what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel hope everybody's having a great day and today we're going to be testing some items that are going into inventory on the computer shop so um I did a unboxing of this stuff yesterday or the day before I don't know exactly when those videos are going to upload but figured we'd start off with this uh b550 M from MSI should be a solid little am4 platform and being that it's a b550m I think these are ryzen 5000 compatible like out of the box um yes um third gen ryzen desktop compatible it says the only thing they're not compatible with 3400g and 3200g don't know why that is huh that is odd but let's pop this bad boy right here and let me see what kind of ryzen chips we got for doing some testing hold on let me get this tape out of the way think I got some think I got some Risin risen Chine all righty so I got risen 5 5500 oh here's a 3700x let's do that one Orizon 7 yeah that's a good chip right there all righty so first thing first let's plop that bad boy in there and I'll grab a cooler for it all right she went in smooth so that's good let me grab a little bit of thermal paste and I had a cooler oh there it is oh she actually got a lot of thermal paste still on that one I think we can get away with just smooshing it down uh CPU power is right or CPU fan right here this way lock it down all right so we're locked down and it looks like we need to install into the second and the fourth slot for ddr4 so I'll grab a kit of this Corsair Vengeance stuff is pretty trusty so second slot and the fourth slot right there I have a little Corsair power supply we use for testing purposes if I can cut these apart put some zip ties on them for some reason open right there where's our CPU power at oh there it is right there all right so we got CPU power we got motherboard power now we need a video card verified working video card right here this is that bootleg 2070 or gimped 2070 as we'll call it it uh runs at like a low power not going to be stocking and selling those because they don't perform well especially not for the wattage they are not very efficient cards all right so let me plug that in all right video T boom and where's our power switch at power switch is right there I need actual power power supply plug it in switch on power switch right here all right she's spinning see if we get any display not yet we'll give it a second how's everybody doing today hopefully better than this motherboard cuz we still don't have display all right still no display oh and it's throwing a it's got a VGA error code on the motherboard let's try a different graphics card why don't we power it down it's like real time live action this graphics card did work but I'm not going to say that it may not work anymore let's do one that doesn't require external power I have one of those um no but I have the 1660 super I just used this the other day to test out another build so I know this one is confirmed good don't think we would have two cards actually die might be something going on with the motherboard could potentially be the CPU but I believe believe i' already tested the CPU as well so power on uh power on touching the sticker so checked CPU Ram VGA you the VGA light is still G VGA error light h let me do some Googling and see what that means um because it didn't come with a manual be right back all right so after a little bit more uh diagnosis unplugged the card fired it up it's still giv the VGA light uh like VGA or no display error um it only has one time 16 slot so I drop down here to the bottom times one slot thinking maybe there's an issue with that slot um just running a cheapo little Riser with the card plugged in and look we have display now so um yeah the time 16 slot on this board is for some reason dead than a door nail um that is unfortunate but probably still salvageable due to the fact that I could probably throw this in and as long as I run a riser and maybe with like a low power graphics card and just let somebody know that the time 16 slots dead you're very limited on Graphics capability and probably just put like maybe like a little rx570 in it or something uh but this would be good for somebody that wants like ayen CPU so they could get CPU performance it would just always be limited by that times one slot so that is unfortunate but I still glad that I figured out some kind of solution on it so I'm going to make those notes on this motherboard right on the box don't know exactly how I'm going to price it yet if I'm going to throw it into a build or do it separate I'd love to hear from you guys down below what you think that would be worth um hm yeah we'll just go from there but uh let's go on to the next motherboard hopefully you guys like some of these longer format videos of like Diagnostic and troubleshooting and stuff like that I'm just going to kind of see how this video does and if they do good I'll continue on if not then no sweat so let's uh jump to the next one all right so now we're testing out this Lenovo board uh this one does have a the mounts for a proprietary cooler and it did come with the proprietary cooler so that's that is should work we're going to use this 3700x to test again and I do believe this is like a 550 series chipset I'm not 100% sure so yeah bear with me um we are going to be using the 1660 as our test subject again so let me get that cooler bolted on and we'll see if this one's good all right so kind of a cool little I think that's the Legion of logo but um yeah so we'll get this one fired up we got CPU power motherboard power graphics card and power and then here is the front panel and it's typically the two prongs with the open prong next to the two prongs on the front panel ref flipped on I got to give it power first there we go all righty no display yet is that CPU fan spinning yeah it is the Fan's in the middle of the uh the cooler little bit different setup does this one have any eror LEDs no it does not um hopefully this one supports 30 the at 3700x let me look up uh what chipset this board is just to double check all right after doing a little bit of research I can't figure out what CPUs this actually supports or not so I threw in a first gen ryzen 5 I think it's a, 1500 or 1600 um still not getting any display I mean let's try Riser on that bottom slot what's the chances there's two burnout fulls siize slots no way right no way all all right well that's absolutely wild um it looks like that fullsize slot is not working either I did buy all these boards from the same person and I bought them under you know unknown status like he's like I don't know if they work I don't know if they don't work that kind of thing super super weird that they're not working I wonder if I I'm going to move this Riser cable into the fulls sizee slot and see what happens so let's power this off wait for that to lose power try to do this onehanded probably not going to be able to power back on no display I've not seen a lot of motherboards with a burnt out fulls sizee slot but now I just have two wonder what he was running in these these full-size slots I got to try another another card or something even know I know this card works I don't know this is this has got me puzzled I am I'm genuinely intrigued uh but I'm running out of time so let me flip this around so I would love for your guys's opinion as to what you think is going on here um I have more motherboards that I did buy from this individual and they're all bought as you know basically Parts as is that kind of thing that's you know how I buy a lot of stuff but uh it's so peculiar it's normally like a motherboard works or it doesn't and I've never ran into multiple fullsize slots not working I did swap over CPUs so that Pro that's not the issue I don't know that's it's I'm really I'm really bumfuzzled I'd love to hear your guys's opinion down below drop it in the comments and uh if you like this kind of like real world live action well it's not live but real time uh unedited um troubleshooting just let me know down below as well and if not I understand also let me know down below just be like hey man wasn't my thing um and I'll just kind of gauge um that for in the future anyways I'm going to sign off here hope you all have a good night I'll see you on the next one aios
Flipping AS IS Computer Hardware Testing