what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day um we are doing some things at the house um changing out some graphics cards that video is going to be coming up today's video just a short little quick one um I'm packing boxes but um that's not that's not why we're here why we're here is uh I am trying to raise enough Capital to buy this next uh order so it is it's a big one um so I'm going to be doing a close out on all my inventory that I currently have if you spend $400 you'll save a100 um so it's you know what's that like 20 20% off 25% off uh pretty pretty big discount there um I just added a couple more cards to inventory some stuff that I was waiting on fans to come in that I was going to fix like I just don't even have time to mess with them right now so I discounted those down like 5700s um with like the fans still work but you know one of the fans wobbly I got a couple those for 100 a pop but you know if you buy a couple of them then you get money off um some other questions I did want to ask you guys what do you guys think about um the like the mini miners uh so I was looking at The Avalons just you know the other day the Avalon Nanos and I was just like man the shipping time on those is just insane uh I don't really want to mess with them because of that and just so happens that somebody reached out to me and I don't know if they want their their product name out there yet because I haven't found anything public about it uh but they said they were going to send me some review samples and uh it is basically a Bitcoin miner um it's not a great like high efficiency it's technically not even profitable basically like the Avalon 3 it's just a small unit that you could plug in somewhere uh and you don't have to you know run 1,000 1300 14500 plus Watts it'll just run off a regular wall outlet it'll burn a couple hundred watts and then you know get you some hash rate so if you put it on a pool you'll earn you know some pennies a day uh if you put it solo you know one in a bajillion chance you you hit a block and then you know we're rich so uh I just thought it was a cool idea um might might be getting it in I don't know we'll see if I get it in then I can show you guys if not then um I guess I'll tell yall about it when the time comes I just don't want to ruin that yet if that's potentially a thing uh the big the big thing that I I did notice about these is uh he said that they'll be able to link together um so it like one unit could connect to another unit to another unit and have like expansions for more hash rate later on thought that was kind of cool um just a different take on it uh it it's cool to see that there's like new Innovations coming out in the mining space where it's not technically making like tons of money but still new hardware is coming to Market I imagine this stuff had been probably designed years prior or months prior and it's just not coming out just the time constraints but anyway I thought it was cool so yeah uh big discount on the shop right now it is an automatic discount if you add or if you have $400 or more of items in your cart when you go to check out before you pay it'll automatically apply a $100 discount so there's no codes nothing like that I really appreciate you guys um hopefully this next uh this next deal ends up working out because it would be huge for me it's tons of 309s 3080s um I think the lowest cards that he has there are 370s and 370 TI um so that's this that's going to be nice it's going to be real nice kind of move out what I got sell it off to y'all for some decent deals and then bring in some of this new stuff cuz everybody asks me where's the 390s at and I can't keep 390s in stock they just sell way way too fast so this would help alleviate that but um yeah in in other news um I had I was building a test bench uh with this motherboard right here it's a z97 I had a 4790 in it i7 nice little chip um I I broke the socket on it uh I was answering a phone call pulling the CPU out I was pulling the had a pennium in it and I was getting ready to put the 4790 in it and um just trying to hold it and work all at the same time I got to pull the CPU up and like my finger slips and then the CPU kind of like slams back down into the socket and I'm like oh you know no big deal might just might have been a couple pins we'll get those up I pull it up and like half of the the pin array on the you know the LGA land grid array half of them just like like and I'm like holy smokes looks like somebody did a burnout on top of it um so I fiddled with it for I don't know 30 minutes tried it you know uh I broke two of the pins off trying to bend those back and I'm just like this is not worth it on that motherboard uh it was just it stinks because I had that 4790 you know fourth gen i7 and now I don't have anything to put it in oh well I just needed a cheap little test bench so uh I have some other motherboards coming in I will probably use one of those but yeah just a little frustrating um I think that's about it I got to get back to packing cards oh it's been it's been very busy it's been a good kind of busy though it's a good problem to have I I really do enjoy it uh we are also going to be doing some pre-builts I probably am only going to offer those locally so if you are local um hit me up they're nothing special it's just I keep getting people people come into the shop all the time and they're like oh you know do you have any computers around like the $3 $400 range and I'm like I could put you something together but I don't have anything right this second and then I end up losing a sale so I'm going to pre-build out probably like three or four machines I'm thinking I'm leaning towards like Zeon 8 to 12 core CPUs um V3 or v4s that way they do have ddr4 uh in like a a decent looking little case and then probably with like some kind of older graphics card that can still do something so like a 1660 or a I mean I guess maybe a 1060 a 1060 might be too old but I also have some AMD stuff so some 5600s 5700s and all that kind of stuff but regardless I'm going to jump off here thank you guys I really do appreciate y'all uh the support with the the computer shop has been amazing uh some people did Express that uh going now navigating to the the computer shop the www.bcc.edu because I bought I you know bought the domain from GoDaddy and have it redirecting to Shopify cuz everybody said do not buy your domain on Shopify because if you end end up having a problem on shop Shopify it's a nightmare to get that domain off of Shopify but now I'm having issues with redirection on GoDaddy um so if you're having issues with that I'm going to put the actual shop Shopify link down below it's going to be like shopify.com um because it's their like free URL that they give you um so hopefully that will solve that issue um and if you have any questions about bulk ordering send me a text message 919 96 4947 especially if you're looking for 390s cuz we got we got 390s coming um man I'm forgetting something there was something something else I was going to tell y'all you know what they say must not have been important all right guys y'all have a good one I will see you on the next one adios
Huge GPU Buyout coming big sale now!