you think that are we in a place where Bitcoin uh is going to go up to that next next leg up are we going to have that next next B Run Cycle are we Prime right now for that next run up I don't know I don't know man is 2025 going to be that year is 2025 going to be the year that we are going to have our time massive time where things are just going to go up crazy so whatever minor that you're investing in now and holding the coin in hopes that it'll go in price appr appreciate in 2025 then it's going to work out and I have many many examples okay I have a k3m I started mining in January 4 months ago I've already mined about half of its worth I'm still it's mine about 40,000 you know what I can just bring it up here I don't care I think I've shown you guys this show you right here I have a I have this is the giveway away $9,000 k3m back in January 7th of 2024 this has total mined 4 4,531 Caspa and I am holding all of this Caspa right now it's worth $4,500 so it's about what halfway into its Break Even of $9,000 when I hit $99,000 I said I would give away the k3m now when I hold all this kaspa and if Caspa price appreciates sooner then I will give away the the ks3 M faster so this all is going to stem from right now so 4 months in 4 months in this k3m has already mined $4,500 worth so we all know the chromatic scale that the chromatic emission schedule for Caspa is very aggressive right 5.6% 5.6% decrease in Caspa emissions every month right goes down 5.6% thus the also the hash rate for Caspa is also climbing as well so you got to consider that as well it hasn't been climbing that much recently um but it still is climbing okay so people are still investing in Caspa mining so we're going to we're going to we're going to hold and hoard this Caspa all the way all the way till if Caspa goes to a dollar okay look at this just think of this the amount of Caspa I Min in the past 4 months if Casper goes to a dollar this is $40,000 I think of it this way okay if I'm holding this for the next year or two this will be $40,000 that's how I look at it that's how I look at all the other coins that I have mined all of the other coins that I explained that I've mined over the past two years like I said I've accumulated Nexa I've accumulated Caspa of course I'm accumulating ravencoin I'm accumul I have chia I even forgot to say I have I even have some Dash man Flux Of course Caden I have like a th000 bucks in Caden I'm still mining Caden right now with that ka3 straight all right so if I have $1,000 in the kadana right now and if kadana went to let's say okay hold on what's $1,000 in Caden that's n okay no that's going to be 1100 Caden what if that ,100 kadana what if kadana went up back to its $22 so 1100 CAD uh 1100 kadana I have currently times $22 that 1100 kadana I have right now I mined with the ka3 could be worth 24 Grand if kadana goes up to its previous all-time high or more I'm not saying it will but there's that's that's the that's the potential uh we look at that the same strategy applies with any other thing that I'm mining any coin that anyone's mining like I have like I think I have a mill ion I have a million radiant how much is that 1 2 3 1 2 3 that that's $1,500 worth right now in radiant looks like radiant in 2023 moon to 0.007 so 007 time 2 3 1 two 3 that could be worth seven Grand if it went up to its previous point right here uh yeah so who knows man who know knows right great a good mining what's up what did you say man huddle gang huddle gang for sure bro huddle gang for sure okay Nexa oh man Nexa is another one Nexa could be fun I could have some fun okay that's it Bros that's it oh the RPM tangent has been available for about a week now if you guys are interested in the RPM tangum feel free go check it out use code RPM for 10% off if you guys are interested or any other content creators uh coupon code check it out okay guys that's it that's it congrats on the ks0 pro win Mr crypto passive income ideas you have won the ksz pro please give me your address if you do watch this video after the fact uh shipping address uh pelish Miner go Oilers go yep Oilers uh no don't go Oilers go Vancouver all right peace out Bros peace out peace out Carl M oh my God Carl M I need to message you about the S21 that's uh it's coming soon okay uh Overkill mining thanks P thank you Bros all right you guys have a great day happy mining to everybody everyone stay safe out there stay positive positive keep on mining keep on accumulating and uh we will all have our day uh very soon uh stay healthy stay happy and uh cherish your loved ones cherish everything in your life and uh yeah be happy with what you have don't take things for granted continue on continue on Bros continue on peace out peace out guys you guys have a great one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dear 12 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Final KS0 PRO GIVEAWAY! Thank you BP


