How to set up ETH2 0 staking on AVADO

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in this video we will show you how to 
set up ETH 2.0 staking on your avado we are assuming that you have 
already generated a staking wallet   and deposited your 32 ETH into the deposit 
contract to enable your staking keys. If you haven't yet created your 
keys the safest way to generate   these is to visit the ethereum 
launchpad which I'll link below. This screen shows the dappstore where 
you can install software on the AVADO   and on top you see two new packages: the 
beacon chain and the ETH 2.0 validator. You only need to install the 
validator client because it   will automatically install the 
beacon chain package as well. You should also have the Geth Ethereum 
node installed and synchronized. If you haven't done that yet you should start by 
installing that package first and let it sync.   Be aware that syncing the Ethereum node 
might take several days to complete.

So let's go ahead and set up our validator. Click 
the install button to see the package details   and click the install button 
at the bottom of the screen. it will now download and install both 
the validator and the beacon chain. Aall right now that both packages are running we   can go ahead and click the 
"configure package" button. You will be presented with this nice 
disclaimer pointing out that you're   responsible for your own actions so let's 
agree to that and open the web dashboard. The next thing you'll need to do is import 
the validator wallet that you have created   into the validator by selecting the middle button. Now click browse files and select the keystore 
file that contains your validator key.

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Cclick continue and you will 
be asked the password to unlock   your key store. Type it in and press continue. Since the dashboard is now personalized for 
your staking keys now it's time to secure   the access to this web interface 
so nobody else can access it. Choose a password and confirm it. The last step in this onboarding is to choose   a password to encrypt your wallet 
itself inside the staking client. if you filled out everything correctly you 
will arrive on the validator dashboard! There we can see that our validator 
is connected to our beacon chain   and currently awaiting the 
genesis block, how exciting! We can also see that we have a 
balance of 32 ETH on our validator   so we're ready to rock. Now it's just a 
matter of waiting until the chain starts.

Congratulations you're now staking on 
ETH 2.0 but i'm sure that's exactly why   you're looking at this video in the first place. So take care and we'll see you in the next 
video! Keep posted for more updates, bye!.

As found on YouTube

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