Floy has a potential to become the Number one meme coin is Floy going to Flip Pepe potentially even flip shibba Enu that's what we're talking about Today's video Welcome Back to 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Umar Khan And today we're taking a deep dive on Floy enu coin as they had a massive Investment into the project which is Causing this puppy to pump to the Moon We see on the week they're up over 25% a massive $12 million investment was Made this is absolutely bullish before The video I want to ask if you haven't Already make sure you SM SM that Subscribe button down below to stay to The latest and greatest crypto news now Let's jump right into the mix of things We see overall crypto Market looking all Right yes a little bit of red today We're seeing uh 1% dip on the day Bitcoin at around $70,000 which is great Cuz it's actually holding that position Fear and greed index at 65 pretty much Same as yesterday ethereum at 38 which Is great slowly creeping to 4,000 Exciting things ahead for the meme Market talking about M markets today's Video is all about Floy enu number five Or number six sorry in terms of overall Meme coin or number five 1 two 3 four Five number five in terms of meme coins Up 23% on the week and about half a Percent on the 24hour this one currently

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Has just under $3 billion in market cap Very close to flipping dog with hat uh Just needing about 250ish million and Then even for Pepe at 50% of its Mark Cap meaning if it could get like a 50% Surge in price we could see flaky fit Flip Pepe now why are we talking about Floy today cuz FY had a massive Investment by w w DWF labs to purchase 12 million flaky Tokens to support the flaky ecosystem as A testament to the unwar UN wearing Support to flaky ecosystem DW DWF Labs Will purchase $12 million in flaky Tokens a portion of the tokens will be Acquired from the market and the rest Will be acquired from the FY Treasury And this is basically to encourage and Boost the flaky's ecosystem now we know Faky has been one of those projects that Have been just genius when it comes to Marketing remember very early on they Had the Time Square ads they basically Plastered this project everywhere Getting the masses involved this is very Bullish with now this $12 million influx It could be very good for flaky talking About being good and talking about being Early let's talk about a preal gem That's going absolutely ballistic right Now and that is play Doge a doge themed Token that has crazy Innovation as has Play to earn your best play to earn Doge Companion play do is a mobile based play

To earn game that transforms iconic doge Meme into tamagachi style virtual pet Embracing the ' 90s Nostalgia by play Dolge and pre-sale to enjoy the classic 2D Adventure Adventures this token has Launched roughly about a week and a half Ago and has raised just under $3 million Which is insane people are heavily Believing in this project a pre-sale gym We talked about on the channel a lot Doge verse which did phenomenal raise of Over $15 million in 4 to8 weeks went Crazy but looks like play Doge might Actually double that and we might Actually end up seeing this project Raise $3 $30 million before it even goes Live so if you want to buy now to the Project Link in the description below You buy with B&B usct or E it has Staking it has play to earn in a ton of Different articles and blogs great Website great ro road map and great Tokenomics this to project is not a Project you want to miss out on if you Want to load up on it Link in the Description below but back to flaky as Flaky is taking over and headlines Everywhere Floy you know hits highs with A $12 million DFW Labs investment surge New record for flaky crypto uh what's Going to happen in June Floy is going to Pump obviously this massive investment Was was big right flaky hits new highs With the 12 milon do DF Labs uh W DF I

Know I'm struggling with that w w DF Labs investment sech obviously they Bought from the actual market and also From their treasury which is great for The price to boost that price and buy Some of the treasury off them that's Great again a safe way to offload Technicals are looking very bullish as Well moving averages are strong buy also Are on the sell we're getting overall Summary of buy as flaky is taking over Remember floi the people's Cryptocurrency flaky utility token for The flaky ecosystem with their valala Playing app again played just been so Massive toen fight staking uh Floy fight Nfts the prepaid card uh flaky places The university they are doing everything Talking about doing everything they are Growing on social media as well over 600,000 followers remember Valla is Again coming to mobile as well a very Popular play to earn game again like Almost AAA level this absolutely massive And bullish uh we can see fi's trending Which is great flaki is just really Really crushing in the space right now Then again honestly the charts are Reflecting that 25% sures week is Amazing even we go on the month a 75% Surge we're basically in alltime high Territories which is absolutely bullish So you're going to want to load up if You haven't already now guys there's

Probably going to be some red days Coming for this project as people that Bought early might want to exit so again Prepare for that and you know strategize However you do like always guys remember None of this is financial advice always Your own research due diligence that up The video let me know what you guys are Feeling about Floy in the comment Section below are you bullish are you Bearish I want to hear it all until next Time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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